Freedom Path

Chapter 21: CHAPTER 20

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[The Purgis Era, also known as The Great Warring Period, was characterized by senseless war all over the world. Every continent had their powerhouses that made their name during that era.

Every person for themselves, this was the only rule. Dynasties rose and fell, heroes were born, just as quickly killed and geniuses were killed every day. That was the Purgis Era, the age when the Champion of the Humans appeared, the Three Guardians of Elwsyn on Pravis were first chosen, The Barbarian King rose to power, the Grandmaster of the Dwarves unified the dwarves, and the Century of the demi-humans freed them from the oppression of the other races.

The Purgis Era goes by another name, which is 'The Age of Heroes'. Those who left their legends behind in that era are remembered even to this day. The legends we all know like 'Absalom, the Lion of Gamila', or, 'Andrea, the Saviour of Damoen' and even 'Gateg, the Heinous Lord of the Normans' and 'Bob, the Ordinary'..............Excerpt from: RECORDS OF THE GREAT WARRING PERIOD]

[George's POV]

It's been two months since we had to kill each other. We've gone through many more tests, and a lot more people died. We're down to just twenty people. Funny when you think about it, we were sixty in the beginning but are now just a third of that, and we're only three months through the nine months that comprise the first year. By the time they've done all the experiments they want to on us, how many will still be there?

Rachel is still around, although she stays with Alex's group nowadays. We stopped doing basic training for fighting one month ago, and are now doing more advanced things. Professor A said it'll help us soon, but when is soon?

The borders between groups has been drawn for a while, every group keeps has their own side of the room. I like to believe I've matured a little in this time, after all, I've seen people die in a lot of gruesome ways. I think I've become a little desensitized to it all.

And another thing, Professor said they would be increasing the amount of study we have to a little below the official students' workload. 'Why?', someone asked, and he answered, 'Ask those above me'.

These days, we all live a monotonous lifestyle. We eat, sleep, train and that's about it. I've gotten a lot better at fighting, but the person who's the best is Carter, at least when we do bare handed combat. Alex is the best when it comes to using knives.

When they started to teach us how to use knives, Alex was already proficient with it for some reason. He always topped all of us. With both Alex and Carter dominating the fighting training, they built up a stockpile of requests which they've used to practically customize their side of the room to their liking. They've filled it with furniture, books and others.

Josephine is the best at academics, so she gets some requests from time to time, which means her side of the room is customized to her liking, or rather, her people's liking. She's also not bad at fighting either. She's just a bit below Alex and Carter.

However, our group is a lot different from theirs. We don't have anyone who's particularly good at academics or fighting. We're all average, so our corner remains almost devoid of any objects. The only thing there is a pack of cards I got with my second request.

I closed my journal, put it under my pillow and thought about the events of the past two months. I'd learned a lot, so much it felt like a lifetime's knowledge.


I looked to my side to see Alistair calling out to me. He was gathering what was left of the original people.

It had been decided last month that as the divisions had clearly been made, Professor A would tell us through them if there was something to be done soon.

I got off my bed and walked over to them. Alistair glanced at me then continued his words.

"Like I was saying earlier, Professor A told me to inform you guys that we'll be sparring against each other soon in preparation."

There was silence all around. I cleared my throat.

"In preparation for what?"

"Am I supposed to know? All  I can tell you is what he told me."

"You know that doesn't tell us much."

I sighed. From what I'd seen, whatever they wanted us to prepare for couldn't be good.

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"It doesn't really matter what it is, all we have to do is try our best. No use worrying about it."

The rest nodded.

"You're right, George. No use worrying about it."

"Yeah. Let's try our best."


A little later, Warden told them to come to the front of the room.

"Hello, hello kids. Can you all come to the front of the room? I have an announcement to make."

We all went to the front and as usual, all the groups stayed far away from each other.

"Very good, very good. Well, I have something exciting to tell you. Guess what, you guys are going to be in a fight club!"

Complete silence, and when I say complete silence, I mean the room was the quietest I had ever heard it.

"What's this? Why are you all silent? This is good news! You get to fight other groups in bloody, mortal combat!"

Still completer silence. This far in the game, we had all learned not to complain about anything. We'd seen too many people die from failing to control their emotions.

Warden now sounded disappointed.

"What's with the lack of reaction? At least show some enthusiasm about it."

More silence.

"Well, no matter. I fibbed earlier. You guys won't be having bloody, mortal combat with other groups. Actually, bloody might be true but you guys won't die, at least not immediately. You won't have to kill each other when you fight, but if you lose two consecutive times in a row, your opponent in your next match will have to kill you if he wins."

She paused for a moment, presumably to observe our expressions based on her next words.

"Ah, what's with those faces? If you ever get to that point, it's not over for you just yet. If your opponent doesn't win but you win instead, you just have to kill him. Simple, right? If you kill him, your past transgressions of losing will be forgiven."

"Oh, one last thing, our customers will be betting on who wins, so try your very best not to lose. If he or she loses money, it's possible for them to influence your life in here to make it much harder for you."

With that, the announcement was over.

We all left and went back to our places, except for me. It might have looked like I was only steeling my emotions the whole time, but I has actually been in a daze since she said the words 'fight club'. After a while, I chuckled bitterly and went back to my bed to get some rest. On my way, I couldn't resist muttering to myself.

"This is what they wanted us to prepare for, huh."

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