
Chương 134: Chapter 125

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Yesterday was pretty wild.
Actually, I have no idea what time it is aside from sleeping and waking up but it will have to suffice.
I was able to keep Owen from making an unprepared escape attempt.
It wouldn't help any of us if we escape this place only to starve to death or fall prey to some monster.

At the same time, I need to say that I am not too unhappy with the accommodation.
I have my own room and today we woke up and got a meal where everyone had their fill.
The only weird thing was that my tongue got numb halfway through it, but I still swallowed the food down.
After all, I didn't get this much in a long time and the others seemed to be fine with it.
Also, my wrists are still tender and my back itches like crazy if I don't scratch it.
It's probably just the stress that accumulated.
I'm still not used to the environment.

Still, while it's scary, I think they used quite some money on us.
Not just the food, the new clothes as well, and the beddings, and all those creatures who are around.
I don't know what they want from us, but this all must be quite the effort.
In the morning this maid woman even brought us some toys.
This could all be an act, but she seems nice.
Many of the others already started playing with them.

Then I notice how Millie is approaching.


"Ehm, Allie. I would like to ask a favor of you." (M)


She sounds as if there's something weighing on her mind.


<Scruh!/A favor? What is it>"(A)

"It's about the little ones. I'd like to visit them." (M)


The little ones?
I haven't seen them here.
Some of them are really young.
Far too young to have their own rooms.
For example, Rin.
She can't even walk yet, not to speak of taking care of herself.
But they said they would care for them.

And Millie was always very caring of them.
She made sure they were fed, clean, and overall well when Fellon once again didn't care enough.
So it's not surprising that she wants to see how they are.


<Why don't you just go then?> (A)


After all, we can move freely here as long as we ask.


"Uh, I can't speak to them as you do. Okay, some of the nurses can speak to us, but I would have to wait for one to come here. And, to be honest, I'd rather have you come with me. I wasn't out here since they brought us. It's a bit scary and someone accompanying me would be nice." (M)


Okay, that makes sense.
I'd as well feel uneasy navigating through all the giant insects on my own.


<Sure, I'll help you. I'd as well like to check on them.> (A)

"Thank you so much, Allie!" (M)


We're moving to the entrance of our little cave, where the huge insects stand guard.


"Allie, where are you going?" (O)


There's Owen.
I wouldn't say that he's clingy and overprotective since it's not totally unfounded.
But what would he do if something happens?
I worry that his bad temper might get him into trouble.


<Millie and I wanted to see if the infants are alright.> (A)

"Then I'll come with you!" (O)

"If you want to." (M)


Well, the more the merrier.
So we go to the gateway.
I step forward toward the big ones.


<Return.> (guardian)

<We want to go where the infants are. Please let us through.> (A)


Hm, it seems like the big ones don't know how to reply.


<Look, we are allowed to move outside. We just want to see how the others are. It's not even far away.> (A)


I'm not even sure if they can understand this much but it seems they ponder my words.
Yet we're a bit stuck since they're not really reacting now.
A nurse notices this from afar and approaches.


<You can let them pass. The princess adjusted her order so that they're not to be restricted in their moving range.> (nurse)


Oh, well, that's convenient.
I bow slightly to that nurse.


<Thank you.> (A)


The nurse reciprocates it.


<You want to visit the 'crib'? Let me guide you.> (nurse)


It doesn't even wait for an answer and beckons us to follow while already starting to move.


"What is the crib?" (M)

<Right, you don't know. It's an unofficial name introduced by nurse Farrah. It's referring to the area in the nursery where the infant humans are tended to.> (nurse)


At least it sounds promising.
We can be sure that they're at this place we're going to.
Where else would the nurse lead us?

Eventually, we arrive at another complex.
There are more insect guards, but the nurse gets us past them without trouble.

After some caves, I think we arrive at the right place.
It's a gigantic hall.
The side where we enter is extremely bright.
There are many of those shining stones everywhere.
Then the walls grow a bit together in the middle, almost separating the hall in two.
The other partition is much darker and I guess that's where the babies are sleeping.
Currently, there are two nurses here, who ignore our group after sparing us a single glance.

