Former Neet VS Apocalyptic World

Chapter 3: 1: The first battle

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March 5th 2046


Azriel woke up. At first, he felt that time went on really slowly and was close to giving up and instead die as a salted fish1. However, through lying to himself, he was able to convince himself and continued on his training. After the 1 year deadline, he was ready to rush out and have a look but realized it was too cold so he decided to wait till spring. 


“Cmon Mi-Hu! We’re going out. It’s been a year and a few months…”


Azriel bent down and put Mi-Hu on his head and they went out on his head and he headed out.


The scene outside was unsurprising but it still shocked Azriel a little bit. Collapsed buildings, smoke still coming out of some. He saw tens of zombies wandering randomly. 


Taking a deep breath, Azriel calmed himself and put Mi-Hi down. He prepared himself to fight the zombie that was away from the group. This one zombie could provide some training for him and good for him to probe the zombie’s strength. 


Silently creeping up on the zombie, Azriel was preparing for a stab with a knife when the zombie suddenly turned around. Stunned, Azriel still continued his stab. Just as the stab was about to come down, the zombie moved at a super fast speed and punched him at the sides. This knocked Azriel away but Azriel was still able to land a blow. 


Although most of the force was offset, the knife stab would still cut off some flesh from an ordinary human. However, this zombie only received a tiny cut wound. 


The zombie then rushed towards him and threw out a fist. All Azriel could do was stare at the fist as it reached his abdomen. Resisting the urge to vomit, Azriel hurriedly ran away while the zombie was standing back up from its attack. 


The 1st battle ended in a loss. It was not surprising as this was the first time Azriel fought a life or death battle. When a punch is going at a fast speed towards a human, they would have 2 reactions. The first would be to instinctively dodge while the second would be to just sit there and freeze while the punch reaches and connects. Usually, someone who doesn’t have combat experience would experience the 2nd reaction.


Around a corner in a random building…




Vomits of canned beans were everywhere. Mi-Hu walked around anxiously while Azriel was still vomiting his breakfast out. After a while, Azriel wiped his mouth and laid down on the floor. 


“That… is not something… *wheeze*... that I would… want to experience it again…”


After lying on the floor for a while and regaining his strength, Azriel ran back out and challenged the zombie again. The same thing happened except this time, he was able to react to the punches albeit very slow. After suffering enough damage, Azriel ran away, took a break and went back to challenge the zombie. 


For the next few days, this cycle would repeat. Challenge, get beaten up, vomit, rest, and challenge again. By the 3rd day, Azriel could see the speed in which the zombie punched. However, he was still too slow in getting his boy to react. By the 5th day, Azriel was barely able to block the punches by crossing his arm. By the 10th day, Azriel could properly block the punches while dodging some. On the 15th day, Azriel could dodge most of the zombie’s attack while blocking the ones that he couldn’t dodge. 


25th day…


The zombie and Azriel with a thick metal rod stared at each other.


“Today is the day I take you down!”


After shouting this, Azriel lunged at the zombie. The zombie threw out a punch aimed at his liver. Azriel sidestepped and slammed the rod at the zombie. The impact made a loud thong noise and Azriel jumped back. His hand was shaking a bit from the recoil. 


“Damn! What a rock hard head. Doesn’t matter. I’ll bash your dog brain into mush!”


After training with this zombie for nearly a month, he found out that after each attack, the zombie needs to re-calibrate itself for a second attack because when it attacks, it uses too much force that it drags its whole body making it nearly fall. 


Azriel shot forward again and jumped as the zombie performed a sweep. Using the force from the gravitational pull, Aziel was able to slam the rod even harder and this time creating a dent on the zombie's head and knocking it to the ground. 


Although zombies have an insane regenerative ability, it won’t  regenerate not broken parts meaning if the skin is dented but not broken, it won’t activate the renergation ability. However, if the bone is broken, it will regenerate in the same shape after it was broken. 


Azriel quickly landed 2 more blows to the head and finally smashed the zombie’s brain. Brain matter went out of its eyes, nose, mouth and ear making the zombie’s head covered in blood and bits of brain matter.  


Breathing a sigh of relief, Azriel sat down and rested. Mi-Hu came out from the corner and brought a bottle of water for Azriel. 




*Gulp* *Gulp*


In a few seconds, the entire bottle was downed and Azriel felt better. After sitting around for a few seconds, Azriel was about to leave when the zombie suddenly stood up and kneed Azriel in the stomach. Having already experienced this, Azriel quickly pushed down the urge to vomit and ran away. 


5 minutes later… 


“Fuck! Can’t believe this happened again.”


*Wheeze* *Wheeze*


“The news should have told us that just destroying the brain wasn’t enough… And I think I’m stupid as well. A year ago, when I watched the clip of the zombie first appearing and them taking a huge effort to kill it, I should have assumed that I needed to somehow completely annihilate it for it to be dead. Just destroying the brain or the heart is not enough.”


