
Chapter 125: Chapter 116

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I, my brother, Gabe, and Millie gained some distance away from the field.
But now everyone is unsure about how to proceed.


"Those were those insects! I told you!" (G)

"Who cares?! They're gonna eat us!" (O)

"Should we go back to the orphanage?" (A)

"The monsters could already be there!" (M)

"Where else would we go?" (A)


I mean, we are kids.
There's no way we would find food and a place to sleep somewhere else.


"We, we could try to get to the forest." (O)

"I heard there are monsters in the forest." (M)

"Monsters are already here!" (S)

"But... Wasn't it weird how the guards did nothing about them? It even looked as if they were waiting for this to happen." (A)


All things considered, it looked like this was planned.


"Do you think this was a demon summoning?" (M)

"Maybe we should inform an adult?" (A)

"The adults didn't do nothing just now!" (O)

"But maybe Fellon will listen to us?" (M)


Fellon is our guardian in the orphanage.
A young man, with a scruffy face.
I don't like him that much.
He's indifferent about everything we do.
Only caring about keeping things peaceful for himself.
But I guess it could be worse.
He's not mistreating any of us and aside from cutting our meals, there are no corporal punishments coming from his side.

It just always seems like he doesn't want to do this.
Though him being like this I doubt he'd do something about this situation.
Or even know what to do.

However, this orphanage is still the only place for us to live so we should at least make the attempt to do something.


"I think, we should try it. We don't have any other place to go. If we run away we would just starve or get eaten." (A)


I still remember that time when we just tried to survive, running from the Koresos.
Barely getting through.
I don't want to return to that.

The others look sullen, but I think we all agree.
But when we get there the others already frantically shout at him.


"And then monsters came!" (N)

"They were big! And had those sharp pincers! And, and they were just terrifying!" (S)

"And more and more came out of that hole!" (Filo)

"Children, children, please calm down!" (Fellon)


At least he's listening to them without getting angry.
Rather he looks troubled.


"Alright, I have an announcement to make. Please gather everyone in the hall. I'll then explain what's going on." (Fe)


Well, it was clear that he wouldn't go himself to look for the others.
There are thirty-two of us in this house, none older than twelve.
But since everyone wants to hear what this is about it doesn't take too long.
Fellon looks at us for a long moment before catching a deep breath.


"Okay children, please listen carefully. We're about to receive some very important guests. They were personally received by the king. I expect all of you to treat them with the utmost respect." (Fellon)


Guests? Why would anyone come here?
And what has this to do with the monsters?


"Guests?" (S)

"Yes... They might be a bit unusual and... you see..." (Fe)


He wouldn't mean...


"Knock, knock, knock"


We all look to the door where that came from.
Promptly guards are coming inside.

The man who seems to be their leader fiercely gazes over us before turning to Fellon.


"You managed to assemble all of them?" (Aaron)

"Uh, yes. They're all here. Well, some of the younger ones are still on the upper floor." (Fe)

"This will have to suffice. Did you inform them?" (Aaron)

"Ehm, you see, this came quite sudden." (Fe)

"Sigh. One job. Nothing to do about this. You all! I expect you to attend and be polite. Misconduct will have severe consequences." (Aaron)


What is going on?
What do they want from us?
Then a woman enters.
A brunette, dressed in some kind of maid dress?


"Can wee now enter? Shee is gEtting twitchye." (F)


Does this woman have a speech defect?
Her voice almost hurts at certain points.
Uh, she seems to have noticed our stares and now looks flustered.


"Sure. Not like anyone can stop her." (Aaron)


What kind of person is going to enter?
Even this officer seems to be flustered.
Who will come now to cause such a reaction?


"Scriik!" (F)


What did this woman just do?
Before I can think closer about this there's movement at the door.


"The monsters!" (Filo)


H-he's right!
Two huge monsters on four pointy legs are coming inside.
They barely pass through the door as wide as they are.
The others scream and shout.
Some run away, but before the rest of us can escape the guards block the other exits and the stairs to the upper floor.


