
Chương 140: Chapter 131

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- Farrah -


I tell you, I'm terribly overworked at the moment.
Since Honiu brought in these children I have to look after them, arrange the complete logistics of their accommodation and supply since insects have no idea what human boys and girls need, in addition to my other tasks.
These are assigning the different drones around the complex for Honiu, controlling that the eggs are well-stored, and naturally directly attending to her.
But the most troublesome thing is what I have to deal with now.


"Release the children!"


Yes, although this whole thing was said to be confidential somehow word got out that we have taken them.
But apparently, the news got a little distorted into us having abducted them.
I suppose it was to be expected that with all the involved people someone would notice that the whole orphanage and all its occupants were suddenly gone.

And since the insects are easy to blame we now have daily gatherings of wild mobs at our doorsteps.
Naturally, not at the entrance within the royal palace.
That one is off-limits for the populace.
But the others we opened are well-visited.
And so it's also part of my duties to prevent angry people from attacking our base.

Currently, a line of human guards holds the people back, who are riled up by a single individual.
And behind those is a line of our drones to make sure that the vulnerable facilities in our base stay protected.
When I approach the drones, they, according to my intentions, part and let me through.
It's certainly something I could get used to that someone listen to me in such an undisputed way.
Of course, it doesn't take long for the crowd to notice me.


"A woman?"

"Is she collaborating with these creatures?"

"Look how the insects react to her!"


Since I have their attention, I start to speak.


"Deear people. Maye I ask you to reemain peaceful? Thee children are all cared for and in good health." (F)

"As if anyone would believe this! You can't deceive us!" (troublemaker)

"Then pleease, Enter and look for yourself." (F)

"Huh!?" (troublemaker)


That showed an effect.


"Did she say we can enter?"

"We nEver intended to cause any iessues. You are freee to visit thee facility and seee for yourself how wEll the children are." (F)


Fortunately, most things Honiu did to them aren't eye-catching and won't be discovered in a brief visit.


"Th-this isn't the point! You have to release the children!" (troublemaker)


It is quite clear that this man doesn’t care the slightest bit about the children, but is here for completely different reasons.


"Eeven this can be arranged." (F)

"You, you will do as we say? Just like this?" (troublemaker)


He clearly didn't expect this answer.
But this is actually in accordance with Honiu's intentions.
She said herself that the children could leave if they wish to do so.
They just won't be allowed to return afterward.
However, I won't make it so easy for them.


"Sure. But as you know, thee orphanage won't re-open again. So beefore we hand over anye children we need to ensure that thEy'd be cared for. You'd have to officially adopt thEm and guarantee theeir well-being. This should be agreeeable, right? Who wishes to take responsibility for thEm?" (F)


And suddenly none of them seems terribly inclined to step forward.
Once again it becomes clear that it's far easier for people to get worked up about something instead of truly engaging themselves for their cause.


"If anyeone changes their mind, you can still Enter later. Naturallye, only as groups, since wee have to supervise you." (F)


For now, it seems things calmed down.
The guards seem equally surprised as the mob but also relieved that I took care of things.
So I'll return to my numerous other duties now.

It's a bit hard to be caught up here while Erys has probably the most important and challenging moment in her life.
She was so terribly tense when she left so I'm a bit worried.
On the other hand, my princess is extremely laid back about everything that goes on.


<Your pheromones are distressing me, Farrah.> (H)

<Oh, sorry that I'm a little bit worried about my child!> (F)

<I don't understand what is riling you up like this about such a thing. It's just another of those useless human formalities. Though it might be a thing when your former species can't be sure about their own words. Such fickle creatures.> (H)


Sigh, she really has some prejudices against humans.


<If you have such issues with humans then why did you take the children in?> (F)

<Because I'm sure they have potential and at least they'll all adapt to speak in our way. And then there won't be any space for the human inaccurate ways. Speaking of them, it's time for my report.> (H)


Right, she even lets the assigned nurses regularly inform her about the children's well-being.
According to some of the other nurses, it's been centuries since she was this invested in something.
And that's only hearsay since they don't even get that old.
A short time after she gave a pheromone order a nurse enters to tell her.


<Speak. How are my little ones today?> (H)

<All of them are still in healthy condition. Yet some began to trouble the assigned guards by regularly slipping past them and leaving the premise.> (nurse)

<Do they return?> (H)

<Yes, princess.> (nurse)

<Then leave them be. They're used to the wide space of the surface so it's not surprising that they need a certain degree of freedom to move as they want. Also, I guaranteed that they could leave if they wish to. Just watch out for lost ones. Finding their way through pheromone trails is still new to them.> (H)

<As you wish, princess.> (nurse)

<Anything else?> (H)

<Yes. Two more infants induced a metamorphosis. We took precautionary measures to avoid any harm to befall them during the process.> (nurse)

<Oh, please tell me more. I'm interested in the details.> (H)


I'm almost sure that Honiu has a weird fascination with transforming humans.


