Gentleman of the Apocalypse

Chapter 35: The Final Stand

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The final showdown begins now.

Everyone’s here with one goal in mind. To take down Dustin, once and for all.

Dustin looked around as we surrounded him from all sides.

“Attack!” Alex said and charged at Dustin.

He swung his machete twice towards Dustin, but he was able to step back with accelerated agility.

“Too slow!”

Alex smiled at him.

Two more people were already attacking from his blind spots.


Dustin dodged both of their attacks with lightning quick reflexes, but he realized that two other people were waiting for him from another angle.

He kicked both of them away, causing them to get knocked down to the ground. 

Just a split second after, Alex was already attacking him again with an overhead slash.

The blade had barely missed the mark and Dustin tried to counter Alex’s attack, but three people had already surrounded him. 


They tried to strike him down, but Dustin jumped up in the air to get away from them.

“What?!” A hunter said.


An arrow shot Dustin in the head, causing him to fall down to the floor.

“Bullseye!” Robin said.

W-What amazing teamwork!

“Did we do it?!” Agnes said.

“Damn…you got me.”

Dustin got up from the ground and slowly pulled his body upwards, with an arrow still stuck on his head.

“Seriously?” Alex muttered.

“Impossible!” Robin said.

“That guy is invincible….” Perci said.

Dustin pulled it out of his head and slashed someone in the neck.

“Chris! Damn it!” Alex said.


Chris dropped to the ground and died.

“Did you really think you could beat me? It’s hopeless! I’m a superhuman! With both the properties of a human and a zombie, I’m unstoppable!”

No, he definitely has a weakness.

“You have to cut his head! That’s what Lucio tried to do earlier! Zombies can’t live if they don’t have a head!” I said.

“She’s right! Let’s do it!” Alex said.

“I’d like to see you all try!” Dustin screamed.

Everyone continued to put the pressure on him. This time, the panda struck first with the guitar, followed by a series of attacks from two people with axes. Despite all their synchronized movements, Dustin was able to escape all them with his ridiculously abnormal flexibility. He strikes them all away and sends them flying in the air.

He was bending his body around like his joints don't exist! 

Tsk. I wish I could help, but I unfortunately left my bat in my room.

Agnes tries to stab Dustin with a spear and pierces through his belly, but Dustin snaps the shaft and throws her away.


An arrow hits the back of Dustin’s knee, causing him to kneel on the floor for a moment.

A hunter takes advantage of this and tries to finish him off with a powerful slash to the neck.

However, Dustin grabs the hunter’s arm and bites it.


“No, Steven!” Alex screamed and tried to attack Dustin once more.

“Missed me again!”

“Not quite!”

Alex knocks him down with his legs and Dustin trips over.

Robin hits him with two more arrows to the head, but instead of completely falling over, Dustin keeps his feet up and balances himself with an overly bent back.

“Robin, you bastard!”

Dustin runs over to Robin and dodges every arrow, closing the distance between each other.

A girl tries to attack Dustin, but she was scratched in the chest by Dustin’s claws and was kicked away.

He pulls out the two arrows on his head and throws them at Robin, to which Robin responds by rolling to the side.

Unfortunately, Dustin moved faster than expected and clawed his head off.

“Robin!” I screamed.

I decided to run towards a dead person and picked up the axe they dropped.

Three people charged at Dustin in response, but ended up getting slashed by his claws and getting themselves bitten.

We’re dropping like flies!

Perci rushed towards Dustin and shot out his umbrella to block his vision.

“What’s this supposed to be?!”

Dustin destroyed the umbrella, but realized that Perci was no longer there.

Instead, Perci was right beside him, already swinging a sword towards Dustin’s neck.

Dustin weaved his entire upper body downwards, with the blade only grazing his neck.

However, Alex had already followed up from the other side with another slash.

“You!” Dustin reflexively kicks Alex away and steps back.

Alex took a hard fall, landing awkwardly and screamed out in pain.

"Aghk, my leg!"

Now’s my chance!

While he was distracted, I came over and swung the axe towards Dustin’s neck.

I was able to get a direct hit on him, but it didn’t cut his head off. Instead, it was just stuck there.

I subconsciously stepped back as Dustin turned towards me.

“Oh, Ori….since you’re the person I love, I’ll let you off the hook,” Dustin pulled the axe out of his neck and threw it towards someone else’s head.

“What are you talking about, you monster?!” I said.

