Frostpunk: The Resistance of Humanity

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Workers’ struggle

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8:00 – Day 3: 10° C

According to the plans provided by the IEC, there are 4 phases to build the generator, the first phase is the installation of the shaft structure, the structure will support the massive bulk of the Generator and transfer the tremendous forces produced by its operation to the foundations. It costs little in resources, only 8 structural profiles, which makes about 200 units of wood with the current technology of the site, the only difficulty is its installation which is very dangerous with such a deep hole, the only protection is only wooden boards, and these are only the dangers that they know, they dare not imagine what can be more dangerous down there.

Phase 2, is the installation of pressure valves and tower pumps, for the pressure valves, the same as the shaft structure, the price is not too high, 10 structural profile and a little steel, easier to build because it does not have to go down in the hole. Huge valves built of high-quality steel will direct the flow of water and superheated steam to keep the pressure within design limits, protecting the Generator against heat surges in the source. But with the tower pumps, things become difficult, its cost in resources, 10 steam exchangers (200 units of steel), which, unlike wood which can be easily found on site, the steel must be transported from England which increases the time to get the resources and therefore the construction time. But everything in the generator is expensive but necessary, the tower pumps for example is a system of powerful pumps which will force water into the bowels of the earth to turn it into superheated steam.

And the last 2 phases? For the moment, the director and the engineering groups have not yet looked at the plans because of the already enormous cost of the first 2 phases, they dare not look at the plans for fear of having a heart attack!

The site thus began the construction of the profiles manufacture, only factories able to build structural profiles, It will be able to have only 1 or 2 in the camp because of the lack of place and resources, but in England, they have thousands of them, but also with the construction of thousands of generator, approximately 3 generators for a big city, Their site, 113, did not even get and may not receive any because of the shortage, indeed, the site is not the priority, because little chance of success because started too late while the other 2 generators for Liverpool, site 107 and 120 began, 1 month earlier and received more resource.

The workers, while building the plant, had a bad feeling, and the air felt heavy and they felt tired. It was as if Mother Nature had told them that their struggle was a lost cause and that she had sent all of nature against the site to prevent the construction of the generator. The workers were all a little superstitious but not enough to stop working when their salary depended on it, but that was enough to lower their motivation. But some of the more intelligent workers could see what they were building, an important but very dangerous factory.

When they finished the building and started working, their worst fear came, the factory is extremely dangerous! With machines everywhere that could melt your skin, saws that could cut your hand off if you didn't do something about it, hammers that if you put your foot down would be flattened like a pancake. But none of the workers dared to complain, for fear of losing part or all of their wages, and the working conditions were pretty much the same as in England so they were disappointed but not shocked.

But do you remember Martin Acheson, the famous unionist worker of the site? He, unlike the others, was fearless, he had many strike experiences, he took the identity of another person to get accepted to work at site 113 because he knew from friends that they refused the workers who had already gone on strike. Thanks to this, he knew what to say to make their request to improve their working conditions but at the same time, not to upset the boss too much so that they do not fire us.

So he went to the engineer who was running the factory and said: "Hello sir, I'm sorry to bother you but I have some information to give you, I've already worked in the same kind of factory in England and I think I have some experience, I can see that the factory is not according to the plan, in fact in England, they had all kinds of barriers and protection to protect the machines!" but said in a small voice: "And the staff,". He left the engineer to think, trying to remember the plans and the factories in London. Martin continued: "I think we should tell the director to send someone to inspect the factory, I'm sure that we'll be able to build better quality material!”

Luckily, the engineer Martin was talking to was not too arrogant and he knew how to listen to the workers. He thought for a few seconds and then replied: "Very good, workers, good idea. I'll tell the director to send someone to inspect the factory. But go back to work, you have a quota to fill!”

" Understood!" Martin had a serious look on his face, and the engineer had the impression that he was a motivated and hard-working worker, so he was happy. But contrary to what the engineer thought, Martin was not serious, in his head, he was laughing and jumping for joy because he had succeeded!


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A ship arrived on the site, but unlike the other, it was not a cargo ship, but a passenger ship that could carry very little merchandise. With 5 engineers and 12 workers, William, not having the time to introduce them to the camp and assign them their tents, asked Henry to do so. But not even ten minutes later. William heard someone shouting a complaint. "This is an outrage……... Never…...... me.…... With….... Them." He could not hear very well from his office so he opened the door and went out of the building, he saw an engineer who was yelling at Henry, he asked "Come on, come on, let's behave like gentlemen, don't shout!"

*cough* “Excuse me sir, but it seems I’ve been mistakenly lodged in a tent full of workers. Now you see, I don’t have anything against workers, but they’re quite loud and, well, they sort of smell. Could you make sure that I get moved to an engineers’ tent?”

Hearing this request, William begins to realize the immensity of the arrogance of some engineers, as if because they know more than the others, they are superior. He is disappointed with the behavior of these engineers, why don't they understand the gravity of the current situation? When you die, God will not let you go to heaven first if you are smart or richer. William refused his request, "No, we have to make do with it, the conditions of the site do not allow us at the moment. And I think you have work to do!"

"What do you mean Director, I won't work unless I'm assigned an engineer's tent!" said the engineer furious that his request was denied.
"Don't make me send you back to England, not only no more salary but you know it will affect your career!” said William angrily.

The engineer didn't know what to say, because, like William, he was an engineer, but he didn't have a job, and to be fired from work as an engineer is a disgrace and it will stain his image. The engineer has no choice but to work at the site where he was assigned, but his motivation to work has decreased enormously and this will affect the other engineers like him very arrogant. This will be a problem because the engineer will join a radical group of engineers and will cause many problems.

Henry relieved that the affair ended in "calm", informs William of a very good news: “Director, 5 of the men from the group of 15 men that you sent into the wild have returned, they have found a hunting ground, they say that will be able to provide 80 units of food every day! For a maximum of 5 days!”

William was delighted to have good news for once and said, "Great! Finally, something is going well in this camp. Tell them to keep going until there is no more food, and they will have to keep looking for resources or food, stopping only when they find a place like the hunting ground. Oh, thank them for me."

“Yes, director!”

William sighs, if they continue like this, they are about 6 days ahead of schedule, without counting that 6 days is without sleep and with unlimited resources. But he knows very well that he will have problems, and the lack of resources and manpower will considerably delay the site, and will probably be late.


Hello, everyone! It's me LifeEnginner, the author of this fanfiction. As you may know, if you have seen my review on the fanfiction page. I'm not a professional author and I write this fanfiction to show my support to the game developer (especially with frostpunk 2)
So I don't have the training to write chapters every day, so I'm sorry to inform you that I'll try to do 1 chapter every other day. The chapters are also quite short. Between 1200 and 1600 words, the reason is that Frostpunk is a city builder, and everything is quite repetitive (building a tent, sending people to get food, searching for technology, etc...), and the lore is very interesting but there is no written story, just bits of information here and there. So I have to invent a big part of the story, which is quite hard for me. So please read my fanfiction if you like it, sorry if I disappointed you.

You can find story with these keywords: Frostpunk: The Resistance of Humanity, Read Frostpunk: The Resistance of Humanity, Frostpunk: The Resistance of Humanity novel, Frostpunk: The Resistance of Humanity book, Frostpunk: The Resistance of Humanity story, Frostpunk: The Resistance of Humanity full, Frostpunk: The Resistance of Humanity Latest Chapter

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