Gentleman of the Apocalypse

Chapter 20: Knight VS Dragon

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The sun has risen. Its light pierces straight through the dome, creating a bright round spot at the very center of the mall’s atrium.

Today’s the day.

Kenji stood at that very spot, waiting for his opponent to arrive.

“So you’ve finally arrived. Perci.”

Perci walked over to the spot of light and bowed. 

Me, Agnes and Dustin watched from a good distance away from the spot.

“Let me explain to you the rules,” Kenji said.

“This isn’t just going to be pure fighting?”

“Of course. A real fight requires proper standards. Especially if it’s a fight for Ori’s life. But don’t worry, the rules are simple.”

Kenji removed his gloves.

“Rule 1: We must fight with our bare fists and feet. No weapons allowed. You can fight with any style you like, as long as it only involves the human body.”

Perci walked to the side and dropped his umbrella.

“Rule 2: We must fight without any unnecessary clothes. That includes your fedora and your shirt.”

Kenji took off his shirt and threw it away. He also proceeded to leave his glasses somewhere else. Perci responded by doing the same with his shirt, but for his fedora, he gently placed it down next to the umbrella.

“Woah, both of them have great bodies!” Dustin said.

“Are you gay by any chance?” I said.

“No…..I’m just jealous.”

Perci’s body was well defined with a great balance. He had six pack abs with muscles that gave him just the right shape. Not too bulky, but not too skinny.

Kenji was more beefy and burly, with muscles bigger than Perci’s. His frame was compact and solid as he posed proudly with his body.

To be honest, he had a better and stronger body than Perci. It made sense, since he’s been training for years compared to Perci.

“Rule 3. If you step out of the zone of light and touch the shade, you lose. That’s all. Are all the rules clear?” Kenji said.

“It’s all clear,” Perci said and went on his fighting pose.

“Well then, let’s start the match. Dustin! Count from 3!”

“Y-yes!” Dustin said.

“Perci, just know that you won’t be able to beat me.”

“We’ll see about that.”

“3, 2, 1, Fight!”

The match has begun.

Perci and Kenji circled around the zone, no one had made any attempt to strike yet. Whenever one of them would try to initiate some attacks, the other would just constantly step back. There would always be a space keeping them from making the first strike. There isn’t even any contact yet. 

They’re awfully cautious and patient, aren’t they? 

Finally, Perci decided to strike first with two consecutive kicks. Kenji blocks both kicks and counters with a hook. Perci dodges the hook, but fails to notice the kick directly hitting his leg. 

This caused him to jump back awkwardly, but Kenji gave him little time to react. Two straights were driven towards Perci, with him moving his head away from the first one and blocking the second punch afterwards. Perci retaliates with a spinning hook kick to create some distance and steps away.

Kenji kicks Perci’s leg again, then jabs towards him and tries to grapple his head. Perci grabs hold of his arms and tries to push them away.

“Your defense is breaking!” Kenji said.

He continues to put the pressure on Perci, moving forward with a flurry of jabs. Perci is forced to back away, so he tries to do a front kick to counter. However, Kenji anticipates this and uses the chance to swiftly grab hold of his thigh. He tries to drag it upward to trip him, but Perci reacts quickly and tries to punch Kenji’s head.

Kenji dodges and counters with a flying knee kick. Perci spins away just in time and moves closer to the center of the zone.

“Heh, you’re better than I thought,” Kenji said. “I’ll take you seriously from now on, I can’t afford to waste time.”

“You should have been serious from the start,” Perci said.

He skips forward with a quick side kick aimed towards Kenji’s upper body and follows up with a one-two punch. Of course, Kenji blocks the kick and weaves his head around the punches. He strikes back with a sweeping kick towards Perci’s legs, causing him to stagger back.

“Let me show you the true power of the Dragon Fist.”

Kenji steps forward, aggressively approaching his opponent. Perci continues to do a few kicks to maintain some distance, but Kenji continues to move closer and starts blocking each one.

“What's up with those half-assed kicks? Too weak.”


Kenji launched a swift punch that grazed Perci's cheek, pushing him close to the edge of the light zone.

"Perci! The zone!" I panicked.

Perci tries to look towards his feet to watch his step, giving Kenji another opening.

Kenji performs a hook punch, to which Perci narrowly dodges leaning back and stumbles onto one foot just a centimeter away from the shade.

He almost loses his balance, but he hops desperately to the side and rolls down to the ground.

T-that was close!

However, Kenji tackles him to the ground just as quickly and pins him in place. 


Kenji proceeds to launch a barrage of punches towards him. Perci tries to put his hands up to cover his head, but it looks like he's barely holding on.

"You really think you can keep up that guard?"

His defense was starting to break and Kenji was starting to get a few light blows in.

Perci didn't answer. Instead he glared at him with the very same cold indigo eyes I saw back at the bookstore.

I don't understand. A normal person, or even a fighter would be panicking. Yet, his face didn't show any signs of emotion. 

It's like he was…completely focused on something.

Despite getting beaten up badly, Perci refused to give up. He continued to put his hands up to block every attack. His eyes were still burning with determination.

"Just give up!"

Kenji packed some more power to his next punch and slammed it in.

"Perci, no!" I screamed.

I could not believe what I saw next.

Perci moved his head away from the punch.


Right after dodging, he landed a sweet punch right through Kenji's face.


He was waiting for the perfect moment to counter this whole time..?

