From Slave to King in the Another World

Chapter 214: Chapter 214: Recapturing Fortress

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A month ago a fort formerly owned by a Dioral's noble family was conquered by Orlais force. 

After the massacring the 1,000 men, we head towards the fort. Our aim is to retake it. 


(A fort at th border between Dioral Kingdom and Orlais Allied States)

Count Fendi De Chevin led a joint force between Haine and Chevin to conquer this fort a month ago. He was the talk of the country because of that. He is now yelling in fury.

"What is that 1,000 men under Luin Haine was doing? How could such large number of enemies got past them unnoticed."

"This is something deserving a thousand deaths." He shouts again.

"The enemies seem to be encircling us. Our main force had already at the Seraph's headquarter." His officer reports.

The source of his bad mod is not only the unknown soldiers suddenly encircling the fortress. He is furious as he was treated as not important although he made a breakthrough by conquering this fortress.

What he can do now is only to appear frequently in front of the soldiers, perform various duties in supplying, speak out and make his existence known.

Despite being in their own fortress, the two of them inspect the rampages with guards, and while they are getting praise from those they attracted, one soldier on the watchtower shouts loudly.

"Enemy moves—!! An enormous amount of infantry and a hundred cavalry!"

The soft sound of rumbling gradually gets louder. For those in the army, it’s a sound they’ve all heard before – the sound of warhorses performing the march of death.

"Move it!!"

The Count climbs up the watchtower and pushes the soldiers out of his way. What he sees when he reaches the top is a scene out of a nightmare; several hundred infantry are charging towards him in several dozen columns. The are cavalry in between them. Not much can be seen behind them due to the massive dust cloud they are kicking up. The eyes that look on with fear are also estimating their numbers, but he definitely does not think it is such an unreasonable amount.

"C-close the gates!! I don’t care if you abandon the ones outside!!"

It is clear that there would be nothing left they could do if he lets even a tenth of the approaching cavalry into the city. The soldiers are also moving as fast as possible, closing the gate immediately and preventing them from jumping in from the front gates.

The walls of the fortress are somewhat built for war with a portion being reinforced, but the it is known more as the main linchpin in the defense. Even so, the Count cannot do anything but as much as he can to hold on and wait for backup.

"You guys should hurry and take command too! Lead your soldiers!"




An explosive sound and then the sound of something crumbling and falling down. The Count suppresses his instinct to not want to look back but when he turns his eyes to the source of the sound, there are chips of wood splintered everywhere and a large hole is made in the outer walls.

"Wh-……what the-……"

The soldier stares blankly at the hole and he isn’t even able to finish what he is saying before another roar resounds and opens up a large hole in another place.

The soldiers distance themselves from the wall that basically could not serve its purpose anymore, and the herd of infantry charge through the destroyed parts.

"Something like this……is……unbelievable……"

The voices of the Count who looks up at the sky dumbfoundedly, and his three followers are drowned out by the voices of the invading men.


"The King is heading out. Escort unit, follow him!" Ivanna yells.

Accurately speaking, the escort unit has 32 people, including Lyla, Sylvia, Selene, Soraya, Kurotsuchi, Mirai and Amber. 

The rest of other girls go to assist other teams. 

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An armoured soldier charges at me, but Lyla lops his head off, knocking his torso to where the other soldiers are.


"In one blow……"

The small fry soldiers lose morale and abandon their spears to run away. That’s right, if you don’t resist me, this fortress won’t be destroyed.


With a fierce grunt, a knight fully equipped in armour rushes at me with his spear pointed at me. That reminds me, there’s a competition where this sort of thing happens. His spear looks thick and made just for thrusting and doesn’t look like there’s a sharp edge to it.

After the sound of clashing metal rings out, only the enemy knight’s horse runs off. The knight’s spear hit the air……to be precise, thrusts stopped just before my chest, as it was frozen and a shadow stretches from Mirai to him. He can't move, and he looks at us with a face of disbelief.

Amber stabs his neck easily. 

"She catches us with shadow?"


"They are not an opponent we can win against!"

The knight pointing his spear behind me and his soldiers all abandon their weapons and run away. It looks like there is no one else to oppose us here.

The city’s outer perimeter is pretty much controlled with entire men guarding there were killed, so the fighting shifts to the inner part.

"Release your arrows! 10 volleys!"

That final resistance, the unit protecting the count, doesn’t have long before the 30 bow cavalry’s arrows – 10 shots each, totalling 300 arrows – rain on them and annihilate their remaining forces, virtually ending the battle in an instant.

"It’s over?"

"Seems like it."

Sylvia stands beside me covered in blood. Due to her pleasure of being able to fight alongside me, she turns five people into a bloodbath. The escort unit is expectedly powerful and was able to flawlessly finish off over 50 enemies.

The escort unit dismounts from our horses and enters the feudal lord’s mansion with me, and we walk all the way to the reception hall in front of the soldiers, who have stopped resisting. When we reach the room, we come face to face with a fully armored noble.

He looks to be middle-aged and he isn’t wearing a helmet, but his entire body is covered with a thick armor. A beard decorates his face and his hair is neat, but he doesn’t appear to be that weak to me.

"Fendi De Chevin, Count of the Orlais! State your name!!"

"Hiro Hezri. The king of Hezri Kingdom. Are you the feudal lord?" Sylvia interacts on behalf of me.

"Very well! In honor of the house of Chevin, I request a one-on-one fight."

With a clank, the Count points his sword at me.

"The King should not fight against a mere noble. I shall fight on behalf of King!" Amber steps forward.

"Are you sure?" I ask her but she seems determined.

Amber Drake holds the sword with only her both hands, while the Count readies his sword with right hand left hand holding a small shield and sizes her up with his eyes.


The Count raises a shout and emits a spirited voice while charging at her and swinging his sword down. Those movements are powerful but makes him really defenseless.

Amber parries his strike and destroy his balance, repelling his sword above his head. Then, she makes a single strike sideways.

With a thump, the Count’s head falls and his torso collapses on the spot. Amber swings the sword to get rid of the blood before bringing the sword in front of her face and bowing slightly. 


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