Former Neet VS Apocalyptic World

Chapter 4: 2. Raiding

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In a place 10 minutes away from Azriel’s base…


“Mall, check. Zombies, check. Supplies, check. Difficulty? 2 stars. Sergeant Azriel and soldier Mi-Hu preparing to raid!”


Mi-Hu face-palmed on Azriel’s head while Azriel silently got out of the car and carefully sneaked into the mall. 


Inside the mall, there were a few zombies wandering around not far from each other. In the past month that Azriel had been hunting zombies, he found some crucial points. 


  1. Zombies are attracted to the smell of life, meaning that if a living organism is in its range, the zombie will target you even if there is a thick wall separating you and the zombie. For some reason, they ignore plants. The range of this effect is 3 yards wide and 1 yard tall. 
  2. It is near impossible to outrun the zombie once it has locked onto you but you can out maneuver them.
  3. They can’t seem to communicate with one another. 
  4. Fire kills them(Obviously)
  5. Zombies rely on instinct meaning that they don’t know martial arts/weapon wielding. However, if the human that turned into a zombie was originally a pro at weapon wielding/martial arts, the zombie will have some knowledge using them. 
  6. Zombies will move towards whatever hits them. Imagine a circle and the zombie is inside it and in the north position, you threw a rock at it. It will walk towards the north for about a minute or so and if it can’t detect any life, it will stop. 
  7. They stay stationary for around 5-30 minutes and then will start wandering around for a minute or 2 before stopping. 
  8. This one is merely a hypothesis but if you are able to cut its limbs and head off before it goes and pick them up to reattach it, this will immobilize the zombie and you can easily use a match or a lighter to light the zombie on fire to kill it.


Since Azriel has arrived at the mall and the zombies are just stationary, he decided to wait until the zombies have moved and then decide afterwards. 


After a 10 minute wait, the zombies shuffled and there was no opening to get through. Since it’s like this, Azriel looked at Mi-Hu and motioned with his hand. Mi-Hu nodded and charged forward and all the zombies soon came rushing towards her. 


To say that Azriel was not worried about her was a lie but Azriel was confident that Mi-Hu could handle this since she was doing this for the past month but at that time, there were only 1 zombie chasing her. However, if you think about it, once the zombies cluster, it is almost no different than running away from 1. 


Once the zombies were all lured away, Azriel crept his way into the mall and hurriedly ran to the food and drinks department. Grabbing a cart at the entrance, Azriel stacked 5 packs of water and loads of food. As he was about to turn the corner to leave, he heard running. Judging from the sound, it seemed like there were 5 people. Hiding himself, he peeked out to see what was going on. 


“Fuck! Huff huff… I swear… I’m… never ever… going… unless… I hafta…”


“STFU! Whose fault was it that these zombies started chasing us?!” 


There were 2 males and a female running away from 2 zombies. Judging from the way they are breathing, this chase must have happened for around 2-5 minutes. The skinny guy with glasses that is out of breath looks like a nerd meaning he probably doesn’t have much stamina causing him to be tired from running. 


The group saw a shopping cart loaded with goods and they ran towards it. 




Azriel silently cursed in his heart and remembered this. Silently, he sneaked to the otherside of the aisle and continued on spectating. 


The group of 3 looked around to see if there was anyone but they didn’t find Azriel. Cursing out loud, they shoved the cart at the zombie and continued on running. The zombie merely jumped over the cart and continued the chase.


After confirming that they were away and that the goods in the cart were fine, Azriel sighed in relief and shoved whatever he could into the last few spaces in the cart. Then he pushed the cart and escaped the mall. Luckily for him, the idiots attracted the zombies that Mi-Hu might have missed and out maneuvered. 


Seeing his cargo van, Azriel hurriedly threw all the food and water into the van, shoved the cart away and started the van. He honked the van twice signaling Mi-Hu that it was time to leave. He drove the van near the entrance and rolled the window down. Mi-Hu jumped down from the roof of the mall and landed inside the van. 


As Azriel was leaving, he heard a shout and saw the three idiots riding on a motorcycle chasing after him. He cursed and drove his car to an area with no zombies.



“Alright, what the fuck do you want from me?”


Azriel stood there armed to the teeth facing the 3 idiots. The 3 idiots got off the motorcycle and tried to approach but Azriel shot a burst of flame into the sky.


“Nope. Speak from there. The fuck you want?”


The 3 idiots stopped moving and looked at Azriel’s flamethrower and van in greed. They quickly concealed it but Azriel was still able to see the drool. 


“Heh heh. Uh, are you alone all by yourself? Well, fear not! Around 30 minutes away is a school zone and in that school zone, our boss Dalton and other survivors are camped there fending off attacks!”


“No thank you, not interested. I’ll give you 2 options. Leave and you live or stay and bother me and you die.”


The 3 idiots' faces changed and they immediately left on their motorcycle, cursing Azriel.


After confirming they left, Azriel got back into his van and drove back to his home. 7 minutes later, Azriel arrived home and as usual, he unloaded his goods into a house next door. As soon as he finished unloading, he heard an engine noise coming closer and closer. 


‘Motherfucker! It must be them 3 idiots! I fucking swear I’ll kill them.’


Azriel jumped into a bush and peek out. He saw the 3 idiots parking a street away and slowly making their way here.


‘Fools. If I was a normal human, I would have missed it but my ears were my strong points since I was a child. I could even hear whispers from a street away back then. Although my hearing has deteriorated, I can still hear this.’


