Game world Questmore

Chapter 4: Chapter four : Greedy loot

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The few brave peasants who dared to resist tried to unite and chase the silver wolves away with pitchforks and spears, but their strong, muscular bodies tore them apart.

The terrified townsfolk were forced to flee for the only defensible structure in the village, a stone mill, where they got most of their people inside, and slammed shut the thick wooden door, trapping themselves.

The silver wolves encircled the structure, their strong paws shredding and clawing at the stone walls with yellow eyes gleaming with ferocious hunger. The very foundations wiggled with each stroke. 

A growing number of silver wolves left the carcasses they had been dining on to join their brethren and siblings in attacking the mill, rendering the situation in the village even more grave with each passing second.

Without assistance, these folks would all undoubtedly perish, Guster sensed instinctively. And as he quickly realized this, he discovered himself examining the nearby structures and observed that the majority of the huts in the region had thatched roofs that were easily combustible.

In addition, he spotted a brazier that still contained a few burning logs, as well as a deceased guard lying nearby with his guts spilled out on the dirt. 

The poor mudsucker probably believed it would be wise to use fire to fend off the beasts, but wolves will still charge if they are hungry enough, even though they fear fire.

He thought he should check the stats of these dire Silver wolves. If their stats made it seem possible to defeat them in combat, he would fight. 

[Oracle's Vision is showing the stats of selected targets--

Silver Wolf. 

Level: 2

Stats: Health - 200

Mana- 0

Ki- 0

Agility - 200

Attack power - 200 

Defense- 200 ]

It might have been easier to predict the outcome if their numbers hadn't been so large.

'It seems perilous to battle these beasts; I'd rather be safe and attempt to make the most of the circumstances.' Guster pondered. 

Guster rejoiced at his great luck as he slipped into the undefended village and entered one of the cottages.

The only valuable items in the sparsely furnished chamber were a few silver goblets, a few pieces of gold, and a necklace. He silently strolled on to the next house, tucking them into the system's inventory while grinning ravenously.

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It was either a wealthy merchant or a powerful mage who resided here. Several pieces of fine art and expensive showpieces were used to adorn the house.

There were also bookcases filled with items like ceremonial weapons and untouchable antique weaponry. He discovered a chest of jewelry that ought to be pretty valuable on its own, a golden dish, and some cooked meat that he quickly gobbled down in two portions.

He peeked out the window as he heard an ear-splitting cry coming from outside and witnessed the mill's stone wall collapse inward with a thundering boom, burying the villagers who were hiding within and enabling the silver wolves flood through the gaping hole to startwreaking carnage on the survivors.

Guster made the decision that it would be best to flee while the wolves were still engaged in their feast, so he crept out the back door when one of the wolves that was nearby spotted him when it was busy devouring a dead peasant.

The silver wolf was a big, hairy, pale grey creature, and it smelt the breeze before charging towards him, moving fast, growling a loud, scary growl.

He turned around to confront the approaching beastie because there was no chance he could evade it.

 He dodged its lunge for his throat and slashed it across the eyes with his tarnished sword, only to be clawed in return.

[Honey Badger Suit Defense in effect] 

[Defense: 410]

[Health 20↓] 

[Remaining health: 980]

It ought to have sliced apart his skin, but it didn't. 

Guster quickly recovered from the clawed attack that would have been fatal damage had the defense stat been lower.

[Agility - 190 (boots in effect]

[Attack power - 100 (glove)]

 He then launched himself up from the ground and continued to attack the blinded wolf, piercing and slashing at its fumbling limbs even after a fortunate strike succeeded in knocking him backward. He wouldn't hold back then, not when he was this close to triumphing.

He pounced once more, chopping at its rear legs before quickly stabbing one of its gushing eye sockets to end its existence.

He got back to his feet, straightened himself up, and got ready to depart the village, humming a cheerful tune.

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