“I’ll spare your life if you surrender yourself to me and be my lover. You’re still the girl of my dreams after all,” Dustin said.

“Ew, gross! No way! I’d rather die!” I said.

Jeez, why even bother?

“Too bad. You’re one of a kind, you know that? Hmm, maybe not….I'll just have to find another girl as good as you. I have the whole world to search anyway!”

Dustin dashed towards me and tried to attack me with his claws.

"Die, Ori!"

Perci blocked his attack with his sword and tried to push his hands away.

"Not on my watch."

"Damn you, Perci!"

Perci pushes me aside and tries to fight Dustin on his own.

No…you can’t do this alone….

“Perci!” Agnes screamed.

He continually tries to block Dustin’s attacks, but I noticed that his sword was starting to develop some cracks.

Perci cuts off Dustin’s arm, but it doesn’t faze him.

Instead, he continues to attack with his other arm and his legs.

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The dead bodies on the floor started to come to life….which caused everybody else to be too preoccupied to even help Perci.

“They’re turning into zombies!” A hunter said.

I’m the only one who’s available…

“You’re dead, Perci!”

His sword had finally shattered and Dustin kicked him over to the floor.


I have to save him!

Dustin was about to attack Perci, so I picked up another weapon on the floor and ran over to try slashing his neck again.


I tried to swing, but Dustin just swiped my weapon away.

“No way….”

“Nice try…”

Dustin smiled and lunged over to bite me…..

Is this the end for me?

Why is everything suddenly in slow motion….?


I looked to the side and saw Perci with his hands reaching towards me….

Wait a minute…

He’s shoving me away….?

No….don’t tell me….

He’s trying to sacrifice himself for me?

Damn it! This can’t be!

Dustin opened his mouth and began to sink his fangs towards Perci’s shoulder.

I won’t allow it!

“Don’t push your luck!” I screamed.

I reached over my hand at the last second and got myself bitten instead.


It hurts!

I screamed aloud, feeling the pain of his fangs entering my skin.

“Ori!” Perci screamed.

I gritted my teeth and grabbed Dustin tightly with all my strength.

"What are you waiting for?! Kill him!" I screamed.

Alex limped over to Perci and slid his machete across the floor.


Perci grabbed the machete and looked at us.

"Get off me!" Dustin yelled and kicked me in the abdomen thrice, causing me to cough out blood.

W-What power!

"Gahk! I-I won't let go!" I said, losing my breath.

I don't care if it hurts, I have to keep holding on!

"Go! Perci!"

Perci locked his eyes on Dustin with a death stare and positioned his stance.


I felt Dustin's hand pierce through my chest.


I ended up releasing my grip on him and fell to the ground, but…..

"Bon voyage."

Perci swung his sword before Dustin could react.



Dustin's head went flying in the air and he was finally defeated.

"You did it….hahaha…." I muttered.

"Ori!" Agnes screamed and rushed over to me.


"N-No, no, this can't be happening! Please don't go!"

Agnes cried and held my hand.

Perci dropped his machete and walked over to me with a horrified expression.

"I failed….." he said. "I-I'm sorry….I couldn't save you…."

"It's ok…."

I held his face and stared into his indigo eyes one last time.

"Did I ever tell you that you have such beautiful eyes?" I said. "I wouldn't mind if they cried for me…"

"I-I can't do that. Boys aren't supposed to cry…"

"Ah jeez….just shut up and do it. I know you want to…"

Tears began to flow from Perci's eyes and they all trickled down into my face.

"Huh….?" Perci held his tears.

"There you go…."

"I'm a failure as a gentleman…"

"That's not true. You're the coolest gentleman I've ever met…"

Perci held my hand and grasped it tightly.


"Yeah," I smiled. "It was you who showed me….that men aren't so bad after all."


Suddenly, I felt a strange surge of pain coursing all over my body.


I started convulsing on the floor with my bones slowly cracking themselves.

What is this feeling?

"Ori, no!" Agnes screamed.

"G-get away! AAAAGHK!"

Perci grabbed Agnes and took her away from me.

"I'm sorry…."

"Perci! Let go of me! Ori is…." 

"I know….."

My head….it hurts…but why does it feel so peaceful?

I'm literally shaking on the ground, yet I was feeling a strange feeling of serendipity.

Like I'm losing control of my body…..and slowly losing hold of myself…

It's like something else is taking over me.

Jeez…I'm going to be a zombie…..

Just kill me already.

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