
Chapter 110: Chapter 101

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After my lessons concluded for the day I went back through the tunnel to our base.
It ended sooner than I expected.

But this is also because I only can learn for half of a day.
The rest of the time I had to spend laying my eggs in the built facilities.
Not that they were uncomfortable.
If there's one thing you can say about the Formicea, it’s that they build fast and efficiently.
Which adds one more point to my list regarding why the people above aren't completely wrong to fear them, when I see this gigantic complex that a month ago didn't even exist.

And there's another thought of mine about what I see here.
There are so many drones here that it's impossible the queen isn't aware of it.
Maybe she's even partly responsible.
The thing is such a large workforce had somehow to be allocated here.
Not only to gather the necessary food, but also to bring hides, ores, and all kinds of things.
And in turn, I frequently see human stuff.
I guess Olira gets her deliveries. Which is a reason why I should visit her.
And to make sure that the two nurses I sent with her are fine.
I'm somewhat responsible for sending them.

So I send a small notification via messenger and walk through the tunnels in that direction.
Fortunately, the local Formicea know the way to Olira's headquarters.

When I arrive I get the feeling that moments before a great panic rushed over this place to get everything in order before I reach them.
People who are slightly out of breath, stay stiff in attendance.
The customers are unusually quiet for such a clearly fascinating place, and there are human guards.
Many guards, who ascertain that things won't get too lively here.
I can see many counters and storage containers, and it's simply such a big place that is almost directly connected to this tunnel I came through.
Given that Olira is not a noble it's a fairly impressive place.


"Ah, Erys! How nice of you to grant us the honor of your visit. I've heard that you are in town." (O)


Her smile, albeit friendly, is a bit too stiff for my taste.
She could as well tell me directly that I only cause her trouble by coming here.
However, I should answer.


"Sadly only for a short time. I'll soon be on my way to the capital. I only wanted to see how things proceed here and if Xana and Nabi are okay." (E)

"Right, right. There were rumors about this. Then please come with me. I'd be happy to show you around. And there are quite many gawkers scattered around here." (O)


I look in the direction Olira points and see the customers.
Maybe the reason it's so quiet here is that my appearance is a bit of an event for the people here.


"It's really her."

"I remember her appearance from the great parade back then."

"And she's truly controlling those things?"



Seems like I'm causing a bit of commotion, albeit hushed.
The fact that my escort came as well isn't helping.


"And who are those impressive figures?" (O)

"Oh, those are my new escorts! You remember? Those you..." (E)

"Ah, actually, we should conclude the business talk somewhere else! And not talk about my weapon deals in front of everyone." (O)


It might be better to leave the public area where everyone can see us.


"Ah, so this is a market. I'm fascinated. There are so many different things of interest." (H)


In disbelief, I stare behind me.
Honiu truly followed me here!


"It spoke!"

"What is this?"

"How can this be?"


At least I don't have to worry anymore about being solely responsible for the uproar.


"Ehm, who are you? Not Liseti. I know for some reason. This leaves... Honiu?" (O)


Olira is at least incredibly good at remembering relevant facts.
Much better than I am or these lessons would be a piece of cake.


<Scricik!/Ah, I see. Finally, a human who can properly receive information. How come?> (H)


The customers who until now curiously observed us start to whisper to each other.


"Did you hear those clicks?"

"Is it still speaking?"

"What did it say?"


Olira tries to gloss over it.


"I'm princess Erys' associated merchant. Liseti said she told you about me." (O)

<I remember. But you still didn't learn how to talk properly, even after all the effort to enable you.> (H)


Olira shivers at this and I can't hold it against her.
Hers is still the radical version.


"Ahem, I still have it on my nightstand. But it's a bit of a big thing to consider for me. Certainly you understand that this is no light decision." (O)


For a moment, Honiu stares at her, clearly contemplating this reply.


<Unfortunate. Preparing it requires effort. Not only this, but the created liquid takes the place of my produced drones. If I go so far I expect it to be used, otherwise, it's one wasted life. Can you see the issue?> (H)

"Gulp! Ahem, you need to know, for my job it's rather important that I can speak human words. Communication is the essence of trading. And well, I also trade with humans. So being able to speak the language is important." (O)


Honiu, instead of looking at her, gazes over all the things which surround us.
There is quite a variance of goods displayed here and those are mixed with things that clearly have their origin in the swarm.


