Gentleman of the Apocalypse

Chapter 26: The Right Thing

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Another morning….

I left my room and went on the elevator.

Just as the doors were about to close, Agnes stuck her hand inside.


The blonde with glasses joined me on the elevator and sighed.

“Hey….I thought we were going to go together!” Agnes said.

“Ah…right. Sorry, I forgot.”

“You forgot about your best friend?”

“I guess so…silly me…”

Agnes looked at me and poked my cheek.

“You look really gloomy. What’s wrong?”

“I…couldn’t sleep well last night.”

“Oh, I see. How was your date with Perci?”

“It was good.”

“Did something interesting happen between you too? Like at night? Maybe that's what happened…” Agnes grinned.

“I'm telling you, nothing happened, idiot.”

Something interesting did happen last night though…no….. more like disturbing.

I don’t really want to mention Damien's death, but I think the scene would explain itself near the swimming pool. 

I exited the elevator expecting the worst….

But it was just another peaceful day at the resort. Everyone was hanging around as usual….happily eating breakfast and chatting away. 

There was no trace of the body left….it’s like nothing ever happened.

“What’s wrong, Ori?”

“Um…it’s nothing, let’s eat.”


Lucio called out to me.

“Sorry, Agnes, but can me and Ori talk privately for a bit?” Lucio said.

“Um, ok?” Agnes said.

“Go on ahead without me, Agnes,” I said.

“Okay, I’ll reserve a seat for you then.”

Agnes walked away.

“What’s going on, Lucio? What happened to Damien?” I said.

“I don’t want to let anyone know about this incident,” Lucio said. “So I ordered the staff to clean up the site and take Damien to a better place .”

“So you’re saying, we should act like he never existed?”

“I don’t want the people to feel sad. They’re already having such a good time despite all the hardships we’ve been through. I don’t want to decrease their morale. The people have suffered enough,” Lucio talked seriously.

“Isn’t that a bit cruel? To not acknowledge someone’s death?”

“It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make to maintain everyone’s happiness.”

I wasn’t sure what was the right thing to do…it all felt uncomfortable.

“In order to fulfill my dream of an utopia in the apocalypse….” Lucio showed a faint smile.

Is Lucio really doing the right thing here?

After our conversation, I pondered over the question as I went to get some food. Then I headed over to Agnes. She was sitting together with Alex and his gang, as well as Perci.

“Morning, everyone,” I said.

“Morning,” they all greeted.

“Wow, what timing! This is perfect!” Lucio said from behind me.


I jumped as I heard his voice.

“Can I sit with you guys?” he said with a bright smile.

“Of course, Lucio,” Alex said.

“I’ll sit next to you, Perci,” Lucio said. “May I?”

“Sure, go ahead,” Perci said.

Lucio sat down and we started eating together. When my eyes met with Lucio, he smiled back and nodded. I looked away awkwardly.

What’s he up to this time?

Perci noticed this and placed his hand on his chin.

“I’m actually here to talk about Perci. As you already know, he’s a strong guy. Don’t you think he would make a fine addition to the hunters, Alex?” Lucio said.

“Is that so?” Perci asked.

“Yes,” Alex nodded. “I’ve been considering it already, but our selection process relies only on people who volunteer. It’s up to Perci if he wants to join.”

“I will gladly volunteer. If it’s to keep the people safe from the zombies, then I’m happy to oblige,” Perci smiled and took a bite of his food.

“That’s great! You heard him, Alex,” Lucio said.


“I would like to join too!” I said. 

“Ori, it’s better if you stay here,” Lucio said. “You know it’s dangerous out there right?”

“It’s fine! I’ve already experienced most of the apocalypse away from the resort, so it’s no big deal.”

Well, I don’t actually want to go out there again….but if it means I’ll be separated from Perci, then I would think otherwise. I want to stick with him.

“I’m worried about you, you should stay here with me where it’s safe,” Lucio said.

“I’m already telling you it’s fine!” I said.

“Are you doing it just because Perci is joining too?”

“Um….well yeah. But I also care about everyone’s safety! So I’ll join the hunters!”

“The hunters are more suited for strong people, so I would suggest not to do it!”

Why is he so adamant about keeping me here?

“Well, I’m already a part of the hunters, but I’m not that strong!” Agnes said. 

“Did you see her cute pink bat, Lucio?” Perci said. “She can hit pretty well with it.”

Perci…..he acknowledged my strength.

Why did he have to mention my cute pink bat though….

“Just let her join if she wants to, Lucio. It’s her choice,” Alex said. “We could really use more volunteers.”

“Ah, all right, just be careful,” Lucio sighed.

“I’ll protect Ori, so don’t worry about her,” Perci smiled at him.

“Well, I guess it’s settled then,” Lucio said. “Anyways, I have a special request for all of you.”

