
Chương 141: Chapter 132

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- Erys -


Sigh, today was already quite tense, and now another festivity.
I have no idea how I'm going to convince Honiu to partake.
But I wouldn't want to end this trip on a sour note by refusing to attend.
After all, they give it in our honor.

So I'm right now going to her quarters.
And stop when I feel many very upset pheromones, only to walk even faster after a moment of contemplation.
I increase my pace to reach the origin and discover pure chaos.
Several workers are attempting to drag a boy away who is trying to push past a wall of nurses and messengers to Honiu, with quite hostile intentions, according to his pheromones.

Yet the weird part about that picture is that they visibly seem to be struggling to do so.
I mean, several oversized insects, some specially created for doing manual labor, against a kid.
It should be a bit more one-sided, yet it's not like the boy has a chance.
In actuality, it's more of the difficulty that comes with handling children and not as much that a full-grown worker isn't strong enough.
And to a big part, it also seems that they're trying to handle him delicately.

Realizing that this isn't going to get out of control, I take in the rest of the scenery.
There are two other children.
Girls around Toris' age I'd say, as is the boy.
Oh, isn't that one next to the boy the girl I met last time?
She looks better than back then.

Then there's Honiu who watches what happens with an uninvolved curiosity, while mum is more affected but probably as unsure as I am about what to do in this situation.
Finally, it seems like the persistence of the workers wins over the stubbornness of the boy, and they manage to pull him back and hold him still.


<Scrieek!/Hey! Let go of me!> (O)


Wait, he's speaking Formicean?
Oh no, Honiu!
The princess in question comes closer to inspect the boy.


<I see. Another case. You took it. Yet you're still in a growth phase so it's not enough yet to overpower a worker.> (H)


True to her words the workers push him down by his shoulders but only to prevent that he jumps at her without pressuring him further.


<Are you satisfied? Increased physical capabilities, just as you wished. I don't make empty promises.> (H)

<I hate you!> (O)

<Peculiar. And this while I provided what you wanted.> (H)


I'm still gathering my thoughts for an appropriate reaction when the girl from before speaks up.


<We are here because we want to know what you want with Millie.> (A)

<Ah, the little messenger. You might be useful to spread this information. I merely wished to inspect this nurse and test the quality of her provided service.> (H)

<And once she's done she'll return?> (A)

<Naturally. Why wouldn't she? Her designated nest is there.> (H)


The girl seems to relax once she hears this.
Meanwhile, I look at the other girl they obviously just spoke about.
She seems a bit uneasy with all this trouble.

Wait, did she just say nurse?
God, this princess?!


<Erys, I can perceive you. So there's no reason for you to keep staying there.> (H)

<Oh, hello Erys. We have a bit of a situation here.> (F)

<Oh yeah, I see. With the children that apparently got all mutated by this irresponsible princess! Seriously, didn't I tell you that you can't mutate children, Honiu?> (E)

<And I told you that I fare with my brood as I deem right.> (H)


Damn, I have no idea what to reply to this argument.
She basically declares complete ownership over all the children through this.
While it might be considered positive that they're at least equal to her drones, for her this doesn't mean as much if one considers that those lives are seen as replaceable in the swarm, only weighted in quantity.
And if nothing else, the fact that she's mutating children isn't even morally grey anymore.


<Currently, I wanted to familiarize my new nurse with her tasks. So I would prefer that everyone who has no business here leaves.> (H)

<I'm not done yet!> (O)


The boy again tenses against the workers who strain a bit to contain him.


<Owen, you heard her. Millie is fine and doesn't need to be saved. Right, Millie?> (A)

<Uh, I think so. She only asked me to wipe her wings with my hands. Which was a bit weird.> (M)


She can do that?
Damn, now I worry about how many changes she was subjected to.
Poor girl.


<See, Owen? We don't need to act up here. She's going to let her go.> (A)

<I don't like it.> (O)

<Damn, you're so stubborn.> (A)

<After everything she did to us? She's evil!> (O)

<SCRIIEHK!/ Owen! I already accompanied you here even though my back hurts! Now you know that everything's alright and you still won't leave? What are you here for?!> (A)


Seeing this, it looks like this boy didn't really think this through.
Having a sibling of my own I can very well understand that she's fed up.
But now it seems like Honiu lost interest in those two and turns to me.


<And why are you here, Erys?> (H)

<I wanted to tell you that the negotiations went well and are kinda concluded.> (E)

You are reading story Formicea at

<Oh Erys, I'm so proud of you!> (F)

<Well, thank you, mum. But there's one more thing to do. They're having another festivity and asked us to attend. It would make a bad impression to leave before this and I wouldn't like to end this on a sour note when we made an overall good impression until now.> (E)

<Then we'll simply increase the number of drones to provide security. This isn't so unusual from the other times.> (H)

<Honiu, you're going to attend as well!> (F)


Mum is saying very firmly since nothing else is going to get through to this princess.


<I don't see a reason why I should. Those human customs aren't for me.> (H)

<Goddamn, they're exactly for you! This feast is just in your and Erys' honor! It's a festivity to make for a pleasant goodbye! You avoided showing up and talking to anyone as best as you could but this single time you'll go and show your involvement!> (F)

<This sounds bothersome.> (H)

<Even if it is, as a princess you should endure it. I mean, it's for the good of everyone, our brood included.> (E)

<You survived the last time so another one should be fine, right?> (F)


The princess in question is contemplating for a while.
Then she speaks.


<I agree. I'll attend this event.> (H)


Wow, that's unexpected.
This princess isn't so much into cutting down on her personal satisfaction.


<This is very mature of you, Honiu.> (F)

<An unnecessary comment since I matured many cycles ago. Yet I will require additional assistance. So my new nurse will accompany me.> (H)


At this, she looks at the young girl.
Mum as well, yet with a more disbelieving expression.
And I follow their gazes, so that now everyone is looking at her.


<Squeak!/Me?> (M)


Sorry, girl.
You got dragged into her antics.


<You can't truly consider forcing a child to visit the royal palace, right?> (E)

<Squeeak!/The palace!?> (M)


Yep, that might be a bit too grand for poor orphans.


<Wait! You want to bring Millie to the palace?!> (A)


The poor girl looks a bit overwhelmed.


<Well, another messenger might be fine. You too. But not the male youngling. He's too uncontrolled as of yet.> (H)

"Ehk?" (A)

<Honiu, this sounds a bit too rash, making them attend such an event without any preparation.> (F)


Thank god! Finally a voice of reason.


<I mean they don't even have any clothes for such a fine social gathering.> (F)


Excuse me, what?!


<Then do something about it. We still have time, right? Prepare whatever you deem necessary, as it is your role.> (H)


And mum smirks nefariously.
Oh my god, she isn't trying to get the children out of this!
She wants to play dress up!
And this with the unlimited resources only a vast empire can provide!

Quickly she grasps both of the girls' hands and pulls them away.
The boy, unwilling to separate, follows behind.


<Is anything wrong? You got what you wanted, didn't you?> (H)


I'm absolutely not convinced about this.


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