Azrield groaned in pain and laid on the floor. He thought back to his fight and thought about how he could have done things better. It was hard to control one’s body with thoughts while being in a battle because the body will act on instinct to survive.


After an hour, the pain faded and Azriel felt better. He then turned around and returned home. 


Azriel spent the next few days thinking on how to completely annihilate the zombie. Pacing around the living room, his eyes fell onto the stove. 


‘Fire! Maybe I can burn them down… However, how would I be able to use it during a battle? Bringing a lighter won’t work. How about a DIY flamethrower? But where in the world would I be able to find the instructions to build one…’


As Azriel was thinking this, an old MeTube video popped into mind. There was a MeTuber that did weird videos and making a homemade flamethrower was one of them. He remembered watching the video and was seriously impressed by it that he copied down the instruction for later but it was unknown where he threwed it.

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“Ah, shit! I pray to the nameless and unknown Gods out there that the instructions still be somewhere in my house.”


Azriel ran into his bedroom and pulled out a box. Inside the box, there were a bunch of folders filled to the brim. He pulled one out and started skimming through the contents. 


“School diplomas, useless. Even toilet papers are more useful than you…”


“Copy of my W-2s. Shitty government taking our tax money and using it for meaningless things… How is the U.S still in debt after years of our tax money. Even if it’s still in debt, you’d think it would get lower…”




After half an hour, papers were everywhere on the floor. 


“FUCK! Not here. I’m dead… only if these documents were even a bit helpful. Documents… Holy shit wait.”


He zoomed into the living room and turned on his computer. He opened Word Doc and searched through his files.


“Bio lecture notes… Med History notes… Speech #2… Pokemon Gen 4 item locations. Ah the good old times. Russian study guide… And here we go.”


Compilations of things to make in the future


DIY Flamethrower



24oz CO2 Tank

Paintball Universal Fill Adapter

4.5” length ⅛” Metal Tubing Male NPT

.320 CGA Female to ⅛” Female NPT

Pressure Washer Gun

M22 Male x ¼” Female NPT

¼” Male NPT x ⅛” Female Reducer

3” Tubing Male NPT to NPT

⅛” Female x Female Coupler

3ft Long Hose 4000 PSI


“Jesus, that's a lot of material. Let me copy that down and go to the hardware store to get those.”


Azriel quickly ran back to his bedroom and pulled out a small, pocket sized notepad. After he was done, he went outside and started the cargo van and drove 10 minutes to the nearest hardware store. After making sure he got what he needed, he drove back home.


“Okay, following the instructions, this goes into this… I screw this… Strap this on… This connects to here… I add this… Fuel goes here… And we're done. Phew!”


After several hours of piecing the parts together, he finally completed the DIY super flamethrower! With a 10 pound tank container for fuel, a pressure washer gun and the flame emitter thing, he was satisfied with the monstrosity. 



The next day.


Azriel carried the tank on his back like a backpack and carried a metal rod on his waist, he set out to find the zombie that bullied him the past month. 



“Hah ha! I found you! Now get ready to be toasted!”


Azriel pulled the trigger and a blast of flame came out shooting towards the zombie. The zombie started to burn and became a human sized flaming meatball. Since zombies didn’t feel pain, the zombie looked at him as if it was looking at an idiot and came charging towards Azriel. 


“Fuck! Unplanned! Can’t even run with this heavy thing as well.”


Azriel wanted to cry but no tears came out. He pulled out the rod and started defending, waiting for the flame to burn the zombie into ashes before he himself got killed. 


Left jab, right jab, kick aimed towards the head. Azriel used his rod to parry the attacks and kept moving back further. The zombie was too hot for Azriel to be next to much less parry the attacks with his hands. 


After half an hour of running back and forth, the zombie finally burned to ashes and only a pile of bones remained. Azriel finally sat down and relaxed. He was nearly burnt to a toast figuratively and literally. Thankfully, he was somehow able to survive the battle. 


Mi-Hu came out from behind a building and brought Azriel a bottle of water. He took the water and chugged the whole thing down. 


“Heh heh. Zombie-97, me-1. First victory ever.”


Mi-Hu meowed and climbed onto Azriels head and slept. Azriel sighed and went back home to cook a stupendous canned meal to celebrate. 


During the next month, Azriel went out and fought the zombie over and over, honing his skills with the flamethrower and the rod. After several attempts, he found out that the rod was too short and started using a broom. He broke off the head and sharpened the metal edges and used it as a make-shift spear. 


“Hmm huh hmm. Scrubity scrub scrub. All shiny.” Azriel nodded with satisfaction. His makeshift spear was now all shiny, zombie blood free. He then walked over to the garage and filled his flamethrower fuel tank. Feeling all set, he decided that he would fight 2v1 with the zombie and see how he would do. 


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