Gentleman of the Apocalypse

Chapter 19: Lustful Desire

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"Perci! Are you ok?!" I ran towards his body laying over the broken bookshelves.

"Y-yeah. I was just shocked, that's all," Perci said.

"Are you sure?"

"Just give me a moment to stand up."

After a minute of waiting, I started to get a little worried.

"Hey, are you sure you didn't break any bones?"

"Nope. Do you mind pulling me up?"

I pulled Perci up and it seemed he was able to stand on his own two feet.

"Kenji is strong….Wolfis was nothing compared to him."

"Of course. He was the one who protected me from him, after all. Are you hurt?"

"Only a little…most importantly, you should go find Agnes. She's the one who really needs help right now."

"That's right…but what will you do?"

"I'll plan for tomorrow's fight. So just focus on Agnes right now."

"I'll be back!"

I ran out and decided to look for Agnes.


Where the hell is she?! 

I’ve skimmed through most of the stalls, but where could she possibly be at this time?

Looking up, I took notice of a sign leading to the restrooms.

“She has to be here!”

I entered the women’s restrooms and heard a faint cry.

“Agnes! I’m here for you!”


The sound came from the farthest stall of the restroom. As expected, it was occupied. 

I placed my back on the door.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to be this way,” I said, biting my lip. “I should have told you why I broke up with him. Kenji’s a dangerous man, so I should’ve tried harder to stop you from pursuing him.”

“This would have never happened if you hadn’t taken him away from me…”

“I really didn’t know! You never told me you liked him!”

“I….guess that’s true. I’m an idiot, huh….”

“T-that’s not true! It’s not easy to tell people about someone you like. So it’s not your fault!”

An air of silence filled the room for a moment.

“All this time, I hated you for stealing my crush. I couldn’t get myself to be friends with you anymore. It was too irrational. My emotions got in the way of my reasoning. You didn’t mean to, but I could never get rid of the jealousy and anger inside my heart.”

“It’s fine, I don’t mind. You’re still my….best friend,” I held onto the door and started crying.

“I…don’t like Kenji anymore. It was stupid of me,” Agnes said. “After what he did earlier, I could never imagine being with him for the rest of my life.”

Agnes opened the door and hugged me tightly. She wasn’t wearing her glasses.



I hugged her back and closed my eyes.

“We’re going to be alright,” I said. “You’ll find someone else eventually. Someone better than Kenji.”

“About that.”

“Huh? What is it?”

“I’ve already found someone better than Kenji,” Agnes said. “I’m sorry, Ori.”

She shoved me away, separating us from each other.

“You like Perci, don’t you?” Agnes said.

“W-what? What makes you think that?” 

My face began to flush red for some stupid reason.

“We’re childhood best friends,” Agnes said and smiled. “I can tell that you’ve fallen in love again. I’ve seen it seven different times, so I’m sure.”


“When we were dating, the look on your face was completely obvious. You were distressed at the fact that he was having a sweet time with another girl,” Agnes began to wipe away her tears.


I can’t deny it. But I’m not certain. Is this heart of mine really…..

How easy can I be?

“Don’t worry, I know how easy it is for you to fall in love. I won’t tell him anything,” Agnes said and touched my face.

“But, my heart still yearns for revenge,” Agnes put her glasses back on.

“W-What are you talking about, Agnes?” I took one step back.

“It’s been something I’ve been thinking about for a while….”

What does she mean?

“I’m going to steal Perci away from you, just like how you stole Kenji away from me!” she pointed at me. “An eye for an eye, isn’t that fair?”

“How are you going to do that?” I said.

“Isn’t that obvious? I’m going to seduce him into falling for me,” Agnes said, licking her lips. 

“Agnes….!” I placed my hands on my face. “You don’t mean?”

“Yes. You of all people should know the desires men crave with their bodies, right?” Agnes said.

“Don’t do this, Agnes! It’s not worth it.”

“I’ll use my womanly charm to make Perci beg for me….and you’ll never have a chance!”


“I’ll do whatever it takes to make you feel what I feel. We best friends have to share the pain together right?”

I knelt down speechless.

“If you don’t do anything about it, you’ll lose it forever. Our battle begins now!”

She left the restroom and sprinted outside.

When I got back to the atrium, I saw Agnes already running halfway towards the bookstore.

