
Chương 133: Chapter 124

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- Temia -


Didn't think I'd directly meet Erys once I arrived.
Though it's quite hard to miss that girl with all those guards around her.

The issue is, I didn't really want to meet her.
The report I wrote was very detailed.
Not just their diplomatic position towards us or basic information about the way their society is made up.
Also the queen, the talking through scent, their stupidly wide underground system, the other swarms, and naturally some quite personal information about Erys.
That she's new, a former human, and... her role.

God, she's gonna hate me for this.
I basically exposed her bare for the whole palace, forget it, the whole nation, since it's not too farfetched that this kind of first-contact report is going to be part of the great library.
I still remember how the first ships from Yamata arrived at our coast.
To think about it, a whole nation, just on the other side of the great water.
It was the biggest thing that ever happened and all the reports are stored and copied till today.
Though, a giant underground world and another sentient species that isn't out to eat us aren't much different in scale.
So yes, my report is going to be read by many generations to come, as well as all the embarrassing details about Erys.
Brr, how the eggs plopped out of her is still vividly etched into my mind.

The other side is her weak position.
It was clear from the start that she was not the sole deciding factor in that swarm.
The meeting with the queen made the fact of that matter quite clear.
That part of my report became especially colorful.
That thing was an avatar of pure terror and this scent-understanding thing that pointed this fact out to me didn't make it better.

However, for her intended purposes, it should still be considered positive since I tried to stay objective and couldn't find any darker secrets aside from the obvious and creepy ones.
Yet since I'm the one who wrote this report as well as the only noble who partook in that expedition it's not surprising that they demanded that I come when they invited Erys.
They might believe that I can still provide valuable insight on that matter.
So I had once again to make arrangements that my siblings take care of our fief before traveling here.

I'm currently guided by a servant through the hallways.
Finally, we seem to have reached the place.
The servant leaves and I'm apparently supposed to sit here till someone comes.
I’m already reminded about why I don't like the capital.
All this grandeur and formalism was never mine.
Fortunately, I don't have to wait for too long.


"Ah, Lady Lorata. I'm glad that you made it." (A)


Not like I had a choice after a formal summon from the king.


"Thank you..." (T)


Who is this?
Yet he seems to have caught on to my confusion.
In the first place it's customary to introduce yourself at a first meeting.


"My name is Aaron. I'm the king's right hand and support him in many ways." (A)

"Ehk, may I ask what thee reeason for thies invitation is?" (T)


Damn, when I don't concentrate my voice still goes off.
The man looks knowingly at me.


"His majesty requested your appearance because he has a task that requires your specific services." (A)

"Do you neeed my advice regarding how to deeal with Erys?" (T)


Wouldn't know much else that I can be of assistance with.


"No, this part is sufficiently covered. You are welcomed to make suggestions but this isn't the main reason." (A)


Another reason why I don't like this place.
Everybody is apprehensive about saying a word too much with all these courtesy rules and the constant threat to lose everything if you mess up.


"ThEn what ies it?" (T)

"Your speech. It is true that you performed a mutation on that matter, right?" (A)


My speech?
Do they want me as a translator?


"YEs, as it was depiected in my reeport, the insEcts are capable of infliecting transformations on a human. As I wrote, I saw thee results of such a thieng on anotheer person and I as wEll got the abilitye to receive the so-called pheeromones with which thee insects talk. I hEld on to a certain potion when I deeparted that was able to induce thee speeech change." (T)

"May I ask what the reason for this decision was? As far I could gather from your report the effects are drastic." (A)


Naturally, this wasn't an easy choice.
It took me quite some time to find the resolve and swallow that vile stuff.
And yes, it was vile.
Never tasted anything worse and the effects almost knocked me out.

Before I took it I informed my servants that I'll be indisposed for a while.
Which was the right call, as I didn't only have to fight the strain this potion put on my body but afterward couldn't speak anymore.
I knew what I had to expect, but the reality was seriously disturbing.