<Still, irksome. But I hoped for a better relationship. I can see the benefit of your service, so I'm willing to grant you another blessing of mine.> (H)


Olira opens her mouth to answer, but before she can say anything, Honiu's ovipositor shoots out and perfectly pierces into her throat.


"Ackh!" (O)


"It attacked her!"

"They're going to kill us!"


I am honestly too stunned to even think straight.
Yet mum isn't.


"Honieeuuh! How manye tiemez do Ie have to tEll yuuu that you can't sting pEeople!" (F)


When Honiu looks at her she feels almost afraid.
Just what kind of relationship do those two have?


<It was the adjusted version!> (H)

"Thies doesn't mAttEr!" (F)


As agitated as she is, mum lost control over her voice, but I guess she talks so to show the others that she's human and help them understand the situation.
And it works to a degree.
Some of the panicking people actually stopped to watch this strange display.


"Miss Farrah, I need to say that your behavior is unbecoming for a personal nurse. Commonly you should allow your princess to converse and only talk when you have valuable insight to convey." (K)

"Sorrye, Kyieezkaa. Mye priencEss iz a biet troublesome." (F)


Seems like they now have nurse stuff to discuss.
Olira meanwhile is still writhing on the ground.


<Iehk! Criek!/My throat!; Ieet burnzzz!" (O)


Okay, maybe I should at least try helping her up.


"Is everything alright? How are you?!" (E)


Despite all her apparent discomfort she still manages to give me her "seriously" look.
The tears are still rushing out of her eyes and she's holding her throat.
Very slowly, but steadily it subsides.
And then she can stand up again.


"Myeee... Mye, thrrk, thrroo, throat, hu-, hurtz, lieke, hEll!" (T)


That much is obvious, but regarding her speech, I have to commend her for doing so well already.


"She stands again!"

"Just what is this about?"

"PlEee... Pleee-, pleese dE-, deear peeople! Our guE-, guests just show strA-, strange cuztoms! Yuu can juzt contieenue your buienEss." (O)


Damn, she's really a professional.
Even now she proceeds to butter them.


You are reading story Formicea at

"DAmn, mye voieze iez totallye rAspye. Let'z talk iensiede." (O)


As a, more or less, good guest I do as I'm told.
The others from my group follow as well.
We soon reach what seems to be her office.
The fact that she dropped her business smile and looks truly displeased at us is telling enough.


"SEriously, not eevEn a wArnieng?!" (O)

<If it helps, what you got was a less invasive version. The issues with your voice should cease soon enough.> (F)


It seems mum's shouting as well strained her throat, so she switched to insect speech.


"Thieee-, thies iez actuallye soothieng." (O)

"Sorry, ehk, maybe too soon, but it's my first time seeing this. Can you really talk now in Formicea?" (E)

"No iedeea. Onlye that iet stiell burnz like hell. But theere iez thies feeling." (O)


She makes some weird jaw movements.


<Criek! Scria!/Hello? Can you hear me?> (O)

"Ehk, I can clearly understand you."(E)


She looks a bit uncomfortable after realizing what sounds she just made.
Having the throat of an insect is certainly a weird idea.


<Naturally! I work precisely.> (H)

<Skrrrlk!/ Now I know why Liseti warned me about you.> (O)

<Again Liseti! She has too much free time!> (H)


Olira's voice sounded more like a grumble, but her message came through.


"Ehk, Olira, I think your thoughts escape with your pheromones." (E)

<SKREAK!/What?! Why? How am I supposed to make deals if everyone hears my thoughts out loud?> (O)

"This only applies to those who can receive them. You know, the nose treatment. Also the drones, naturally. You can now talk to them." (E)

"Yuu know what? Thies ies siemplye too much at once now for mee. I'll thienk about iet later. For now, can you siemplye tell mee why you're heere?" (O)

"I wanted to see how things are going, and also how my nurses are." (E)

"Yes, sure. This had to be expected. You care so much about your brood. Ie'll call for thEm." (O)


Olira opens the door and talks to a man who directly walks away.
It goes surprisingly quickly but then two nurses stand in awe in front of me.
I'm a bit surprised at how much they grew.
Not the same as Suki or Kyska but they're not too far away from them.


