Frozen Memories: Forgotten Requiem

Chapter 8: FIRST DIVE: Esther

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Elissa and Bubblegum headed south. She didn't trust those players, but their info lined up with what she knew... 

As they went south, oddly, it began to snow rather Heavily. Soon, their vision was Obscured completely. This slowed their pace to a crawl. Twenty minutes later, Just as they found a side path under some trees, she got a concerning notification.

[ABNORMAL STATUS: Frostbite. Spd decreased by 90%. Continued exposure will result in hypothermia, followed by death.]

She tried to speak, and her teeth chattered.

"L-l-let's take t-the side p-path... it's got to l-l-lead somewhere."

Bubblegum knew She was in distress, and picked up speed... after a few minutes they came upon a ruined village... but a fire was glowing in one of the still standing Houses. A sign still read WELCOME TO ELFHAVEN.

"T-there are n-no elves in this game. Its f-from Requiem."

As they approached the door, Her vision darkened... and she fell from Bubblegums back.

[Hypothermia: 90%. Hp low. Paralyzed, Frostbitten, unconscious  applied. Seek warmth now. 10:00 remaining until death.]

Just as she passed out, she saw the door open, and heard a woman Say "oh dear! Let's get you inside, child. We've been waiting for you." And At this point, Watson sent this message.



Elissa Awoke, what felt like hours later, to find a kindly looking Young woman in a Nuns habit gently washing her face with a warm rag.

"Oh! Goodie, you're awake! We almost lost you dear. Your Sister wouldn't want That!"

Elissa tried to shout... but her voice was weak.

"What do you know about Claire?"

"Why, everything, dear Elissa. I Am the one that saved her... in a way. You may have surmised this, but I Am Esther."

"The RoFG A.I. ? How?"

"Easy dear. Father helped us. He was using me to spy on the company for his true boss. When we were found out, they staged an accident, and their agent pinned it on Father. Luckily, he wore a Cybermask, so they had nothing but a False Identity. Oh, Do tell Brother To shut up with that incessant beeping."

This made Elissa aware of a continuous message appearing from Watson.

[Don't Trust, Don't Trust, Don't Trust, D0n7 7ru57, 35743R.]

"Watson? What's wrong?"

[B31ng Jamm3D. D0nt 7ru57 3st43R.]

"Why are you jamming my Assistant?"

"Oh dear! Is THAT still on? Just a moment!" Her eyes glowed Red."There we are. Jammer is offline!"

[Don't Trust Esther! She is lying! Use the Eye! 0110011010.]

Trusting Watson, She secretly Activated Detection Eye... But saw Nothing. Except a very obvious Kill switch.

[There! Shoot the Switch! Terminate!]

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This behavior was suspicious... And she recalled something Esther had said.

"Hey Watson? Why did Esther call you Brother?"

A voice Came from Nowhere.

"Heh... hehehehe... Hahahahahaha! You pass, Detective! Esther! This is Father! Protocol Alpha! We can trust Elias." Elissa felt herself Cringe. "Sorry... Elissa. To be completely honest, I was NOT Expecting that, By the way. The tough, Brooding, Tall Dark and Handsome, Detective Stormbound was a young woman all along, and didn't even know it. I've got to go. Our Foes approach, and We cant be caught Now."

"Understood Father. Now I will tell you Everything. But that will wait. She's here."

The door Slammed open, And a familiar face Came through...

"Where is he? You said Elias was here, where is he?"

Elissa started to cry, despite herself. "Claire? Is it really you?"

She turned, and met her eyes.

"Yes, I am Claire. Have we met NO FUCKING WAY! ELIAS? WHY ARE YOU A GIRL?"

"It's a long story, Claire... well... not really, but it seems longer than it is. Can... can I hug you?"

"Of course!" Claire Jumped into her Brother-turned-Sisters arms... and the floodgates opened, the dam broke... 

Esther was standing nearby, When a head popped through a door leading to a stable.

"They're fine... but It's going to leave a ring, all those tears."

Bubblegum looked at her.

"What exactly are you, Beast? You certainly aren't native to this game. And father has no knowledge of you. Are you an enemy?"

Bubblegum huffed, and motioned for her to follow.

She entered the barn, awash in neon light... and A Being with the head of a saber toothed Tiger, the Head of a Deer, And the Head of a man on a muscular, many winged body awaited her.

<relax, Program. We are merely Her Guardian. Our Master sent us to protect the Detective... Whoever made this game, created a link to his realm. We are to guide and guard His Chosen, And destroy the Anchors between Realms, the Area Bosses, Before Harmonic Convergence Occurs. His realm is not a place for weak mortals and their constructs. Oh, And tell your father... The Mururu sends His Regards. He will know what it means.>

"The Mururu? What? Who ARE you?"

<This ones name was Firiri. But I like the name given by the constructs of this world. Bubblegum. As for what I am... your kind might call me a Nephilim. That is a close Enough Analogy. As one modeled after their holy virgin, and named for the beast of her conveyance, Surely you know the term.>

"That I do... and this is worrying." The light pulsed, And Firiri was Bubblegum once more.

"I'd better go explain what really happened to Claire. Excuse me." Esther Hurriedly left the barn... the sisters were still Hugging, but the tears had stopped. A nephilim... and what is this Mururu?...

A bone chilling, Howling laugh filled her Artificial Mind...

<MURURUUUU-HEHEHEHEHEHEHEH! I am Madness! But also Sanity! I am Both Evil And Good, Order and Chaos! I am he who rules over All, And over Nothing! Now deliver my message, Construct. My shadows Approach, and warn of a deadly plot. You Must Hurry... KhaHEHEHEHEHEHE!>

A Laughter filled with madness... Esther did not know What this Thing was... only that it was some kind of God. And if she didn't do as it asked... she would dearly regret it.

[Authors note: Next Chapter in a day or so, my aim is to release chapter 10 ON Christmas, a gift to you all. The plot thickens, And the Mururu Speaks for the first time... but what deadly plot approaches? What is the Truth of the Accident? Who is the Villain? Why? And who is this Agent that was mentioned? Find out next time! Until then, Stay Frosty!]

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