
Chapter 120: Chapter 111

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We went all the way to the base.
And the working speed of the drones is as always absolutely astonishing.
Yes, okay, there were around twenty thousand of them at that task, and that's only those I saw leaving the hive, but still, to be able to create such vast caverns in only a month.
They already built so many facilities.
Storage halls, some of them holding a great number of nectar units, improvised nurseries, sleeping halls, and not to mention our quarters.
The latter isn't even comparable to Osari.
Already completely fitted out with the building agent, they're probably gonna last centuries now.

As much as I'm aware, the supply is a bit of an issue at the moment.
Water isn't plentiful enough for a permanent operation and we can't completely drain the capital of its reserves.
Though it seems they're doing fine with deliveries for now.
In this environment, I can lay my eggs without issues.
Sigh, why does that sound so normal?

Though it troubles me that I have to sleep now.
And that while we're in such a tense situation.
Yet the built alcoves are making it much easier to sleep.
Truly frightening facilities.

I wake up again and am still completely lost regarding what I ought to say when I get back up there.
Fortunately, Honiu also finished early and we meet up at the junction where we split, which leads to the palace's courtyard.
Now we have to get back up there.
That's certainly going to be a walk of shame.


<What is the issue? Shouldn't you be elated about the prospect of pursuing your declared purpose?> (H)

<We left everyone up there yesterday. That's a terrible slip-up.> (E)

<It was desperately necessary, my princess. You couldn't afford to delay for even a single moment.> (K)

<What even is the issue? If they are the ones to invite us because they want to talk they can certainly wait for a bit longer.> (H)

<Even if they can, this could already have been seen as an offense.> (E)

<How would doing something necessary be offensive?> (H)

<Ahem, my princess, those particular humans are terribly formal about some processes. Anything that disturbs those specially planned-out events throws them into disarray and then they blame those they claim to be responsible.> (F)


Did she just say "my" princess?!
Do I have to worry about this?


<As they invited us they should mind our needs and wishes. This place is already not ideal for us, so they should be honored that we even took the effort to travel all the way here.> (H)


One can see that Honiu is royalty.
At least she has the demanding attitude one would relate to it.


<But can we go now?> (E)

<Ehk, one more thing.> (F)


Now Honiu looks irritated as well.


<What is it?> (H)


Mum gives a sign down the corridor and a nurse comes close, holding a bundle in her claws.


<My princess, would you wear this?> (F)

<Wear?> (H)


Mum takes the bundle and spreads it.
Like this, a long gown is revealed, made of smooth fabric and of a deep violet color.
If I see right, it was even custom-made for an insect princess.
At least that's what the four sleeves tell me.


<Yes, my princess. While I'm aware that there's no real need for you to follow the local customs it would be beneficial and at least partly provide an excuse for why we left so close after our arrival to prepare ourselves. But that's not important. What’s important is how much effort all your subordinates put into creating this item.> (F)


Now I get why she's so atypically formal.
She wants to play dress up with the princess!

Honiu thoroughly inspects the dress.
When she's done she turns back to mum.


<It seems to be fine work. As there's no reason against this I'll wear it. Attend me, Farrah.> (H)


Mum is visibly elated.
Fortunately, Honiu is already naked so it's not like she has to change first.
No, rather mum throws the gown over her to cover her insect body.
Then she fiddles her insect arms and wings into the respective slots, which is already quite a bit more complicated.
But eventually mum manages to set her up nicely.
The gown covers most of her body in a formfitting way but is at the same time wide enough to leave some space inside.
She looks almost like a noble lady now.
Well, if not for the head, or the wings, and you shouldn't pay too much attention to the number of arms.


<Oh my, you're looking great!> (F)

<Naturally. A princess always has a splendid presence.> (H)


And apparently, the ego to fit it.

I look down at myself.
Currently, I'm wearing a dark blue gown that's leaving my back free to make room for the wings.
The skirt isn't too heavy, just wide enough to cover my ovipositor without it bulging out the fabric, and long enough to cover my calves.
Speaking of that area, I'm using those terribly uncomfortable dancing shoes.
I wouldn't say I'm much of a looker, but I guess it's decent enough to make a good first impression.
At least we can now get going.

As usual, my royal guard forms our escort.
And they seem to be extra attentive today.
Maybe they're excited cause we'll visit the palace?
It's a great and impressive building, that's for sure.
And although I'm not really a denizen of this country anymore, it feels like an honor to be invited to this place.
Even Honiu shows at least some interest in the palace complex.
It might not be as vast as the hive, which is a stupidly large city in itself, but the structure here is a towering monument of stone.

There were some guards posted in front of our freshly established tunnel.
Though they only leave for a moment to call some officials.
More precisely Aaron, who is apparently solely responsible for us.
I guess they didn't want to risk switching him out.
Even if I don't have a particularly fond impression of him.
The part with that planned attack certainly didn't help their point.
Still, the demon you know.

