Forsaken by Humans – I Became The Demon King

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Empire’s Betrayal

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It was a normal day in the Humfredus Duchy. The 8 years old Noy Humfredus was playing with his older sister Ameline Humfredus in his room, while his father Harry Humfredus, and his mother Bessta Humfredus, were talking about the daily affairs of the territory.

"I want to be as strong as our Grandfather who defeated many enemies. What do you want to do when you grow up sis?" asked Noy after playing for a while.

"Hmmm... I don't know. Maybe get spoiled by you when you become strong in the future?" Ameline said jokingly.

"Don't worry sis. I will give you everything you want when I get strong & wealthy. You won't have to worry about anything." Noy said happily with a smile on his face.

Hearing these words, Ameline couldn't help but smile. She loved her young brother very much.

Ameline could always be found playing with her younger brother so that he wouldn't feel lonely when their parents were busy. She made sure that Noy would grow up well in a good and healthy manner.

The parents' Harry and Bessta also made sure to take time out of their busy schedules to hang out with Noy and Ameline.

As Harry was the Duke of the Vraecia empire, they had little to no worry. They were one of the happiest families in the whole empire.

It was the year 1218 in the empire. As Noy and Ameline were talking with each other in the room. They saw the fire growing in their garden. Horrified, they were just about to go outside when Harry opened the door panicked and sweating. He quickly held Noy and Ameline and hurried them to the basement for safety. After leaving them, he quickly went up with swords and armor to defend the mansion.

Screams and fire razing could be heard all the way down to the basement. Both Noy and Ameline were scared. But after seeing Noy shaking, Ameline held her fear back and decided to calm down Noy saying it was all going to be okay and that their parents were safe.

Harry was a master swordsman and Ameline was a powerful mage. So, this further helped Noy and Ameline to be more optimistic.

After a while, the scream stopped. Ameline was nervous and Noy was still shaking with fear. Some more time passed and nothing could be heard outside. So, Ameline decided to go look outside while Noy stayed shaken with fear.

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What Ameline saw outside horrified her. The whole floor was covered with blood and the dead bodies of their guards. This terrified her and she again started shaking unconsciously. She could guess what happened with just the sight. After seeing it, she hurried back to the basement and carried the scared Noy outside through the secret passage. This passage was only known to the Humfredus family and no one else, so she knew no one could follow them.

While going through the secret passage, Noy asked in a low shaky voice, "Sis, where are we going? Where are father and mother?"

Ameline couldn't talk for a bit and started crying silently. She didn't talk for the rest of the time through the passageway. Noy was still young but even he could guess that there was something wrong.

After arriving at the end of the passageway, Ameline was relieved. But it was only for a bit when she spotted soldiers carrying the emperor's crest standing outside. There were only a dozen soldiers outside but they could easily kill Ameline and Noy.

Ameline knew instinctively that those soldiers were not standing there to help but to kill any escapee. She was also a mage like her mother but she was relatively new and could only perform basic spells. After a while, she faced Noy and talked with tears in her eyes "Listen carefully Noy. Do what I am about to say. No matter what happens do not look back and run away from here to the North as fast as you can."

Hearing those words, Noy's tears started flowing down his cheeks. Even though he was just young, he knew what those words meant. She had decided to sacrifice herself for his safety. Noy was frozen with tears for a while but eventually mustered up the courage to run. As he was running he couldn't say a word to his sister at such a moment. He had become paralyzed mentally and couldn't think anymore and had just decided to run.

Seeing her brother doing as told, Ameline couldn't help but be happy even for a little time as she imagined that he would be safe. After smiling for a second, she wiped her tears and started enchanting for spells to cast.

Noy ran North mindlessly as far as he could. After running for half an hour and arriving in the middle of the forest, his mind finally started to think. It was then that he realized that his parents were probably killed in their mansion and his older sister also died buying time for him.

When he began to ran, he still had some hoped that his parents and sister would make it out alive and meet up with him in the North.

But his hope died now that he started thinking. His eyes and mind went blank and started crying loudly non-stop. After crying for a while, he remarked with a determined look on his face, "Just wait for me, I swear I will kill every single one of you involved and your death will be as painful as possible." He then wiped his tears and made a resolve "Better have more guards on you emperor, even you will die by my hands one day. I know you are also involved. The empire that you so dearly rule on will crumble right before your eyes and you wouldn't be able to do a single thing."

After making such a statement, Noy with an angry face and determined eyes carried on with his journey to the North vowing to get stronger and then return to get his revenge.....

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