I can see two kids crawling on the ground of the bright part, carefully supervised by one of the mentioned nurses.
The other meanwhile reaches in the dark part, that I can still see well, and procures another young child.
I think that's Ian and he's only a year old.
Then it opens its mouth and...


Its tongue extends and then the nurse places it on the baby's face and sticks it in there.
I cannot look at it so gross it is!


"Waaahh!" (Ian)

<It's fine, It's fine, It's fine> (nurse)


Again this mind trick.
And it actually seems to work even if the kid has a tongue in his face.
But while I'm personally grossed out the children I see are all looking well enough.
They're fed, "clean", and apparently healthy.
But Millie doesn't seem to think so.


"What are you doing there? You can't treat a baby like this! No! NO!!" (M)


She walks straight towards the now slightly irritated nurse.
At least I get the feeling that she is so with that weird sense of mine.


<Ah! It was the right decision to inspect this place.> (H)


What is the princess doing here?!



It's the same princess that received us before.
It's not only that I know she is important, it was also the impression she made on us.
The message of her speech she held still sometimes reverberates inside of me.

Even Owen is trembling a little.
I guess he remembers the stinger.


<Why are these infants here?> (H)


The nurse that brought us here approaches her.


<Princess, the younglings asked to visit the infants.> (nurse)

<Honiu, you said they can move freely in the base.> (F)

<This might be, yet this is a restricted area. If I may remind you, it was you who mentioned that children in this growth phase need peace and quiet. So I'm asking what they're doing here. What kind of interest do they have in those of an earlier growth stage?> (H)


At this, Millie seems to catch her heart and speaks up to the princess.


"I-I wanted to look after them. And this, this isn't okay. You can't do this tongue thing to them!" (M)

<Oh, god. Please tell me you don't do this. What about the bottles I acquired?> (F)

<Overcomplicated gimmicks. This practice has always worked and continues to do so. Yet this isn't important right now.> (H)


Suddenly she moves quickly to Millie.
It looks almost as if she's gliding on the ground so fast it happens.
Millie is totally startled and can't get another word out at this point.


<So you wanted to look after them? Tell me the reason!> (H)

<Honiu, not like this.> (F)

<Yes, yes. Speak!> (H)


Something is wrong with the way she says this.
It's intense, demanding, on a whole other level than just mere orders.
More like a strong command that's echoing in our heads.
I'm just glad it wasn't me who got targeted.
Millie is meanwhile close to tears.


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"I-I just wanted to see if they're alright! They, they're  my... I just wanted to be sure! Waahh!" (M)

<Honiu, I told you that humans form groups to care for each other. Those may not necessarily be based on blood. Sometimes you just care for those close to you.> (F)

<So it's like this.> (H)


Promptly she puts her claw on Millie's head.
I almost believe she wants to clamp down but to our all surprise, she strokes it.


"Ieeph!" (M)

<You have the foundation of a fine nurse. It's decided, I'll take this one.> (H)

<T-take?> (A)


I want to run over, but Owen holds my hand.
I think he doesn't want me to act rashly.
I might get stung as well.


<Honiu, what are you going on about now?> (F)

<This one seems to make for a good nurse. So it only makes sense that she's going to attend me, where her talents are applied best.> (H)

<Good riddance! She's a young girl! You can't expect her to work as a nurse!> (F)

<Early training will only be beneficial.> (H)

<May I remind you that there's an issue with the direct attendance of another nurse for you?> (F)

<And may I remind you that this won't apply in this case? I'm not allowed to receive attendance from my nurses, but as you don't get tired of repeating, humans aren't nurses. I'm sure Uma would even be amused about this.> (H)

<Oh please, don't tell me this isn't all about circumventing that decree.> (F)

<No, but it's a pleasant side effect.> (H)


I have honestly no idea what is going on here.
What are they talking about?
What kind of decree?
And who is Uma?

Suddenly the princess glances in my direction.
But then she focuses back on Millie.


<Since my personal nurse insists so stubbornly, I'll leave you the choice. Do you want to become a nurse?> (H)

"A, a nurse?" (M)

<Yes. Farrah might be right in so far that you require training to learn about your role but this is barely a hindrance. Attending to this brood might be right for you.> (H)

"I, I could again take care of them?" (M)

<If you wish so. Yet currently you aren't fitting. You can't even communicate properly. We'll have to change that.> (H)

<Oh no! Honiu, not again!> (F)

<Silence! I'm letting much slip by, consider your input in my decisions, and am even willing to ignore all your offenses, yet this is my decision. Because of your constant pressing, I'm willing to let the younglings decide for themselves so I won't 'impose' on them, but this won't keep me from proceeding as I decided once they make up their mind.> (H)


The maid stares for a long moment at the princess before looking down.