"Jeez! That girl!"

Damn, what is she trying to do?

I arrived at the bookstore and saw Agnes pampering Perci.

“Perci, are you really ok?” Agnes said.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine,” Perci smiled.

“Thank you for saving me!” Agnes hugged Perci.

I looked at them with a calm demeanor.

S-she’s hugging him already?!!!

“You did your best to help me confess to Kenji…and I’m already grateful. I’m just sad to see you get hurt because of me!”

Agnes cried on his chest.

That’s crazy! 

Those are genuine tears. She really does feel bad for Perci, but she’s capitalizing on it completely!

Perci patted her on the head.

“It’s fine, no one’s blaming you. I already said I’m doing well.”


That sly fox……

“Huh? Ori, what’s wrong?” Perci said.


“She’s just worried about you too,” Agnes said. 

She understands me too much…

“Oh, I see.”

“Y-You look like you guys could use a rest.”

Dustin walked inside the bookstore.


“I know what happened! Kenji told me in person! He even told me to give you a message!” Dustin said.

“What is it?” Perci asked.

“He said that you should get a good night’s rest. He wants to fight you in your best condition. You’ll need it to save Ori from him.”

“What does he plan to do with Ori?” Agnes said.

“I think he’s going to take me away. To protect me.”

“No way! Perci, you won’t let that happen right?! I believe in you!” Agnes said.

Even if she wants her revenge on me, we’re still best friends, so I guess she still cares about me somewhat.

“Thanks, Agnes,” Perci said.

“Do you have a plan to defeat him?” I asked.

“Not yet…”


“Don’t worry, you’ll come up with one right? You’re pretty smart after all!” Agnes patted his head.

“I’m not that smart…but I’ll think over it tonight. Don’t stress about it.”

“Y-you can do it, Perci,” I muttered.

“Appreciate the encouragement, Ori.”

“I know a good place we can rest on! Follow me!” Dustin said.

We followed Dustin to the place he mentioned.

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Of course, it was the furniture store, the world of endless couches, pillows and comfy beds. The place where kids dream of sleeping in. Or maybe it’s just me.

“It’s better if we sleep close to each other, that way nobody gets lost, right?” Dustin said.

“Fine, but we all have to be one bed apart, is that cool?” I said.

“Ok,” Perci said.

We all decided to sleep on the northwest corner of the store. Me and Agnes’s beds were at the very edge, then the boys’ beds were located south of our beds. All being one bed apart.

During the evening, we ate dinner using battery lamps as light sources. This time, we resorted to canned goods and beef jerky.

“Perci, say ah!” Agnes said as she held the jerky close to his mouth.

“That’s kind of embarrassing..” Perci said.

“Just eat! You’re the one who’s going to be fighting tomorrow, so you should have most of the nutrients!”

“All right, thanks.”

Perci ate it from her hand and started chewing.

I grumbled quietly and opened a can.

I can’t lose this one!

“Perci! You need to eat fruits too!”

I held a fruit next to his mouth and looked away embarrassingly.

“Why are you both feeding me? I have hands, you know,” Perci said.

“Just eat it already!”

“What’s up with this, it’s like he has a harem….” Dustin muttered.

As Perci went in for the bite, I felt his lips touch my hand as he ate the fruit, which turned my face into a tomato.

Why am I getting so flustered over this?

After dinner, we turned off the lamps and went to bed.

I lay on the bed and closed my eyes.

The rain hasn’t stopped….just when is it going to end?

Well, it was quite relaxing actually. Just listening to the sounds of the rain while laying down on a comfortable bed makes life in the apocalypse worth living. It’s times like these where you wish it wouldn’t end. That feeling of peace and tranquility…..

I couldn’t sleep knowing it would all be over in an instant.

I wanted to live in the moment……

It’s been at least 3 hours now….I’m still awake. Maybe I really should just sleep. I’m getting bored…

Suddenly, I heard faint footsteps walking on the carpet floor. It was coming from Agnes’ bed. 

I opened my eyes a little to see what was going on. 

Agnes was walking past me. I thinned my eyes to act like I was asleep. She looked at me for a moment, then went further south. 

What is she planning to do in the middle of the night? Wait.

She was walking towards Perci’s bed! Is she serious?

Agnes planted herself on top of Perci and woke him up.

