Gamer in Narutoverse: The power of Great Four

Chapter 13: ILLUSIONS

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"Fire Style: Fire Blizzard," The Uchiha girl's sharingan was glowing red as she used her Jutsu. She used wind and fire nature to create a rampaging storm of fire around Evans, except the fire looked white like snow.

Evans was stunned for a moment because he never saw or read anything about the white flames Jutsu. He could feel the scorching head over his skin. Without wasting more time, he extended his hand forward while focusing his energy on rinnegan, "Absorption..."

However, nothing happened. Evans' rinnegan didn't react to his command this time. Instead, he saw sky-blue chakra scattered all around him. He looked down and noticed that the dead bodies on the ground were flickering like images on a broken TV.

'This is... Ah! I see now. No wonder you took your sweet time... Thanks to you, I am starting to get a grasp of my eye and the way illusions work. Well, I will play with you till I get used to it,' He caught on to the usual trick of Uchihas. It's a genjutsu that traps an opponent's mind into an illusion.

[**A genjutsu is created when a ninja controls the chakra flow of a target's cerebral nervous system, thereby affecting their five senses; this is frequently used to create false images and/or trick the body into believing it has experienced physical pain. It can also be used to manipulate others, like brainwashing, by feeding the victim illusive suggestions. And Uchihas and their Sharingan stand on the top of the chain when it comes to genjutsu.**]

"Damn. Can't believe I got caught in a genjutsu even with my rinnegan," Evans mumbled. He wanted to use the basic technique of disrupting his chakra/energy to break free but thought that it would be a waste to do that instead of using his eye's power.

"Lightning Style: Lightning Dragon," The ninja girl used her Jutsu and threw it at Evans, "Die!" Then she threw four paper bomb-wrapped kunai at Evans.

[Crackle] [Booom] A sparking blue lightning dragon struck Evans along with those paper bombs, creating a massive explosion.

'I won't give you a chance to use that rinnegan. There must be a limit to how much chakra he can absorb. If we rain down attack on him, there might be a chance to create an opening,' she thought.

"What are you all waiting for? Attack... Don't hold back," She yelled. Around twenty Ninjas came out from the shadows and started to rain down different Jutsus on Evans.

"Summoning Jutsu," She used her Jutsu to summon a falcon and placed a timely genjutsu on it, putting everything she saw. So that the receiver will be able to see her memories through it, "Go, warn lord third..." The bird flew away like a bullet. After that, she hurriedly cast three more layers of genjutsu on Evans.



Amidst the constant barrage of attack, Evans has more or less managed to grasp the way to use his rinnegan. He can now see thin strings of chakra around him. And thanks to his Saiyan form and the energy veil, he barely suffered much damage, but he was still stuck in some weird blurry world.

"What will happen if I overload these strings? Only one way to find out... Haaaaa!" He yelled like a Saiyan and raised his energy level.

Yellow glow swept over the area along with torrents of shockwaves. The chakra strings tore off, severing his connection with the Jutsu caster, "Found you." He said as his eye fell on the girl with red iris, standing a few meters away from his position. And the other Ninjas got pushed back from the sudden burst of energy.

"Damn you. Formation A," She yelled, and hurriedly weaved her hands and blew a giant ball of flame toward Evans, "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu."

[Formation A is a tactic to pin down the enemy in a fixed position and destroy that person from all sides. It works only while fighting a single opponent. In short, pin down, hit, and run.]

Evans calmly watched the hand signs of the girl and copied it, "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu."

[Wooosh] [Booom] Two fireballs clashed. Scorching flames scattered everywhere. Three Ninjas appeared behind Evans and stabbed him with poison kunai.

[Clink] Evans looked back with an arrogant smile, "Is that supposed to kill me?" The kunai turned to dust as it came in contact with his energy veil.

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The Ninjas jumped back.

"Ninja Art: Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu."

They threw shurikens toward Evans and used that Jutsu. Approx thirty shurikens rushed toward him. But, it was a futile attempt as they all vaporized without a trace.

[Booom] Finally, the fireballs exploded. A massive crater formed between Evans and the Uchiha girl. Evans could tell that neither the girl nor the other Ninjas around him had enough chakra to use a Jutsu.

"Aaaaa!!" Evans stretched his hands and looked around.

The rice field, the river, and the workers were no more. He and the others were standing in an open area near the forest's exit. The Ninjas around him were standing in their fighting stance even though they were exhausted as hell.

Evans began to walk toward the Uchiha girl. The others jumped and stood before her, but the girl shook her head and signed them to move away. She knows that the man before her is way more powerful than her, and there is nothing she can do at the moment except for one thing.

'Yes, come closer,' Her left hand was behind her back. She slowly opened her ninja tool bag and grabbed a handful of paper bombs, 'I will die, but not before delivering a critical blow to you...'

However, Evans could see the girl using a tiny string of chakra on her hand. It was as if she was holding it for a sneak attack. Her eyes turned back to normal due to the lack of chakra.

'Black hair, prideful red iris, pale white skin, and a large cut on her left cheek... Man, she is a beauty like a rose... If you touch it without caution, you are bound to get pricked by thorns,' Evans smirked while praising the beauty of the battle-hardened Ninja.

Evans opened his other eye and activated his Stigma, "Analyze existence..."


Paper bombs


"Disappear," He pointed his finger toward the girl. A tiny blue circle with a red star in its radius appeared around the girl's fists.

"Wha...?" The paper bombs she was holding tightly have disappeared from her grasp, "Who are you? What's your goal?" She inquired after swallowing her pride.

"That's what I want to ask you... Why the heck did you guys attack me? I thought you guys were deserters turned bandits. But it looks like you are from Hidden Leaf Village..." Evans inquired.

"It was a trap to catch deserters, and you walked into it even though you have rinnegan... So, we thought you were an enemy," The Uchiha girl stuttered.

She could tell there was a misunderstanding somewhere that had led to the unnecessary battle. And if she plays her cards right, she might be able to save her men from their death.


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