Gentleman of the Apocalypse

Chapter 27: I Like, You Like, Fireworks

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It was a lively, wonderful evening.

Everyone was having fun partying at the resort, having some drinks and playing in the swimming pool.

There was even a band playing some upbeat acoustic music with guitars and drums for people to dance to. 

Even the panda mascot was playing a guitar!

Luckily it wasn't the loud obnoxious type of party music, so I was still able to hear everyone's voices properly. 

We were all eating dinner together, talking, laughing, just simply having a good time.

"Hey…I've just realized. Is it ok for us to be this noisy?" I wondered. "Won't the zombies be attracted to the noises?"

"It doesn't matter," Alex said. "The resort is a fortified place. Zombies can't breach through even if they tried. Besides, because of us hunters, the amount of zombies outside has been steadily decreasing everyday."

"Oh, that sounds great!" 

"In fact, if we keep it up for a long time, we might even get rid of every zombie on this island!" Agnes said.

"That sounds a little too idealistic…" Alex said. "As long as Rokaibo Island is connected to the mainlands, more of them will keep coming."

"What a bummer…." Agnes muttered.

"How about the open beachfront of the resort? Can't the zombies swim through?" Perci asked.

"If they could swim, we wouldn't be here happily enjoying our food," Alex said. "They can't pass through the sand either due to the steep rocky borders blocking entry. The only way would be through the water, this place was designed to keep trespassers away."

"Speaking of the beachfront, the people are heading there right now!" Agnes said.

"Why?" I said.

"The fireworks are starting in a few minutes!" Lucio announced. "I repeat, the fireworks are starting in a few minutes!"

The panda mascot quickly rushed towards the beach, leading the way for everyone.

"Let's go…" Alex and his companions stood up. 

"W-Wait! I'm still eating!" Agnes said, hurriedly placing food on her mouth.

I was about to join them…when Perci grabbed my arm.

"H-huh? What is it?"

"There's something I want to tell you…alone."

"I-is that so?"

Something to tell me…..alone?

Then it hit me.

Wait! Wait! Wait! Isn't this a bit too sudden?! It can't be, right? Perci is going to…..

Agnes looked at me and gave me a thumbs-up.

"Ok….where are we going?" I said.

"The rooftop garden."


Where Damien died…..

I shook my head.

No. Now's not the time to dwell on it.

It's about me and Perci.

We rode the elevator up and the doors opened out to us.

"Woah…" I muttered.

Unlike the last time I was here, the place was brightened up with hanging string lights.

It was completely different from the dark and gloomy atmosphere before.

We went over to the balcony and waited silently.

My heart is racing…..

Is he really going to say what I think he's going to say?

And am I ready for it?



"I…..want to tell you something."

"I get that.. that's why you brought me here."

"Right, right."

Perci sighed and looked at me.

My eyes widened in anticipation.



A firework had launched into the air, showing off a spark of red light.

"....forgot to return this."

"Huh?" I said looking confused.

On his hand was a pink floral handkerchief.

It was the one I used to bandage his wound a while back.

"My handkerchief…"

I took it from his hand and placed it in my pocket.

"Um, t-thanks."

"You're welcome," Perci smiled.

More fireworks soon followed after, creating an amazing display of colorful explosions.

That was anticlimactic.

We silently watched the skies fill up with beautiful sparks of light.

I sighed.

I should have known….I was expecting too much.

"Hey, Ori?"

"Hah?! What is it?!"

"Hmm? Why are you suddenly so angry?"

"I'm not angry, idiot!"

"But you sound like it…."

"Hmph, whatever!"


I feel so disappointed….oh well.

I'll just continue watching the fireworks. Might as well enjoy it.

"The fireworks are beautiful, don't you think?" Perci said.

"Y-yeah. I like it."

"Do you want to hear a fun fact?"

"Huh? What are you suddenly saying out of the blue?"

Perci put his finger in front of my mouth.



"During the medieval times, a young maiden would bestow her favour to a knight she was interested in by handing over her handkerchief. This is known as the Lady's Favour."


"It would be the knight's duty to hold on to the handkerchief and promise to return it to her when he comes back."

"Where are you trying to go with this?"

"When they reunite once again, the knight would hand over the handkerchief and profess his love to the fair maiden."


