Gentleman of the Apocalypse

Chapter 17: Give Me Another Chance

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The hotel Agnes was talking about was on the other side of the city. Normally, it would be easy to get there in around 20 to 30 minutes by motorcycle, but since there are zombies running around and cars blocking the roads, it would slow down our progress by a significant amount.

Also, we had reached another unfortunate predicament.

"No….the motor doesn't have any gas left," Dustin said. "I told them to refill at a gas station as soon as possible, but they wouldn't listen to me!"

"How irresponsible can they be? Even mine is empty," Perci said. "Sigh, it is what it is."

"Those damned idiots!" I said.

What kind of biker gang forgets to fill up their gas tanks anyway?

We all got out of the bikes and started walking.

"I honestly don't want to keep walking again," I said.

Perci and Kenji walked up to me and said the exact same words.

"Would you like to be carried, instead?" 

They looked at each other in disbelief. 

Kenji glared at him fiercely, but Perci returned his gaze with a soft smile.

"I'll do it!" Kenji went up to his face.

"Are you sure? You don't have to force yourself. I can do it," Perci said.

"I'm not forcing myself. Maybe you should just back off instead and let me handle it."

"She might not be comfortable with you."

"Screw you. I was her boyfriend. You're not. What makes you any better?"

I placed my head on my palm.

"I never said I wanted to be carried, you idiots! I'm just complaining about having to walk again," I said. "So can you please stop arguing?"

"Y-you can carry me instead, Kenji," Agnes said. "My feet have been sore from spending hours searching for you, so maybe-"

"Forget it. I'm not interested in carrying anyone else besides Ori," Kenji said.

Agnes frowned and looked down for a moment. I walked closer and tried to comfort her.


"Get away from me…..traitor."

The blonde looked at me with misty green eyes and a scornful expression.

"This is your fault."

"I-I'm sorry…"

"Um, hello? Agnes, right?"

Perci joined our conversation.

"I can carry you if you want."

"Eh?" Agnes was shocked.

"W-wha?" I stuttered.

"If you're alright with me, then I'll do it."

She looked at me, then looked back at Perci, then looked towards me again with a mischievous grin as she pushed her glasses back up.

What's with that look on her face?

"Um, thanks."

"Just hold on to my umbrella, okay?"


Perci carried Agnes in his arms and walked away.

Why do I feel so irritated about this? It's not like I'm jealous or anything. Right? Right?

Can I really deny it? There's definitely something wrong with me. 

Come on, she's just being carried because Perci always acts like a gentleman. That's all.

Why should I care? 

But I kind of want to be carried by him instead.

My thoughts are starting to contradict each other. I'm going crazy!

I shook my head rapidly. Snap out of it! We're in a zombie apocalypse. Now's not the time to be thinking of such things.

We continued to run across the streets and took down some zombies on the way.

"Mooncourt Mall is just around the corner. Maybe we can take a rest there," Perci said.

"Seriously? Don't you think there could be zombies inside?" Dustin said.

"We're short on food and supplies. Everyone's tired. We can't survive the whole trip if we can't make a stop. The mall is something we should at least check out."

"I guess it's worth a shot," I said. "I'm exhausted."

"If Ori agrees, then I will have to agree as well," Kenji said. "Besides, I'm confident in my strength to take on all of them."

He pulled up his fists and showed off his sap gloves.

"Did you really just use those to kill every zombie?" I asked.

"Of course."

"That's crazy impressive!"

"Ah, to be praised by Ori! What a wonderful feeling!" 

He looked at Perci smugly.


"Gehhh….." I feel like I stroked his ego there…

We walked over to the front of the mall's entrance. 

"The doors are open…." Perci said. "We have to be careful."

The mall had a round atrium, showcasing all the different shops it had to offer. There were escalators leading up to till the third floor, but of course, they were out of commission. Right above the mall was a glass dome, showing off the blue gray color of a gloomy afternoon sky.

"Why is the sky so dark?"

The sounds of droplets began to sprinkle from outside…….

Before slowly transitioning into a heavy shower.

"Forgot to check the weather forecast today," I muttered.

Oh wait, there isn't one.

"T-the rain is loud! It seems to be disorienting their hearing!" Dustin said.

There were a notable amount of zombies around the mall, but they didn't seem to notice us. Instead, they seemed to be twitching rapidly in place and covering their ears, as if they were unable to handle the noise.

