
Chapter 111: Chapter 102

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The next day, after a morning laying, since I want to feel lighter during this whole ordeal, I'm going to my lessons.
Kyska as always accompanies me to make sure I stay in a good condition.


"By the way, Kyska, what do you think about me taking those lessons?" (E)

"This is difficult to answer. One could say I have mixed feelings about this. For example, I need to say that Honiu has a point when she says that a princess shouldn't make her behavior dependent on others. Rather she should always act in the way she wishes to. This supports her mental state and ultimately her production. Naturally only as long as this won't endanger more brood than it does good. And here I can certainly perceive that you're stressed during the ordeal." (K)


Well, this sounds like the perfect recipe to turn a princess into a pretentious brat. I'm kinda glad that Liseti seems to be somewhat okay and Uma, as weird as she is, maintains some control over them.


"So you don't like that I'm doing this? Sorry, but I deem it important." (E)

"As I said, the answer isn't as simple. While I don't like you to be stressed I also noticed that you grow more secure with each session. So it might be that this training helps you to stabilize yourself and this is considered positive. From a long-term point of view, permanent improvement is preferable. As you know, I believe this whole endeavor is a terrible risk but you're working on yourself. And even if you learn here to conduct yourself as humans do, in the end, you're learning to carry yourself as someone with high status and this is a long overdue thing to happen." (K)


Well, that's what's going on.

To be honest, at the start I was quite uncomfortable during those lessons.
I felt inept and displaced and was insecure because of this.
But naturally, I got better over time.
Okay, maybe my improved perception helped with getting the dancing steps down

Anyway today as well it proceeds smoothly and while it's quite much at once I noticed that they kept everything at the basics.
I guess we have to make do with what little time there is.
Especially, since I'm additionally impeded by my need to lay eggs.
The only good point is that my intervals are somewhat stable in the early evening so that I could arrange it to get done with everything before I have to get started.
I only need to hurry a bit to get to our base on time.

I'm in the courtyard where the entrance to the system is located when I hear something from the side.


"Hey! Stop right there!" (?)


Whoah, that's the first time someone speaks to me like this.
My royal guard always helped to prevent people from acting out in my presence.
When I turn around I see a young man accompanied by two knights.
After some thinking, I remember that this is the rude Fennec boy from when I was the last time in Osari.

Okay, just like I practiced in class.


"How may I help you, sir?" (E)


My response doesn't seem to cool his hot temper.


"I came as soon as I heard you're there. And then you even cause a mans death and no one says something!" (Fennec)

"It wasn't my idea. It's Lord Jorad's decision how to handle such affairs.

"Don't think you'll get away with this! I won't allow the lord to sell us out because of his weird fetish!" (F)

<Scruah!!/ I don't even want to imagine what you're suggesting there!> (E)


Okay, the parts I have down there are still somewhat intact, yet that's only on the outside.
Considering what must be necessary to produce all these eggs I'm not sure if I'm capable of human reproduction anymore or even the act itself since I didn't really have an in-depth check there.


"I don't know how you bewitched the lord but you won't succeed!" (F)

"Seriously! I was invited, am trying to be as polite and compromising as possible, and still constantly find myself in situations like these! What exactly did I do to warrant the slightest bit of scrutiny?" (E)

"Don't even try to use your tricks on me!" (F)


I'm intensely rolling my eyes.


Anyway, this statement was far too much.
Yet killing a noble would be detrimental to any peace negotiations so I have to quell my feelings and subsequently my guards.
However, the issue is that my guards on their own are very protective, overeager, and a bit too much into acting correspondingly to my most subconscious thoughts.
That's at least the impression I have when Miru suddenly steps forward.


"I demand, you to, cease, any hostile, behavior." (M)


It wouldn't be so bad if she'd only have said that, but the fact that she also drew her spear, swirled it several times over her head, and then pointed it at the Fennec boy's face is much more problematic.


"Is this black iron?" (add 1)

"It's supposed to be extremely heavy. How is that insect able to swing it so effortlessly?" (add 2)

"Quiet you two!" (F)


Boldly the Fennec boy steps up to Miru.


"I won't give in to the likes of you." (F)


While he's saying this his hand slowly draws his sword.
Okay, this is seriously getting out of hand.


"Okay, I think we should cut this meeting here and just go our ways." (E)

"Oh no, by my honor, you're not getting off this easily!" (F)

"My princess, this creature decided to insult and openly threaten you by readying its weapon in your vicinity." (M)


God, those two brickheads are so much alike that it's a miracle they don't get along!
There are some guards nearby but I doubt they'd be able to help solve this situation.


"Miru, it would be bad if you kill him." (E)

"As if this thing would have the slightest chance!" (F)

"Try, me!" (M)


She even makes a somewhat provoking gesture to dare him to come closer while unsheathing two more shortswords.
I have no idea how good this Fennec boy is but I certainly know who I'd bet on.
Anyway, things are going down here.
The tension increases with every passing moment and it's only a question of time till the bloodbath will start.


