
Chapter 121: Chapter 112

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As long as I can remember I always wanted to go to a big party.
A chance to converse with others, show off my dress and farm work toned body, dance till my feet hurt, and simply absorb the atmosphere of so many ecstatic people coming together till I become addled.
I always thought it would be nice to experience something like this at least once.

However, just how did I end up in this situation?
Before I could really process what the king said, people flowed into the hall, almost sending my guard into a frenzy.
Then musicians positioned themselves on the upper range and from one moment to the next I was in the middle of a great social event.
I suppose that this here is pretty close to my dream, although I probably imagined something more rural, not in the royal palace.
Some inkling of modesty was still present, even in my dreams.

Well, I wasn't really able to observe what happened after people started entering since I was occupied with reassuring Miru and the other guards to keep them from dragging me away from "such a dangerous environment".
Explaining to her that the people here are likely no threat to anyone regarding fighting prowess was a hard piece of work.
And I am glad I remembered to wear my dancing shoes since they look much better and I thought that making a good first impression would outweigh the discomfort of enduring them throughout the audience.

Yet unfortunately, I didn't expect that my time in them would get extended like this.
To summarize, I certainly dreamt it differently than this.
Also, I never imagined myself as the center of all attention.
And the reason for this is something I surely never included in my fantasies.


"Oh my, are those wings real?" (lady)

"Aahhkh, please don't touch them." (E)


Why do people always have to fondle my wings?!
I'm pretty sure that's not a generally accepted social demeanor.


"Wow, they feel so life-like!" (lady)


That might be because they are attached to my body!

While dealing with this invasive sensation I make a passing gesture to Miru, whose pheromones indicate she was going to impale that lady with a thrown spear.


"Can you truly fly with them?" (lady 2)

"Y-yes. But not for long and it's quite difficult." (E)


I'm just glad that my dress is wide enough so my ovipositor is hidden, if not for a slight bulge at my hip.
Because there's no way I would swing this buttspear around in front of the king.
All acclimatization to my situation aside, even I have my limits.
I think I wouldn't survive being asked about this feature of my body.

The ladies around me still seem very interested in my person.
Which might be linked to my special background.
Honiu is also at the center of attention, but as no one dares to approach her, she's more of an object of curiosity.
I'm asking myself if they can receive her "stay-the-fuck-away!" pheromones on a subconscious level or simply interpret her demeanor.
Fortunately, this kinda protects my mother at her side, who is also a target of the general attention.


"And you're really living with those things? Under the earth?!" (lady)


Well, while I'm at it I can also try to advertise us a bit.


"I won't lie, it's certainly a foreign experience compared to what someone might be used to here on the surface. But the drones care very well for any visitors. Nobody who came starved, found any reason to complain about the lodgings, or was in any way mistreated. In addition, I personally worked towards improved light conditions in our system. The hive, covered in all this light, is certainly a sight to behold." (E)


In this manner, I proceed to try to convince everyone that the giant insect monsters aren't evil.
Which gets slightly complicated by the fact that some not-so-flattering assumptions are simply true.
For example, they don't mind eating people, at least those who fight don't, but that the others would turn them into fertilizer isn't much better.
I had to be quite creative to talk my way around this.
Still, general prejudices are hard to overcome.


"I still can't believe it. You appear so... normal. How do you even interact with those things? Can they even talk? I saw some of them outside. Aren't they quite... well, primitive?" (lady)


It's okay, Erys.
It's not like this was an intentional insult.
While I don’t appreciate them talking about my brood like this, I can't lose my head here.
It's not even completely wrong that not all of them are smart.


"Even if I look human, I can barely be considered as such. Formicean communication is an interesting topic, but I fear elaborating on it would surpass the duration of this event. And regarding your other question, you will see that many are quite witty partners for interaction. Kyska, would you come over please?" (E)


In an instant, my personal nurse suddenly stands next to me.


"You called, my princess?" (Ky)


The people nearby gasp or make other sounds of awe and surprise.
Probably because she spoke, while even my guard didn't say a word the whole time.
Or because she moved so ridiculously quickly to my side.


"This here is Kyska, my personal... attendant. She's smart, a quick worker, very professional, and knows what you wish for before you even have to voice it." (E)


This is easy when it comes to pheromones, but I don't have to mention this little detail.
Instead, I have now Kyska who can talk to them in my stead and buy me some space.


"If there are any questions about the swarm I'm sure Kyska will gladly answer them. She's well-informed about most aspects and willing to share her knowledge. Within the limits, naturally. Nobody cares about personal secrets, right?" (E)


Surely they do, but I hope Kyska catches on and won't spill the beans about any topics I more than once told her to avoid.
Yet now with her as a distraction, I can separate from this group.


"Lords and Ladies! I'm pleased to inform you that now the dances can begin!" (King Kieran Redora)


What!? They certainly don't expect me to partake, right?
I mean, I'm basically an egg-laying monster.
It would be ridiculous.


