
Chương 136: Chapter 127

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- Allie -


It got worse and worse.

It started with a single tooth.
It was even one of my baby teeth so I thought it was just normal and tried to ignore it.
I went to eat, drank a bit more of the nectar than might've been good for me, and interacted with the others as usual.

Millie is troubled at the moment.
She got a vial with a weird-smelling violet drink and I guess I know what it does.
The nurse repeated again this princess' declaration that she would be allowed to take care of the smaller children as soon as she drinks it.
Under normal circumstances, she wouldn't even consider this offer, but she cares so much for them that it's troubling her.

Owen's case is kinda the opposite.
He's very tempted to drink this stuff to get stronger but only so he can oppose them better.
I don't know if this creature lied to him but the source is all too ominous.
Yet I didn't know what to say back then.

Now I'm much more certain that I need to talk the others out of this.
This is because my other teeth are right now falling out one after the other.
This and my back's itch is not only driving me crazy, but now I also got a painful strain there.
I need to warn them, but I can't.

My mouth feels so numb and more teeth are loosening by the second, falling out with a bit of blood.
I just want to cry whenever another dislodges and I can't prevent it.
There's nothing I can do but endure.
Yet it's so hard.
While I want to go to the others I'm afraid of being seen like this.

If I could at least speak!


<Screak!/But all that gets out is this!> (A)


Without my teeth, I wouldn't be able to speak properly even with practice.
Yet those weird insect sounds are produced deep within my throat.
My mouth doesn't do a thing for this.
Maybe I lose a bit more spit than usual without them.


<So this is where you were.> (H)



It's her!
Why is she here?
This is my room!


<I need to concede to Erys that she was right. You truly are in a poor mental state.> (H)


Poor state?
Poor state?!!


<And whose fault is this? My voice is gone, my skin crawls and prickles, my back hurts, and now all of my teeth are falling out! All of this since I drank that stuff when we first arrived! Just why is this happening to me?!> (A)

<Maybe a peculiar development but completely natural. You were chosen after all.> (H)

<Chosen? Chosen for what?> (A)

<To be my brood, naturally. Isn't it obvious? And this is the reason for your condition.> (H)

<The reason? I don't understand!> (A)

<Isn't it so obvious? You're changing, fundamentally.> (H)


If someone knows what is going on then it's her, the one who's responsible for everything.


<How am I changing?> (A)

<You're asking me when you just mentioned everything? Each of these is another step in the direction laid out for you. Preparing you for your new role. Benefitting you to soon start in it.> (H)




<How is it beneficial if I lose my teeth?!> (A)

<Truly, slightly peculiar that you'd lose a functioning ability. Yet it might be possible to sustain your diet purely relying on nectar.> (H)

<I don't want to!> (A)

<In the first place, this is all just mere speculation.> (H)


At this moment she comes dangerously, and intimidatingly close.
Then her four arms rush out and grasp me.
I'm struggling, but she's much taller and stronger than I am.
And has more arms.


<Hold still, or I won't be able to inspect you properly!> (H)


The command hammers into my mind.
She claims this chance by securing me with two arms and prying my mouth open with the other.
I would bite her, but my front teeth were the first to go, so there's no way I could cause any harm.
Tears stream down my eyes while she continues to look inside.


<Scrik, scruhh!/Tsk, seems like there was no real point to your tantrum.> (H)


She seems to be done and feels almost exhilarated.


<No point?! My teeth are gone!> (A)

<Yes, but you're already growing a suitable replacement.> (H)

<Replacement?> (A)

<You should've better confirmed it before running to conclusions. Under this fleshy mass of yours, where your so-called teeth were embedded, grows a chitinous structure. As soon as it's fully developed it will completely align with your jaw. There's even the benefit that it's a directly supported structure, so any damage to it will be remedied in the long run. As I said, there was no reason for you to display such distress.> (H)


I don't even know what she's saying.
Only that her words describe something like a bone in my mouth.
A long line that will replace my teeth.
I don't know if that's a good thing.


<Why are you here? Don't you have, I don't know, princess stuff to do?> (A)

<I was informed that you might still struggle with your current condition, so I came to alleviate your troubles. As you're my brood I have a responsibility. Albeit other drones don't require as much personal involvement as you do.> (H)


What does she mean by this?


<I, I am not a drone! I'm a human!> (A)

<Denial won't help you in the long run, little one. You're now my brood. You belong to me as do all the others. But don't worry, I care for my own. So there's no reason to be troubled.> (H)


Naturally, I'm troubled!
My whole body is changing!


<It's your fault that I'm like this! Responsibility? Yes sure, because you're the one who caused whatever happens to me, and I don't even know what that is!> (A)

<Then it's true that an explanation is due. It's fairly simple. You're going through a progressing metamorphosis. In easier terms, a slow transformation toward your new form.> (H)

<N-new form?> (A)

<Coming from the early features I'm almost certain you'll become a messenger. The stubs of your future wings are already sprouting.> (H)

<I-I'm growing wings!?> (A)


I reach for my back and truly, there are small nubs where the itch is the worst.
I think I confused them before with my backbones.
I'm growing wings!