"Sigh." (F)


Then she looks at Millie.


"Ehk, you. Pleease thienk reeally thoroughly about this. There'll be consequeences if you'll choose to do this. Your friend mieght be able to tEll you more." (F)


At this, she points at me and she might be right.
If I understand this right it would mean the same I went through is going to happen to her.
There are some convenient but also very scary points to it.
The bad stuff subsides the more I grow used to it.
But Millie is not as strong as I am.
It might be too much for her.
My mouth is still numb, but I have to speak now.


<Millie, I'm not sure. You might end up like me, or worse.> (A)


At least she looks scared.
And now I'm getting scared, as the princess seems now set on paying me her full attention.


<Ah, number one. Let's see.> (H)


Before I can say anything she examines my body.
Touching me everywhere, inspecting me closer, pressuring certain points.


<The jaw is gradually developing. > (H)


Then she touches my back and I almost topple over. God, why am I so sensitive there?


<Magnificient. You're developing really well. Show me your mouth!> (H)


Why did I just open my mouth?!


<I see, developing pheromone glands and... ah, this is interesting.> (H)


I don't want to be interesting!
What is interesting about me?


"Leave my sister alone!" (O)


I appreciate that you want to protect me, but I wanted to know what is wrong!
And attacking this princess won't end well for you.


<The feisty one. I remember. So you want to be a guardian?> (H)

<Honiu, no stinging!> (F)

<This won't be necessary.> (H)


Owen is throwing a tantrum and lashes out at the princess but before he's anywhere close to reaching her a nurse has already taken hold of him and restrains him with four arms.

The princess takes advantage of this and leans closer.

<But you don't seem to understand. You're small, little one. Small and weak. In your current state, you can't protect anything. However, it's possible to change this.> (H)


She makes a gesture with her upper claw and another nurse approaches from the entrance, holding some kind of cup.
Next, her tail pierces out again from beneath her dress.
All of us panic since Owen might any moment get stung again.
But gratefully she doesn't do so.
Instead, she hovers with the tip over the cup.
Then a violet liquid is expelled into it.
The princess takes the cup and holds it toward Owen.


<If you want the strength to protect then drink this. It's specially for you. But know, if you decide to do so your fate is sealed. Then you'll have your role in my service and there'll be no return. I think this is a fair trade.> (H)


She pushes the cup into Owen's hands and moves away from him without sparing him another glance.
Abruptly she walks to Millie.


<I haven't forgotten about you. I'll send you your own dosage in due time, so you can begin on your path to becoming a nurse.> (H)


Then she distances herself again from Millie and once more starts to speak.
This time it feels as if she's addressing all of us.


<I want you to spread this message. All of you are free to choose your role, yet in the end, if you realize that your place is here, you all will perform in one. This is my promise: A place, an existence, a purpose!> (H)


And with those words still reverberating in us, she turns around and leaves.


<Seriously, those are small kids. Confronting them like this is too much, not to speak of what kind of effect this might have on the babies.> (F)


The maid, while following the princess, glances back at us.


<Sigh. Whatever you want to do, please think carefully about it.> (F)


And then she leaves as well.
Millie and Owen are still overstrained, the latter restlessly twirling the cup in his hands.


<Owen, I know what you're thinking and I'm not sure if this is right.> (A)

"I know, but... If it works? I want this. I want to stop being so weak. Stop being helpless." (O)


Before I can say something the nurse that brought us here is approaching us.


<Younglings, this was an exciting activity interval. Now you should return to your nest and rest.> (nurse)


Once again the wording does not mean that this is an optional offer.
Instead, she moves all three of us back to our quarters.

In the end, I wasn't even able to talk to Owen about this stuff.
I mean, I'm not solely against this.
Owen can decide for himself and as far as it concerns me I'm already much better.
After all, I think I pushed through the worst of whatever happens to me.




I, I just lost a tooth!


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