Frozen Memories: Forgotten Requiem

Chapter 7: FIRST DIVE: Information Exchange

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[Apologies for the wait.]

Elissa tried to run, information be damned, when she saw the group approaching... but a blue light immobilized her.

[Quest reward MUST be given. Player Elissa may not leave until reward is granted.  Players met: 0/4]

"But... sigh... I dislike people. No choice, I suppose."

"You know we Can hear you, yes?"

She whirled around, to find the four of them waiting. 

Arven, the leader in the heavy Armor, had removed his helm... and was Exactly what she'd expected. Tall, Fair Skinned, Flowing blonde hair... the very Depiction of a Fairytale Knight.

Kain, The Heavy Weapon user, Was Big... and playing an Orc. A large, muscular, Orc. Another Cliche.

Vincent, was very much the image of a scholarly mage, looking almost Exactly like A Certain Child Magician Teacher from a famous Manga.

And Louise... white robes, Giant Corkscrew Pigtails, pointy ears, half the height of the others... the cliche Fey-Folk Healer look. And she was drooling... and repeatedly glancing At Elissa and Blushing.

"Hello, Miss Elissa. I am Arven, the white knight, Leader of Elysium."

"And I Kain, The Muscle!"

"I'm Vincent. That's all."

"Hi! I'm Louise! Omg that was so cool, I was about to be crushed, and Zoom! Out of nowhere, you saved me! And I think I'm rambling, am I rambling? I'll Shut up now!"

Elissa looked at the four, Arben was Doing a Hero pose, Kain was doing a guts pose, Vincent was adjusting his glasses, And Louise was red in the face with embarrassment... and had dropped to her knees. They looked like a knockoff of a certain 5 man Force from a different Famous Manga. She almost laughed.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Elissa. I'm a detective. I've been asked to investigate strange occurrences in this game. Do you have any information on the Forgotten Goddess?" She had gone Full Buisness mode. The others looked a bit offput. Except Louise.

"Wow! Really? A real Detective? Is that why your class reads as unlisted? They must really want information, huh? They gave you a custom class and everything."

"Sigh. Yes. They are anxious. Look, I'm not supposed to do this but... if you give me any information you have, I can give you information the public isn't supposed to know. Reasons why you should definitely avoid the Goddess."

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"Well, that sounds useful, only..."

"Louise! That's group buisness. We don't know if we can trust this girl."

"Oh come on, Vincent. It's not like we lose anything. Besides, She saved me before."

"From  A monster She triggered to begin with!"

"""Vincent!"""(all three others)

"No. Hes right. You don't trust me, and I don't trust you. This is an exchange. So why don't I go first?"

"No."(Arven) "we'll start. It's our fifth, my brother. He went to investigate the rumors and disappeared. We tried Messaging him, and got nothing. The place he went was to the south of here, And we were trying to catch up."

"Don't. Its dangerous. Your brother will be okay, hopefully but... You've heard the rumors about players losing Hours of data? Thats not all of it. Those players, and you cannot tell ANYONE I told you this, but... they have gaps in their memories. Things missing. One man couldn't remember his wife's name, Another forgot his Father had died two years ago... THAT is one of the reasons I was sent in. Please, stay here."

"When you say One of the reasons... are there others?"

"Yes. But its personal. Stay here, get this village running well. Don't add to the victims."

Arven sighed. "Okay. But if you see an Archer named Belfin, tell him to come here. He has blue hair, so he's easy to spot. It was nice fighting alongside you, Miss."

Elissa ignored the little flutter she felt everytime someone called her Miss, and turned to leave... but was stopped by a hand on her arm. It was louise.

"You saved me. I'll return the favor somehow... next time we meet. It's a promise, okay?"

Elissa smiled at that... and nodded. She then mounted Bubblegum and rode away toward the south.


Arven was terrified. Louise was obsessed with that girl. He walked past her room in the town hall, only to hear her muttering "let's invite her to the beach, see what she looks like in a bikini... or better yet, build a bathhouse, and see EVERYTHING. HEHEHE.... YESSS... THATS IT. I'll suggest that project Tomorrow... hehehehehehehe!"

He went back to his room. "Let's not get in her way. That's terrifying. Miss Elissa, I pity you."

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