Gentleman of the Apocalypse

Chapter 36: I Don’t Want to Watch the World End with Someone Else

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I held the machete tightly and wiped away my tears.

I have to be strong…for Ori.

I'm the only one who can bring her to rest forever.

I didn’t want to accept it, but she was slowly turning into a member of the living dead.


Ori’s body was shaking itself chaotically, bending her limbs around followed with the sound of bones cracking.

“ORIIIIIII!” Agnes yelled with tears in her eyes.

The thought of killing Ori with my own hands….made me feel like I wanted to puke.

If only I was able to save her…..

Is this truly the only thing I can do?

I gritted my teeth and slowly walked towards her….

When her body stopped moving.

This is it.

Suddenly, Ori’s body started to rise again, with her back turned towards me.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down and approach her.

“Why….” Agnes muttered.

“I’ll do the honors….” I said.

Ori slowly turned her body to face me.

I froze on the spot and covered my mouth.

Her eyes have been filled with darkness, and the only color that remained was of her red irises.

I forced my hand to lift the machete up, but it was like a part of me was trying to resist it. 

This caused my arm to shake uncomfortably, struggling to hold on to my weapon.

She stared at me and tilted her head, then started to walk towards my direction.

I hesitantly pointed my weapon at Ori as she started to close the gap between us.

I don’t know if I can actually do it…..


She lifted her arm swiftly and pointed her hand towards me.

“I’m sorry, Ori…” I said. 

This may very well be the last time I see her….so I might as well say it.

“I love you, Ori.”

And I mean it.

Ori opened her mouth, revealing her fangs and tried to let out a sound.


I closed my eyes and took another deep breath.

“P…..Perci…..” she let out a faint sound.


I opened my eyes and saw black tears falling down her cheeks.


“What is going on?” Agnes said.

“I…..I love you too, Perci…” Ori said.

I let go of my machete and dropped it on the floor.

“You…are speaking?” I said.

Is she actually….still in there?

She wiped her eyes and looked at her hands dirtied with black.

“My….eyes. They're black, aren’t they?” Ori said.

“Y-Yeah…” I said.

“I see….”

Agnes gasped.

“She’s….She’s just like Dustin! Look, she can speak! It’s a miracle!”

I can’t believe it….what are the chances?

The remaining hunters had finished off the rest of the zombies and gathered around Ori.

It was only me, Agnes, a limping Alex and two other hunters left.

The two other hunters pointed their weapons towards Ori.

“She’s the last one left! Kill her!”

“No!” I went in front of them and opened my arms. “I won’t let you do that.”

“What are you doing?! She’s a zombie, just like the rest! Even if she used to be one of us, she needs to die!” the hunter said.

“But, she’s different! She’s not like the rest of them!” Agnes said.

“A zombie’s a zombie. Just because she’s your friend doesn’t mean she should be given special treatment!” the 2nd hunter said.

People started to pop out from their hiding places and surrounded Ori.

“Victory is ours!” They cheered. “It’s over for you now, zombie!”

They were all cowering in fear earlier while we fought against Dustin….but now they had the audacity to celebrate and not give a care about the people who worked hard to protect them.

“She’s not a zombie….can’t you see the tears in her eyes?” I said.

“Her eyes are scary! There’s no way we can just let her live!”

“She’s so ugly and disgusting!”

“Kill her!”

“Maybe zombie’s not the right way to describe her. She’s something much more….like a witch!”

“WITCH! WITCH! WITCH!” everyone chanted.

“Witch? More like bitch!”

Echoes of laughter could be heard all around the crowd….

“Let’s burn her by the beach to celebrate!”

“Burn the witch who killed Lucio!”

She didn’t even kill Lucio…they’re blaming her for it?

“Burn that bitch!”

I took a deep breath and opened my mouth.

“Everyone, there’s something I’d humbly like to request from all of you,” I said.

“Perci? What is it?”

“Can you all just shut your filthy mouths up? You have no right to call her a witch. She was one of the people who fought to protect everyone while you were all soiling your pants like the shameful scum you are. I can’t believe you have the nerve to treat her this way. You’re despicable.”

I finally snapped. For once, all the negative emotions I had bottled up inside had finally been released.

“Shut up, Perci!”

“Why are you still protecting her?!”

“Love doesn’t last forever!”

“Just get over it, idiot!”

“Stop white-knighting over her, dumbass!”

“Once a zombie, always a zombie!”

The people started lashing out and throwing all sorts of trash towards us, but I didn’t budge and continued to stay by Ori’s side.

“S-Stop, you guys….” Agnes muttered.

“Everyone, calm down!” Alex said.

The people immediately stopped and listened to Alex.

“But Alex, they-”

“Let me explain it to them.”

Alex sighed and looked at us.

“I know Ori isn’t like any other zombie, but so was Dustin. That makes her equally as dangerous as him. Do you understand the damage he caused? How do you know she won’t end up like him?”


I couldn’t come up with such a sound response.

“I’ll just leave,” Ori said. 

“Ori?” I muttered.