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"Heh. This is a great chance for a little competition," Kenji said.

"What do you mean?" Perci said.

"How about we compete on how many kills we can get?"

"Sure. If it means securing the entire place, then I'm up for it."

"Ori likes strong men. The winner gets to go on a date with her."

"H-hey! Why did you drag me into this?" I said.

"Shouldn't you consult Ori about this first?" Perci said.

"That's right!" I said. "I'm not someone who wants to be treated like a prize!"

"Looks like she won't agree…." Perci said.

"I'll take right, you take left, go!" Kenji ran off to kill some zombies.

"Wait!" I said.

"It seems I don't have a choice. Sorry, Ori," Perci pulled out the sword from his umbrella and left as well.

"W-woah! A sword inside an umbrella? How?" Dustin wondered.

Ugh…they already left. I guess we'll have to wait for the results.

But…if Perci wins…..maybe it's not so bad to go on a date with him.

After an hour of waiting, Kenji came back first.

"I'm back."

"How many kills do you have?" I said.

"I've killed 35 zombies," Kenji closed his eyes and crossed his arms.

"T-that’s a lot…."

“Heh, it’s no big deal for me,” Kenji smirked.

5 minutes after……Perci arrived.

"I bet you got less kills, Perci," Kenji said.

"Don't look down on Perci," I said.

"I got 34."


"Hahaha! Looks like I win!" Kenji said. "Ori's mine."

"Sorry, I was focused more on checking every place properly. I got carried away," Perci said.

"No excuses! I am the winner, so you have to follow the rules," Kenji said.

"Ori, let's go on a date," Kenji brought out his hand.

I looked at Agnes and she seemed frustrated.

"Can I refuse?" I said.

"I just want to talk with you. Just give me a chance!" Kenji said.

"You should consider it. At least try to hear him out. I don't think it would hurt to give him another chance. " Perci said.

I thought about it for a moment. 

"Sigh, fine. But we're just going to talk, ok?"

"Of course. Let's go take a walk, shall we?" Kenji said.

I walked up the escalator with Kenji and looked back.

Agnes was talking with Perci with a strangely happy face, then proceeded to walk together and left Dustin alone.

What are they going to do?


We were quietly looking around the stores, without anyone saying a single word. It was quite awkward.

"Um, Ori?" Kenji finally spoke out. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry."

"You've told me sorry multiple times," I said looking away. "How do I know you're being sincere this time?"

"I've done some reflecting on myself after the breakup. I grew as a person. I know my mistakes. I've worked hard to change my ways. But I know it's going to take a lot to make it up to you!"

"Hmph. I still don't believe you. Words aren't enough to sway me. I can't get myself to trust you anymore. You let me down many times! How do you expect me to forgive you so easily?"

"I don't. That's why I'll show you! That I will do whatever it takes to win you back! I'll atone for everything I've done!"

"Oh really? What if I told you there is something you can do?"

"What is it? I'll do anything!"

"Leave me alone, then maybe I'll consider forgiving you at least."

Kenji opened his mouth…but he struggled to come up with a proper response.

"I……can't. I'm begging you! Just give me one last chance!"

Kenji jumped up in the air and kneeled on the floor.

"Please! One more chance! If I fail, then I'll leave you alone forever!"

I looked at him annoyingly for a moment. 

Then I sighed.

There was still one thing I really wanted to ask of him. So maybe, I can place a little bit of faith in him.

"Fine, I'll forgive you. But only on one condition. After our date, promise me you'll acknowledge Agnes' feelings."

"Agnes? The glasses girl?"

"She used to be my best friend, until I stole her crush away from her."

"Who's her crush?"

"It's obviously you, airhead! Have you really not noticed this entire time?" I scratched my head.

"B-but, I'm in love with you! I can't get myself to fall for someone else!"

"I'm not telling you to fall for her, just to respond to her feelings respectfully. Do that and I'll forgive you."

"I'll do it!" 

I smiled a little.

"Then, let's proceed with our date," I said.

"Wait, I thought we were just going to talk…"

"I'll give you one last chance. If I really want to convince you to keep the promise, then I'll have to step up my game. I'll give you one last proper date!" I pointed at him. "So, don't you dare forget your promise!"

I'll test him. If he's no longer the person he used to be, then it's fair to give him another chance. 

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