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"What is the meaning of this?!" (?)


Confused, I look in the direction of this call and see a somewhat young man with blonde hair, shaved face, and a cold expression.
The other impressive thing about him might be the heavily armed soldiers behind him.

Yet he looks in some way severely displeased.


"Would anyone mind telling me about the reason for such outrageous acts directly on the doorstep of the local lord?" (?)

"Those creatures are about to overtake the whole district and nobody even tries to defend it while it happens!" (F)

"As far as I'm aware, these individuals are guests of your direct superior. Are you seriously intending to conduct any hostile acts against them while they're protected by the obligations of hospitality? What kind of education did you receive or am I wrong and you're not of noble blood but a mere savage who murdered the last owner of your dress? The latter seems to be much more likely if I look at what transpires here." (?)

"You insolent fool! Who are you?!" (F)

"It's new to me that savages deserve any introduction, but since I still have a general sense of courtesy I'll do so. My name is Aaron and I was sent here on the direct order of king Kieran Redora! Your very liege in case you have forgotten, as seems to be the case coming from your demeanor." (Aaron)


Fennec's temper still burns vividly but he seems to be unwilling to go against this man and his soldiers.


"Miru, please don't attack, okay? Let him handle this. Just stay here at my side, please." (E)


I'm saying this as calmly as possible, but let the hint of an order through in my pheromones.


"As you, wish, mother." (M)


The man meanwhile seems to have waited long enough and speaks up again.


"If I may remind you, any acts against me, who is directly appointed by his majesty, can be considered as an attack on your very king. The correct term for such a thing might be high treason if I'm right. Also, those esteemed guests were invited by his highness. He guarantees their safety with his honor. So if you decide to further antagonize them and start a fight I'll be forced to take their side and join them in battle. This would mean an attack on me and subsequently, we're again at high treason. So I'd advise you to cease with whatever you wanted to accomplish here and leave!" (A)

"Tsk!" (F)


Fennec grunts and spits in my general direction, but the man steps in between and intercepts the saliva, even if he was probably too far away to even hit me.


"You, will, leave, now! Or this act of yours will have consequences!" (A)


He grunts again but this time he truly turns around and walks away.
Hah, this was a little bit too exciting for my taste.
The newcomer now turns towards me.


"Princess Erys, I'm honored to make your acquaintanceship." (A)

"Ehk, you know who I am?" (E)

"Certainly! After all, I was solely sent here to make sure that you have a pleasant time until your reception at the palace." (A)

"Ehk, okay. Thank you for your assistance." (E)

"Of course! We're very grateful for your favorable stance towards our nation. This isn't to be taken for granted and we want you to know that this is appreciated. We'll certainly not let you down." (A)


Oh my, that guy leads the full-charm offensive.
Every single thing he says is some form of flattery.
Not that I'd dislike it to be treated friendly once in a while, yet one shouldn't overdo it.
Also, I was just on my way to my next laying and this was a very tense situation.
And we all know how I react to those.


"I'm sorry, but I have to go now. There's something very urgent coming up that doesn't leave me any time for this certainly very pleasant talk." (E)

"By all means. I as well have to discuss things with Lord Hawkspear but I'm sure we'll soon meet again." (A)

"Yes, sure." (E)


I bow politely to him and then walk away as fast as my cramping stomach allows me to.




- Aaron -


Hmm, as a first impression this went rather well.
I was a bit worried if those insects might've already influenced her to have a more apprehensive stance towards us but this doesn't seem to be the case.
I wait for some time in my room the local lord granted me to conduct my business till the man I just clashed with arrives.


"Good that you are still able to follow a royal summon, Aledor Fennec." (A)

"Yes sure. I only came to know if this was all or do you intend to force me to embarrass myself further?" (F)

"No, certainly not. It might even be for the best if you'd avoid for the close future to show up in Princess Erys' presence. You appeared to be quite hostile after all." (A)

"And whose fault is that?! As if I would attack someone in the open like a rabid dog!" (F)

"On that note, a bit less might've been better. There was almost a serious incident if her guard would've acted. Though, your death might've given us a bit more leverage if she felt guilty, so your effort is appreciated." (A)

"Grmph. If this wouldn't have been an order of the crown I would've denied it. That you're even believing you could use such monstrous creatures." (F)

"This was never the intention, my friend. The one we want to influence is the girl. And for this reason, she has to like us. And saving someone from a rude assailant was always a good start for a relationship." (A)

"As you say. I just hope you won't get the backlash. The one thing I'm sure about with these things is that they can hold a grudge and be very violent in their payback." (F)

"One more reason why you shouldn't leak anything about our little arrangement and leave now before anything about it can slip out." (A)

"Sure. In the first place, I don't feel like I'm fit for this kind of conspiring. So please, don't summon me again." (F)


And there he goes.
I don't know what he means.
From my perspective, it was a job well done.
Princess Erys seemed to appreciate my support for her cause.

First impressions are so important after all.


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