"Princess Erys, would you grant me the honor?" (Ki)


Seriously! Just what is wrong with him?

I have no choice but to take him up on his offer.
Rejecting him in front of the whole, greatly anticipative hall, would be the opposite of everything I want to achieve.


"Y-yes, sure. B-but I need to warn you that I'm not very experienced." (E)

"That won't be an issue. I'll lead. You just need to follow." (Ki)


Please, don't let this statement have a deeper meaning.

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But it's not like I could say anything here.

The musicians begin their next piece.
I need to say the music is incredibly good.
Even Honiu seemed to be intrigued by this factor.
Though she probably thinks about something like how it's connected to the vocal focus of the humans and less that it's art.

While we first had to work out how to grasp each other, because of my wings, and move together, we were able to overcome this.
I should mention, that my heightened senses, which specifically make movements appear slower to me, like back then in training with Liseti, now prevent me from greater slip-ups.
At least, I can avoid stepping on the king's feet.

Yet he's not half-bad either.
He manages to adjust his movements to make us stay in the rhythm, and he expertly dodged the few missteps of mine that almost got him by slightly altering his footwork.
Almost as if this would be a duel, rather than a dance.

However, I'm all too glad when it's finally over.
The fear of making mistakes really took its toll on me.


"This went very well. It seems we harmonize together. I hope this is a good omen." (Ki)


Or rather we forcefully pushed through all the obstacles.
But I won't complain that I survived this dance.

Fortunately, while some of the noble ladies got a little grabby before, none of the other noblemen seem willing to interact with me on a deeper level and make themselves the center of attention during a dance with me, so that I'm spared to partake, without a partner.

The faster dances are soon over.
They served well in diverting attention to the event itself and away from me.
Now some calmer ones start.


"Princess Erys?" (?)


Yet suddenly a man approaches.
I didn't even notice his advance.

An outburst from Miru, who the whole time watches me and my surroundings thoroughly, tells me that she's alert.
If the people here only knew how close she is to annihilating each and every one of them this whole time.

The man in question is quite big and his muscled body makes me believe that he has seen his fair share of fights, which might explain Miru's apprehensiveness.
My guards are more than ready to rip him apart at one wrong move.


"Y-yes?" (E)

"I'm Sir Gioras, from House Zion. May I ask for this dance?" (G)


Why are there always new people coming?


"Uh, okay." (E)


It's a slow dance, so I should be able to keep up better.
As long as nobody gets the wrong impression that this is more than a formality.

Without significant delay, we start.
As anticipated, I can keep up better now.


"Maybe I should introduce myself in more detail. I'm the king's marshall and one of the first to lead this war." (G)


Okay... Don't know what to answer here.


"You know, I really appreciate your aid. It was a surprising boon for our efforts. After all, the Koresoans wouldn't have started this war if they didn't believe they could win, so every new factor is a welcome one." (G)

"I'm glad that I could be of help." (E)

"You certainly did help. Though, it would be great if we could bring this war to a quick end. It would spare so many lives. If we would just be able to land a decisive strike it might suffice to force them to negotiate. For example, with unexpected aid?" (G)


Ah, so this is why he approached me.
He wants, once again, to try talking me into sending troops.


"I need to insist on my position. I can't send any troops. This isn't our war and you know this. While I wish you to succeed, you can't expect us to fight for you." (E)

"Oh, but I thought you were already involved with our conflict? As far as I'm aware a not insignificant number of dead peak noses can be traced back to you. Two whole battalions eradicated by your kind." (G)

"We were attacked! And this not to a small degree because 'someone' instigated it! You... Wait, two?" (E)


He can't mean the soldiers who attacked our farm and then got killed by those who abducted me afterward.
Those were barely a dozen.


"I have a good survey about their troop movements in our territory. It seems like two considerable forces suddenly vanished. So yes, I'm sure about it." (G)


Damn, I don't know what happened but I'll have to talk with someone about this.
At this rate, it will almost be impossible to maintain a neutral stance.


"Be that as it may, but I still can't send a war effort." (E)

"Even though the number of your troops is so rapidly increasing? How many are there by now? Two-, three-thousand? Four? It might do well to send them to a just cause." (G)

"Ugh! Did Temia talk?" (E)

"Lady Lorata's report was very insightful. It's one of the main sources we could rely on to assume a strategy regarding how to deal with your delegation. Especially the passage regarding how your kind reproduces was fascinating. To think that numbers on this scale can be 'produced' like this." (G)


Okay, this is enough.
I refuse to be embraced by a man while he talks about me laying eggs.
No way in hell!
So I cut the dance short.


"Sir Gioras. This is a personal matter. I'd appreciate it if it's not discussed so openly." (E)

"Well, seems like that was a blunder from my side. Nonetheless, I hope we can work well together in the future. For a better future for both our nations." (G)



While it sounds pleasant, I grow increasingly worried regarding the field of politics I found myself on.


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