Genetically Engineered Super Dad Caring for Naturally Born Wizard Child in Space

Chapter 1: Ascend

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It was just like any other day. I was about to help my parents attend to the crops when a huge shadow loom above our village. Mom always tells me stories about giant birds, the ones that became the mounts of the gods. I looked up trying to see what it looked like. It was nothing like I’d ever seen before.

The sound it makes was loud like a windy storm.

The villagers were stunned murmuring among themselves not knowing what to do, the same as I. What seems to be pebbles starting to come from the thing that made the shadow turned out to be people. With a loud thud, the people from above landed around our village. A lot of villagers were running and screaming at this point.

My dad screamed to my mother to hide me and herself in the house. I'm panicking and my memories were a blur at that moment, but I remembered that there were a lot of loud noises and then everything became silent.

Suddenly I heard the sound of the door breaking. Followed by the sound of footsteps and groan on the wooden floor above. My mom was covering my mouth tight. I closed my eyes because I'm scared but I could hear that my mom was also scared by the sounds of her soft wimps. Those wimps soon became screams when which were finally found.


   “Goddamn we got an insane jackpot from that raid, boss.” said a man sitting in what appear to be a pilot seat.

“Who knew there are psykies on that backwater ass place, an unawaken one too at that.” Exclaim another.

“Hahaha, we should’ve gone to this sector years ago”. A seemingly huge man wearing a decrepit power armor said. “Now we just have to figure out how to sell ye” he said while trying to grab a girl in a cage.

“Get your fucking dirty hands off it, if it's damaged or by god got awakened, I'm going to personally kick you off when we darkdiving”

“I... I’m sorry boss” replied the armored man.

“Now get your ass back to work, we gotta get out of here before those pesky feds catch our tails.”

 “YES, BOSS!” Exclaimed the men before leaving the room behind.


“I'm scared..I'm scared… mom.. dad….hiks..hiks” the sounds of whimper could be heard inside the cage in the dark room.


With the whirring sound of a mechanical door, a large man wearing power armor came into what could be said a dirty office. Inside there are some chairs and one table. A man could be seen sitting opposite the table. He is a well-built man with a scary face and a scar on his head.

“Boss, victor says we need to surface out of the darkdiving now,” said the man with the armor nervously.

The one referred to as boss, the one with the scar looks up with a grave face "What!? It’s only been barely an hour long. We can’t get out yet, we might still be in the fed’s territory."

“Gulp, I don’t know boss, victor says that he needs a mental break because the strain is too heavy” Replied the now sweating large man.

“Fuck! That lazy bastard sigh… Fine, tell Victor we can surface only for an hour.” With a hand pinching the bridge of his nose and a clear look of frustration on his face, the boss finally relented.

“Yes boss.” Big man replied with more vigor than before relieved to be dismissed.

“And tell Dirk we need to go dark, deactivate anything that is not essential.” The Boss instructed.

“Copy that”


On another side of space, a rather well-built ship could be seen traveling at a significant speed.

“Sir, we got 'em.” Said a man while looking at some kind of a hologram screen.

“Hmm, it’s been a while since someone stupid enough to fly without a licensed pathfinder. In the fed’s territory no less, gentlemen we got ourselves quite the hefty sums. And it's all thanks to your new spell.” A well-dressed man standing with his hand behind his back says.

“Shut up, I’m trying to concentrate. And it's not a spell goddamnit. Exclaims a woman with gaudy clothes

“Cih” Goddamn stuck-up psykers bitch and their spells give me no goddamn respect. The well-dressed man thought.

“I heard that!” exclaims the woman angrily.

Fuck. “How far are we from their position.” The man ignored her.

“It’s about 1 dive away from our coordinate sir.” Replied a man facing the hologram screen.

“Good, continue the pursuit. Prepare to engage possible hostiles vessel in 30 minutes.” The voice of the well-dressed man can be heard from the coms.


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“Mom, can you tell me about the angels again?”

“Sure sweetheart, long ago the humans were living in paradise up there. We were friends with the gods and angels and lived together. Some even said that we are actually angels too.”

“So then why are we down here then mom?”

“Well unlike the angels humans were quite mischievous you see, like you”. She said while tickling me.

“Hiihihi stop it mom hihi.”

“This makes the gods annoyed and banished the human to earth, the end.” She continued.

“Noo you forgot to tell the angels part.”

“Oh, did I now, well the angels see the punishment toward the human and feel pity and somewhat lonely. Soo sometimes the angels will come here to earth with the aid of their mighty mounts and take some of us up there to live together with them again.”

Whir CLANK. The loud sound wakes me up from my sleep. I gasped and woke up from my dream and come to the realization this is the reality and before was the dream.

“hikk don’t hurt me… please.”

the man didn’t seem to understand me, but I can sense he mean no harm to me. Mom always said that I am a very observant child.

“Look kid I don’t know if you can understand me but here.” The man said something I can’t understand while handing me some kind of orange block and water.

“It’s a nutribar it's food for you to eat.” He said something while gesturing to his mouth.

At this moment I can understand that he just wanted to give me food. I’m still very scared but sensing someone caring for me actually calms me a little bit.

“You seem calmed down a little. Don’t worry kid as long as you keep silent and obediently follow order you’ll be in relative safety.”

The man said while I sense the feeling of sympathy from him.

“Well, is not that you can understand me anyway.” He said while walking away.

“Ah wait!” Before he left the room I exclaimed.

“What’s that” the man turns to look at me.

“Thank you,” I said while bowing and holding the food.

“Ah… uh you’re welcome, I guess.”

Whirr Clank. Once again, I was left alone in the dark room. I look at the block food that the man gave me. It has the size of two of my hands closed together. I gingerly take a bite out of it.


While it doesn’t smell like anything the taste is actually quite good, like a steamed sweet potato I used to have. I continue to eat it all and washed it down with the water.

While a little bit boring it was quite filling and decent. Well, except for the water that tasted stale.


“Victor what the fuck is going on ?!”

“Shut the fuck up, my fuckin head hurts I need a break.” A bald man with a lot of wires attached to his head replied.

“Cih, this is not what we agreed for. Your job is to take us out of the federation territory after the raid as fast as possible.” Straining not to scream due to his anger, the boss reminded him.

“I know, I know. I just needed a small break, and even if I want to, I can’t navigate with this headache in my head, dumbass. Do you want to drown huh!?” the bald man retorted.

Calm down Ron he is a psyker. You can’t afford to offend him. “Fine, but we only have less than an hour left and then we must get going, or our agreement will be nulled understand?” through gritted teeth, Ron said to the psyker

“For fucks sake yes I fuckin understand, now get the fuck out of here and let me rest.”

Cih. With gritted teeth Ron exited the room.

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