Meathead: “Fuck! That guy lives so far away from base!”


Nerd: “Shut up, meathead! You’re gonna attract the zombies”


Girl: “Guys, could you please shut up? I wanna go back already.”


Meathead sneering: “Shut the fuck up whore! I bet you just want to get pumped again. How ‘bout daddy I fill you up right here?”


Girl: “Fuck off. I bet you’re just jealous.”


Nerd: “Alright guys, can we please just shut up and get on already? We gave him enough time to bring the load to his house and he should be inside organizing stuff so we can just steal his cargo van.”


Girl: “What about that flamethrower? We can get more merit if we are able to bring that as well.”


Nerd: “It’s most likely near him. What are you gonna do, seduce him?”


Girl: “Why not?” 


Nerd: “Then go for it. We’ll be hiding somewhere nearby. Execute plan X”


Meathead: “Hmph, slut.”


Meathead and Nerd ran to a broken house nearby while the girl started preparing herself. She hid a knife in her pocket and disheveled herself, making it look like she was attacked. 

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While they were doing this, Azriel quickly ran to a house and dusted himself, making it look like it was his home. Suddenly, he heard shouting outside.


“Help, help! Is there anyone?”


Azriel looked out the window and saw the disheveled girl running around shouting for help. He pretended not to see her but leaned out the window enough for the girl to see him. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the girl’s eye lit up and ran into the house and into the room where he was. 


“Huff, huff. Can you please help me? They want to rape and kill me!”


Azriel pointed his makeshift spear at the lady.


“Back off bitch, how did you find this place? Were you following me?”


Getting all nervous, the girl pretended to accidentally let her shirt fall a little more down and started mumbling.


“Uh, I tracked your van. There were dirt marks and I followed it. Thankfully, I was able to take a route where the other 2 weren’t able to follow me with their motorcycle. I plead with you, you must help me. I’ll… Give you anything.”


Azriel looked at her in interest. The girl thought he was checking out her body and pushed her breast out a little. Azriel lowered his spear and chuckled.


“Fine, I’ll help you girl. What’s your name?”


“Oh thank you! My name is Sara.”


‘As expected! All Saras that I know are fucking bitches. I fucking loathe that name.’


“Alright, follow me out and let’s meet them.”


“Aren’t you going to bring your flamethrower?”


“Hmph. Against them? I only need my spear.”


The girl nodded and silently sneered. 


‘Acting all cool, all men only know how to think with their dick.’


They walked out of the house and ‘coincidentally’ met with the Nerd and Meathead.


The Meathead sighed in relief finding out that there wasn’t another dick that went inside the girl. 


“Hmph! Filthy bastards, keep your hands off this girl. She’s under my protection. Now fuck off!”


The Meathead snorted and started pressing forward but the Nerd held him back.


“Good day to you sir. Can you please give us that girl? She committed a great crime.”


Azriel looked at them with interest. He pointed his spear at them.


“Oh? I don’t care what crime she committed but she is under my protection now. You can either leave or die.”


The Nerd sighed and dragged the Meathead away. The Meathead was cursing and then he broke free from the Nerd. 


Seeing this, Azriel jumped to the side and saw Sara with a knife stabbing where he was standing a second ago.


“Fuck! Why did you jump to the side instead of back! Fucking retard!”


“Hmph! I knew I couldn’t trust you, bitch!”


The 3 idiots all turned to him and pulled out a knife. The Meathead ran next to a bush and pulled out a fire ax and a metal trash can cap. Azriel’s eye widen in surprise.


“Where the fuck did you get that?”


The Meathead grinned. “Your mom’s grave!”


Azriel’s face turned dark and looked at the 3. After a staredown, the 3 of them moved close to each other with the Meathead in front. Then he suddenly smiled. Realizing something was wrong, they charged. 


Azriel threw his spear at Sara and the Meathead jumped in front of her to block. The force was so strong that it numbed him. During this time, Azriel pulled out a mini flamethrower from inside his jacket and started blasting. The flame reached the Meathead’s legs and started burning him. 


“Ahhhh! It hurts! Save me Sara!”


Meathead started running towards Sara asking her to put it out. Sara got spooked and ran away. Seeing this, the Nerd knew they failed and he ditched them and ran in the opposite direction. 


Seeing Sara running away from him, Meathead got enraged. 


“Fucking bitch! Since you're the one that wanted to kill him, why do I have to die? I’m taking you down with me!”


MeatHead threw the ax at the girl and it landed perfectly on her back, killing her instantly. She fell face down landing in a puddle. The Meathead continued screaming in agony and then became a pile of ashes in a few minutes.


“Pui! Fucking idiots. Glasses-kun ran away. How troublesome. I assume they are going to bring more people here. I guess my flamethrower is pretty attractive. Maybe I should go and raid their place.”


Azriel shook his head and walked back into his house. Inside, he cooked food for Mi-Hu and himself then went to bathe. After bathing, he started working out. Everyday, Azriel would do 100 sets of exercise that Saitama would do then he would rest. 


After today’s exercise, he looked at his hand. Last month when he was fighting against zombies, he felt that he reached the limit of his body. There was no way to improve anymore. However, after last week, he felt his body becoming a little stronger, as if the limit had been broken. That puzzled him but this was a good thing so he didn’t think much of it. However, he still did want to try fighting against multiple zombies at once to see how he would last.


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