Genetically Engineered Super Dad Caring for Naturally Born Wizard Child in Space

Chapter 2: Pursuit

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“Warning, incoming darksea energy signature detected possible surfacing vessel.”

A robotic voice echoes through the halls.

“B...Boss you wanna look at this.” 

Looking to a clear sign of an incoming vessel. Bagoes yells to the crew with an alarmed look on his face. 

Son of a… FUCK everybody battle-ready, code red. Prepare for an incoming hostile vessel. Dirk, you better get the engine ready to dive ASAP or we’re fucking dead.

Y…Yes Boss

With a ripple, the space tears. Leaving an eerie feeling to the beholders. A large white and blue vessel with an emblem that reads BMF could be seen appearing from the tear of space. 

FUCK! It’s a fucking Fed vessel. We are fucking dead if they find out we have an unawakened psyker. DIRK! Are those engines ready to dive?!

No Boss… we need a few more minutes. Sweating buckets dirk answers meekly.

Trying to keep his composure Bagoes asks for the most important person that is currently not in the vicinity. 

“Fucking useless, and where the fuck is Victor!?”

A door opened and a large man wearing power armor with a pale face could be seen running hastily at Bagoes.

“Huff… boss there is huff... there is something wrong with Victor!” Agus yelled.

Clearly not able to keep his composure Bagoes blew up.



“Sir we got them cornered, they can’t outrun us with their thruster capabilities, and with Ms. Linda controlling their psyker, they can’t dive either.

A well-dressed man replied with a cool composure.

“Good, looks like we got ourselves quite the easy catch. By the way, what did you actually do to their psyker anyway?”

“Classified.” Said Linda coldly.

Slightly losing his cool composure, the man ordered his subordinates. 

“Tch, connect our channel with the suspect’s vessel, I want to talk to them. “

“Connection established sir.”

Adjusting his collar, the man picks up a rectangular communication device.

“This is Captain Jono from BMF border worlds territories patrol. You are seized with the suspect of employing an unlicensed Pathfinder. Deactivate all of your defenses and thrusters or we will be forced to open fire! I repeat…”



On a bridge of the ship, a group of people could be seen standing around a bald man sitting unconscious with blood running from his nose, eyes, and ears. 

Breaking the ominous silence, the man with power armor asks Bagoes. 

“What do we do now boss?”  

“Dive.” Said Bagoes grimly.

That command makes the room fall to silence once more.

“Bb…but boss, without a pathfinder…” gulping the man with power armor finally said.

“I said… DIVE, and who the fuck said we don’t have another pathfinder.”

Looking confused another man asked.

“Who…? The girl Boss? She can’t even speak Common.”

With the decision already made, Bagoes finally got his composure back.

“Shut up it's our only option and if they found out we kidnaped an unawakened psyker we are dead anyway. Now dive” said Bagoes with grim determination.


“No respond coming from the suspect vessel, waiting for command sir.”

“Hmm… are they making light of us? Prepare to open fire, target their thruster and engines.”

“Warning, diving engine signature detected.”

With an unsure face, the officer reported.

“Uh sir, I think the suspect vessel is preparing for a dive.”

“What the?! Linda! You said you got their psyker under control?” With the same look of confusion, Jono asked.

“I AM, are you doubting my capabilities?” Linda angrily retorted.

“Then what the hell are they doing? Linda, can you terminate the enemy psyker?”

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“With ease”

“Then do it”

“Already done”

Tense seconds pass by while everybody focuses on the suspect’s vessel.

“Uh sir, they are not showing signs of stopping.”

With a look of disbelief on his face, Jono replied.

“What?! Then fire I repeat open fire, all weapons free. Priorities neutralizing their engines.”

Dozens of kinetic weapons fires thousands of bullets. Hundreds of bullets turn into molten metal upon impact on the enemy plasma shield but hundreds more managed to penetrate it and hit the hull while also hitting critical parts of the enemy thruster.

“Sir I don’t think we can stop them on time with our firepower sir.”

Composing himself after he lost it because of the enemy's strange and borderline suicidal decision Jono replied.

“Hmm it's fine, don’t worry about it. If they want to kill themselves by diving without a pathfinder then it's not our problem anymore.”

With a flash of light, a tear in space was opened in front of the suspect vessel. Without a better word, like a huge jaw, the tear swallows the vessel and leaves the patrol vessel behind.


There it is again, that feeling. If I have to describe it I think it's close to being submerged in warm water. It’s kinda relaxing. The first time I felt this is right after I got captured and put in a cage. This feeling is the thing that helps me calm down to sleep. 

Suddenly a ray of light enters the rooms. The woman that feed me before came back, but on both of her sides, there are also two scary people. The woman feels pity while the two men feel worried and hopeful?

“I can’t believe our only hope of escaping the darksea is this kid.” Said one of the men.

“Shut it, if the boss heard you complain he gonna lose his shit again.” Replied the other man. “Now take the kid to the bridge” he ordered the woman. 

With a face of reluctance and annoyance, the woman replied.

“Do I look like a babysitter to you I’m a goddamn mechanic. Don’t drag me into this mess.” She said while opening the door of my cage. 

“uhh how do I do this?” she mused to herself. “Kid take can you please grab my hand?” the woman said while lending her hand to me.

I don’t understand any of their words but I can still somewhat understand what she wanted. Besides she still doesn’t have ill inattentions towards me. Slowly I took her hands and stands up.

“Good, now follow me” gently, she led me out of the cage to a hallway while the two men follow behind us. “Don’t worry, like I said if you do as told you’ll be fine.”

Soon we arrived in a big room with a lot of glass windows that I saw at the church back home. There are many seats in this room and a lot of people too. I am getting very scared but the firm grip of the woman calms me down somewhat. 

“Here she is boss” the woman said.

A large man with a scary face and a scar on his face said something while looking at me. The same as almost everyone in the room he also feels hope and worry.

“Good now put her down on the pathfinder’s seat.” 

“Okay kid, now I need you to sit here.” the woman said while leading me to a chair in the center of the room.

With no other choice, I follow along and sit on the chair. The chair is very big and my feet could not touch the ground and were left dangling in the air. The woman now left me and look at me from the side. Fear start growing again in me but I held it. Mom always said that I am a brave girl. Then they put some kind of a bowl with a lot of black vines attached to it on my head.

“Are you sure this is going to work boss?”

“I don’t fucking know, do I look like a psyker expert to you huh?!”

“So, what now? Are we stranded here now destined to float around until our shield breaks and gets swallowed by the darksea?” Someone dismayed.

“I knew I should’ve just taken the money and retired!” someone else said.

The rooms are now filled with bickers and anger. 


The sound of thunder startled me. I looked at where the sound came from. It was from something the scary man with a scar on his face held in his hands. I was once again reminded that these people come from the world beyond, while riding a steel bird. Terror starts to form in my heart and tears began to wet my eyes.

“Shut. The. Fuck. Up.” The scarred man says.

Everybody instantly fell silent and looked at the scarred man. He then proceeds to point the thunder maker on my head. 

“Boss what are you doing?!!”

The scarred man stays silent and stares at me. At this moment I couldn’t hold my tears and started to sob quietly while continuously praying to God for someone to save me.





Suddenly a sharp clear sound could be heard. A red dot appears on the navigation screen.

“Boss!! we got a coordinate.”

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