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"What is it?" Alex asked.

"There are some fireworks at the amusement park not far from here. I'd like you to collect them for tonight."

"What are you planning?" 

"I just thought it would be nice if we could light them up here for everyone to see. Think of it as a special day today."

Are you kidding….but Damien just died….

He put his hand up, like he was trying to signal someone.

"Bryce, come here!" Lucio said.

Bryce walked to us and looked away flustered.


"What is he doing here?" I asked.

"Bryce happens to know exactly where they're located since he used to work there in the summer. So will you please escort him there?" Lucio said. 

"Of course, we'll do it," Alex said. "But don't drag us down, kid."

"I won't, old man!" Bryce said.

"Hey! I'm not that old!" Alex said gruntingly. "I haven't even reached 30 yet! Do I look old?"

"You look mature at least….like a DILF." Agnes said.

"What the hell is a DILF? I can't tell if you're mocking me or not….."

"Hehe, nevermind."

Is it really ok for Bryce to be with us?


Later that day…we left the resort and ventured outside.

"Hey….Ori. If I recall correctly, Lucio is your last boyfriend, right?" Perci said.

"Yes, why do you ask?" I tilted my head.

"Well, compared to all of your boyfriends, he seems like the nicest one," Perci said. "I don't get why you would break up with someone like him."

I stopped for a moment.

"You see, it's because-"

"She's a dumb bitch, that's why. I'm honestly surprised that someone like Lucio liked her so much to the point that he did everything for her," Bryce said.

"Bryce, you asshole!" I lashed out at him.

"What? It's true. He always did his very best to please her, giving her gifts, money, protection, love…..Anything! Only to be thrown away at the end….I feel bad for the poor boy," Bryce said with a cocky smile.

"Now that I think of it, he's actually an idiot. Why do people even consider him a genius anyway?!"

"You don't understand‐"

Perci went in front of me and glared at Bryce.

"You shouldn't be disrespecting people like that. Apologize."

"Wait, you remind me exactly of Lucio! Hahahaha! Trying too hard to act like Mr. Goody Two-Shoes all the time….it's pathetic."

"What's wrong with trying to do the right thing?" Perci said.

"Perci….you're going to be just like Lucio. No matter how hard you try, that girl will throw you away. You think you can win her over with that? Quit lying to yourself. You're just a simple plaything to Ori. Caught up in her strings like the puppet you are!" 

Bryce shoved him, but Perci didn't react.

Realizing that his taunt didn't work, Bryce then proceeded to butt heads with him.

"What is your problem?" Perci said. "You're going too far. Consider brushing your teeth to clean that dirty mouth of yours."

"Pfft!" I covered my mouth trying not to laugh.

"You wanna fight?! Let's have a rematch!" Bryce spat on his clothes.

"Not interested."

"That shitty fedora of yours is so lame!"

Bryce grabbed Perci's fedora and threw it on the floor.

Perci picked up the fedora silently.

"You can disrespect me as much as you want," Perci dusted his fedora and put it back on. "But I can't tolerate anyone who disrespects my grandfather's hat."

He gave Bryce an ice cold glare and launched his foot towards his head.

Alex blocked Perci's kick with his forearm, protecting Bryce.

He then hit both of them in the head with a light chop.

"Stop it, you two. Did you forget? What happens in the Cage, stays in the cage. You had your chance to fight it out there…and it's done. No more disputes," Alex said.

"Tsk….whatever," Bryce walked away.

"Phew, that was one good kick," Alex said, shaking his forearm. "It feels sore now!"

"Sorry…I lost my temper," Perci said.

"It's fine. Let's just move on."

We walked silently until we made our way to the amusement park.

This was a fun place, offering a variety of activities in rides, booths and carnival games. The roller coasters aren’t really my thing…..but I like the ferris wheel. 


Of course, there isn’t much left to do here anymore. Everything is inactive and there are zombies here.

If only this were an ordinary day…I might have been having fun with Perci here.

Then again, if it weren’t for the apocalypse, him and I would have never crossed paths.

We fought off the zombies, whacking them off with our weapons until the area was clear.


I slammed my bat on a zombie’s head, swinging it away like a homerun.

“Phew…I think that’s the last of them..” Alex said.

“I found it!”

Bryce carried a whole box of firework rockets.

“There’s more, can you help me carry the rest?” Bryce said.

That guy! I hate how casual he sounds with everyone else…..

"Let's go help him, everyone," Alex said.

After collecting the supplies, we decided to head back to the resort.

“Ori,” Perci called out to me.

“What is it?”

“Do you still, by any chance, have feelings for Lucio?” Perci said.

“Hell no! Why do you ask?” I said.

“I’m curious, obviously,” Perci smiled and walked away.

“Eh….what a boring answer,” I pouted.

It’s obviously not just because you're curious….right?

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