Game world Questmore

Chapter 5: Chapter four – part two : A Reluctant Hero

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However, a feeling of guilt overtook him like a black cloud as he noticed a young girl, who seemed to be no more than nine or ten years of age, emerged from the mill and watched him intently.

The girl was frail  with long, dirty blonde hair that cascaded down to her narrow waist. Her body was covered in scars, and her eyes were a peculiar shade of blue.

The girl stood there in silence, watching him, and her eyes were filled with such longing that they pierced his very heart. 

Guster looked back at her once he was almost out of the village. She raised her hand, beckoning him to her.

He stopped, and she came running up to him. "Mister, help us! Please! I don't have anyone else to turn to!" she cried out, her voice quivering. 

"What is it that's wrong, child?" Guster asked her.

"My family... the wolves... we're being attacked by them. My family's hiding in there, and the wolves are trying to get them out."

"I see." He frowned. "I don't suppose I could use some other kind of weapon?" Guster asked her, raising his tarnished sword.

"I don't have anything," she replied. "The only weapon I have is this flute. Please, help us."

"Very well." Guster sighed.

 "Come with me, then. We'll go there and see what these beasts have in store for your family."

"Thank you, sir," she said. "I'm glad you're on our side."

"Yeah, me too," Guster replied. "Now, let's get going. We don't want to keep the wolves waiting, now, do we? Not to mention that flute of yours might come in handy for fighting them too. Not sure how. Err. Come on, child. Let's go save the day. We'll save your family. We'll save the village. We'll save the entire damned world!"

"You're going down there?!" the girl asks incredulously.

"Yes, I'm going to get them out. The wolves are attacking the mill, and I want to create a diversion so the villagers can escape."

"How are you going to do that?"

"That's a very good question. Do you have the answer?" 

The girl sighed.

"Stay back," the girl said to Guster, taking out her pipe. 

Guster looked at her, dumbfounded. He knew that look. He'd seen it many times. It was the look of someone who knew things.

"What are you doing?" Guster asked.

Without replying, the girl blew the flute, and immediately the sound of a strange melody echoed around.

Guster turned to look at her.

"What is that music? It's... it's beautiful!"

 "It's the flute of taunt. This melody will taunt the silver wolves and make them attack the one who is holding the flute. You just have to stay back and play it, keeping the wolves distracted."

"How can you be sure that'll work? Silverwolves are exceptionally intelligent beasts. They'll figure out it's not a real one."

The girl blew the flute once more, and Guster was forced to cover his ears. 

The sound pierced through his flesh and bone and made his blood boil. It was a sound of pure evil, and it sent a chill up his spine.

The girl turned to him, a smile on her face. "Told you," she said.

Guster took a deep breath, nodded, grabbed the flute and he ran towards the mill as fast as his lousy legs could carry him. He ran as fast as he had ever run before. He ran through the mud and the muck. He ran over dead bodies.

He dashed out to the mill, where the rest of the villagers were huddled. The screams of the dying and the howling of the beasts could be heard from outside.

'They are coming.' Guster thought. 'I must hurry.'

He quickly checked the inventory.

He looked over the inventory to see how many coins, which had not been obtained in this dishonest manner at all, he had grabbed from the hamlet like a rat.. 

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 Amount of Coins - 300

There was an update available for the rusted sword.

Rusted sword. (Update - Price: 20 coins) 

Guster updated the sword. 

[Congratulations! Rusted sword has been updated to Sharp Sword]

Coins available : 280. 

Guster updated the Sharp sword again. 

[Congratulations! Sharp sword has been updated to Epic Sword]

Coins available: 230

Attack power [ 30 ↑ ]

Attack power : 130 ( Tiger gloves + Epic Sword)

From the inventory, Guster summoned the [Semi automatic Multi barreled slingshot gun].

[Semi automatic Multi barreled slingshot gun.

Description: It works just like a semi automated gun, except it’s an advanced slingshot. It shoots multiple projectiles at the same time.

Each magazine contains 30 refined pebbles. After one magazine of pebble finishes, it takes 3 minutes to reload automatically.]

Guster carried a tortoise shield on his back that he could employ whenever it was deemed necessary.

He sprinted up to the rooftop, flung the flute up there, and then ascended with it. Once he saw there was no clean shot, he ran up to the next roof and jumped there again, this time aiming the slingshot weapon towards the silver wolves. Fortunately, their great size allowed them to be rather easy to shoot.

"Come on, you filthy beasts!" Guster cried out. "Show yourselves!"

The wolves growled in response, and one of them finally emerged from the mill, coming to the mouth of the gap.

"Oh for the love of..." Guster sighed. "Well, I suppose it won't hurt to taunt them a little bit. We'll see how they like it when I slash you across the face, you... you... you filthy beasts!"

The wolf looked at Guster in shock, before it turned to his companions and barked aggressively.

"Come on, boys! Show yourselves, you hear me! I'll make this little pup a star!"

He looked up, his weapon loaded, and saw the silver wolves racing at him.

He geared his semi-automatic slingshot gun at the creatures, and the only sign that he had struck them or not was a loud howl of anguish emanating from their direction.

 It was because the slingshot gun was semi-automatic and it was firing pebbles like a machine. 

He fired again after taking a moment to collect himself and saw one of the wolves fall to the ground after being shot in the throat. He aimed the slingshot pistol just as the wolves approached the house, grinning at how easily the pebble had pierced its flesh.

Guster could see the silver wolves approaching the house, howling with anger. One of them had been wounded and was limping, but they were still coming.

He lined up another shot, and this time he was ready, and the slingshot's projectile slammed into the wolf's face, right between its eyes. The wolf fell to the ground, dead.

He lined up another shot and this time the projectile flew straight at the heart of another wolf, striking it right in the chest. It fell forward, dead.

 It kept on shooting like this, never stopping, as the wolves kept on approaching the house.

The slingshot gun's cooling down phase began when no more projectiles were being fired.

He stopped for a moment, panting. He was sweating. He was scared. He was also exhilarated. He had never killed anything in his life.

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