Game of Apocalypse

Chapter 15: 15

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Chapter 15 Additional EXP


When did William ever as the second-in-charge of Flaming Combat Club receive humiliation? Ever since he joined the university, his talent was greater than those of the same age and he never lost a fight before. Now, encountering the nameless Odin, he was defeated within three moves. This caused him extremely furious.


His fist being clenched by Odin’s hand began creaking and gradually pained his forearm. Gritting his teeth, William used a powerful force to slam at Odin’s chest with his free arm.


Unexpecting William could endure the pain of his almost broken arm, Odin was brutally struck on the chest and moved a few meters behind before stopping with his hand braced on the ground. 


A deep trail was left on the ring due to the powerful strength, it was apparent how potent William’s punch was.


The atmosphere was tensing up as an intense aura emanated from William’s body. The audience with weaker strength lowered their head due to the pressure and was almost unable to open their eyes.


After suffering from injuries, William’s combat skills allowed him to gain tremendous strength and speed in a short term in exchange for vitality.


The Qi energy around William was caused by his short-term power boost.


However, Odin calmly stood in the ring. He could even see the red mist floating around William’s body and a message box emerged.


【Enhanced William, Strength +20】


Looking at the ‘+20’, Odin was shocked and wondered what skills had William been practicing. It actually allowed William to boost his Strength by 20!


But William did not give him any time to ponder. Stomping the ground fiercely, William leaped and charged at Leo with an insane speed augmented by his Qi energy.


Predicting the landing spot of William’s fist, Odin braced his arms and tanked the attack. He was pushed back by the powerful force and trampled the ring’s solid wood. Half of his legs sunk into the ring while a corner of Odin’s mouth had a trace of blood seeping out.


“How is it brat? My Valiant Fist is no joke!” Arching his mouth up, William was looking at Odin as if an ant struggling to survive.


Odin raised his brows with a provocative smile and wiped the trace of blood on his mouth, “Not bad.”


William was fumed by Odin’s attitude. He lifted his leg preparing to launch a decisive strike at Odin. However, Odin was not a dummy, he used the Agility of his combat technique and rolled aside to dodge William’s attack. Odin stood up with the help of the ground.


Odin knew William still had a trump card but he also had not used his, it was his Mental. Frowning slightly, Odin did a somersault, instantly landing behind William’s back. With both of his hands, he locked William’s neck before William could take any action.


“Brat, Do you think doing this can…” Before William could finish his sentence, he felt something wrong. His neck as if wrapped by chilly air and the chilliness caused him to goosebump. He felt the fear of death from the chilliness.


This… How’s it possible?! William fought many people and knew this was one of the Spirit Warlock’s skills. From an outsider’s vision, Odin was using his body to lock William, but in reality, Odin was using the spiritual power of his spirit body to caged William!

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“How is this possible?! You’re just a third-rate martial artist from a fourth-rate club!” William’s voice was trembling as he was ignorant of skills against a spirit body. Being caged by the spiritual power of a spirit body, it was as if being dumped into a frozen river and froze.


“Now, it’s your time to answer. Who’s going to die?” Odin tightened his arms. William almost suffocated as his vision was blackening.


Seeing it was enough, Odin retracted his spiritual force and used the most basic skills from the training skills to knock William down to the ground.


According to the rules of the tournament, once one side was immobilized on the ground for more than ten seconds, the other side was declared the winner.


William was laying on the ground with his eyes widened. To resist the invasion of Odin’s spirit body, his already weak mental strength was almost depleted. Now William was in a dazed state, it was impossible for him to stand up.


The audience was in an uproar, not understanding how Odin caused William unable to fight back with a basic skill. The entire arena was silent for a moment before some people who bet on Odin screamed in joy.


Wiping their sweat, the Ground Combat Club’s siblings, who watched the entire match, were relieved as the risk they took was worth it.


However, no one noticed in the corner of the arena that a figure with a hat was watching the ‘ordinary’ match. The moment Odin entered the ring, he had a strong feeling Odin was not a simple person. And as he imagined, the match result was within his expectation.


Snorting silently, he lowered his cap and silently left the arena.


Odin on the other hand who just ended the match sat on the ground. In fact, for him to defeat William, he needed to spend quite some effort. If it was not for William unaware of his Spirit Warlock profession and letting him close in, it was uncertain who would be the final winner.


At that moment, the system sent out another message box.


【Defeated William, gained 20 EXP; Defeated Enhanced William, gained additional 50 EXP】


Looking at the word ‘additional’, Odin was speechless. There was actually something like additional EXP! It was a good choice for him to agree with the siblings, he benefitted much from this 70 EXP.


“Huh, isn’t this our winner?” It was a blonde girl chewing bubblegum with a short skirt. Her hands propped on the ring and with a force, she gracefully somersaulted, landing in front of Odin.


“You are?” Odin was confused by the girl’s sudden appearance. He carefully went through his memory and confirmed he never met her before.


“I’m Corinne, your opponent in two days. Ever heard of Wild Dancing Club?” The blonde girl blew a bubble and it burst with a ‘pop’.


So it’s a war declaration. Odin helplessly sighed in his heart and answered Corinne, “I’ve heard a little of it.”


“Then, great. I’m not like that dumb beefy William. I know how you win today.” Corinne whispered to Odin in a low voice.

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