
Chương 142: Chapter 133

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We head out in the early evening after hours of dressing up.
For someone who never wielded much authority, of course aside from her absolute position as the boss in our family, mum got quite quickly used to ordering the drones around.
It didn't even take an hour till she arranged a wide assortment of children's dresses to be delivered directly to the base.

And after this, she really got started.
Those poor girls never had much of a chance.

The nurse ends up in a brown-white servant dress.
It reminds me a little of maid clothing but is a bit more elegant to wear.
The messenger on the other side wears now a classic, black and white butler uniform.
It suits her, but she's still fidgeting with the ridges.
Might feel weird to her to be stuck in this.
And the fact that we're currently on our way to the biggest royal event of the country might not help with the nervousness of those orphans.

I suppose Honiu in her disinterest doesn't even realize what she's demanding from them.
And I feel as well slightly guilty for their current situation.
I mean, this whole event is hosted because of me.
Also, without me, Honiu would presumably never have showed up here and they... well, wouldn't have ended up with severe mutations, stuck in those gaudy clothes chosen by my mother.

What am I saying?
I am totally responsible for everything that happened to them!
At least I should check if they're fine.


"Uh, you know. I wanted to ask you if you're alright." (E)


It's the messenger girl who speaks first.
Yes, I know it's wrong to refer to them like this, but their pheromones just point too intensely at this designation for my mind to ignore this.


<Well, aside from the fact that currently two stubs of wings are sprouting out of my back and slightly poke against this weird outfit, that I lost track of what happens to my own body, and that I'm overstrained with the situation in general? Yes, I'm perfectly fine.> (A)

"I'm terribly sorry." (E)

<Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything to us.> (M)

"You know, for everything. Without me, Honiu wouldn't even be here and you wouldn't have got caught up in this." (E)

<Did you have anything to do with our treatment?> (A)

"Ehk, no. I can't even exert any control over you. Honiu is fully in charge and I don't have a say in this." (E)

<Then why are you blaming yourself for things you could neither prevent nor influence? Isn't it pointless?> (A)


If she says it like this... kinda.


<It isn't even so bad. We can eat enough to feel full and are treated well. Uh, there's nothing bad waiting for us, right?> (M)

"N-no, I don't think so. You're probably going to be treated like the drones. Which means you'd work as much as you're capable of in exchange for being provided with what you require." (E)

<Well, this doesn't sound too dire. I can live with that.> (A)


Seems like I've confirmed that they're alright.
Which is soothing in a way.


"Are you now done with talking to my brood and trying to raise doubts in them?" (H)


Uh, Honiu feels now slightly agitated towards me.

We move further toward the palace.
When we enter there's already a delegation waiting for us.
I see Aaron, and several officials, but for some reason also Temia.
And even weirder, behind them are several workers and guardians.
All of them fully armored in the colors of Tarsona.


"L-Lady Lorata? W-what's the meaning of this display?" (E)

"WEll, I was appoiented commander of the new insEct corpz of our army. Thee ones you generously provided for us. Wee wished to show you that thEy were treeated well and are to bee inteegratEd as valuable mEmbers in our army." (T)


I'm rather sure such a proof takes more than dressing them up in one's coat of arms.
Also, I still don't find it too great that we sent them soldiers.
It's a problematic precedent.


You are reading story Formicea at

"This wasn't my idea. Honiu acted on her own and made this happen." (E)

"Be that as it may, I hope you're content with the general handling of the affairs from our side." (Aaron)


Aaron as always steps forward and is just the very image of politeness.
Yet there's one minor issue I didn't think of regarding our group.


<That's the man who sold us!> (Alea)


Yes, being sold to insects is the kind of event children might remember.
And maybe hold a grudge for.
It might be good that Formicean isn't understandable for them.
If not for one person.


"Sold!?" (T)

"How do you think you got the soldiers?" (E)


At this, Temia becomes quiet.
There's not much one can retort after learning that one's government engages in child trafficking.
While Aaron couldn't understand what was said, the identity of the girl, the fact she shouted, as well as Temia's remark are apparently enough for Aaron to catch up on the situation.
As expected of a high-class aide.
He frowns slightly and starts speaking.


"You brought the children?" (Aa)


Yep, I as well know that it's at best a dubious decision.


"Honiu insisted on this." (E)

"They're my brood, so they will accompany me." (H)


It always feels weird when she refers to those children as "her brood".
As if she's dehumanizing them.
Which truthfully, is what she literally did.


"Anyway I'd like to guide you to the festivities. Many guests already arrived and we're eagerly waiting for the guests of honor to arrive." (Aa)


Always the professional. Even if someone just accused him of selling children he stays composed.
We move inside the palace and already from the start I can see that they did quite much in my absence.

Eventually, we reach the end of the corridor and arrive at a gigantic banquet hall.

It's a breathtaking scenery.
Last time it was a bit of an impromptu party, but this time it truly shows that they had time to prepare.
Alone, the decorations I see might sell for enough to buy another castle.

But there's also the far greater number of guests, which might be because they actually had time to invite them for today.
Then there is the buffet which seems so plentiful that it poses a challenge for the long tables, and I need to ask myself what this was about food shortage in this country.
Apparently, this doesn't account for luxuries.
But there's also a small orchestra, magical lights covering the whole room in different colors, and so many servants who meticulously make sure that not a single guest has to even wait for a moment for something they could want.
I'm deeply impressed.

When we enter there's a man at the entrance who speaks for a brief moment with Aaron and then turns into the hall and lets his impressive voice flow into the depths of the room.


"I hereby announce: Princess Erys and Princess Honiu, of the swarm." (herald)


At once the music stops and every single eye in this whole grand hall is focusing on us.
Did I mention before that I'm not good with this kind of attention?


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