
Chapter 131: Chapter 122

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As soon as I leave the cave there are Millie and Sarah, as well as some of the curious others.
The nurse meanwhile leaves to go somewhere else.


"Wow, you look great in this! Somewhat glistening!" (S)

<I don't want to talk about it.> (A)

"Wow, I can literally feel how disgruntled you are." (S)

"Did the nurse get you too?" (M)


This took me by surprise.


<You know about that!?> (A)

"Oh right, that..." (S)

"It seems to be a rule here. Whoever doesn’t wash up by themselves gets picked out by a nurse and... brrr, well, cleaned." (M)


Okay, remind me to wash myself every morning.


<Where is Owen?> (A)

"In another cave. Please, let me bring you to him." (M)


Now that I'm paying attention to it, the other caves really have a different scent.
That one over there, for example, smells like Millie.
It's certainly weird.

But for now, I should care about my brother.
When I arrive I quickly realize that all my worry was unwarranted.


"Snore!" (O)


He's lying there, sprawled out on the bed.
Seems like he could've been worse.
I almost feel upset after worrying so much.


<Scraah!/Hey sleepyhead! Get up!> (A)


Don't know if it's the shout or the punch I gave him, but it works.


"Wha-what?! Allie!" (O)


After a split-second to gather himself, I'm in a tight embrace.


"I thought they'd eat you!" (O)

<Scruuh!/There, there. No need to worry. I'm still alive.> (A)

"Allie!? What is with your voice?!" (O)

<Don't really know. I woke up and it was like this.> (A)


Honestly, I was completely out of it when I discovered what happened.
But that all the others still seem to understand me helps a lot.


"I'm sorry, Allie. This only happened because I couldn't protect you." (O)

<Oh please. It's not like you could do much about it. And as long as you still know what I'm saying it's good enough.> (A)


Blaming himself for not being able to fight countless giant insects is a bit much.


"It's weird that I can understand you." (O)

"Ahem, if I’m understanding it right, it was that smelling stuff. At least, I think it works with smell. Just like the caves." (M)


It started back then when I suddenly knew what they were saying.
And we all got it, even Owen.


<But are you alright, Owen? I saw how you got stung.> (A)

"Yes, I think so. I just woke up." (O)

<Lucky. I spent the night in some kind of mud tub.> (A)


Which reminds me.


<Owen, can you do me a favor?> (A)

"Yes, sure." (O)

<Can you please scratch my back?! I've got an itch since I got out of there. It got better, but I can't reach this place so well.> (A)

"Okay... If you want." (O)


Ah... sweet release.


"Better?" (O)

<Yes, that was so needed.> (A)

"Do you have any idea why they did this? I mean bring you somewhere else?" (M)

<Oh, they healed my leg. I injured it when we ran away. Now it's like new.> (A)

"You really think they'd care about that?" (O)

<Everything is definitely strange here. But I don't think they want us to die. All this preparation seems like too much effort.> (A)

"But they're also responsible for everything!" (O)

<I know. It just doesn't feel as if we are in danger right now. We even got rooms.> (A)

"And what about the little ones?" (O)

"Ehm, they said that they're at another place, where those nurses look directly after them. They said we can visit them if we ask." (A)


As weird as those nurses are I'm not sure if this is alright.
I talk a little longer with Owen till suddenly a nurse enters the room.


<I'd like to inform you that your meal will be brought now. Please attend.> (nurse)


A meal?
Is it already time?
We got ours only at midday.


<Owen, I know what you're thinking about this, but you should eat something. I doubt it's poisoned.> (A)

"Mhm." (O)


Something to eat sounds very nice.
Apparently, they're serving it "out there" in the hall before the caves.
Now that I'm looking there, some of the earth hills, the others used as benches, might also function as tables.
At least there's now a tablecloth over one.

Soon after this, several nurses enter. Each one of them carries some heavy-looking vessels.
Oh, and there is that maid from yesterday.
They're placing the bowls on the table.
Uh, I didn't consider what kind of food we would even receive at such a place.
All I can see is some weird black stuff.


"Okaye, children. I hope thies will be delEctable enough for you. We also have some nEctar to drink for you. YEt I think you'd prefer water." (F)


What is nectar?

Anyway, I'm interested in the food as are the others.
As I said before, I doubt they'd poison us. It simply wouldn't make sense.
Also, this human maid seems nice.
I'm not sure, but she should know what should be okay to eat, right?

So I take a bit of the stuff from one of the bowls.
Mhm, sweet.
It tastes okayish.
Not exactly like bread, and with a more elastic texture.


Encouraged by my attempt the others lose their reluctance as well.
Since we never got too much to eat such a chance wants to be taken.
And there's so much food.
Now Sarah tries out this "nectar"-drink.


"Buaah!" (S)




"What is it, Sarah?" (A)

"Uh, it's... I don't know, sweet, but it's just too much!" (S)


Well, Sarah doesn't like sweets very much.
I on the other hand do.

But because of her reaction only a careful sip.
Others take the cups instead and go to the small pond.

This tastes great!
Yes, it's very sweet, but in a pleasant way.


"Glug, glug"

"Okaye, that's enough." (F)


Huh, why does the maid take the vase away from me?


"You know, it's so sweet because it contains many nutrients. What you just drank might equal around three cakes." (F)


Is she saying I'm a glutton?


<Sc-scriek!/S-sorry.> (A)


But she doesn't look angry.
Rather sympathetic.