“I’ll leave and never come back. If it’s to keep everyone safe, then I will do what I must do.”

Ori walked away.

Alex nodded his head, but Agnes grabbed her shirt.

“No….please don’t leave…”

“Sorry, Agnes,” Ori said. “I don’t have a choice.”

“But you’re my best friend! What am I going to do without you?!”

“You still have Alex….don’t you like him?”

“Alex…b-but he’s a little too old for me.”

Ori chuckled.

“Remember what you told me before? You could tell that I had fallen in love because we’re best friends. Didn’t you think that I could do the same thing as well? I know you very well, Agnes.”

“Damn, you got me….”

Agnes hugged Ori and cried on her chest.

“I’ll miss you, Ori!”


The people continued to throw trash at them, but it didn’t do anything to interrupt their moment together.

Agnes let go and Ori went on her way.

She looked at me one last time and smiled.

“Goodbye, Perci.”

“Hey! You think you can just walk away?” a guy said. 

“You’re not leaving here alive!” another guy said.

“We have a zombie to burn!”

Ori glared at them with her eyes and pretended to attack.

“RAAAAAH!” she screamed.


One of them fell to the ground and watered their pants.

“Jeez, what a bunch of idiots. I’m better off without all of you toxic shitheads.”

She then proceeded to run around scaring the people away before finally jumping over the big wooden gate of the resort.

“Damn! She got away!”

“This is all your fault, Perci!”

The people tried to get close to me, but Alex took my side.

“Hey, knock it off. Leave him alone,” Alex said.

“There’s no way we can forgive him after what happened to Lucio!”

“Lucio got himself killed. It’s that simple. There’s no point in blaming other people for it.”

I’ve already made up my mind.

“Alex…I think I’ll just leave as well.”

“But, Perci. You’re safer here. There’s nothing out there for you.”

I looked at Alex with a firm look in my eyes.

“No, that’s not true. My everything is out there for me.”

“You don’t mean to…chase after Ori, do you?”

I nodded.

“It’s what my heart is telling me to do.”

“Sigh, what a pain.”

Alex held up his hand for a handshake.

I grabbed and shook his hand in response.

We both gripped each other's hands firmly.

“Till we meet again, brother,” I said.

“Brother, huh? I guess I am kind of like a big brother to you. Am I really that old?”

“Heh, maybe.”

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“Well, I wish you good luck on your journey.”


Agnes ran over to me and hugged me tightly.

“Goodbye, Perci….now hurry up and chase after that bitch!” Agnes smiled.


“Take care of her for me, will you?”

I nodded and made my move.

“BOOOOOO! Get out of here, Perci!”

“Don’t come back crying!”

“You’re an absolute sucker!”

The people were still insulting me, but I didn’t care.

At least the panda mascot gave me a high five.

I waited for the wooden gate to open and left the resort.

What am I doing? 

Am I just doing this for the sake of being a gentleman?

Am I just doing this because it’s my duty?

Am I just doing this because I made a promise?

No, I’m just doing this for my own selfish reasons.

To be with Ori again.

I decided to run as fast as I could and went towards the streets down the beach.

I picked up an ordinary umbrella from one of the shops and continued my journey.

“She’s so fast… did she get so far?”

Where did she go?

Run…..just keep running.

I’ll catch up to her eventually.


There’s a trail of dead zombies leading to the beach….

This looks recent…..

I followed the trail and came across some footprints on the sand.

These have to be from Ori…

I quickly sprinted my feet against the sand, hoping the footsteps would lead me right to the person I wanted to reach.

One minute had passed. Then five. Then fifteen. Then thirty. I’ve lost count…..

It was a longer run than I had expected…

She's so fast, how did she get so far?

I feel like I'm starting to run around the island at this point….


There were a few zombies in front of me…

"Get out of my way!"

I swiped the zombies away with my umbrella and sped up my pace.

The footsteps are still going on and on…..

I was starting to get tired…but I wasn't going to give up that easily.

I've undergone stamina training with my grandfather before, I can do this!

Eventually, after what seemed like an hour of running…

I made my way over to a lighthouse overlooking the sea.

"Haaaaaah……This must be it….."

I looked up and saw a figure at the very top.

That pretty red hair….

That's definitely Ori.

I stopped to take a rest for a while.


I better get going.

I decided to take it slow and took a walk towards the lighthouse.

When I finally arrived at the entrance of the lighthouse, I noticed that the door had been smashed open to the ground like it had been pushed away by a powerful force.

Was this from Ori's strength?

Just how much power does the virus truly hold?

I crept my way inside and started climbing the long spiral staircase.

This staircase is the only thing left between me and Ori.

I knew I had to think of what to say when I finally reached the top.

So, I pondered and pondered as I moved along the steps.

In the end, I couldn't really think of a plan on how I should talk to her.

I decided that I would just talk to her on the spot and tell her whatever word I could pull out from my heart.

I had finally reached the very top of the lighthouse.

"Haaaah….here goes nothing."

I opened the door to see a magnificent view of the starry night sky over the dark silent ocean, then went around the balcony until I found her looking over the horizon.