"What did I say about misconduct?!" (A)

"Pleease, not beecause of usz." (F)


We can't escape!
And now more cloaked figures come through the entrance.
I, I can see them.

Their faces!
Those are also monsters!


They are lining up in front of us with the two huge monsters standing at the sides.
And now?

Now even more are entering!
There are three of them, one with a dress in the middle and the other two completely bare.
They almost look like people, and not as big as the other ones, but they have insect faces, and pincer mouths, and four arms!


And now, the one in the middle of those four comes in our direction.


"Screak!" (H)

"Scruh, skreoh!" (F)

"Scraak!" (H)

"Skriku!" (F)


Are they... talking?


"Skriak!" (H)


The screeching insect now turns away from the maid and in our direction.


"Are these the children?" (H)


It can talk!?
A talking monster!?


"Yes. Those are the children which we're taking care of here." (Fe)


The cloaked insects part and it promptly steps through the gap.
Directly towards me!!!



The cloaked ones step next to us.


"Allie!" (O)

"Screak!" (insect monster)


Owen tries to run to my side but is blocked off by one of the two-legged insects.
The one heading for me is now so close!
Please, don't let it kill me.


"Iiehp!" (A)


It grabbed my chin and now its piercing black eyes focus on me!

I'm scared!
I'm so scared!


"Scrawny!" (H)

Does it mean I'm too thin?
Too thin to get eaten?!
B-but if I'm too thin it might not do so.
This is good, right?


"Why is this one leaking from the eyes?" (H)

"Skreeak, screo!" (F)

"If you say so." (H)


Whatever the maid said, the creature releases my chin, and steps away from me.

Now it gazes at the others.
Is the monster looking for a thicker child to eat?
Maybe Gabe.
He wasn't here for so long and apparently received bigger meals at his home.
But instead of grabbing him, the monster turns to the officer.


"Is this truly a facility to raise your brood?" (H)

"Well, I wouldn't call it that, but yes, it's thought to act as a place to contain those children." (A)


Now the creature shakes her head?


"This can't be right. This brood is poorly attended, in a weakened condition, obviously malnourished." (H)


I don't understand.
Does it want them to feed us more?
So that we stop being too thin and it can eat us?!


"Iez thies a case of embEzzlement?" (F)


The maid looks at Fellon.


"No! Absolutely not! I don't even have anything I could embezzle! There are no direct payments and the bit of food I receive for the children wouldn't be worth the risk to sell it further. Damn, I liked my old job as an official for logistics and streets and won't risk getting fired, or worse, when this is over." (Fe)

"Then this means this state of affairs is part of the concept?" (H)

"We are at war. We have to ration food or risk that if things turn dire our reserves are gone. The enemy showed more than once that they're targeting the fields." (Aaron)

"Then this concept isn't working if your food sources remain unprotected and your brood won't get fed." (H)

"With all due respect. Such a thing is our affair. The situation is simply as it is. We cannot afford to spend more resources on orphans than we already do. Or would you compensate for the additional costs?" (Aaron)

"Naturally not. I have a far better proposal." (H)

"Scriak!" (F)

You are reading story Formicea at

"I know what I'm doing here." (H)

"A proposal? Of what kind?" (Aaron)

"Simple. I'll take them." (H)


Take us?
She wants to steal us and drag us into this hole?
Oh no, please, anything but that, no!

The, the guards!
They won't allow this, right?


"Take them? As in away? You are obviously joking." (Aaron)


Oh, great god!
Thank you!


"Certainly not. You clearly don't know how to properly care for your own brood and just said you have no resources to spend on them. I say that I'm able and willing to do so. So give them to me." (H)


Don't believe that creature!


"We can't just hand our children over to you." (Aaron)

"Naturally not without compensation. I'm aware that brood has its value. So what is it that you want? More food to feed the others? The goods Erys presented so proudly? Or maybe this glistening metal you humans seem to fancy so much?" (H)


She wants to buy us!?!
This can't be true!
Anyone, please do something!