On another note, the impression I have of the palace doesn't waver when we finally manage to enter.
Everything here is showing off the luxury only a nation built on trade can achieve.
The gold adorning even the walls might still be the cheapest factor.
Much more pricy would be all the pictures, statues, adornments, and maybe even the high-quality stone surrounding us everywhere.
But it's a certain thing that claims all our group's attention.
Above us, hanging from the ceiling is light.
However, it's not originating from a fire.
This thing shines by itself, yet it's certainly not lightstone.
Rather it seems to be some kind of machinery.

"Ah, I see you spotted one of our lightbringers. Personally, I think it's a bit too big of a name, but that's what it does. Those are the newest innovations in the field of magical technology. A special enchantment, based on lightning magic. I'm certain there are only one or two mages capable of creating them. However, his majesty set his mind on obtaining those and directly ordered six hundred for the whole palace. At the moment I'm uncertain if the decrease in used candles and torches will ever make up for their price." (A)


Yes, okay.
I was only fascinated for a moment.
No reason to brag endlessly about your money.
That ruins the experience.
At least, it's clear now that those are no alternative for the tunnels.
Not even considering that they would get stolen at the first opportunity by whoever passes by, they're also far too expensive to acquire at a greater scale.
And I doubt the worker's ability as law enforcement.
Yet one or two for personal usage might be fine.
They're still much brighter than lightstone.

We are guided through the hallways, deeper into the palace.
While there isn't as much of a formal welcome as yesterday, a greater number of official-looking people and supposed nobles are curiously looking from the sides.
Which makes it a bit complicated that my escort still follows the directive to check every corner in front of me before I get there.
And yes, they show a slight aggressiveness while doing so which puts some people off.
Especially, I'm concerned about the guards.

Finally, we reach another huge gateway after a long hallway.
I'm pretty sure that this must be our destination.

Suddenly, Honiu talks to me from the side.


<I'm aware that this is a crucial moment. So since you apparently understand better the customs they want us to follow, you will talk. However, I will still listen closely to what happens.> (H)


Mum and Kyska nod as well and make me understand that they're going to stay back.
Which might be better since it would be embarrassing to have my mum attend a royal audience with me.

Two men open together the wings of the giant door with golden embellishments on both sides.
Before I can enter, two units of my royal guard rush inside and I hear several gasps from in there.

A moment later I step inside.
It's as bad as predicted.
My royal guard somewhat imposingly cleared the middle area of people and drove any stationed guards to the sides of the hall.


"My, princess, the area, is, secured. We'll, evacuate you, if something, happens." (M)


Yes, sure.
Naturally, Miru has already planned for such a thing to happen.

But this isn't the time to make a face.
Especially, not if on the other side of the hall a man sits on an extraordinarily big throne.
But how do I now approach in a dignified manner after all that happened?
Well, there's no other way but forward.


"Welcome, ambassador Erys. Princess of the swarm." (K)


Before I'm too close I hear an almost booming voice.
Not necessarily shouting loud, but intense. Like the queen, just without pheromones.
I'm sure its owner practiced very hard.

I slowly approach the throne, swallowing my nervousness as well as I can before making a slight curtsy, just as I was taught.
Not too deep to maintain my status, not too insignificant as it would snub the king in his own court, just a gesture of showing respect.
While I had in mind to maybe call him out about this incident with the attack, I decided against doing so for the moment.
It would be a terrible start to accuse him in front of the whole royal court even if I'd be in the right.

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"I greet you, your highness. May your reign last long." (E)


When I'm done, I take a closer look at the man in front of me.
I need to say, he's an impressive figure, fitting to sit there.
I feel some gravity emanating from this middle-aged man, with his red mane waving on his head, and a short beard adorning his chin.
He looks neither weak nor fat, as one might assume the leader of a rich nation like ours to be.
I'd almost prefer this, as it would've taken away some pressure.

As I look at him, he's doing the same in return.
The most unnerving thing might be that he has something like a permanent smile.
It doesn't look particularly friendly or inviting, but just as if he had a really good day.
I'm honestly a bit lost about how to proceed from here on out as my lessons were mostly about the right greeting and what things not to do.
How I can positively act wasn't really covered.
To my relief, he speaks first.


"Hm, seeing it in the flesh is certainly something else, I need to say. Especially the wings are quite the sight." (K)


Does this count as a pleasantry?
To be honest, I'm a bit self-conscious about them.
Especially the way they make me feel when stroked makes me think that they shouldn't be exposed.
Not that there's any way to hide them as huge as they are.
However, I doubt that comment came with ill intent, so I smile it away.

Yet I'm still awfully nervous.
There are other people all around the hall, standing beside the pillars that partly separate the outer edges and carry the weight of the gallery.