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"It's alright. I'm sure you were hungry. But one shouldn't overdo iet. Bye the way. I wantEd to talk to you." (F)


To me?


"I am sorrye for what you and the others have been through. Just know, Honiu iesn't really evil. Rather she is imposing and self-conceeited. But what she did wasn't okaye." (F)


She means that one insect that stung Owen.
I guess it is in charge here.
I don't really know what to answer.


<Okay...> (A)

"YEt what I wanted to tEll you was, that you can relearn talking normally. Iet got mee the same. You only have to practice reeally hard." (F)


I can talk normally again?
The other girl with the wings said the same, but I didn't really consider it.
The screeches just came so naturally to me that talking differently was just so foreign of a thought.
Even now I can barely believe that with how my throat feels I could be able to talk normally with it.
I'm not even sure if it works the same way as before regarding some sensations of movement that I get from in there.


<Is this true?!> (A)

<Skrak!/Sure.> (F)


She's the same as me!
Then it truly must be possible!


"HE-hi-hieeh-hiel-hiell-hello!" (A)

"As I saied, much pratiece." (F)


Now I almost feel bad for what I thought about her having a speech disorder.
Compared to me she's a pro.

Like this, the meal continues and in the end, I'm full.
I don't even know when the last time was that I could eat so much that the hunger completely vanished.
The others are the same.
And there's even some left.
Yet now the nurses are starting to gather the vessels again.




"No fair!"

"Please leave it!"

"I'll be hungry again any moment!"

<Younglings, please let us commence with our tasks. You'll receive more food eventually.> (nurse)

"But I don't want to wait till tomorrow."

<The next feeding will commence before the end of your activity interval.> (nurse)

"Does that mean we're getting two meals a day?!" (Noah)

<Per activity interval. One when it starts, one before it ends.> (nurse)


Two meals a day!?
That's like winning a prize!
However, the nurses took advantage of the general stupor and by now took everything away.
Naturally, the discontent is still great.

But now I've got an idea for an experiment.
I approach the absolutely terrifying monsters that block the way out.

When I'm there I feel something like a wordless "step-away" command from them.
Nevertheless, I approach.


<Return.> (guardian)


It doesn't sound angry in a way as if I had to fear any harsh reaction.
Rather it feels kinda emotionless to me.


<Scrak!/Hello.> (A)


I think, even if I can learn to speak human again, there might still be a use for my insect voice.
So I want to test it out at least once.

The monsters just stare.
Now they feel much less scary since they just seem lost at how to deal with me.
Not the slightest bit hostile.


<Return inside.> (guardian)

<I want to go out!> (A)

<Why?> (guardian)

<Because I'm bored.> (A)


It might be a big hall here, with much space for all of us, but there's not much to do.


<Where?> (guardian)

<Don't know. Just out.> (A)


It's not like I know this place.


<Unprecise. Can't grant request. First, request the necessary permission.> (guardian)


Okay, that doesn't seem to work.
But I want to take this one step further.
The creatures are still very scary, but I am very sure I'm not in any danger from that feeling they give off to me.

So I boldly but slowly step past them.
They don't even try holding me off with those blade arms.


<Return.> (guardian)


Don't think so.


<Return!> (guardian)


Okay, that sounded a bit more intense.


<Return!> (worker)


Before I noticed its approach one of the four-legged ones has already grabbed me.
A moment later it puts me down in the middle of the hall.
So they'll simply carry us back if we try to run away.
Could be worse.
At least better than what usually happens when an adult intends to "discipline" us.

Promptly, Owen waves me over.
He seems to be awfully secretive.


"I saw this, Allie. You were so brave!" (O)


Well, I just talked to them.


<You're overstating it.> (A)

"No, I'm not! Now I'm sure we can make it!" (O)

<Make what?> (A)

"Make our escape! Listen, during the next meal we take as much food aside as possible. If this works out we're going to ask to go somewhere, and then we all dash out and run as fast as we can." (O)

<You want to escape?> (A)

"You don't? Look what they did to you!" (O)

<I don't think that's a good plan.> (A)

"You proved it! Nothing's going to happen if it goes wrong." (O)

<And if it works? Where would you go?> (A)

"Back out of here!" (O)

<And then? Where do you want to lead us? A bit of food won't keep us alive in the long run.> (A)

"And? Still better than being stuck in this dark hole!" (O)




<What do you mean dark?> (A)

"Don't you think so? It's dark and scary here!" (O)


It might also for me be a little dark, but it's not that bad.
It's still well-lit.


<It's fine.> (A)

"After all they did to you?!" (O)

<Look, Owen, it might not be great, but it's something. They provide for us and nobody did say anything mean to us yet. I simply see no other way. We don't have a place to go to, so I prefer the insects who might've done this to me, but who I'm sure are interested in my survival.> (A)

"But..." (O)

<No! And what about the others? Would you simply abandon them if we make it?> (A)


He doesn't answer.
I think it might have to do with my way of speaking.
Another little advantage.
I should let him think about it.


"Byyeeehh!" (A)


It wasn't a great first attempt but good enough.
This much has to suffice.

Now I just have to wait until he's calm again.
However, when I return to my quarters another problem comes up.
The itch in my back returns and starts driving me crazy.

Maybe I should ask Owen to scratch me later once he calmed down.
A lot later or my words won't have any effect if I just give in.
Let's just hope I can endure it till then.


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