Gantz, As The Game Master

Chapter 14: Chapter 14, Gorgon-alien-mission, Tokyo-Style.

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Chapter 14, Gorgon-alien-mission, Tokyo-Style.

Osaka’s business park, Osaka Gantz’s team’s mission starting time.

Back up before the Tokyo team arrived, one of the Osaka team member was away from the rest of his group. While the others were lazing or having fun, he was hunting alone, cloaked, as he like to do. From the top of a building, he was sniping the aliens one by one. He suddenly stopped as he saw a new group of gantzers appear. Still cloaked, he approached them, listening to their chatter, until the stampede started. Taking his flying bike, his smile turned evil. He flew low above the ground, strafing both the gorgon-aliens and the passerby near them. He almost killed a gantzer at one point. The poor soul only stayed alive because another one pushed her out of the volley. At one point, he started to hear one of the Tokyo gantzer in his helmet. Having no idea how they did that. Flying and reaping targets, he went back to the bay’s front where he saw the one among the Tokyo gantzers who had an armored suit.

Oka Hachirou, as it was his name, was a veteran of gantz, but even him hadn’t seen an armor like that. It was like the man had some gantz-machine-guns along his arms. He was shouting faster than Oka himself when he was using the flying bike armament. Oka didn’t care about the guy’s rambling, he only wanted his tools. Did he got them with an higher score? He already won seven hundred points. How many a suit like that was worth? Maybe a thousand.

The guy went silent at this moment. Then the guy screamed and the line went dead, as he flew fast above the building, passing Oka like nothing.

Kishimoto’s and Kurono’s view.

Kishimoto was crying again as she tried to shoot the gorgon-aliens again and again. She would have died if not for Kurono covering for her. Her mood was abysmal at this time since she saw Kato and that girl talking together. She though he would have stayed and protected her, but he bailed out right at the start of the mission. And now he was cuddling that girl. A gorgon-alien almost gutted her out when Kurono pulled her out of arm way, blowing up the alien’s head at the same time. He took hold of her, pulling her away from the fight and she finally lost it.

Kurono finally saw his chance then. He purposely stayed and protected Kishimoto through all her fights, taking damage doing so. But it was all good now, he could do it.

Do you want to die.” he almost shouted at her.

No...” she answered, weakly.

Do you want me to protect you?”

I… Yes.”

Then you’re mine”.

“… what?”

From now on, you’re mine”.


If you want me to protect you every time, then sleep with me now”.



Osaka’s business park, Sadistic Trio view.

Sampei Taira, Tetsuo Hara and Susumu Kimura, known in their team as the Sadistic Trio, were looking at their colleague, Kazuo Kuwabara, as he brought back a hot chick with him. They didn’t know how or from where the chick was and they didn’t care. She must have been teleported in gantz and didn’t bother to put a suit on. Must have been someone from Tokyo as they killed the noobs from Osaka from the start.

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Sampei’s face lighted up suddenly when he recognized her.

Reika SHIMOHIRA, the idol from Tokyo. They hit the jackpot tonight. Kuwabara would never let go of the first turn, but they could try and convince him to let them have a turn after him. Even as a second, third or fourth, a girl like her was worth the wait. He only hoped they were still enough aliens elsewhere to let them play before the mission ended. No need for a teleportation to give you blueballs.

Kato’s and Anzu’s view.

Anzu was feeling like shit at this time. It all started when she saw this hot looking guy among the Tokyo team. She wanted to try and get close enough to him to have some fun. Maybe give him her number for some outside-gantz alone time. But the guy had to play knight and protect the civilians near the plaza. And he was good at it too. Like a mowing machine. She never saw someone use two gantz swords at the same time like that. The stupid trio tried once, but they only cut their own arms or legs at the time. She kept following him, asking him questions about him. Trying to understand why he acted like that, she was too slow to react as Oka’s flying bike flew above them. Only Kato’s speed reaction saved her. But it had a price. The hottie was bleeding heavily from a gut injury. She tried to take him away from the danger, she didn’t even know why, and he still tried to protect her. Talking about her son that she had to go back to. Unknown to her, the road she would have taken was changed forever.

Kazuo Kuwabara couldn’t believe his luck tonight. At first he thought the girl was just a random chick. But now? To think he would be able to nail Reika Shimohira, an idol and the girlfriend of some shitty young master above all. Her clothes were reaped, showing the goods. Osaka’s team was really godly to get that. Yeah, they were gods. The pleading look in her eyes was perfect. Making him even harder, as he licked his lips.

LET HER GO NOW!” An angry voice resounded, as a loud “thud” noise was heard a little away from him.

Turning his head, Kuwabara saw the armored guy from the Tokyo team.

LET HER GO.” He repeated.

Finder Keeper looser.” he laughed.

The guy started to position his arms to fire on him, but at this moment, Kuwabara heard Oka’s voice right in his ear.

We must secure their tech, this guys are way more gifted than us in the game.”

Kuwabara would have discarded his advice normally, but Oka added.

Make him give up his weapons, then keep the girl.”

Put you weapons down.” He told Takashi.

Put them down now and kneel before us, gods” He screamed, strangling her slowly, as he tore her clothes one by one.

Kuwabara knew that Oka was covering for him, just like the rest of his team. Well maybe not that boring Anzu, but who cared. They had the upper hand now.

Takashi showed his hands, making sure everyone saw the guns on his arms weren’t ready to fire. As he lowered his hands to the ground, a rotating disk suddenly flew from under his left arm. It went straight through Kuwabara’s arm, cutting it in two, as he used his suit’s thrusters to slide under his beloved falling point. Reika screamed when she saw the disk slash her rapist arm.

While the rest of the Osaka team was trying to kill him but couldn’t as their weapons weren’t responding, Takashi was holding Reika for what she was, his most precious person. Before Kuwabara could even scream in surprise a mechanical extension grew from Takashi’s right arm. It grabbed his ankle, before Takashi went to smash him again and again, from his right side to his left. It was more than fifteen minutes later that Takashi finally release him. Kuwabara’s gantz suit having long lost it’s protection system as the caps on it leaded their fluid. His face was swollen, his eyes and nose runny, his toothless mouth drooling along the blood.

Puny gods.”

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