Kenji lets go of Perci and steps back. 

"Damn you!" Kenji said.

Perci stood up with a bloody nose.

"Perci, your nose!" I said.

He wiped it off with his arm and smiled.

"It's all right."

"Perci, you bastard! You think you can get away with this?"

"Why are you complaining? Didn't you say this was a real fight?"

Perci stared coldly towards Kenji.

"Hey, what's up with that look on your face? It's pissing me off! You think you can beat me?"

"Just keep quiet and fight me," Perci said, taunting Kenji with his hand.

"Quit acting so cocky!"

Kenji ran towards Perci and proceeded to perform a series of straights and jabs against him.

Perci tried his best to block every punch, but it was clear that he was being overwhelmed.

"Perci! What happened to all that confidence earlier?!"

Many punches got through and hit some parts of his body, but Perci was able to land a hit towards Kenji’s chest with a powerful front kick followed up with a back kick.

However,  it wasn't enough to stop Kenji.

Perci tries to do a sweep kick towards his leg, but Kenji punches him in the head.

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"Perci…." Agnes muttered.

This can't be….

Perci fell to the ground, but he quickly recovered back to a standing position.

"You don't look so good, Perci!" Kenji said.

Perci looked dazed, as if he was struggling to keep himself upward.

His hands were still up the entire time.

"Perci! Fight on!" I cheered. 

"Yeah! You can do it!" Agnes said.

"Um, yeah! Go, Perci!" Dustin said.

"Shut up! You already know who's going to win, so why bother?" Kenji ranted.

"That's because they care about me," Perci said. "Unlike you."

"What was that?!"

"You're a selfish bastard who hurts others for his own gain. There's no way I can lose to an abuser. Not again."

"You can't beat me, Perci. I've trained for most of my life and worked harder than anybody else. It's pointless."

Perci looked down and sighed.

"You're right. I can't beat you," Perci said. "But I also can't afford to lose."

He went over the edge of the zone and closed his eyes.

"What are you doing, Perci?" Agnes said.

"I think we should believe in him," I said. "He's not someone who does things for no reason."

"This is the end, Perci."

Kenji walks towards Perci and puts on a fighting stance.

"Did you think I was going to rush towards you? Idiot," Kenji said. "In cases like these, I ought to be very careful."

Perci took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

"I'm ready."

Suddenly, Perci performed a swift straight towards Kenji's face.

"It's futile."

As expected, Kenji dodged the attack and countered with another straight.

But Perci didn't dodge. Instead he grabbed onto Kenji's arm tightly and jumped backward.


"H-huh?!" Kenji muttered.

"I really can't beat you, but….."

He pulled Kenji into the shade while he was in the air and landed right after.

"You stepped to the ground first," Perci smiled. "I win."

"You! PERCI!!!!!"

"Perci…won?" Agnes said.

"He did it!" I said.

"Nice!" Dustin cheered.

"Good game," Perci let out his hand.

"I won't accept it!" Kenji slapped his hand away and started choking Perci.

Perci kicked him away and stepped back.

What a sore loser….

Perci massaged his throat and coughed.

"It was your rule. Whoever stepped into the shade first loses." 

"Damn it! You don't understand!"

"What don't I understand? It was a fair fight."

"I don't like the way you won! That's bullshit! It's the dumbest move I've ever seen," Kenji gritted his teeth.

"Sometimes, you need to think outside the box to win. I just did exactly that, without cheating."

"I should have won that fight! Me! It's painfully clear that I'm stronger than you. I'm the only one who's worthy of protecting Ori!"

"So what? Ori doesn't want your protection anyway. You lost. Just accept defeat."

"No way! You really think you can protect her from him?"


"Lucio! I'm the only one who can protect Ori from that bastard!"

"Lucio? Isn't that the student council president?" Perci placed his hand on his chin.

I looked away and gripped my fist.

"The boy who stole Ori away from me! I won't forgive him!"

"I see…."

"Now, you're the one who's taking her away from me!"

"Stop treating Ori like she's your possession. She has her own life to live and her own choices to make. And she chose to leave you," Perci said. "Right, Ori?"

I looked at Perci.

"Y-yes. I don't need your help, Kenji!"


"Shut up! Don't you remember? It was Lucio who protected me from you! Stop being delusional! Can you please just accept your loss? Leave me alone!" I said.

I can't stand it anymore.

"I hate you! With a fucking passion! I would never want someone like you to protect me, you abusive freak!"

Kenji looked me in the eyes and started crying on the floor.

"If it's going to be like this….I'll just kill everyone here instead. Then you'll understand why you need my protection!"

Kenji glared at us with a killer gaze, similar to Wolfis' eyes.

"EEEEK!" Dustin screamed.

Kenji ran towards Agnes and chased after her. 

"Kenji, no!" Agnes said.

He grabbed her neck and proceeded to choke her in the air.

I didn't hesitate to pick up the baseball bat and ran towards Kenji.

"Don't hurt my best friend!" I said, slamming the bat with all my strength towards Kenji's head.


I felt the power in my swing force itself deep into something hard and heard an unsettling crack playing out.

D-Did I hit him too hard?

Kenji let go of Agnes and fell down on the floor, bleeding.

"Ori….." Perci said.

He was on his way to attack him as well, but he didn't expect me to reach there first.


I tried checking his pulse, but I couldn't feel anything.


I ran to a nearby trash can and threw up.

I killed him.

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