<They seem to develop very differently. Into distinguishable patterns.> (nurse)

<Interesting, so their roles aren't set. I'd like to know what factors decide this. Which patterns are they coming after?> (H)

<One can’t be determined yet, but an increase in physique is perceivable at this point. So it might be either a worker or a guardian. The other infant is easier to recognize. It seems this one becomes a nurse. At least certain features aligned to this pattern developed already.> (nurse)

<A nurse?! What pleasant news.> (H)


At this, she raises from her lax position and with unusual vigor walks to the entrance.


<What are you waiting for, Farrah? I need to inspect my new nurse!> (H)


I'm certain "her" new nurse thinks differently about the ownership.


<Shouldn't you wait for news from Erys?> (F)

<No. This is important.> (H)


Yep, totally irresponsible.
And this is only part of the reason why I seriously worry for the child she has on her mind.


<Honiu, you should seriously consider staying here. Today is the culmination of all of Erys' efforts. You could at least stay in attendance. It's not like this child will suddenly run away.> (F)


At least not now.
If this kid truly mutated then there is no real place for her to go at this point.
Humans aren't kind to those who are different.


<Hm, you have a point. I don't need to go there.> (H)


It's not like her to just take my advice.


<Messenger, fetch me the human nurse! I wish to have that one present!> (H)


Okay, I should've known.
My mistake.
I can't even stop the messengers from traumatizing a young girl before they lift off and are out of my reach.


<Honiu, is it really so hard to understand that this kid you just sent your drones after might react poorly to this kind of abduction?> (F)

<She's within my realm and it's within the limits. And being summoned by a princess is an honor for a drone.> (H)


She still doesn't seem to understand humans that well.
A short moment later I already hear the screaks of a freshly mutated child.
Flying seems to accelerate transportation for such a close distance considerably.


<Screak, skreek, skree!/Let me down! Stop this! Let go of me! Are you even listening?> (M)


And a moment later she gets dumped in front of Honiu.


<Y-You?> (M)

<Ah, what fascinating progress. The eyes are already fully adjusted and it's capable of speech.> (H)

<It's a 'she'! Would you mind addressing her like this?> (F)

<If this stops your complaining.> (H)


The poor girl is still fairly overwhelmed here in the middle of all of Honiu's insect escort and naturally Honiu herself.


<What is going on here?> (M)

 <Naturally, I have to inspect my new nurse. You're the first and I need to analyze the results.> (H)

<Inspect... me?> (M)

<She's not going to do anything to you. I'm sure you're as well pretty overwhelmed by what is happening to you right now. Would you grant us permission to look at your body? It might help to determine everything there is to know about your condition.> (F)

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<Why are you asking for permission?> (H)

<Because that's the polite thing to do! It's still her body. And don't you dare to claim something different here! You're not getting little girls naked here against their will!> (F)


I put all the emotions I associate with doing such kind of stuff to children into my pheromones.
At this Honiu emits pheromones akin to a sigh and turns back to the girl.
Expectant for the answer of the girl.


<I-... It was a bit more intense than I thought it would be. There are still different things happening that I don't understand. Will you tell me if I comply?> (M)

<That is the very reason for this. Now if you would grant me sight of your body.> (H)


She's a bit hesitant while removing her shirt, even if there's not much to see for a child of this age.
At least I thought so.


<Tell me all the irregularities you noticed in comparison to your prior state.> (H)


She seems to be a bit worried about this question for a moment but then she speaks.


<I had a fever and my eyes burned and my stomach hurt for a long time before it settled. I have back pain and some kind of crawling feeling on the lower side. And, and there's something coming out of my hands sometimes.> (M)

<Fascinating. Your eyes are no longer an issue. They already adapted to weaker light conditions present here. The cleansing fluid from your hands only proves that you're a nurse.> (H)

<What even is a nurse?> (M)


I think I should explain this.


<I can only tell you from personal experience, but it's something like a caste of those who care for others. They usually tend to the babies here in the swarm and occasionally a princess. Regarding your hands, there's no issue. It's a so-called cleansing fluid. As its name suggests, it helps to keep some stuff clean but it can also treat and close wounds.> (F)


Now she's looking absentmindedly at her hands.
Honiu takes this chance to move behind her and touch her back.


