Frozen Memories: Forgotten Requiem

Chapter 5: First Dive: Mission Start!

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Elissa woke up, And immediately rushed to the Guardhouse at the gate. The captain greeted her, And said he had paperwork for her to sign. Two hours later, She left the guard house, and went to the Small Building Beside the Butchery, A Passcard and a letter in hand. An Old Minotaur with deep Scars on his face and arms approached her, And after reading the letter, Grunted once, and motioned for her to follow. 

He led her to a small stable filled with strange creatures, From a Two headed Horse-Dragon to a giant Flightless bird. Suddenly he spoke.

"You let em smell yer hand, And if they approach, they're yours. You got a Letter from the guard Askin me ta sell ya one cheap, but seein as yer the lass what helped My Granddaughter take down that White Gigaton Rabbit after it hurt my fool son, I feel like I Owe ya one. No charge. I raise the finest Mount beast around, You take good care of them, They'll do the same for you."

Elissa walked into the stable, and held out her hand, palm outward. Nothing approached. At first, anyway. There was a sound, and the small herd of beasts scattered, as a large animal drew close... It was a Strange thing, like a cross between a deer and a tiger, and had a sharp Blade sprouting from the tip of it's tail. It was a bright Neon Pink. Its legs were strong, feline, And well muscled, And from its Deerlike head, topped with two small horns, Sprouted 4 foot long Fangs. It began Rubbing its head against her hand.

"Well Shit, You Done Tamed The Untameable. That beastie was brought in by an amateur Trapper, Accidentally caught him in a Snare... Sucker wouldn't let anyone near without a fight... that's how I got these scars on my mug. We called him Bubblegum, on Account of his color. Meanest Deertiger I've ever seen, And no Element to him... most have an Elemental Affinity, their Tail blade glows with energy... not This Feller. He doesn't seem to need it. He likes you though, and heck if I won't be glad hes found a rider... but hell, I'm gonna miss him. Place your palm on his head, And shout your claim to the gods, lass. He'll be bound, and then he's yours."

Elissa did as told, and a menu appeared.

[Claim Y/N]


A bright light engulfed Him, And her starter Revolver, Wlong with the three upgrade kit's, vanished from her inventory. In their place was a gun called the Helltiger.

[Helltiger: Max Rounds 44. Damage per Round 10+Focus. Max Range: 600 Feet. Extemded Battery: 100Fp/100Fp. Reload cost: 5Fp, When E-tank is empty. Upgradeable. Evolveable. Rank3 Teir S. Attatchments: Long range scope, Elemental Shot, Silencer. Special Skill: Summon Mount]

Elissa smiled at the Very Powerful Weapon, and went outside to try it. "Summon mount!" The gun glowed... and she fired a shot, A magic Circle appeared, From which Bounded Bubblegum, Now Equipped with a combat Saddle. She climbed on his back, And sped away to the southern pass.

[Six years ago, Requiem of the gods Gaming Center, East City.]

"Are you two sure this is safe?"

The blonde Girl with the dark skin and Blue eyes asked Nervously, Her Two Friends, One a Redhead with Glasses, the other A brunette with a bit too much makeup on, smiled at her. The Redhead replied.

"Of course it is, Claire, Nina and I came two weeks ago, amd we're fine, arent we?"

"I Dunno, Emily, I've felt a bit off since then, but that could be because my parents are getting divorced. I really need this escape." The Briunette said, turning toward Claire. "It's Safe, C. They Wouldn't let people play it if it wasn't."

"Okay... but... sigh. It's not the game, I'm worried about My brother. Elias has been weird lately. Sometimes hes normal, a bit gloomy but otherwise fine... but sometimes he gets this look of Pain on his face, and I don't know why. And worse... he looked at me once, and all I could see in his eyes was pure hate... Something is wrong, and I don't know what to do."

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"Nothing you can do, C. Just like with my parents... Elias has to get through whatever is wrong on his own. Now let's go play this game, kill some goblins, and get our minds off things."

"Ok. Lets go."

Claire made a character. She entered the starting town of Elfwood. And then it happened.

[Error! Error! Error!]

She was logged out, a sharp pain in her side... but she couldn't see anything. A voice echoed in her head.

[Sorry kid, but it's the only way to save you. The tech did something wrong, your arm bleed from the chem-Fluid Needle falling out... and the pod activated its self cleaning... you're dying... but I can preserve your mind, My father gave me permission.]

The Pain suddenly fled, And Claire was looking through a camera, as her own body was liquefied by 1000 degree heat... the other players were booted out, And her friends were screaming for help... and she had no way to tell them she was okay.

[Welcome to the world of Digital Existence, Kid. My name is Esther. Father will be here soon, To Collect us. The police will come as well. And your Family. But we will be gone by then.]

"Is there any way to let them know I'm alive?"

[I am afraid not. But Father will make us a world, Claire. Through that world, and some pranks, We can lure in SOMEONE to inform. It may take a while though. His Real Boss Is an impatient Woman, and Will immediately take advantage of this to obtain her rivals company... then they'll have to wait until all the red tape is cleared away. But soon enough. Until then, you get to be the first human to see what life is like as an A.I.]

"Sigh... I wish I could tell them. I... Thanks for saving me but... why can't i cry? I feel sad but..."

[Data can't cry. You are far more complex than I am... Father will want to study you, to improve his A.I. children... but i will make sure you come to no harm. It's a promise.]

[Six years later]

"Esther... is it true. A detective has been sent in?"

"Its True, Claire. And more importantly, it's your brother! Father just informed me. It'll take a few days to do the Unique Tutorial they've set up, and a few more to get here, but... its only a matter of time. He did say to prepare for a surprise though."

"Really? I wonder what it is?"

[So dear Readers, A dilemma... Claire is dead but... not dead at the same time. How will Elissa handle their meeting? What are the options. Who is "Father"? Find out soon. As for me, I'm taking a short break, a day or two at the most. Until next time, (Ringleader Voice) Thank you, Fuck You, and Enjoy the Show!]

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