Foxkin Furor. Reborn Arms Specialist Makes Her Mark

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Stage, Lights, Action!

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A man clad in silver Armor, gilded in gold swings his sword down upon the head of his foe. “With this final swing, I end thy foul breath oh beast! In eternal rest ye fall, so be it!” A clean slice with the force of a thousand men, and the beast falls; its reign of terror finally… over.


 “Annnnd CUT! Not bad, Christoph. Another season over” The director smiled as he tossed me a towel. Wiping the sweat off my forehead I heaved a sigh.


 “It's been a long one. I just can’t wait to NOT have to wear this armor ever again. It's a whole-ass sauna in here.” 


”yea I feel you on that, but hey, The teams going out to celebrate at that new bar that opened, you coming? It's my treat, can’t say no to free whiskey” I gave the director a wry smile as I grabbed my coat.


 “nah man… I’d love to normally, but I’ve got some other things planned for tonight.” “ho? Ohhhh I know what it is~ makin it big with the missus eh? Amiright?” slapping me on the back, the man gave a hearty laugh.


  “Get off me dude, it isn’t like that. We’re just going out for a date, we aren’t even married yet.” “ahhh well. You just let me know when you got some free time and I'll get ya that drink eh?”


 raising my hand for a taxi, I gave him a thumbs up. “sure. I’ll give you a call, actually, how's this saturday sound?” hopping into the backseat of his jeep, the director considered it for a moment, before saying, “works fine for me. You have a good rest of your night man.” “And don’t worry about the paycheck aight? We’ll put it into your account pronto” 


giving the man an appreciative nod, I hopped into the taxi that had just pulled up and passed a check to the driver. “Downtown please. Lincoln apartment complex” pulling a draw on his fat cigar, the driver coughed before giving me a nod and revving the motor.


 I’d spent too much time around heavy smokers to give much of a damn, so I strapped in and silently sat through the 25 minute ride. Pulling up to the complex, I thanked the driver and hopped out. Looking up at the building, it didn’t really look like much.


 Orange-ish bricks made up the four story building, and the front doors were an unassuming oak. opening the doors I made my way up to the third floor, and wiggled my key in the lock, pushing it open and letting it swing shut behind me. 


Giving a short sigh, I opened my closet and pulled out a three piece suit and tie. Reaching under my bed I pulled out a harness, a holster, and a 40 caliber magnum.


 During the day, I used a majority of weapons on the set, and guns were no exception. Since early childhood, I had trained myself to use as many weapons as possible, from fantasy to modern day. The military had even personally scouted me for my skill with a sniper, but I had a different plan. 


While the daytime job consisted of fake prop weapons, bloodpacks, and rubber bullets, my night job was a bit more serious. Strapping the harness on, and attaching the holster, I placed the magnum inside before quickly throwing on the suit.


 My phone buzzed for a moment, notifying me of a text. It read, [target:Anastasia Moreau, Method:close range, handgun, transportation:hummer left on the corner. Don’t fail me on this Christoph.] 


short but sweet, it got all the information across. My nights were spent taking out designated targets for easy cash. It wasn’t a morally righteous job for sure, but it was one of the few jobs where I could put my skills to unregulated use. 


For a couple years now, I'd been looking for a way out, and once this job was done, I'd finally be able to retire from the mercenary industry. One last kill, and then I could wipe my hands clean of this business.


 Making my way back down the stairwell, I gave a curt nod to the front desk before making my way outside. I only needed to look around for a moment, before spotting the Hummer on the corner. 


This part of town wouldn’t have an expensive car like that one, so it was easy enough to spot. Popping the door, I settled into the seat and turned the ignition. Hitting the gas, I peeled off into the main road, going from zero to sixty in about two seconds. 


Tapping the wheel, I switched on the radio and tapped the dial for a second before settling on some smooth jazz. I considered myself a bit of a jazz connoisseur. 


Looking up at the sky outside the window, I lamented for a moment that I likely wouldn’t be able to keep this car once the job was done. And just like that, I had arrived at the destination. 




 It was a simple name, but the restaurant's reputation as one of the best sit-down places in downtown new-Orleans more than made up for it. 


