Gentleman of the Apocalypse

Chapter 18: Double Date

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"Let's get some food to eat first," Kenji said.

"You're right. I'm starving!" I said.

We check the food court on the ground floor, going through each stall and searching out the remaining food that was left behind.

"Ori. Remember this place?" Kenji pointed to a stall behind him.

It was named Angel Wings, with the logo of a chicken with actual white angel wings and a halo on top of its head.

"That's…where we first met," I said. 

"I still remembered which seat we were in," Kenji walked over and sat at the table with only two seats. "Over here."

I sat on the seat in front of him and looked at his face.

Kenji closed his eyes and let out a toothless smile.

"Wait here, I'll get something for us to eat."

The tail-haired boy got out of his seat and hopped inside the stall. 

A while later, he came back with a bucket of chicken….except there was no chicken.

"Um….there's no food left in there…" Kenji scratched his head. "The chicken expired."

"Makes sense, but why did you bring the bucket?" 

"When I first met you, I was eating a bucket of chicken. It was at that time when I saw you, crying all alone."

"Ah. I remember now! You offered me a chicken piece that time, which ended up cheering me up a little." 

"I think you even laughed when I gave it to you. It was a little embarrassing."

"I found it cute and funny," I giggled at the thought. "It was unexpected, but I really appreciated that gesture. Thank you for that." 

"It's nothing. Besides, you were having trouble with someone right? With that stalker of yours. His name was Wolfis, right?"

"Yeah. I opened up to you that day, told you all my troubles with him," I said. "Then you stood up and offered to protect me from him. It was sweet."

"I decided to escort you to school and back to your home everyday, it was a valuable time of my life."

"It was thanks to you that Wolfis stopped stalking me. I still remember how you confronted him then."

Even Wolfis, with his physical capabilities and predictions could not stop an actual trained fighter. He was afraid of Kenji. 

It wouldn't be far-fetched to say Kenji was a martial arts genius.

"If only we could go back to that time, where I dedicated my life to protecting you, my first love."

I coughed fraudulently and stood up.

"Uhum, anyways, l-let's just go to Eleven7 and find something to eat there!" I said awkwardly.

"Let's go, then," Kenji squeezed his lips.

"There's no need for that."

Perci and Agnes walked over to us with instant noodle cups. They placed them on the table and gave us plastic forks. Agnes gave her cup to Kenji and Perci gave his cup to me.

"We started a fire and boiled some water over there," Agnes said.

"We decided it would be best to prepare a meal for all of us," Perci said.

"Thanks…" I said.

"If you need us, we'll be eating on another table nearby," Perci said. "Oh, and Agnes has something else to say."

He gently pushed Agnes closer to us.

"Um, h-how about we go on a double date later? It'll be me and Perci together!"

"That sounds fun!" I said. "We should go for it, Kenji!"

"But I wanted it to be just the two of us…." Kenji said.

"Come on, don't be such a killjoy! Do it for me, please?" I said clasping my hands.

"Fine…If that's what Ori wants, I can't deny it."

"Thanks!" Agnes smiled and went to sit down with Perci.

Agnes talked with him happily and Perci patted her head.

Those two seem to be having fun together……why do I feel uneasy?

I had to agree with their proposal. I wanted to see how their relationship was going forward.

"Um, Ori? Are you still there?" Kenji said.

"Oh. Ah….what were we talking about again?" I said.

"Nevermind. Let's just eat first for now, then take a trip around the mall."

Kenji looked a little disappointed, but he began slurping on his noodles happily.

"I like the way you eat," I giggled.

"Am weawy hungwy..mmmm,"

"Pfft, hahaha!" 

I didn't think Kenji could make me laugh again.

After our meal, we started on our double date.

Even if it's the apocalypse, we girls can't miss out on the most important part of the mall. 


And the best part is, everything is free!

We decided to go around the clothing stores to try some outfits and dresses.

First, I tried to go for a cutesy aesthetic, wearing a pink hoodie, a black skirt and knee-high stockings.

"How do I look?" I said.

"You look perfect!" Kenji said.

Next up, I tried to look classy, wearing a long white jacket with a striped shirt and black pants underneath. The cherry on top would be the sunglasses.

"What do you think?"

"You look perfect!"

Then, I tried to look grungy, wearing a leather jacket, skinny jeans and a choker.

