
Chương 137: Chapter 128

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- Erys -


Today's the big day.

Over the last week, we slowly converged on each other's positions in those negotiations.
We agreed on certain terms for the general stance and rights afforded to each other and what assets have to be granted.
It would be too much to recount every little thing.
From supportive aid for the war, to general trade agreements, to places in the other's territory where a standing presence can be established with the permission of the other party, all that was discussed in a slow but thorough way.
And this all will now cumulate in a single written agreement that I'm going to sign.
After I am done, the king will do the same and then finalize it by stamping the whole thing with the royal sigil.

But we're going to sign more than one paper.
Once we're done here, I'm going to bring the whole thing to the queen as our highest authority, and if she's fine with it, and I see no reason why not since I regularly informed Honiu who never opposed the clauses and always reminded me not to give up any of our positions, I’ll have her put her symbol on it.
Personally, I think the resulting contract is rather agreeable for us, maybe taking advantage of Tarsona's dire situation a bit.
We even got trading without dues, which by itself offers a lot of potential for a nation that has access to paths that lead to most surface countries.
Yet it's not like they wouldn't benefit as well from it.
So all that's left is the official signing and then, after some preparations, I'll be on my way.

It’s just, there’s so much going through my head right now.
Not only the stress of being the one responsible for these negotiations, but also all the trouble with Honiu's little "child"-project.
And even thinking about bringing all of them back to the Hive.

However, I should stop pondering about this for now and focus on what I have to do.
It's important that I make a dignified impression when I'm going to represent the whole swarm.
I once again head out with my guard, Miwa directly behind me and Kyska to my right.
We're not going to the throne hall but to the room where the negotiations were held.
As it's on the bigger side it should fit everyone that matters.
To avoid any complications with an event where the common populace could attend, as they might occur when giant insects and human paranoia meet, it was decided to only have the most influential nobles and officials attend in a more private environment.
Yet I'm sure they've planned something big later on when they're going to announce it.

However, back to the small event.
As with all the other times, my guards move in first and then I follow.
It seems everything is already prepared.
I see the king, a big document on the table, many more important-looking people than usual, and a general tension fitting for the significance of what's now going to happen.


"Please, Princess Erys. Would you do the honors?" (King)


Okay, this is it!
I practiced my handwriting and my symbol over and over again to get them right.
The queen might later do something like her symbol or a pheromone sigil, which might actually be a fitting counterpart for the royal one of Tarsona, but I want mine to look good here.

Damn, now I'm getting nervous.
It's no understatement that this is a historical document of severe importance that in one way or another will have extraordinary repercussions for coming generations.
So please Erys, don't make a spelling mistake or slip with the feather.
That would be the most embarrassing thing ever.

Alright, careful, careful.
Just make this line straight.
Why the heck is everyone looking at me?!
Okay, maybe because I'm the decisive factor here.

Fine, I did it.
Maybe slightly shaky but somewhat presentable.
Even if I have the urge to straighten that line there.

Uh, maybe...
No, I know that it will only get worse if I do so.
I'll have to live with the fact that it will forever look like that on this document.
Oh my god, I need to mend this!

Ah, better.
Is it better?
Isn't this line now a bit too thick in comparison to the rest?
I should...


"Eckh" (E)


Suddenly Kyska grasps me.


"My princess, you're emitting stress pheromones like in the early days of your metamorphosis. I'm not claiming to understand the situation as you do but if it's troubling you so much you should probably stop here." (Kyska)

"Kyska, I have to... No, you're right. Here, I've signed it as you can see." (E)


The king looks over it and nods.


"I see." (King)


He walks closer, takes the feather, and brings it to the paper.
Now is the final moment.
What I worked for will now pay off and, contradictory to everything that all the others said, nothing bad happened.
Yet then he stops and looks at me.


"You know, there are certain voices that proclaim that this document isn't worth the paper it's made of. That all agreements with your species are invalid at best and, at worst, treason towards mankind. It is, honestly, quite a stretch to see insects as equal partners and to seriously believe they'll honor a single thing that they've agreed on. Those voices also say that now is the time to act. To start a surprise attack, take a princess hostage, cut the other party's supply, and threaten them to never again come to the surface if they value your life." (K)


I'm too stunned to say anything coherent.
My royal guard at least noticed the difference in demeanor and draws their weapons.

You are reading story Formicea at


"Wh-what are you saying?" (E)

"I'm explaining to you how a single decision can change everything. Like your decision to leave the safety of your realm and basically leave yourself at our mercy. How now is the turning point that decides all our future!" (K)

"Do you truly want to do this? Attack us and probably start a war with the whole swarm that you can't win?!" (E)


The man smiles at me for a far too long time.


"No, I don't." (K)


And then he signs the paper that essentially signifies peace between the Formicea and Tarsona and grants us equal rights.


"Why?" (E)

"This might've been a chance, or not. Anyway, I'm not a man who goes back on his word. In the future, I'll prove to you that the trust you showed when you came here will pay off. That I'm going to keep my part of the bargain. From now on, it's on you to show me the same." (K)


I look at the document.
It's done.
I did it!
I'm a peace bringer!


"And now?" (E)

"The document will be copied and brought to the heart of your nation. After this, I hope we won’t have to wait too long for the initial results. I’m optimistic that this will turn out beneficial for both sides. Oh, and this evening there is another ball planned to celebrate this moment. It's a great day after all. I hope you'll honor us with your presence." (K)

"Sure." (E)


The evening should be after my next laying, and now that the deal stands I feel a bit safer.
I have the king's written word here.
There couldn't be a greater shame for him than to go back from this just after he gave it.
So being in the palace should now be much less risky than before.


"Wonderful. Your wings were the center of the last one. As far as I know, it influenced even general fashion and several nobles refreshed their dresses to add wings like yours to it. Naturally, far more colorful and adorned with jewelry, yet I'm sure there's nothing that could ever surpass the real deal. I'll be eagerly waiting." (K)

"Uh, thank you?" (E)


I honestly had no idea that I made that big of an impression.
Yes, sure, I was a curious sight, but I thought it was rather along the lines of being weird and amusing and less something that they would strive after.

After that, I walk back to the base.
This time, I actually have time to prepare for the event, and now that all the serious stuff is out of the way it might actually be quite enjoyable.
For example, I have to decide with my mother on a dress.
I might either take one from Honiu's present hill or buy a new one.
And I could even wear some jewelry.
It might be just as I‘ve always imagined and it would even show the gifters that their presents are appreciated.

What else could I do?
Maybe a new hairstyle?
Something that only I can wear?
Well, nothing to do with my ovipositor, that area is taboo.
Should I maybe think about coloring my wings?
Or some kind of golden outliner?
Would that look good?


"My princess, are you having weird thoughts again?" (Kyska)


But for the first time in a while, I feel somewhat optimistic about the future.


You can find story with these keywords: Formicea, Read Formicea, Formicea novel, Formicea book, Formicea story, Formicea full, Formicea Latest Chapter

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