"Screa!" (F)


The maid!
Is she on our side?


"I'm serious. This is my will." (H)

"Thiez would be slAverye!" (F)

"Slavery?" (H)

"Ahem, I'm aware you're not familiar with our customs but slavery is abolished in this nation. It means you're putting a price tag on lives so one can buy and sell them like goods. The people of this country came to the agreement that a great nation such as ours doesn't need this kind of profit." (Aaron)


Everyone becomes relieved.
Our country won't sell us!


"Ah, I understand. I can support this. A life is certainly more valuable than a thing." (H)

"I'm glad that you're so understanding." (Aaron)

"So this is about the price. Then how about this? I counted thirty-two younglings. You'll give me those and in return, I'll grant you six guardians and twenty workers. This sounds fair since guardians count twice as much as the regular worker." (H)


She's still trying it!


"Honiiiuuh, this isn't quiete what you should learn heere." (F)

"Just to make sure that I understand you, you're offering your own subjects in return for these children?" (Aaron)


Why isn't he just saying no?
He can't truly be considering it, can he?


"This is ridiculous!" (Fe)


Thank you, Fellon!
I start to see him in a completely different light.


"I'm offering you dead enemies. And this will in turn mean more of you will live. If you accept they will fight for you as long as this conflict continues. They'd follow all your orders. Naturally, it would displease me to hear you intentionally threw them away against your enemy, but you would be free to choose how they'll be used." (H)

"I... I can't agree to this. I'm sorry, but such a thing isn't for me to decide." (Aaron)


Great, we won't be eaten.


"I'd add assistance of two nurses, for maintenance reasons. Yet not as combatants. They aren't fit for that role in the first place." (H)

"Still, I can't just agree to this." (Aaron)

"As you say. But the offer stands." (H)


This is simply too much for me.
They're talking about our fate here!

But now it seems to be over.

The scary insect moves to the door and the other insects follow her.
There the maid grabs one of her claws and drags her out.


"Seriouslye, iet's always thee same with you!" (F)


The other monsters move behind as if to watch for anyone following.
Soon after this the guards and the officer leave as well.
Different from what he said nobody gets punished.
He seems to be quite in a hurry to leave.
Only Fellon remains as the last adult.


"God, that was far too nerve-wracking." (Fe)


As if you're the one to talk.




- Aaron -


I need to return to the palace this instant.
His majesty has to hear about this.

Without any delay, I send word that I wish to talk to him, the moment I arrive in the palace.
I don't even wait for the answer and head to the room where he's supposed to be at this time.
The messenger should tell me before I arrive.

On my way, I surprisingly meet Princess Erys.
Who is hard to miss, as her many guards very clearly indicate her coming in advance.


"Ah, Aaron, right? I haven't seen you today." (E)


The question makes sense.
Usually, I would stay in her vicinity to help with any upcoming issues and she noticed my absence.
I might be one of the only ones in this palace who gave an in-depth read to Lady Lorata's report.
Most of the information is naturally confidential.
If the Koresoans would gain access to it they might find a way to take advantage of this.
Be it the importance of a single princess, which might spark a war as a reaction, or that the swarm isn't purely unified, but divided into the factions of the princesses and their respective brood.

Every little piece of information might prove to be vital.


"I'm sorry. Princess Honiu demanded to visit the city and my presence was required to assure that everything proceeded smoothly." (A)

"The city!? She didn't cause you any trouble, right?" (E)


I shouldn't tell her what exactly happened.
She would probably go and talk her out of her offer.
While I can't say that I'm inclined to take it I have to inform my king without taking the decision from him of my own volition.


"I wouldn't say so. It was a peculiar event but no harm was caused." (A)


Except maybe for some traumatized orphans.


"Is that so? I'm glad to hear this." (E)


At this moment the messenger arrives to tell me that the king is now ready to receive me.


"If you'd please excuse me, my liege expects my presence." (A)

"Oh, yes, sure." (E)


Now I can finally go and inform him.
This will certainly be peculiar news.