"You look perfect!"

I tried sports outfits, summer wear (not bikinis!), casual wear, vintage, gothic, artsy, street, lolita, you name it. 

I tried a total of 69 different outfits, before finally deciding upon something that was simply comfortable for me.

A white hoodie with black stripes and black leggings.

"You look perfect….zzzzzzz…" Kenji fell asleep.

"Can't you think of something different to say?"

I guess boys can get easily drained just watching girls dress up for ages.

"That outfit suits you," Perci said. "Makes you look cute."

I looked at and saw Perci complimenting Agnes, who was wearing a green jacket and a white skirt.

"T-thanks," Agnes pointed her fingers together. "Your sweater looks nice with your fedora too!"

"Thank you."

Perci was wearing something new, showing off a black V-neck sweater vest over a white shirt, but he kept his fedora on the whole time.

I’m starting to like his sense of style. The fedora doesn’t even look weird to me anymore.

I want him to compliment me too…..

N-no, I don't!

Perci looked into my direction and I immediately looked away.

Hmph! Whatever!

Why am I getting so bummed over this?

After dressing up, we decided to go to the arcade. But since there wasn't any electricity, we decided to play a game of table tennis instead.

"Huryah!" I hit the ball.

"Wacha!" Kenji countered.

The ball went back and forth as we hit it again and again.

We were able to do a 100 hit rally, something that I’m really proud of.

"We did it!" I said.


We gave each other high fives and did a celebratory dance.

"Ouch!" Agnes said as she got hit on the forehead by a fast ball.

"Ah, sorry….I hit it too hard," Perci said. "Are you ok?"

Perci pulled her hair backward and gently caressed her forehead.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. It was my fault for hitting it too hard, you were just trying to

deflect it," Agnes said.

I stared at them for a long time, before being snapped back to reality by Kenji.

"Hey, Ori? Let's try something else."


I'm not jealous. Not at all! Why would I be?

After table tennis, we went to a stuffed toy shop.

"Look! Isn't that the stuffed toy you always wanted?" Kenji said.

He took hold of it and gave it to me.

"Here you go."

It was a replica of a cute black cat with a fedora hat.

"Woah! It's Fedora Kat from the Kewl Kats collection! I've been endlessly searching for this for a very long time!"

There were a total of 8 of them in the Kewl Kats collection. Football Kat, Drama Kat, Archer Kat, Zombie Kat, Assassin Kat, Martial Kat and King Cat. I have bought 7 out of 8, the only one I failed to obtain was the Fedora Kat.

"Ah….you're finally in my hands!" I said, rubbing my face all over him.

"It's good to see you happy," Kenji said.

Hmm….doesn't Fedora Kat remind me of someone? Black hair, wears a fedora, is cute……

I looked at Perci playing with a stuffed toy in front of Agnes.

Agnes was laughing sweetly as Perci covered his face with the stuffed toy named Martial Kat.

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"Hmph……." I tucked my lips.

After strolling around the mall for a few hours, we finally decided to take a rest.

Perci and Agnes were pretty much talking all day long. It's almost like they're on the same wavelength.

For some reason, it was so bothersome for me. There's a rather strange feeling in my heart. I don't understand.

"Ori, are you ok? You seem a little down." Kenji said and held my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just tired…"

"Did you have fun with me?"

"Uhh..yeah!" I looked away. 

I genuinely believed I had a fun time, but there was something deep down inside telling me that something wasn't right.

"Ori….are you sure?"

"I really did have fun. Dressing up, playing table tennis, finding Fedora Kat, walking around, eating some ice cream…."

Agnes and Perci walked over to us.

"What's up?" I said.

Perci tapped my shoulder and signaled me to keep quiet.


"Um, Kenji? Can I talk to you alone? Please give me some of your time," Agnes said.


Kenji looked at her for a moment, then looked at me.

I nodded at him in response. 

You better respond to her feelings. I'm sure he got the message.

Kenji and Agnes walked away.

"I guess we'll just wait and see what happens," Perci said. "I've trained her for this moment. I hope she gets the courage to do it."

"Was that what you were trying to do this entire time?" I said.

"Yes. She consulted me for advice, so I decided to help her and come up with this plan."

I don't completely buy it. You guys sure had some sweet moments together. There was definitely a ship going on!