"Broodmother!" (N/X)


"Ehk, why are my two nurses dressed in maid uniforms?" (E)

"ThEy're cute, rieght? Iet's a biet of an expEriment. To seee if thies way they can interact wieth customers." (O)


Okay... No idea what to say about this.
But I should now pay a little attention to the two nurses who are just too excited about my presence.


"Hello, I wanted to check on you. Were you able to learn anything?" (E)

"Actuallye, thEy're doieng reeally wEll. Ie usuallye have theem speaking human. I eeven lEt thEm sometiemes work at thee counter. Wee have an agreeement wieth thee guard so thEy ensure our safetye" (O)

"Why is Ms. Olira talking with pheromones?" (N)

"Yes... Why would this be so? You've heard about Honiu?" (E)


I point at her.
Suddenly their attitude changes and I can feel pure hostility.


"Honiu..." (N/X)

"My princess, I should inform you. Your brood knows about your tense relationship with Honiu. Naturally, they all share your resentment." (K)

"Ehk... No rash actions, okay? We're on a diplomatic mission." (E)


And they immediately focus back on me and bow down.


"I, I already told you this isn't necessary. You're already doing great." (E)

"Thank you, mother!" (N/X)


Okay, I should give both of them a pat if they're doing so well in the task I gave them.
I remember they liked that.




<Scruuuk!/My, this is so sweet!> (O)


Again I notice that she isn't feeling too great about her own sounds.


"You said they're doing well?" (E)

"YEs. They're profiecient in basic accounting, learn all the prieces reeally quickly, excEllent customer service, and are always veery sophistiecated. It's as ief they're empty vEssels willing to be filled with thee necessary knowledge. If not for the trouble with our lEss-openminded customers I'd directly hire thEm." (O)


Well, and the fact that they belong to me.
Uh, not belonging as in them being my property, but you know, I can't send them away.


"If thies is our role then we have to master it to pErfEction!" (X)

"As Xana says!" (N)


They're really cute.


"So the whole training works well?" (E)

"Wee had a biet of a rough start but now wee could gain thee permission to openly trade our goods at thies place while beeing protected. Damn, I hope my voice wiell gEt back to normal soon." (O)

<From experience I'd say it should be fine tomorrow at the latest. But you might have lasting troubles with the 'e'.> (F)

"Greeat outlooks, sigh. I hope you intEnd to keeep her from doing thies in the capital. A speeciEs destroying conflict would bee bad for business and that for such a reeason." (O)

"Ehk, I'm doing my best." (E)

"Such perspEctives. WEll, I preepared a liettle somethieng for you, to support your endeeavor." (O)


A gift?
That's certainly not like Olira.
Nothing she gives is for free.


"Okay... What do you have for me?" (E)


She procures a flat package from her desk.


"Iet's not dirEctly for you. Heere." (O)


I open it... and am confused.


"Maid uniforms?" (E)

"YEEeep. Damn! Ahem. For your seervants. Your maieds should look that way, rieght? You usuallye had two. So I thought theese would fit." (O)


Well, that's very thoughtful of her.
But I didn't take Suki with me.


"Oh my. Those look really great! And such a fine fabric! Thank you! I can't wait to wear them." (F)


Okay, my mother is really into this maid role.


"Glad Ie could bee of help." (O)

"Ehk, I thank you as well. That must've cost a fortune. Is there any way I can make this up to you?" (E)

"Just don't mEss up your audieence. If it goes well and your kiend gEtz officieally recognized by thee king as a nation then my profiets will rise to the skye. Under thee assumption that I'll reemain your main trading partner that iz." (O)


I didn't think about replacing her.
And until now she didn't give me a reason to doubt her.
There's maybe some concern that she's a bit too proactive to push me into some deals, but I didn't have the impression that she's overly taking advantage of us.

After this, Olira informs us about how well her business does in regard to our collaboration and we get a small tour through the facility.
Yet the prior incident might've led her to cut it a bit short.


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