
Chapter 130: Chapter 121

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- Alea -


This is all crazy!
I don't know what to say!
I can't even say anything!
Well, everything that happened since last night was a bit too much to properly process.
We got abducted, sold to insects, something was put into my nose, and now I can understand said insects. And today I woke up in smudge, can only screech at this point, and a lady with wings talked to me.

I mean, I'm still very afraid of this place.
The insects are still scary and they might plan something with us.
Yet I doubt that they'd go through all this effort if they would just want to eat us.

I still have no idea what that tub was about.
All that weird... liquid?
I don't know if it even was liquid.
Rather something between sand, earth, and water.
And no, I don't mean mud
I just can't figure out what it really was.
All I know is that I've got a hell of an itch from that stuff.

Currently, a "nurse", if I can go off of what those slender, two-legged insects were called before, is guiding me back to the others.
At least that's what I hope it's doing.
All the other insects in this place are already so disturbing, but I have to trust one right now to bring me safely somewhere...

Thinking about it, isn't this the same one that tugged me into that tub?
Somehow she gives off a similar feeling.
God, I don't even know what I'm feeling.
It's just so confusing.
If I'm right, does that mean this insect was there the whole time while I slept?

How it is always so silent, calm, and soothing.


Wait, no!
No, the insects are scary!
Scary and gross!
The way it walks the entire time with such a stiff face.


<Scruh!/We are almost there. The princess granted your kind your own area in her district. I hope the accommodation is suitable for your needs.> (nurse)


I, I cannot get used to this.
I know it's not talking, but I can hear the meaning clearly in my head.

Oh my god!
There are two of those really big insects in front of a gateway.
Those with the blade arms!
Are we really going there?
God, we are!


<Please, grant passage. I'm returning with a youngling.> (nurse)


They actually do.
It's certainly strange when something so big actually complies.
Why are they even here?
Suddenly the nurse stops.


<You have a question?> (nurse)


Okay, mind reading.
Nothing outrageous, Allie.
Only the typical giant insect stuff.
Well, it doesn't matter.


<Why are there guards at the entrance? I thought we are free to go?> (A)


I still remember how this "princess" said something like this.


<Certainly. They're mostly here for protection. Yet we would also like to ensure that you don't run off. If you decide to leave you're supposed to be sure about it and then formally ask for permission. This much is essential for your safety.> (nurse)


So we can't just leave.
I wonder what would happen if I ask for this?
In the worst case, they'd do something to me.
And in the best case, I'd be free to go.
Yet this wouldn't be much better now.
I can't even speak normally anymore and I do believe them that there won't be another orphanage waiting for us.
Which would mean I'd be on my own, without any way to keep myself alive.

My dark thoughts scatter the moment I see the others.
Some of them are apparently aimlessly walking around in this hall.
Which is considerably spacious by the way.
The ceiling is high above and there are several tunnels dug into the opposite wall.
Most noteworthy might be the small table in the middle.
I'm sure the others were worried, so I should greet them.


<Screak!/Hello!> (A)


Shit, I forgot that I have this issue!
Unfortunately, they noticed.
Promptly, their gazes settle on me.


"It's Allie!" (Sarah)

"Allie?" (Noah)

"Allie." (Millie)


Shortly after this, I'm already surrounded by almost everyone from the orphanage.


"You are back!" (N)

"We already thought we lost you!" (S)


It seems all of them are alright.
It's soothing to know that they're still fine.


"Wait, didn't she sound odd just now?" (Gabe)


Oh, no.
He heard it.


"What do you mean? It's just Allie." (S)


How is it possible that the others didn't notice?
I'm talking like an insect!


<Sc-scruh!/I, I don't really know what to say to this.> (A)


In more ways than one.


"Whoah! Allie, what is with you?" (S)

<I don't know. They made me drink something and put me in some kind of tub. When I woke up, it was like this. And you? Did they do anything to you?> (A)


The others seem a bit too shocked to answer immediately.
Millie is the first to recover.


"N-no. Actually, they just brought us to this place. Each of us was led to a cave with a bed and new clothes." (M)


New clothes?
Wow, now that I see it, they all got something new to wear.
They're rather plain, in grey, but look as if they're new.
Much better than the worn-out stuff we had.
Which was because they didn't even bother at the orphanage with providing a change of clothes.


<Your set was deposited in your quarters for you, Alea.> (nurse)


The nurse knows my name!?
And I have my own quarters?
This is a bit much at once.

There's something more important!


<Scriek!/How is Owen?> (A)


The last time I saw him he got stung and fell down.

