Frostborn: The Journey of an Immortal

Chapter 5: Chapter Five: inviolable’s Affliction

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As the carriage carrying The Elder, Fryy, Anjir, Asjbørn, and Marid reached the Alter of Odin, the guards broke their defensive ranks to let them through. There in a bared cage of Aurichalcum, Weth was sitting, sipping Lingoberry juice.

“We have had to kill him six times before he calmed and listened to us. The only reason why he is calm right now is because he smelled some Lingoberry juice I had brought with me and asked for some. I gave him. This is his sixteenth cup. We are running out of Lingoberry. We don't know if he will rage again once he is done with his Lingoberry spree. Odin help us!” One guard cried.

The other one cried “ I never imagined in my wildest dream that someone could like Lingoberry... I am more traumatised because of his affection for Lingoberry than I am by killing him six times.”

The Elder was perplexed by this. Even he didn't expect this. “Indeed concerning," he said, “We would take over your shift, drink some Lin- I mean lime to calm yourselves down.” The guards accepted the offer and left gaily. “I never anticipated the guards of the capitals to be like these..." Madrid said to The Elder. “Well, these are indeed dark times..." The Elder added.

“Anjir, stay here with Weth and keep a watch." The Elder said. Fryy added “If he misbehaves, don't hesitate to kill him a few times. Remember, he is an immortal, we are not. If he pierces your skin, you will bleed, if you slash his heart, he will just get another one.” “You know I can hear you right!? I have share ears!" Weth shouted from across. “Don't worry, I won't slash your heart... Unless you try to pierce my skin." Anjir reassured. 

The Elder and the others proceeded to meet the dammed immortal as Anjir stayed behind with Weth. The immortals were kept at the secret underground tomb of Mahavilis, where they were rebounded to The Alter of Odin so that when they are killed they will reincarnate there instead of The Labryinth of Eternity. Once rebounded, the immortals were killed with sacrificial daggers to let them reincarnate at the alter so that they would regain their original physical form. 

The tomb was dim lited and lacked a clear passage for air to travel; hence it was very poorly ventilated. As The Elder and the others entered the tomb, Fryy showed them the way towards the unkillable immortal. As they went deeper inside the tomb, the smell of rotten flesh kept getting stronger and the reach of the ground's light kept getting shorter. “Here, look" Fryy said while pointing at a dark corner of the tomb which was across of where they were standing. “Ember" Asjbørn whispered to cast a spell of fire which lighted the tomb room. 

There, leaning against the wall laid something terrifying. A thin, very pale figure grey and green everywhere. Eyes sunken deep in the sockets, ears almost coming off, lips curved deep inside the mouth, limbs without any muscle mass. “That is the immortal in question," Fryy told. “So this is how alive people would turn if deprived from nourishment for ages..." Asjbørn commented. He lifted the living corpse of the immortal which was breathing very faintly onto his shoulders and they started climbing back up.

“You are a truly fascinating young man!" “You are nothing short of amazing yourself!" Came two voices that complemented each other were if Weth and Anjir respectively. “Ugh urm,” Fryy coughed to interrupt the conversation between them and to get the attention if Anjir. Anjir, who was sitting inside the cage with Weth sipping Lingoberry juice, looked at Fryy.

“Greetings my old friends! Meet my new friend, Weth. He apparently loves Lingoberrys, I recommend him to eat carrot stew along with Lingoberry to savour the real experience!" “Just what in the hel ...?" Everyone thought as they couldn't believe what they just witnessed. “Just how did these two bond...?" Everyone thought, except for Asjbørn who said it out loud with a laugh in admiration. Anjir and Weth looked at each other, then shrugged their shoulders and giggled. 

“It is good to see that Weth has moved past from the suffering of our ancestor's sins and forgave us. Would he like to join our forces now?" The Elder asked. “He has agreed to." Anjir replied. “But I haven't forgotten."Weth said. He added “I never forget. The Curse of Unforgetting, courtesy of Hukommelse, bestowed upon me.” “So that is why you were the only one who remembered." The Elder figured. “One more interesting thing I found out." Anjir said. “These immortals, having been caged for millennia, crave heavily for stimulation of senses. They haven't yet regained their cognitive abilities fully. That is why they are being so considerate regarding us, and that is why Weth's love is for Lingoberry.”

“Does this means that they weren't rational when they took the oath to aid?" Fryy asked. “Not quite. Actually, those who rely on rationality for decision making were more emotional and those who rely on emotions were rational. They weren't being completely self aware." Angie explained.

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“We can save the chit-chat for later, my shoulders won't allow me to hold this stinking pile of rotten flesh any longer, shall we proceed?" Asjbørn asked. “Yes, let's move." The Elder told. “Weth's coming with us," Anjir told others and they reluctantly agreeded without much discussion. 

They decided to take the immortal near the barren valley where they would be able to attack him with all their might to try and kill him. They rebounded the immoral at the barren valley and started attacking the immortal. First, Fryy used his sword to cut the immortal in half. He tried slashing his neck, heart, head, but nothing worked. The flesh didn't allow contact of the weird with the immortal. The repeated attempted to try and kill such a fragile living corpse unnerved Fryy, Mardi started to vomit. “Alas! I give up. I don't won't my sword breaking in half over a rotting pile of flesh!" Fryy declared as he took back.

“Fine then. I will do." Asjbørn said. “The great Asjbørn... Leader of the mightest force of the Bsereker is going to try and kill the immortal? Poor soul." Fryy thought. “Ha! Before that, let me try! My Zeptos is strong enough to grant salvation to my fallen brother!" Proclaimed Weth as he stepped ahead and screamed “Innkalle" to summon his sword, Zeptos. 

He raised his hand, and lighting stuck his sword from all around as he lifted the magnificent sword and with the speed of a flash struck it against the frail living dead. “Ah!" He screamed as Zeptos broke and scattered everywhere, failing to pierce the skin of the immortal. “What... How? The thunder of Zeptos was unsummoned just moments before the strike... This has never happened before. Strange." 

"Are you not at all worried about your sword?" Marid asked, dodging the fragments of Zeptos. “Nah, it will recollect itself. Like me it has infinite durability." 

“Now, if you all gentlemen will excuse me," Said Abjbørn as he took a step forward and stretched. The sky started turning scarlet, the huge stretch of barren brown land started turning yellow and orange as it seemed that flame was manifesting the lands from all the directions. Asjbørn raised his axe, it appeared as though he cut the sky open and the sky was about to bleed, the fury of the sky which could obliterate entire army in an instant, descended from above.

“Å ildgud Utslett målet mitt!” Chanted Asjbørn as the great flames hailed from the sky and raged the land. “Shield!" Shouted Anjir to cover everyone from the impact of the flames, but it was too much for him to handle alone. The shield broke and the flames penetrated the protection casted by Anjir. As the flames were about to consume them, The Elder made a movement with his staff and casted a shield which deflected the catastrophe. 

“You trying to kill us!" Anjir shouted at Asjbørn. “Relax I knew Elder would protect you weaklings. Anyway, let us see if I was successful or not." Asjbørn said as he cleared the smokes from the ground.

To everyone's surprise, the immortal still laid there, rasping, but still alive. “That was my strongest move..." Asjbørn thought. 

“Only one way to solve this predicament remains... Gjenoppbygging ceremony." The Elder said as everyone held their breath.

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