But, Agnes wouldn't just let go of Kenji, so I guess it makes sense.

"Let's follow them!" I said.

"No, we need to respect their privacy."

"I'm just worried about her, that's all! You really think it's ok to leave them be? We need to keep watch of each other! It's still the zombie apocalypse, you know?"

Well, I have no idea where Dustin is though.

"Fine, but we will only listen respectfully."

How does one listen respectfully?

We followed them inside a bookstore and hid by the bookshelves.


"Kenji, you see…there's a reason why I followed you for so long," Agnes fidgeted her legs.

"Why? Please tell me," Kenji said.

"Well, um…."

"Go, Agnes!" Perci whispered with his fist closed.

"Shush!" I said.

"You've been my high school crush for a very long time!" Agnes said, closing her eyes with a red face.

She did it!

"I always wanted to stick by your side, even in the apocalypse! I didn't care if it was dangerous, what mattered was that I could be with you!"


"I love you! Please go out with me!" Agnes bowed.

Kenji looked down for a moment and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, I can't."

Agnes looked like she was about to burst….

"Why? After all that hard work..why?"

This was bound to happen, but we can't force Kenji to accept her. 

Now, how will Kenji respond?

"Isn't that obvious? I love Ori."

What a lame response.

"It's always, Ori this, Ori that. What has she done to capture your heart?!" Agnes said. "She is clearly trying to push you away, yet you still insist on being with her, I don't understand!"

"You clearly don't understand my resolve!" Kenji screamed at her, causing her to cower.

"She doesn't like you anymore! Why can't you see that?"

"Shut up…."

"You're just trying to deny it! You can't accept that you can't be with her again!"

"Shut up, you bitch!"

Kenji began to choke Agnes' throat.

"You don't know anything! The pain I feel!"


Hey…that's going too far.

Perci got out of his cover and grabbed Kenji's arm.

"Let her go. That's no way to treat a lady."

"Why should you care? Don't you like Ori too?"

"My feelings have nothing to do with this. What matters is that you are hurting someone right now. So please, let her go."

"She's so damn annoying! She gets on my nerves. She's been following me for a long time, always calling out my name! Her voice makes me puke!"

What the hell…..Kenji?

"Take that back," Perci said with a demanding tone.

"No way, why should I?"

"Kenji!" I revealed myself.


Kenji dropped Agnes to the floor and stepped back.

Agnes ran away and left the bookstore.

"Wait, w-why are you and Perci here anyway?"


I looked at him coldly.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You haven't changed at all, Kenji."

"No! This isn't what you think!"

"This is the very reason why I broke up with you. I should have never given you another chance. We're done!"

The reason why I broke up with Kenji was because of his anger management issues. 

"You've already hit me several times, but I chose to tolerate everything. I always tried to forgive you, but it was too much pain for me!"

Kenji's anger turned him from a strong protector, to a violent abuser. The pain he dealt with me wasn't mental or emotional. It was usually physical pain.

"Now, you're just projecting your anger on Agnes! I'll never forgive you for this!" I said.

"Ori! I love you! I always will! Please give me one last chance!"

"No way, just leave me alone."

"I won't let you reject me again!" 

Kenji tried to punch me in the face, but Perci blocked it just in time.

"What do you think you're doing?" Perci said. 

He seemed calm in his words, but that piercing indigo glare tells a different story. 

This was Perci's anger.

"I won't tolerate abusers. People who hurt others for selfish reasons are the ones I hate the most."

He performed a swift roundhouse kick towards Kenji, but it was easily blocked by his arm.

"You think you can stop me?! The strongest student in the school?!" Kenji said. "Think again, loser!"

He performed a similar roundhouse kick on Perci, but it was more violent and animalistic.

Perci blocked the attack, but the force was strong enough to knock him down along with the bookshelves.

Kenji composed himself and breathed in and out.

"Let's have a real match. Man vs Man. No weapons, only hand to hand combat. We'll settle this tomorrow morning on the first floor."


"Ori, if he loses, then he isn't worthy to be by your side. I will take you with me, whether you like it or not," Kenji stared at me intensely.

"I'll prove that I'm the only one who can protect you from Lucio."

"Perci is going to win. I believe in him!" I said.

"Pfft. Tell that to him."

Perci lay on the bookshelves in pain.



Kenji turned his back and waved.

"See you tomorrow, my love."

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