Those creaks felt right to me and forming proper words was as if I was trying to grunt the alphabet, which was quite hard to deal with.
And worse, all my preparations were for naught when I didn't come to eat that evening so my siblings worried and knocked on my door.
Hard to dismiss someone if all you can do is shout creaks they're neither able to understand nor supposed to hear.

Yet I had a reason for this.
It's becoming clear that the insects have a strong presence and their main forces might be directly below my territory, for all I know.
At least, they're not far away.
So from a political viewpoint it can only be beneficial to gain the ability to communicate with them.
But my true reason was that if the day comes that giant insect armies threaten to annihilate all the peoples in my fief, then it might save them if I can negotiate.
The drones aren't clever but I'm sure they would hear me out.
For this, it's only a small price being inconvenienced for a week.
Or months, considering I have ongoing issues.
So yes, I speak fluent insectoid now.


"Naturally, I took this upon myself on behalf of the country. I'm sure that my abilities will benefit the nation!" (T)


Not sure if he believes me, but I learned that patriotism makes a good impression in this place.


"Mhm. Would it be possible that I hear it once? I'd like to confirm this ability." (A)


Is he seriously making me do this?
Forcing me to embarrass myself by screaking like an insect in the palace?
Damn, but it's official, so I don't have much of a choice.


<Crik, screak!/Satisfied, or do you want me to perform other tricks?> (T)


The danger with this speech is that one is inclined to talk one's mind.
I wouldn't know how it would be possible, but if he can understand this it wouldn't be great.


"Splendid. You truly have the abilities I heard of. Those will prove indispensable for the task you were chosen for." (A)

"Ehk, great. May I know what kiend of task that ies?" (T)

"I'll show you. Please follow me into the courtyard." (A)


The courtyard?
I just saw Erys and this was definitely not the way she went.
Then what is this task about?

We step outside and I can't really believe what I see.
There's a small army of insects, neatly lined up in the center.
Well, army might be going too far, but a considerable troop.
And those large ones are certainly leaving an impression.

Yet it's weird.
We are within the palace walls and there's no insect princess to protect.
I doubt Erys would deploy troops here if there's no need.
That only creates more risks.

Yet here they are, already in formation, aside from some nurses who seem to inspect them.


"What iz the meaning of thies?" (T)


This man showed me this on purpose, so there must be a connection.


"You're seeing here the newest acquisition of the kingdom. We were able to make a deal with the "Formicea" if I'm right, and they agreed to send us these troops for our cause." (A)


Hmm, this sounds unlikely.
Erys was strictly against sending troops so I can't wrap my head around how it works.

You are reading story Formicea at


"GrEat news that thee relations are already developing so wEll. Given my Expeeriences I am convienced that a conflict won't bee in our interest." (T)

"Certainly. Hopefully it will contribute so this conflict will end in our favor." (A)

"Yes, speeaking of which, what are you plannieng with those drones and how do I play into thies?" (T)

"Yes, I was getting to that part. His majesty decided that you'll be tasked with leading them." (A)

<Skreak!/What?!> (T)


Shit, it still happens that I fall back into this manner of speech. Like a bad habit, one can't completely get rid of.


"Ahem, we're aware that your family has a long tradition of actively supporting the kingdom in conflicts and that you as well have some combat experience. So with your abilities, it is reasonable to appoint you as the commander of our newly established insect division. Given your unique disposition this makes for a perfect fit" (A)

"Ehk, me? Commander? Ie'm honored, but how do Ie come to such an honor? I am a front fieghter and never lEd any forces or have accomplieshments to attEst to my person. This seeems too important to appoint a newby with it." (T)


On another note, I doubt that this amount is going to make a difference in the total.
Yes sure, the guardians in particular will make for good fighters.
Those walking battle platforms might tear through enemy lines like paper if they're used in the right way.
But even if they can do so and cause hundreds of enemy losses, in a battle of ten-thousands this won't be decisive.
As I said, I don't believe that Erys would do something half-assed like this.
There are clearly some shenanigans at work here.