“Agnes…what are you doing here?”

“I can’t sleep. I keep thinking about Kenji. It’s disturbing me. Is it possible if I can sleep with you? Maybe it will help my bad feelings go away.”

She’s crazy! What is she thinking?! Why am I suddenly feeling sweaty?! I’m not even using the blankets!

“If you really feel too afraid to sleep alone, then go ahead. Just sleep next to me on this side.”

“That’s not what I mean. When I mean to sleep with you, I mean….sex.”


Agnes removed her shirt, revealing her bra and started to caress Perci from his cheek, then down to his chest, then down to his groin……?

Perci grabbed her arm and rolled her down to the bed. Now, he was on top of her.

T-this can’t be happening!

I knew it. All men are the same, when driven to their animal instincts. So easily manipulated by the opposite gender. This is what they become. Even Perci…..

Is this just a natural way of life?

I was just about to get up from the bed, when I heard Perci’s voice again.

“Sorry. I won’t do it,” Perci said.


“Huh? Why?” Agnes said.

“I just believe that sex should be done with someone special in my heart.”

Someone special….like someone he loves?

“Would you not consider me as special?

“I’ve only met you for a day…..”

“It’s fine. It’s a way of thanking you for helping me!”

“Besides, I’ve heard sex might drain your physical capabilities the next day….”

“That’s just a myth.”

“I don’t think you really want to do this. You’re just forcing yourself.”

“How can you say that?”

“It’s better to have sex with the person you love. But you don’t love me, right? I can feel your body trembling. You’re too afraid to do this. You have no idea what’s going to happen next.”

“I know what I’m doing. I want to do it with you…..”

Perci touched her belly button and twirled it around.



“You’re obviously not ready.”

“Perci……t-that’s not fair…”

Agnes started to cry on the bed.

How can he tell that easily? Is he just that observant? Or is it just one of his grandfather’s tricks?

“As a gentleman, it is my duty to reserve myself for the person I love.”


Perci wiped her tears with his fingers.

“Can I at least sleep next to you, then?” Agnes said.

“Fine,” Perci said.

Agnes slept on his right.

I got up from my bed and walked towards them.

“O-Ori…you were awake this whole time?” Agnes said.

“Yeah, I heard everything.”

“Sorry for disturbing you,” Perci smiled.

“I-I want to sleep with you too! I don’t want to sleep alone!” I said and laid down next to his left all flustered.

The scene had become a boy sleeping with two girls next to him.

Isn’t that every boy’s fantasy?

“If you guys want someone to sleep with that badly, then why don’t you two just sleep together then?” Perci said.

“Huh?” Me and Agnes opened our eyes.

Perci got out of the bed and stood up with his arms crossed.

“Agnes…Ori….I think now’s a good chance to make it up to each other. You guys are enemies,  right? Stop fighting and sleep together instead. Didn’t you two used to be best friends?”

We both stared into each other's eyes.



“Are you seriously going to let Kenji ruin your friendship together? I would say that’s pathetic.”

Something clicked inside Agnes, causing her to slap herself in the face and extend her hand to me.

“Slap me, Ori,” Agnes said.

I didn’t hesitate to lift my hand and hit her cheek with full force.

“No mercy for you!”


Perci tried to intervene, but Agnes stopped him.

“I-It’s fine, I deserve it.”

Agnes tried to keep herself from crying, so I fondled her cheeks softly afterwards.

“I miss you, Agnes.”

“I miss you too, Ori.”

We both cried for a while, so Perci smiled and left to sleep on another bed.

“Pfft. I’m an idiot,” Agnes said. “What am I doing? Stealing someone’s man? I’m such a hypocrite.”

“He’s not really my man…….”


“But I don’t even know if he likes me….”

“Screw it, I won’t get in the way anymore. Just go for it. I’ll cheer you on.”

“Really, Agnes? Aren’t you angry with me?”

“Thanks to Perci, not anymore. I realized how important you are to me. I can’t believe I wanted to destroy my bond with you.”

“So, best friends forever again?”


We hugged each other and went to sleep.

Just what kind of man is Perci? I could not understand. To be able to deny a pretty girl of sex…I wasn’t sure if it was stupid or noble….but I’m glad he didn’t.

To only sleep with someone he loves, what an ideal….

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