"Scrieehk!" (M)

<This up here might be a set of wings but down here... Remarkable. This is the first time I've seen something like this.> (H)


Now that I look there are two bulges on the sides of her midriff.


<What are they?> (M)

<Please tell! How does it feel if I do... this.> (H)


At this, she knocks against one of the bulges and it starts to twitch.


<That, that felt weird. I, I don't know. Like it reacted in some way?> (M)

<As I thought. I never before saw something as complex as this appendage developing from scratch.> (H)

<Appendage? You mean...> (F)

<Yes, she's growing an additional set of arms.> (H)

<Screek!/What?!> (M)

<It seems she is a bit slow on the uptake. You are growing two more arms. Those will be beneficial to perform in your future role. Yet we should take precautions for when they will eventually break through your skin. You might require certain assistance to help you through that time.> (H)


Now the girl panics and taps her back.


<Everything is okay. You're not going to get hurt.> (F)

<It's good that you learned to use your pheromones to calm your subjects but in this case, I can't foresee the development. It might be excruciatingly painful.> (H)

<Sciiieehk/WHAT?!> (M)

<Skch, skrie!/Honiu, even if it's like this you're not supposed to say so.> (F)

<Lying. Such an estranging concept.> (H)


Forget about it.
The girl has priority.


<Say, little one, what is your name?> (F)

<M-Millie.> (M)

<Millie, you need to believe me that I won't allow anything bad to happen to you. You're not going to get hurt or mistreated and we'll do our utmost to ease you through the process.> (F)

<There might be some way to numb pain. I'll look into it.> (H)


The girl still seems to be worried but she took the potion somewhat voluntarily so she can't really blame anyone.


<Now that this is settled is there anything else? You mentioned stomach pain. This might affect your inner digestion.> (H)

<Not really. Uh, my tongue feels a bit numb.> (M)

<Let me see.> (H)


I really should teach her to not just casually pry someone's mouth open and look in there.


<I see. Nothing unordinary. Only a nurse tongue.> (H)

<Nurse tongue?> (M)


Oh damn.
I think I know what she means.
This is definitely too much for now for her to hear about.


<You don't need to worry. It's soon going to get better.> (F)


Not sure how convincing I am.
Especially since she probably can perceive my pheromones but telling her that she's getting a tube tongue to regurgitate her food through isn't something she should be confronted with directly after all the other stuff.


<Everything considered she makes for a fine nurse. So I'll take her.> (H)

<Take me?> (M)

<Honiu, we talked about being too overbearing.> (F)

<What is going on here?! What are you talking about?> (M)

<I require personal assistance from another nurse. That's going to be you.> (H)

<But you said I could care for the younger children!> (M)

<Also, are you trying to replace me?> (F)

<No, I’m not. I can‘t oppose Uma's order directly. You'll remain the primary one. But additional service is still required. Regarding attending the human younglings, this might be arranged as well, but for now, I require your assistance. You may be rewarded later on for a satisfying performance.> (H)

<And I can still do what I wanted to?> (M)

<Naturally. However, being a personal nurse is an honorable position, so I don't see why you would want to do anything else.> (H)


Now the girl slumps down after all these revelations.


<This is a bit much at once.> (M)

<You'll grow into it. For now, clean my wings with your cleansing glands.> (H)

<What?> (M)

<Still slow on the uptake. Yet this shouldn't impede your performance too much. Cleaning me is simply part of your duties. That's what your claws are adjusted for.> (H)


She looks at them for a while before turning back to Honiu.


<And this is all I have to do?> (M)

<Maybe also bringing food or transporting... lighter things. Being a nurse isn't too hard of a job.> (F)

<If you would now begin with the task you were given.> (H)


And she extends all her four wings in an impressive display.
Especially for this girl she’s currently towering over.
Her demanding, impatient attitude, and more importantly the corresponding pheromones, aren't helping either.


­<O-okay.> (M)


And so she begins to carefully touch the wings with her rather small hands.
What is actually impressive is that she seems already to be able to release the cleansing fluid at will.
I had to practice for quite some time to control the output like this.


<Hm, a bit clumsy, but the claws aren't as rough as yours, Farrah. I think she will do.> (H)


Sigh, I have absolutely no idea what to think about this display.


"Skrrr..." (H)


But the princess seems to be content.
Suddenly I hear noise from outside and perceive the pheromones of many agitated drones.


<Millie! We're coming to save you!> (O)

<You're exaggerating.> (A)


Now, what is this ruckus about?


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