"To be true, your military prowess isn't the main reason for this. Also, we're certain you'd do a good job at managing your own fief and leading its troops into battle." (A)

"Then why am I heere?" (T)

"Well, you speak their language. That's more than all the other commanders may say." (A)


Right, bottom line.
I should've known it.
It doesn't matter how good a commander is if they can't give a single order.


"So, would you please prove that those creatures can be controlled?" (A)


Prove, huh?

I guess I shouldn't mess this up or there might be consequences.

So I walk up to all the insects.
If I would be younger this would be a real nightmare.
I position myself in front of them so that I have good oversight.


<Screak!/Can you understand me?> (T)


I addressed a guardian so that one feels inclined to answer.


<Communication.> (guardian)


It sounds quite matter-of-factly yet at the same time emotionless.


<Yes, I'm your commander.> (T)

<Commander?> (guardian)

<This means I was appointed to give you orders! So, you were assigned to do as we say, right? (T)

<As Princess Honiu demanded we'll support you until we perish.> (nurse)


That nurse felt inclined to answer after the pause of the guardian.


So Honiu, huh?
Honestly, I wouldn't do deals with that princess.
I'm quite sure she's crazy in some way.
However, I can't deny that they got something out of it.
For now, I should see if they can follow my commands.


<Criak!/Okay, I want to perform some simple exercises! Please follow my lead. First, the nurses shall distance themselves from the others.> (T)


They aren't fighters and wouldn't be present in the first place.
So they shouldn't get in the way of the others.
Though, I don't have to explain myself as they follow my orders without questioning.
Yet now we're getting to the part that matters.


<Okay, now that you're ready: Workers, step forward and form a loose line! Guardians! Two steps back!> (T)


Hmm, for that being the first time, this goes quite smoothly.
I think for a battle formation it won't be too stupid to let the workers occupy the enemy while the guardians break through.
While their mass is powerful, I'm sure that tail spear is perfect to pick out single targets.
Also, it's easier to break through if the enemy is already occupied.
Yet I'll first have to see how they're doing in target practice before I decide.


<Now workers, charge forward while holding the line! Stop before you reach me! Guardian, follow!> (T)


Uh, I underestimated how frightening it looks to see all of them rushing at me.
Guess I should plan for the moral effect on the enemy.

For now, it's good if I can see how well they follow my commands.
And yes, it works.
Thinking about it, the pheromones might be the reason for this.
They don't only hear me but, coming from my own experiences, can see the inner picture I have in mind.
If we'd enable more people to receive this kind of signals this might even be an advantage for human soldiers for more complex formations.

With these results, I'm satisfied, though they'll still have to learn about the human measurement of distances.
It won't do to stay crude on that matter.
I move back to Aaron, who watched interestedly while I was at it.


"As a first assEzzment, I thienk it mieght be possieble to command thEm." (T)


I feel how hard it is to switch back to normal speech after I used the other for a few minutes.
That Erys can apply it so well is nothing short of a miracle.


"I'm as well quite pleased with the results. I'm sure we'll be able to apply them in battle. Are there any suggestions from your side?" (A)


Actually, yes.
While I can train them, there's in my opinion quite some other stuff that might help raise their survivability.


"I thienk it mieght be smart to equip them. I'd suggEst creeating armor and weeapons suited for them. They might already have natural armor, but a sEcond layer would heelp quite much and they're certainly strong eenough to carry plate armor. As for now, I thienk the workers can quite well keeep a line in chEck or take care of fleeeing groups, though supporting them on this matter would bee wise. Covering their weak points and smithieng weapons they can use will seerve us well." (T)

"I see. I'll have to discuss these matters first but your insight is welcome." (A)


Always polite it seems?
But he wants something from me, so it makes sense.

I look back at my troop.
An insect division, huh?



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