"You can be certain, I was very curious when the news about the emergence of your swarm reached me. However, I'm well aware that you didn’t take this journey to merely exchange simple pleasantries. So, what is it that you want?" (K)


Okay, that's a good opening.
I can now state my purpose.


"Peace! I want to negotiate peace!" (E)


As expected murmur spreads through the nobles and officials around us.


"Huh, call me wrong, but as far as I know, there wasn't a single conflict yet with our troops. Isn't this peaceful enough?" (K)


Now I perceive some of them snicker since my whole reason for coming here got kinda ridiculed.


"No, not really. What I want is a treaty that will ensure both our nations' prolonged existence. I want to improve our relations, so we can support each other and both parties may benefit from this." (E)

"Where would such a benefit lie? Would you be willing to fight for us? Help us to drive the Koresoans out of our land and save my people?" (K)

"Ehk. S-sorry, I cannot offer this. My... My kind values the lives of our own deeply. I cannot agree to send them so they fight and die in this conflict. The other leaders would never accept this." (E)

"It was brought to my attention, that you have your own subordinates, who are only loyal to you." (K)

"I, I can't send them either. I'm not only their leader. I carry responsibility for each of their lives. Using them for my personal goals would be plain wrong, and selfish. Also, our, ehk, nations don't have such a relation yet. They had no interaction at all before this day. Can you really demand that we risk our lives just because we exist in your vicinity?" (E)

 "You claim that you want to weave bonds and form an alliance, but you are not willing to actively help in our time of need?" (K)


I feel quite cornered right now.
The weight of all the lives lost because I won’t help weighs hard on me.
All the people who will get targeted as I did.
Asking to become a friend while not really helping is a bit hypocritical.
This, and also what will be the case if Tarsona loses.
It would basically mean everything was for naught.
Still, I can't offer the lives of my brood.
Yet I should put it kindly.


"With all due respect, your highness, did any of the surrounding countries send troops? How can you expect from us something you don't even ask from your longtime neighbors?" (E)


Well, I only know about one that is Tarsona's direct neighbor in the south, but that one also has quite a large army.
But there are also other trading partners who they have contact with.
And none of them sent their armies either.


"Then what would be left for you to offer?" (K)

"We would naturally still support Tarsona in other ways." (E)

"Which would be?" (K)

"For example, I've heard food has to be rationed in these hard times and we could help provide it, easing the suffering of the people." (E)

"It may be true that the times are hard, yet it's not yet so far that we're at risk of a famine." (K)

"We could also increase trade and offer medical aid and other stuff, like ore, for example. Wouldn't that be a boon?" (E)

"I'd say, I'm slightly disappointed. I really would have liked to see the Koresoans getting annihilated by an insect army. On the other side, your offer naturally still holds some value. However, what do your people want in exchange? I'm sure this isn't all because of pure altruism." (K)

"Only some small concessions. The first would be that to create your extra food we would need greater amounts of water. As such, I'd like to ask for access to the Galanas river." (E)


If I ask for something it might be better to make them believe that it's actually for themselves.
This way they will be easier to convince.


"You want our river?" (K)

"Naturally not the whole river, but only a small channel. We could even create that near where it flows into the sea, after it has passed all your farms. You wouldn't lose anything." (E)

"This sounds negotiable. Yet we will have to discuss this in more detail." (K)

"Also, I'd like to increase exchange between our nations. Especially on a cultural level. We'd like to acquire knowledge, so opening the libraries for us would be enough. On our side, we would as well open up for you. We would even grant passage through our system. Within the limits, naturally. I'm sure your palace has as well some areas where access is restricted." (E)

"We'd have to look into it. At the moment I lack insight on the matter to decide upon the value of your offer. I'm positive it's a noteworthy one, though. Anything else you wish to be granted? Such a first encounter surely leads to many open questions." (K)


As far as I know, he'll still have to deal with the council of high nobles.


"Aside from that? Only that we and our subjects can move freely on the surface. I want that our kind has at least basic rights. Just so much as humans would have. I think I don't need to point out that there are many who want to harm us. Yet this seems like a bad base for a relationship if we couldn't be sure of our own lives while dealing with them. So, I ask you to grant those who walk among you your protection." (E)


I know I'm asking for much, but at the same time, it's the bare minimum for an acceptable coexistence.
The king seems to contemplate it at least.


"All in all, I think this agreement could be considered positive for both sides." (E)


It might be a good sign that he's not outright saying no.


"As I already said, I want first to look deeper into your offer." (K)


Sounds reasonable, I don't want to corner him in his own throne hall.

After an uncomfortable silence, the king seems to become aware that I don't have anything to add.
Then he smiles and looks intently at me.


"Now that the formalities are finished, it's time to start the festivities!" (K)


Excuse me, what!?!


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