The king waits for me in the usual office where he conducts business in a more intimate fashion.


"Aaron. What was so important that you had me cut today's negotiations short?" (K)


I make sure to close the door behind me before I answer.
What I'm about to say has to remain a secret, no matter what.


"You're awfully secretive, Aaron." (K)


Why would that be so?


"It came so that during today's excursion Princess Honiu made an offer." (A)

"Now don't hold back. Tell, what did she propose?" (K)

"She would send us some of her subjects to aid our cause. Six guardians and twenty workers." (A)

"Guardians? Weren't those the big ones? With the tail?" (K)


They certainly make a lasting impression.
Saying one equals two workers is an understatement.
It doesn't need much imagination to determine what kind of havoc they would cause in the enemy lines.


"Yes." (A)

"Those are specialized in fighting. And she has to know that this would be their application." (K)

"She seemed to be aware of this fact, even going as far as stating that as long as we wouldn't recklessly throw them away she would accept everything we decide." (A)

"This comes certainly unexpected. But I doubt that she would make such an offer without expecting anything in return. Especially considering their stance to this until now. What is it?" (K)

"She... expects us to yield the orphans of the institution we visited today to her in exchange." (A)

"Orphans? For what reason?" (K)

While some might claim it is to eat them that wouldn't make any sense. They might be omnivorous, but according to the report, they prefer a vegetarian diet. Also, she wouldn't grant us her own subjects for such a reason. It's simply not adding up.

"I can only guess. If you ask me it is because she wants to raise her own human subjects, for whatever reason she has." (A)

"Is that so?" (K)

"She seemed to be interested in them. Saying something about a nursery structure. I need to add that it's apparently more of a wild idea from this princess' side. Neither even partly discussed with the other leaders nor can we hope she will find support for such a rash action. She seems to be of difficult, unpredictable character, for allies as well as for foes." (A)

"I understand. The nature of this offer is now clear to me. Thank you, Aaron." (K)

"So what will you decide, my liege?" (A)

"Naturally I will accept! Such a chance won't come again. Some starving orphans against a considerable troop for our war efforts. It's clear which is preferable." (K)


This can't be the reason.


"Your highness, please. Considering the total strength of the opposing armies such numbers are negligible at best. But the side effects..." (A)

"Yes, the side effects. Those are the crux of the matter. If we command Formicean troops against the Koresos. Which kind of effect will this have? Not only politically, but the very morale of the enemy soldiers might be shattered if they have to fear getting ripped apart by insect mandibles." (K)


This might be right.
The enemy wouldn't know about any numbers.
It would just appear as if they're reinforcing our troops.


"But if the populace will hear about this... That their very own king is using children to pay for troops. Sending them to monstrous creatures!" (A)

"I acknowledge your concerns Aaron, but it is decided. What matters now is the war. The populace won't question my position. Not if they don't want us to lose. If that happens it will be their own children and not just some orphans who will be sent to slavery as playthings for Koresoan nobles or as dispensable workforce for the mines. No, they know they can't afford such a thing, as do the nobles. They can come to me with this matter once the war is won. And who would doubt a winner?" (K)


He's right.
This plan might work out.

But it all depends on us using the given insect forces to our advantage.
And this in as flashy a manner if possible.
How would we do this?


"I understand. But your majesty, how would we even make use of these troops? Regarding what I saw of the creatures in question I doubt they'll be able to understand our language, not to mention any orders. I suppose it might be possible to get them to react in some way but nothing concrete." (A)


At most something like an order to attack or march with the others.
Not even regarding the risk that they might get into a frenzy and turn against our own soldiers.


"Ah, don't worry. For this I have a solution. There's someone I have in mind who can help us on that matter." (K)


Might he refer to that person?


"Would you now relay my decision to this princess? And while you're at it prepare everything that's necessary. We want to keep our end of the bargain, right?" (K)


Sigh, I never thought I'd ever have to hunt down children for insect monsters.
That's going to kill what little is left of my reputation.



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