Frostpunk: The Resistance of Humanity

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Food and Telegraph station

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POV – John Willis
John, the son of a farmer, decided to go to the city to find work because the winter was getting colder and colder, and the crops were no longer providing enough income, so he went to the city to help his family. John could not read or write, so he could only become a worker with a miserable salary and hellish working conditions. He had no choice, he had to help his family who were in danger of starving to death in the countryside. One day, the workers of his factory decided to go on strike, John, who was seriously short of money could not go on strike, but his boss in retaliation for the strikes fired all the workers, John, now without work did not know what to do…

One day, while wandering the streets of Liverpool, he came across an advertisement from the IEC recruiting workers to build a generator, a precaution in case an accident happened that endangered the nation. Due to the high demand for the job, because the salary was 2 times higher than normal, John had to pass an interview that was actually quite simple, they were just checking to see if he had ever been on strike. John had never been on strike and had hunting skills from his father, perfect for building the generator away from civilization and away from the government.

The voyage by boat was difficult, he who had never taken a boat in his life was seasick, and every day he vomited. But he was not the only one, many workers like him had never been on a boat because they were only taken by the rich and the fishermen. During the rare moments when he was not sick, he had made some friends with people like him, farmers who were looking for money for their families. Despite the fact that he had made some friends, he stayed in his corner and rarely spoke.

On arriving at the construction site, he had a moment of nostalgia, the forest, the pure air, and the absence of any human presence, a quiet place. He was lucky the first day because he got access to the 15 places of tents available for the workers, so he didn't sleep on the ground at night. When they had finished building the foragers' quarter, and the captain asked for volunteers, he immediately volunteered. He had experience in the forest, and thanks to his father, he could easily survive alone in the wilderness and he knew how to handle a shotgun. Thanks to his experience, he was appointed team leader.

At night, when he and his team were getting ready to leave, he didn't forget to give advice about surviving in the forest:
“So guys, I'm going to give you some very important advice but simple to remember. In the forest, in nature without pollutant, normally the water of the rivers do not pose too much of a problem but it can cause vomiting and diarrhea, then you must filter it because to be sick in nature is not very well. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so it's easy to find you. At night, you have to find the North Star, which always points north, it's in the constellation of the little bear. we always have to divide the tasks, at night, for example, we need a night team to check that no wild animals attack us. But we have some advantages, for example, we eat more meat than the workers who stay at the construction site and we don't risk dying of hunger because the construction site depends on us!”
His little speech had increased the confidence of some employees, but most of them were still afraid.

They left and followed the Reindeer Track. After an hour or so, they arrived in a rather open area with many half-eaten and rotting reindeer corpses.
"We have to be careful, look, there are still traces of reindeer, they probably fled that way".
So they left to find out where the reindeer were, to bring food to the site.


8:00 – Day 2: +10° C
At Site 113, compared to John's adventure, life in the camp is pretty boring.

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When inspecting the site, William overhears two workers arguing over the reality of the global cooling, “You really believe this end-of-the-world rubbish? Me, I’m just here for the money. When we’re done with this mad scheme, I can move with my family out of St Giles.”
“Well, then you’re a fool, because you’ll all die when the frost comes.” Then the worker turns to William, “Ain’t it the truth, Sir?”

“So science says,” said William, but in his head, he wanted to tell all the reports of the scientists that he knows and only fools could not believe the scientists with the amount of evidence that exists, but it will create panic... *sigh* it doesn't matter, with the deadly winter which arrives, they will quickly realize the truth and will work harder... I hope.

After finishing the inspection, Henry informs him that the engineers and workers have finished the research and construction of the docks, and today comes the first cargo ship that will bring, steel, and coal.
30 minutes later, the first cargo ship arrives, a member of the boat's crew asked, "Hello, is this Site 113? We have a supply of steel to provide."
Hearing this stupid question, William could only joke a little: "No you are mistaken, here is France except that we speak English but give the goods away anyway, so you'll get home faster.”
Hearing this question, the man was speechless and stared at William for a few seconds, then he hit his head lightly and said, "Haha, very funny," in a sarcastic tone, “Well sign here director, we deliver every day about 90 units of steel, so make sure you have enough space and men to pick up the goods.”

After taking care of the docks, since he had built all the basic buildings, house, canteen, workshop, and foragers' quarter. William could start building a telegraph station, and in a few hours, as if by magic, the station appeared. Technology is one of the best things on earth, and it is only thanks to it that we will be able to survive the challenges of mother nature. I can't even imagine the fate of mankind if the great frost appeared just 1 century before, mankind would not even know about it and we would be sure to die and become extinct. We have to adapt to nature to survive. In front of death, we are all equal!

“Telegraph Operator, sent to London that the work is starting well and that we are starting the construction of the generator, but ask that they send us 5 engineers, and as many workers as possible? We are short of manpower."

About 1 hour later, they received the answer from London. "Site 113, We are delighted to know that the site is progressing quickly, we have understood your request and you will receive in 1 day by boat, 5 engineers and 12 workers, do not forget to provide them with house and food! Director of the site, do not forget, that your mission is vital! Glory to Great Britain!”

Well now that the manpower problem is solved, the only thing missing is food, William hopes that the expedition team he sent is doing well.


POV – John Willis
They walked for hours with very few breaks, and at many points, they wondered if they were on the wrong path, but with John's experience, he knew that for a group of animals there were very few possible paths. Thanks to this they found the tracks of the reindeer. And after about ten kilometers, they arrived on a gentle bank of the stream.

“The gentle banks of this swiftly flowing stream form a convenient watering place, perfect! We could set up a camp here for some time to hunt animals coming for water.” said a member of the exploration team.
"Okay, 10 people with me are going to hunt here until there are no more animals and the other 5 are going to make a lot of trips back and forth to bring the meat to the construction site. Okay, let's go, get your guns, let's get started!" said John, full of energy and excitement.

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