
Chapter 124: Chapter 115

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- Alea -


"You've got to be kidding us!"

"And I'm telling you, I saw them when they entered the town!"


The one speaking here is Gabe.
It's not strange that they doubt him since it wouldn't be the first time for him to make something up.
Last time he claimed he saw a dragon flying high up in the sky.
Just, no one else saw that one.
Or the other day, when there were fairies hiding in the fields.
Or this one time when he was so sure there was a siren in the sea.
As if he'd still be alive if that was the case.

The one who doubts him, on the other hand, is my brother Owen.
Ever since we came to the orphanage he tried to become the leader of the other kids.
With partial success, but not even close to full yet.
So he's now voicing out what everyone else is thinking.
That Gabe is again making up stories.
And this time he really went overboard.
He seriously tried to tell us that there were big insects walking into the town and were welcomed by everyone.
As if!


"Now I know you're lying! Because we aren't allowed to enter the town!" (Owen)

"Maybe I watched from outside the gate, dumbass?" (Gabe)

"Don't call me dumbass, dumbass!" (O)

"I'll call you dumbass as many times as I want, dumbass." (G)


Sigh, this might take a while.



"You really shouldn't brawl with others." (Allie)

"But Gabe's such an idiot!" (O)


No idea how my brother can be so energetic.


"And now I have to patch you up! Do you think they would?" (A)

"...No." (O)


I won't say that the orphanage is a bad place, but aside from the bare minimum, we won't receive anything.
The beds are hard and ragged and the daily portion of oatmeal leaves much to be desired.
Not even starting about the taste but most of us stay quite hungry after the meals.
For me, it was hard at first, but I got used to it.
I'm still feeling hungry sometimes and have to avoid wasting energy, but it's fine.
At least we're still alive.

Many in Halion didn't have that much luck when the Koresos came.
Yes, there are restrictions.
We can't enter the city and are supposed to stay away from the fields so that none of us stills their hunger in another way.
And if we return after curfew then we won't get a meal at all, which is a simple but effective measure.
At least the keeper makes sure that everybody eats their meal and nobody gets scammed.
And it's bright and warm outside at this time of the year.


Suddenly, Millie, one of the other girls comes running.
I like her.
She tries to be nice to everyone and has beautiful blonde curled hair.


"Come with me! You have to see this!" (Millie)


Millie seems pretty excited about whatever she got there.

Since Owen is the first when it's about exciting stuff he's directly on the move.
I guess he wants to be accepted.
Since we're from a border town in Koreso we have the black hair that is common there and a slightly brighter skin color.
This is enough to be targeted by others if they see similarities to the ones who drove them out of their homes and killed their families.

It's now several months ago but it still hurts if I think about it.


"So, what is it you wanted to show us?" (O)

"There's something going on, right next to the building. Guards came to that one empty field and are now staying there all day." (M)


When we arrive I see that it's really true.
There's a whole company of soldiers, standing in a barren area.
Some of them send people who came looking away.

Several of the other kids apparently arrived before us and watch from behind a wall what happens there, some of them awkwardly climbing on each other.
Gabe is one of the first.
Then I can see Sarah, Noah, Filo, and Wren.


"Wh-what do you think they are doing there?" (A)

"I don't know. There's nothing here. It's just an urban area. They just seem to wait there for something to happen. Uh, some of them seem nervous." (M)

I look as well and spot something.
Someone is in their midst.
A strange person shrouded in a cloak kneels on the ground rubbing their hands on the surface.
Is he digging for something?
Watching the others I believe the source of their nervousness seems to be that person.


"Do you think it's magic? I never saw real magic!" (Filo)

"I once went to a healer when my leg broke! The man just laid their hands on it and it was much better then!" (Noah)

"Maybe it's earth magic? I've heard one can build houses with it." (G)


I don't think this is possible. A house is far too big and complicated for this.
As far as I know, magic is quite a crude tool to work with, only useful for blunt work.


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"I've heard they use earth mages to make barricades." (O)


Owen meanwhile made his way to the others.


"Oh, oh! Do you think they want to build a base here?" (Sarah)

"Here, on this small field? In the nowhere next to the town?" (O)


Suddenly the earth shakes and I'm sure it's coming from the field.
The guards all retreat and point their spears toward the center.
Only the cloaked figure stays in its position.


"See? I told you it's an earth mage!" (Filo)


Then the ground cracks and explodes upwards.

The figure only steps slightly to the side.





Th-there's something coming out of the earth.




Did the cloaked figure just make this weird sound?






Ohmygod! Ohmygod! Ohmygod!

Not just one, but many!

Monsters are coming from the earth!!!

What are they?!


C-can the guards fight them?

Why do they just stand there with pointed spears?

Why won't they do a thing?
What are they waiting for?


"Ah, demons!" (M)


Is she right?
Are those demons?
Truly, they come from below!

But didn't Gabe say something about big insects?
Oh my god!


"Hey, who's there?" (guard)

"Kids!?" (guards)

Now the guard spotted us!
Why do they care for some orphans when there are literal monsters directly with them?


"Come here!" (guard)

"Run!!!" (O)


Sounds like the smartest call.
Before either the guards or the monsters can reach us we run away.



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