
Chương 138: Chapter 129

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- Alea -


Everything's shit!

I'm still feeling embarrassed about yesterday.
After my little fit and all the wailing, I grew tired and directly fell asleep, probably while still being in that princess' embrace and today I have to deal with the aftermath.
Hell, I don't even know why I cried back then like a kitten.

Okay, I know why.
I simply had a bad time and she was conveniently there to console me while I was at my weakest.
And she did quite a good job at it I need to say.
Her presence was soothing, even though this was probably just another of those mind tricks.
But on the other side, she didn't have to.
I don't think that I'm so important that I warrant any special attention from a big shot like her.
I'm a normal orphan without any greater skills.
Nonetheless, she came to me and comforted me the whole time.
Urgh, is me thinking like this just another mind trick?

Speaking of yesterday, I don't really have a way to check my back, but when I probe with my fingers there are truly two small nubs directly next to each other in the middle.
What is easier to control is my hand.
There's still a small hole in the middle of it where that spike extended.
That one was definitely a disturbing find.

My other hand is still pristine but I'm somewhat sure that I have another one in there.
The hole itself feels fine, there's no discomfort but I'm not sure if I shouldn't force it to emerge on the other hand as well.
It's a creepy thought but I kinda want confirmation and feel like it's hard to ignore that something's there.
Like when you terribly want to scratch something, only without the itch.
Though, piercing the center of my hand and from then on having to live with that hole is a big thing.
I shouldn't decide on it on a whim.

This brings me to the topic of important life decisions.
Or to say it like this, what am I going to do from now on?
The point is, Honiu said that all of us are free to leave.
Yet none of us has money or even food to bring with us and no place to go.
And as soon as these wings sprout nobody will consider me a normal girl anymore.
I can be glad if no one's going to attack me thinking of me as some gross monster.

Well, if I could fly this might actually open some doors.
Flying... Flying sounds cool.
Just imagining drifting free through the sky, faster than any horse, unobstructed and unbothered by the stuff on the ground.
That's kinda awesome.
And it might be lucrative.
Honiu called me a messenger and if I think about it... I'm not sure, but someone who can deliver stuff at high speed through the sky might be in demand.

However, there are still the others who I have to consider.
Honiu didn't give us a time limit for when we want to leave and the only punishment is to not be allowed to return.
At least, I can think about it for a while and for now just stay here.
It's safe and I'm well-fed.
Sounds like a plan.

Now I should go out since I still should deal with the issue with Millie and Owen.
Also, I'm hungry and they're bringing us food.

The weird thing is, the insects don't do stuff like ring a bell or call to eat.
Instead, there's an intense signal and I just know now that it's time for a meal.
I guess it's still this smell stuff.
That makes the most sense.

Anyway, my mouth is still an issue but when I put my finger inside I can already feel something hard.
Honiu seems to have said the truth and I'm getting a replacement.
Not that a sharp line of bone is a great supplement for lost teeth.
And yes, it's very sharp.
But this is still better than nothing.
At least for the mushrooms what I already have in there should suffice.

I walk out of my cave and to my surprise find one of those really big insect monsters in my way.
Objectively seen they're intimidating if not totally terrifying.


<Uh, what are you doing there?> (A)


That I can talk to them makes it easier to handle them even though they never say much.
Like this time when it instead of talking just walks away.


I go to the main cave where the big table with our meals is.
The others are also there and I'm getting some weird looks.
Sarah is the first to run over.


"Allie! How are you? You went so quickly to your room yesterday and then came even this princess! What happened in there?!" (Sarah)


Ehm, I should probably avoid mentioning that I stabbed her.


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<Ehk, scria, scriak!/Ehm, its a bit hard to tell. It was about my changes. You know, stuff like my voice. And other things.> (A)

"Oh, is it really bad?" (S)


I'm contemplating for a moment how much I want to tell.
My body is quite a personal topic, I'd say.


<I've lost my teeth. Something is growing back instead but during yesterday's meal it was just too much for me to handle.> (A)

"Uh, and what did this princess want to do there?" (S)

<I guess she wanted to soothe me personally. Though, she wasn't very good at it.> (A)

"Seriously? That one? I'm still getting scared from just being close to her." (Gabe)

<You know, I can't say for sure but I think she was serious when she said she cares for me. Well, after all those body changes. Make what you want with this.> (A)


I can only say what I think is going on.
At this point, I'm convinced we aren't in danger.
Okay, in danger of getting transformed but not at risk in the traditional way.

I can't say what the others want but for now, it's safe and we're fed.
It's better than nothing but there are without doubt downsides, so each of us should decide for themselves.

Finally, I get to eat a bit.
It's actually not so easy without teeth but it's not just flesh in my mouth.
I can squash those mushrooms in there and even cut with a beginning edge in my gum if I press really hard.
Some other food might be nice but I like the slightly sweet flavor and it bests the porridge and watery soup we got before every day.

Actually, it's quite lively here.
There are some nurses watching over us and sometimes snatching kids who didn't wash themselves for a "cleaning".

Also, by now the others figured out that the guards at the door aren't going to harm us, or rather I believe they aren't allowed to do so.
And especially the younger rascals take advantage of this and slip past them or make a game of touching their bodies.
Sometimes the kiddos are carried back by a nurse or those smaller four-legged ones with claws only to promptly escape again since there are no real repercussions.
The scent signals I perceive from those bringing them back feel almost helpless.
But at the end of the day, they all return here and go to sleep in their own rooms.
It seems truly just to be a game for them.
The older ones are more apprehensive of the insects but even they seem to slowly acclimate to this place.

I'm on my third portion when Millie approaches me.


"Ehm, Allie, can I talk to you?" (M)

<Sure, what is it about?> (A)

"N-not here. Could we go to my r-room?" (M)


She seems insecure while saying that out loud.
I guess it's still a strange thought that we have our own place here.

I nod and follow her back to the caves.
She's one of my best friends and if she needs my help I'm there.


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