The red-haired girl took notice of me and turned her head.

She looked at me with her black-filled eyes and her red irises.

“P-Perci….what are you doing here?” Ori asked me.

“I was running after you.” I said.

“But I ran so far away, how did you catch up to me?” 

“I’m a gentleman. Chasing after a beautiful woman is one of my specialties,” I joked.

“Jeez. What a stupid answer. Seriously, you must be so tired if you’ve come all this way.”

“I’m tired, but it was absolutely worth it.”

“Why would you do such a thing?! Isn’t it better for you to stay at the resort with everyone?!”

“Isn’t that obvious? It’s because I want to be with you.”

“But….I’ve become a zombie. Look at my eyes. They’re all ruined. I’m…..a monster.” Ori covered her face in shame.

There was an awkward silence for a moment, but I’ve already decided upon what to say next.

“So what? You’re still Ori, right? It doesn’t change the fact that you're the person I love,” I placed my hand on my chest.

“Love……Did you really say….that you love me?  Didn’t your grandfather say that it’s only allowed to say that you love someone if you’re absolutely serious about it?”

I stared at her with eyes of resolve.

“Exactly. I am serious about it.”

“Are you an idiot?”

“I am.”


Ori stepped back and looked in the other direction.

“Don’t you understand? I’m dangerous! You’ll only get hurt if you get close to me!”

I simply smiled at her and held my fedora.

“What are you talking about? Ever since I got involved with you, I’ve always ended up in dangerous situations. What makes this so different?”

“The difference is that I’m the danger this time!” she pointed at herself. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself….I could end up killing you at any moment!”

“I have faith in you, Ori. You’re a strong girl. I don’t believe you’re going to let some virus take over your own autonomy.”

“Perci…you may have faith in me, but I don’t have faith in myself.”

“We can just put a muzzle in your mouth if you’re so worried.”

“That last line feels so out of place! Do you take me as some sort of dog?”

“Well…I mean…it’s the same concept right? They make dogs wear muzzles to keep them from biting anyone. That could work for you too!”

“Seriously? The idea sounds so embarrassing, I can hardly believe this is supposed to be a dramatic moment!”

I grabbed Ori’s hand and moved closer to her.

“S-Stay away! Aren’t you afraid of me?”

“Why would I be afraid of a cute girl like you?”

“Damn it, Perci! You’re making me blush!” Ori’s face turned red.


“You’re unbelievable. Even at this moment, you’re still able to find a way to tease me.”

I stared into her eyes once more.

“Ori. We can do this. We’ll find ways to survive together. Just believe in me.”

“But, don’t you think I’m ugly? Am I really worth the risk? I’m a 10/10 girl in terms of undesirability!”

“Well, I don’t really mind the look in your eyes. It’s not so bad. In fact, I think it even has some sort of beauty to it.”

“Perci, I think you need glasses.”

“Even if I had glasses on, it wouldn’t change my mind. You are the prettiest to me.”

“Don’t lie to me.”

“I’m not lying. If I were, I wouldn’t have put so much effort into being here, don’t you think?”

“You do have a point…”

“An amazing girl requires amazing effort.”

“But I’m not an amazing girl…”

“I don’t care what you think, it’s what I believe. Besides….”

I put my arms around Ori and hugged her tightly.

“I’ll regret it for the rest of my life if I leave you, so I might as well stick by your side.”


“So please, let me be with you…”

Ori’s head began to steam out smoke and turned as red as a strawberry. Could this be an effect from the virus?

“Ahhhhh…jeez! Fine, you win! But don’t blame me if you end up dying!”

“I’ll take responsibility for my own life, thank you very much.”

We both looked at the stars silently.

Suddenly, there was a shower of shooting stars streaking along the night sky.

“Woah…it’s a meteor shower! What timing!” Ori said.

“It’s pretty….” I said.

“Quick! Make a wish! Make a wish!” she tugged on my shoulder.


I looked at the stars and thought for a moment.

“I wish….that I’ll grow up to be the greatest gentleman who ever lived….and be with Ori for the rest of my life.”

“T-that’s how you’re going to play, huh?” Ori blushed and smiled at me.

“Well, I wish that I’ll grow up to be the greatest lady who ever lived….and be with Perci for the rest of my life!” Ori yelled.

“Ah…..what a copycat.”

“H-hey! That’s not fair!” Ori pouted her lips.

“I’m only joking…” I patted her head.

What a cutie.

We continued to watch the streams of light that played out in the middle of the night.


“What is it?”

“What are we going to do with the rest of our lives anyway?”

I thought about it for a moment, then I remembered one of my grandfather’s wishes in life.

“Ori…why don’t we travel the world together? It’s my grandfather’s wish, but he was unable to accomplish it. So why don’t we do it in his stead?”

Ori looked at me and smiled.

“That sounds awesome! Let’s do it! It’s not like anything can stop us now since it’s the apocalypse….We can even help people along the way in our journey!”

“You’re right. Might as well make the most out of our life, even if the world is in absolute chaos.”

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