My brain started to fire up….

"I would like to ask you something."

Perci moved closer to me and whispered in my ear.

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"Can I be your knight in shining armor?"


Ah…jeez… heart rates have gone through the roof!

I feel like I'm about to….

I was about to faint, but Perci caught me.

"Are you ok?"

"U-uh, yeah! I'm fine! You just gave me a heart attack!"

"How was my line?"

"It was so cheesy, you idiot!" I said. " was also kind of cool…" 

I blushed and looked away.

"So…um…what's your answer?" Perci said. "I don't mind if you reject me…."

"Perci! Do you really love me?" I asked to make sure.

"No, I don't love you. I only like you," Perci said. "The word 'love' is not something I can say so casually. My grandfather told me that I am only allowed to say that I love someone if I'm absolutely serious about it. Otherwise, it is disrespectful to the person you said it to."

"I see….you're right."

He's right. Love isn't something that is so easily achieved. People like to throw the word around, but only a select few actually mean it. It's totally overused. Most of them are lies, sometimes even to the speaker themselves.

"Are you ok with liking someone like me?" I said. "I've had 7 boyfriends, all of them I've broken up with. I have a terrible track record."

"That doesn't matter."

"But, what if I end up dumping you too?"

Perci thought for a moment, then proceeded to walk closer to me.

"At first, I never really considered being in a relationship with you, I was only helping you as a gentleman."

Perci held my hand and gazed at me with his indigo eyes.

"But after spending all that time with you during the apocalypse, I have come to like you as a person. You're the only one in the world who fully understands and accepts my past. I can truly say that you're an amazing woman."


"If you can't accept me, that's fine. All I want to do is tell you how I feel. I'll continue to protect you regardless of the outcome."


Can I really do it?

To fall for another guy again?

From the very start of the apocalypse, I had a deep hatred for men.

Look at me now.

When I met this boy, everything started to change slowly, but surely.

Is this too good to be true?

Agh! Jeez! Whatever! I'll say it!

I'm such an easy girl………

"B-Be my knight…Perci…"

"That's good to hear…."

Our faces gradually got closer, like our lips were about to touch…..

T-This is it….

I closed my eyes.

But Perci covered my mouth.


"No kiss before marriage," Perci smiled.

I stared at him for a while, slightly bummed that he ruined the moment.

Then I started to laugh.

"Hahahaha! That's cute! Fine! If we ever get a chance to get married, we'll do it! I'll make sure it's a really good kiss!" I said.

"Heh. Sure."


Later that night, I hopped back into my bed and happily bounced up and down.

I can't believe it!

Perci and I….like each other!

Even though I've experienced it seven different times, it still feels as good as ever.

I giggled to myself rolling around and letting my pillow fly.

Eventually, the ecstatic feeling of mine had finally calmed down and I laid down satisified with tonight's outcome.

I wonder how everyone's going to find out….

I closed my eyes and hugged my pillow, imagining it was Perci.

"You're the coolest guy ever……"



I woke up to the sound of the door opening and closing slowly.

What? I'm pretty sure I locked the door….

I noticed a strange black figure walking slowly towards my bed.

H-huh? A ghost? W-what the hell is going on?

I-I'm scared…..

But….I pretended to be asleep.

I could feel the figure standing just right beside the bed….

It's now or never.

Opening my eyes slightly, I noticed a hand trying to reach for my mouth.

I slapped it away and punched the figure in the face.

The figure held onto his face in pain.


It was Bryce.

"Bryce! What the hell are you doing here? How did you get into my room?"

"Just shut up, bitch!"

Bryce tried to attack me again, but I threw all my pillows at him.

"Get away!"

I stepped back towards the sliding doors of my room.

"No can do, Ori! I have to do this!"

Bryce rushed over to chase after me, but I kicked him right in the nuts.


"Take this, you asshole!"

I tried to finish him off with another kick, but he grabbed my foot and tripped me to the ground.


"This pain is nothing compared to the pain you've brought me!"

Bryce immediately went on top of me and covered my mouth with his gloves.


"Sleep tight, Ori, hahahaha!"

Ugh…what did he put on his gloves?

I feel…..sleepy……


I blacked out.

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