The moment I walked in, a cute asian waitress immediately showed me to an open table. Watching her swaying hips for a moment as I sat down, I gave a wry smile.


 It had irked me quiet a bit that despite my decent looks, and stockpile of cash, I hadn’t been able to get a single woman. Shaking my head I focused my attention on the lady who had just walked in.


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 long blond hair, tied back in a ponytail with an antique pin, pale skin with far too much makeup, and a stellar black sequined dress. My target clear as day.


 A beautiful women indeed. It wouldn’t be a stretch to call her one of a kind. Gracefully sitting down across from me she gave me a polite smile before greeting me in a vaguely European accent. “Is a nice night yea?” 


she raised her hand, beckoning a nearby waiter, “The usual Markos” seeing as she had greeted the waiter by name, it was clear that she frequented this place. Anastasia was a celebrity model. I’d seen her on more than one magazine cover, and she had always struck me as the more aloof type.


 Some research had revealed that she was no stranger to more… adult photo shoots however. The reason my contractor wanted her dead was simple. Jealousy.


 I saw it time and time again. Showbiz was a competitive business, and plenty of actors, models, and other high-profile people had met their end because of simple pettiness.


 Hiding a sigh behind the menu, I called over the waitress who had showed me to my table, since she was nearby and ordered a steak de soliel. Steak of the sun huh? 


The order arrived promptly, and I have to admit… the appearance left a bit to be desired, but the taste was divine.


 “You… come here often?” Anastasia asked, shaking me out of my thoughts. 

“Not often no, though I’ve heard very good things. Would you like something to drink milady?” 

I said, sending a glance at a nearby waiter, who gave a knowing nod. 


Nothing won over a female celebrity like the noble treatment. Treat her with respect, and she drops her guard easily. At the same time, if I could get her to down a bit of alcohol, we could make this a bit easier. 


High class women like her, love to drink, but aren’t actually very good at holding their alcohol. Keeping the chat going, I watched as Anastasia downed one drink, then two, then three, becoming progressively more drunk as the night went on. 


Glancing down at my watch, I decided it was time. With her as inebriated as she was, she shouldn’t put up much of a fight. The bane of any mercenary, is a target who puts up a struggle. It leaves too many signs that any halfway-decent cop can spot in a second.


 Paying for the check, I apologized to the waiter, and lifted Anastasia from her seat, putting her arm around my shoulders.


 Leaning slightly from her weight, I walked her out of the restaurant, and into a nearby alleyway. Despite her drunkenness, she could immediately tell that something wasn’t right. She pressed her hand into my side, trying to push me away, but lacked the strength to do so. 


Pulling my magnum out from under the suitcoat, I put one, two, three bullets into her throat, sternum then head, ensuring that she couldn’t call for help. Did I feel guilty? Absolutely, I hated this job, but it had paid too well to leave for so many years. 


Recently though, the pay-off hadn’t been worth the effort, and the deaths were beginning to weigh far too heavily on my mind. 


Lifting the limp body into an incinerator, which was the whole reason I had picked this alleyway in particular, I turned my head away as I hit the button and made my way back to the car.


 I left the radio silent as I made my way to the local Hampton inn where my contractor was waiting. Thoughts of what I could have done better throughout the years raced through my mind as I pressed the accelerator to the floor. 


What if I had chosen a different job, or if I had never taken a life, what type of person would I be? Such thoughts raced back and forth through my mind as the speedometer rose alongside my mental state. 


60, then 70, and then it hit me.

 A Semi coming from the left that is. 


Glass shattered and dug into my skin, as the world spun a full 180 degrees. In a few short moments, my body was sent flying out of my seat and through the windshield, hitting the tarmac at a solid 75 miles an hour.


 My last thoughts were of the many, many regrets I had. With my past, hell was probably a given. No way my ass was getting into heaven with the things I’d done.


 For a moment however, time seemed to slow to a near halt. As my vision faded to black, the red and blue lights, and the sirens faded out, and a thin woman dressed in black approached from the side of the road.

 Opening her lush red lips, she said… something, but unfortunately My body had already shut down. And like a gear grinding to a sudden halt, my life ended fully. How painful that silence was… I never thought that death would… hurt this.. much.

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