Gamer in Narutoverse: The power of Great Four


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[Location: Unknown Dimension]

A white world of ice is where Sasuke teleported along with the unknown Saiyan. The temperature was below 0 degrees, and there was ice. It looked like the winter had taken away all the lifeform of that world. There were only ice mountains and rugged terrains. Howls of fast-flowing icy wind were all over the blizzard-stricken world.

The ice mountains were in ruins, and the land was filled with giant craters. It looked like the sign of a terrible battle, resulting in such devastating destruction.

Traces of black flames were scattered everywhere in that white desert, and even the cold couldn't extinguish them. There were also red patches on the ground. It looked like someone was critically injured.

[Inside a cave]

Sasuke was leaning on the ice wall while holding a small ball of flame in his palm. Blood was frozen over his right eye. It looked like he was injured by that unknown Saiyan, "Hufff!!!" He was shivering from cold, and even his breathing seemed labored. The air was too cold for any human to survive in that frozen world for long.

'That bastard... Hufff!!! Hufff!!! To think such a freak exists in the world. He is on a completely different level than those who I fought in my life,' He thought while trying his best to regain chakra. Due to the harsh weather, he is having a hard time maintaining his focus, 'I have to finish him fast before the cold takes me...'



[A few km away]

[Rumble] [Rawwwrrrr!!!] A giant brown ape was on a rampaging a few km away from Sasuke's location. There were broken pieces of traditional Saiyan armor over its body. And it was completely unaffected by the cold.

It was destroying everything on its way. Its bloodshot red eyes seemed to be searching for someone, and the giant tail was smashing into the ground, creating torrents of shockwaves.

[Booom] A beam of yellow energy came out from that ape's mouth and struck a mountain far away, vaporizing it instantly out of existence.

"Hahahaha!!! Come on out... Fireboy... I know you are here somewhere..." The loud deafening voice of that ape shook the entire world. It was blindly throwing energy beams everywhere, hoping to kill Sasuke.

After half an hour of an endless rampage, a beam finally strikes Sasuke's location, forcing him to come out of his hiding. However, half an hour was enough for a veteran like him, who went through countless near-death experiences, to gather his chakra.

Earlier, Sasuke was caught off-guard by the unknown enemy and suffered some injuries, but this time around, he was ready to kill the monster before him. The killing instincts and rage he had buried after the Great Ninja War have started to come back.

"Pheww!!!" Sasuke closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He felt a burning sensation in his throat as the cold wind entered through his mouth and nose.

"Found you... Entertain me more, Fireboy... Wahahaha!!!" The giant ape began to run toward Sasuke. The world was shaking under its relentless stampede.

"Humf! Neither Amaterasu nor Genjutsu works on you... So, be it... I will kill you and put you out of your misery," Sasuke stood his ground and looked toward the ape, running toward him.

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The ape jumped above him and threw an energy blast, "There is no escape..."

[Booom] The energy blast it threw at Sasuke appeared before his face and exploded. The impact from the explosion threw him away by a few meters.

"Amenotejikara!!!" Sasuke was floating in the air.



[**This particular ability is another example of Sasuke moving fast quickly. Sasuke uses another space-time ninjutsu as a way to prevent massive damage from big attacks. This technique allows Sasuke to substitute places with an object or person**]

[**Sasuke uses his eyes to shift locations with something. It opens up an opportunity to attack an unsuspecting opponent. The move literally happens in an instant. And it gives Sasuke the ability to place himself in the right position tactically. It is like the substitute Jutsu on steroids. The Amenotejikara not only switches places with the opponent but still carries momentum after the technique is used. It allows Sasuke to disorient even the smartest enemy and overtake them in a battle.**]



Sasuke threw his sword in the air as soon as the ape threw the energy ball. He left a shadow clone in his position to confuse the enemy and used his rinnegan to shift place with his sword. Then he pulled his sword with the string attached to it, and as soon as it came near the ape's face, he used his rinnegan's power again to exchange its position with the energy ball.

"Susanoo!!!" Sasuke summoned his perfect Susanoo, "Blaze Release: Susanoo Kagutsuchi." He wanted to finish the battle with one big strike.

The Susanoo is capable of immense abilities, but Sasuke is such a fantastic ninja that he utilizes it past the standard skills. The Susanoo protects Sasuke while he unleashes a fire release of black flames. This black flame is then wielded as a weapon for the Susanoo to use.

Sasuke's Susanoo was holding a giant bow with a black flame arrow. After drawing the bow, he released it, targeting the ape's heart.

The age hurriedly stood up, shaking its head. Seeing the oncoming attack, he threw another energy ball to counter it.

"Fool!!!" Sasuke threw his sword in the sky and used his rinnegan for the third time to exchange its place with the energy ball. This move has completely depleted his chakra.

[Booom] [Guaaaaawwwwaa!!!!] The concentrated black flame arrow pierced through the ape's heart. It fell on the ground, dead.

"Hufff!!! Argg!!!" Sasuke fell to his knees. He could barely keep his eye open due to the overuse of his eyes. Now, he is stuck in that frozen world without a way out, the cold has started to succumb him.

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