You are reading story Formicea at

Oh my god!
The teeth are already bad enough, but now even wings?
I remember how they looked on that weird lady.
They were so big!
And now I'm also gonna have to deal with it!


<I can't completely foresee your end form yet. More characteristics might be developing. It's a slow and unfinished process. Some of your symptoms indicate that you're growing an early chitin barrier beneath your skin. It might be that at one point it splits open and reveals a completely new form. I'm very intrigued by this development. It's still too early to determine which part of your human self will remain in the end.> (H)


No... No, this can't be!
I'm a human!
This can't be happening to me!


<You're lying! This isn't true!> (A)

<You will prevail. You already adapted to your new speech, a bit more won't overburden you.> (H)


I'm hitting her with all my strength, but my fists just knock against her hard surface.


<My little one. So confused and frantic.> (H)

<You did this to me! You want to do this to all of us! And it doesn't even interest you what we feel!> (A)





Th-there just came a spike out of my hand.
I-it's embedded in her body.
Not only her dress, I, I think I hurt her.


<Huh, this is unexpected> (H)


She grasps my arm and pulls it out.
There's truly a black-brown spike protruding from my palm and there's a strange shine to it.


<I need to requisition your resting nest for a moment.> (H)


Promptly she slumps down on my bed.


<Wh-what is with you?> (A)

<Poison. You've emitted a bit into my system. It feels like a relaxative and probably a paralyzer. There might be the risk that it shuts down my internal organs so they stop working.> (H)


Oh my god, what have I done?!
I, I injured this princess!
I don't know how such things are handled here, but if I did such a thing to even a minor noble the death penalty might be considered lenient!
For such a capital offense they might even kill all my acquaintances!
No, no, please not!


<Again pressing liquid out of your eyes? For what reason?> (H)

<Please, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! Please forgive me! If you have to punish someone then only me, please! The others are innocent!> (A)


She stares at me.
Contemplating, supposedly my verdict.


<This is an unfortunate incident. I hope it won't interfere with my laying. This will be on you then. However, you're young. The poison is shallow and unrefined, yet. I doubt this will cause much harm. However, be more careful. Also, this shouldn't be known. I don't have the control I'd like to have over Uma's drones. They might prioritize defensive patterns over my commands.> (H)


What is she saying?
Isn't she angry with me?
Doesn't she want to get back at me?


<I can feel my strength returning. Not by much, but slowly. Good, first we need to take care of this. Show me your arm.> (H)


I am scared and don't know what to do.
Yet at this point, the worst thing I could do is go against her.
So I hold the arm with the spike towards her.
It's weird seeing it in this state, and there's a strange, hollow feeling inside my arm.


<Hm, an interesting feature. Not quite ordinary. You should work on getting more accustomed to it to prevent this kind of accident. For now, let's retract it.> (H)


She fiddles with my hand for a while.
Then she grasps my wrist, yanks it back, and promptly the spike slides inside.




Some weird liquid escapes from the hole in the middle.


<This is fortunate. The feature has already developed properly. The cleansing is working. You won't have any trouble with this asset.> (H)


I don't even know what to reply.
I mean, I'm still dealing with the fact that I just stabbed her.
This is all just too much at once.
And now she again stares at me!
Then she, slightly wobbly stands up, moves in my direction, and puts all her arms around me.


<Wh-what!?> (A)

<I was told humans do this to their brood. It's supposed to support their mental state. And you seem to need such a thing.> (H)


She's hugging me!
I'm in her embrace!


<I know you are confused, troubled, and the changes put a strain on both your physical and mental state. But it's okay. You may not see it this way, at the moment, but you're mine now. I'll protect you. Give you a purpose, a meaningful existence, and make sure that you're well. My brood is my all to me and that's what you are. Don't worry about the future. That is my concern, not yours! You're important to me as my brood.> (H)


I don't know what to say.
She's responsible for what happens to me.
She caused it!
She forced this on me!
But, but this just feels so genuine.
When was the last time someone told me I'm important?
That my life is worth something, not just a burden?
It stings somewhere deep inside me.


<I won't ever let you suffer, I promise. You are mine and I love you!!!> (H)

"Wh-whaaaahh!!! Sob! Whaahhh!" (A)


I'm crying.
I don't even know why, but I feel safe when I'm held like this.
And I feel her words inside me.
Not just commands, but something deeper.
Something that makes me glad.

I don't know.
It's just so determined.
So true.
A certainty that someone's there for me that I didn't feel since my parents died and I was alone with my brother.

She has strength I simply don't possess on my own.
Strength to protect me.
And although I'm snotting and crying all over her dress she just remains like this, holding me until I'm finished.

I feel safe.




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