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<They brought him to bed as well. Given Princess Honiu's approximated output he should wake up soon.> (nurse)

"Do you want me to take you?" (M)


I don't want to waste any time and follow Millie to the caves.
But before this, the nurse cuts me off.


<First, you should visit your quarters.> (nurse)


She says it like an offer, but I doubt I have much of a choice.


<And after that I can go to Owen?> (A)

<Naturally. This is merely a step to help you begin to settle in.> (nurse)


Fine, I'll get this over with and then quickly head to Owen.
Everyone said that he's fine and a bit of sleep might be good for him.

The nurse seems to know exactly where she's going and leads me through one of the tunnels on the other side of the hall.
Like everything else here they're covered in this weird stuff.
When I touch it, it's not exactly as wet as it looks like, but also not hard.
Rather, it gives a little when I touch it, leaving a dent there.

The nurse still confidently chooses one from the different tunnels to follow, even though they all look the same to me.
I guess the others also have their places here.


<We're here. In case you're not sure about the way, follow the pheromone trail.> (nurse)


Pheromone trail?
Huh, I guess she means the scent.
At least that's what I think it means when she says it.
Now that she mentions it, there's something like a trace.
Not very strong, but enough for a lead, just like when you follow the scent of food to the kitchen.
This is naturally not the same, but it feels familiar.

Soon after this, I enter a small cave.
There's a bed, something akin to a table, and small indentions in the wall, which might function like this to stash things.
And on the bed is a nice-looking shirt, trousers and, I can barely believe it, fresh undergarments.


<Are those really for me?> (A)

<Everything here is yours. You and the other members of your batch will be provided for. Princess Honiu ordered so.> (nurse)


I am not sure what to say.
While it's still an insects' cave, the bed looks comfy and I’m apparently getting a medium-sized room all to myself.
Quite the improvement over the sleeping halls.


<Please, change your clothes now.> (nurse)

<Ehk, scri!/I'm not sure. I was submerged in that gunk before.> (A)


My skin is still itching from that stuff, so I don't like the idea that I'm putting fresh clothes over that dirt.


<Alternatively, you can simply dismiss your old attire.> (nurse)


Did she just tell me to go naked?!


<No, I want to wear something! I only want to feel clean before doing so.> (A)


The nurse tilts her head at me as if I'm just spouting nonsense.


<You were cleaned during your time in the alcove. There should be no further layers of grime. Yet I can apply another cleaning if you wish.> (nurse)

<Cleaning?> (A)

<Is this affirmation?> (nurse)


Well, I still feel dirty.
As if the tub's contents would still cling to me.
But then I become aware that I should've been more skeptical.
She grabs me with two arms and begins with quick, nimble movements to pull me out of my clothes.


<Scriieehk!/Wha-; Hey, no!> (A)


I'm still in its grasp, and before I can really understand what happens I feel how something wet strokes along my body.
But what is it?
I'm certain the nurse had no water when we arrived.


Just then I realize what is going on.
Somehow the nurse's hands are dripping wet and it swipes this stuff, which is clearly not water, along my whole body.


<Stop it! No! No! Stop!> (A)

<Almost finished!> (nurse)


This isn't the problem!
I don't want you to finish!

Sadly the nurse knows perfectly what it does.
The strokes cover new parts of mine each time and in mere moments I am drenched from head to toe.

Then the nurse stops.
Yet only to pull the fresh shirt over my head and fit the underwear and trousers around me, even if I don't feel the slightest bit anymore like wearing something fresh after this.


<No, I didn't want this! No!> (A)


That the nurse, still a giant insect, touched me at places I didn't want it to isn't half as bad as the fact that this weird liquid is all over me.
It has a consistency that is somewhat similar to water, but I saw how it was expelled from the creature's claws.
I don't want to be covered in insect body fluids!


<Do you require more cleaning?> (nurse)


It can't be serious!


<No! I didn't want it like this in the first place! Absolutely not!> (A)

<You should get used to this. It's the primary way to perform sanitary actions in the swarm. Yet as an alternative, which nurse Farrah initiated, there's a small source of water in your batch's facilities, in case you still need time to adjust.> (nurse)


I could've had water?!
God, at least I could rinse my hair and scrub my body a little from whatever got smeared on me.


<You're now in an acceptable clean state. You wanted to visit this 'Owen' youngling?> (nurse)


Damn, it's right.
Can't leave him waiting.
And regarding the cleaning, I need at least to admit that I don't perceive any kind of smell.
Yet I can't trust this sense anymore.
However, that itch also settled down a little.
It's still especially bad around my back, but endurable.
Not so much my tender wrists, but one can't have everything.

Now to find my brother.


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