Get to Know Your Ex-Girlfriend

Chapter 26: CH 26

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Chapter 26 After the Abolition 01

Zou Yun Fei’s mind went through several options at that moment, which then turned into a jumbled mess of threads that confused his mind.

Xin Lan lifted her chin at him and made a movement of her neck.

Zou Yun Fei’s heart sounded an alarm and without hesitation, he pulled Shen Shuiyan behind him.

“Yo, you’re still very loyal, huh?”

Xin Lan saw Zou Yun Fei’s action and raised an eyebrow in surprise.

“Can we go out and settle our differences? I’ll let you do whatever you want once we get out, it’s all my fault.”

Yun Fei took a deep breath and looked at Xin Lan with great sincerity.

It was a funny scene, for those who didn’t know, they would have thought that Xin Lan was the aggressive official in the palace, and Shen Shuiyan behind Zou Yun Fei was the pitiful white lotus.

Xin Lan snickered, showing her disdain for this.

“Sorry, we’ re full, if you want to go out, let the person behind you die here, I’ ll give you the chance to think about it, how about it?”

Zou Yun Fei was dumbfounded for a moment as Xin Lan dropped the question.

As Shen Shuiyin pretended to be distraught, she frowned at Zou Yun Fei, her eyes shining brightly.

If Shen Shuiyan hadn’t come here for him, then why would she have to face such a scene?

But he didn’t want to die ‧‧‧‧‧‧

Zou Yunfei looked at her, made up his mind, and suddenly attacked Xin Lan with a violent strike.

Xin Lan shifted to avoid it and caught Zou Yun Fei’s attacking fist and twisted his arm.

“You really like to be insolent, you don’t seem to be learning your lesson.”

Xin Lan said coldly, watching as Zou Yun Fei fell to one side, holding his arm.

“Will you let her go? You take her out.”

Zou Yun Fei knew he was outmatched, but for the sake of Shen Shuiyan, he tried to calm his breathing and pleaded with Xin Lan.

Xin Lan pressed down the corner of his lips and looked coldly at Zou Yun Fei, feeling a little upset.

This man’s attitude was really distasteful, trying to touch someone?

Even if it was the original owner standing here, she would only be more angry with him for his behaviour.

Who is he attempting to touch? This kind of affection was ironic when compared to what had happened before.

Xin Lan looked at Shen Shuiyan, but found that she was not moved at all. She only looked at Zou Yun Fei with a watchful eye, and when she found Xin Lan looking at her, she gave her a smile.

The dissatisfaction in Xin Lan’s heart suddenly disappeared, fortunately, a certain school bully was not that easy to fool.

“Forget it, I can’ t be bothered with you, let’ s go.”

When Xin Lan said this, Zou Yun Yun Fei froze, a little puzzled, but suddenly he reacted and stared at Shen Shuiyan behind him with wide eyes.

The look on Shen Shuiyan’s face was not the same as the pitiable expression she had just worn, but was replaced by a smile.

“You lied to me!”

Zou Yun Fei was in a state of shock and anger as he looked at Shen Shuiyan with a deadly look.

“I deceived you, so what?”

Shen Shuiyan passed by him and gave him a disdainful smile.

Zou Yun Fei was so irritated by her that he reached out to grab her, but Xin Lan was quick to pull him down and remove his other arm as well.

“You’ve been lying to me! Why are you doing this to me! What have I done to you!”

Zou Yun Fei shouted angrily, remembering his previous feelings, he felt as if he had been slapped a few times, his face was hot and burning.

It was so funny, maybe while he was feeling for Shen Shuiyuan’s actions, people were laughing at him in their hearts for being stupid.

“Have you forgotten what you did to Xin Lan before? How can you say that I lied to you now? What’s more, you’ve been lying to her for so long, but I’ve only been lying to you for a day or two.”

Shen Shuiyan said very coldly, she still felt that it was not enough, the time was still too short.

Zou Yun Fei’s eyes turned red and his anger surged.

“You’re actually doing this for her! I’ve never seen you fight for justice before, and now you’re pretending to fight for life? I knew you first! How dare you!”

Zou Yun Fei was about to vomit blood as he said, half in anger and half in mockery.

“Yes, I can’t believe it took me so long to realise how evil you are.”

Shen Shuiyan was relentless in her efforts to make up for it, standing beside Xin Lan and taking her hand.

Her palm was cold and Xin Lan rubbed it for her.

Seeing their attitude, Zou Yun Fei instantly understood what was going on and looked at them with an even more disgusted look.

“If you don’t like me, why don’t you say no? You just like to see people hovering around you and hugging you, don’t you? So you are a woman-loving b*tch. You’re a woman-loving wh*r*, you’re in front of me all the time ‧‧‧‧‧‧”

He almost spoke out of turn, and before he could say anything more foul, Xin Lan slapped him off.

“Your mother didn’t tell you to go home and take a sh*t instead, spouting shit all over the place?”

Xin Lan also found it amusing that Zou Yun Fei was unilaterally interested in Shen Shuiyan and had never confessed his feelings for her, nor had he been asked to be nice to her.

Shen Shuiyan’s focus was not on Zou Yun Fei’s insults to her, but on the phrase ‘likes women’.

Her eyes lit up slightly and she squeezed Xin Lan’s hand without making a sound.

“I didn’t like women right from the start, thanks to you, or else I wouldn’t have discovered Xin Lan’s qualities. Compared to you, Xin Lan is many times better than you, even if I had willingly liked her, I wouldn’t have been able to give you a second glance.”

Shen Shuiyan always stabbed people in the heart, so when Zou Yun Fei said that, she went along with his words and continued to step on him.

Shen Shuiyan walked up to Xin Lan and leaned her body slightly forward, giving her a gesture, asking her to cooperate.

Xin Lan received the gesture, but before she knew how to cooperate, she saw Shen Shuiyan lean in close and kiss her on the lips, just like a dragonfly touching water, but the momentary touch was really too much.

Xin Lan was frozen, and so was Zero Nine in the system space.


Zou Yun Fei’s eyes became even redder at this scene. The person he liked had betrayed him by mocking him without mercy, he was being played like a clown, his heart was being trampled on, and the person he loved was the woman who had repeatedly humiliated him, his ex-girlfriend.

But he couldn’t even beat this woman, his arm was twisted and he stood here like a wretch, watching the two women taunt him.

His sanity had been burned to the ground and he gave a twisted smile.

“If it’s not good for me, it won’t be good for you either.”

“Someone is setting ‧‧‧‧‧‧ up.”

Zou Yun Fei suddenly shouted, and Xin Lan knew what he wanted to do, so she grabbed him by the hair and pulled him against the wall.

Blood made a red mark on the wall as Xin Lan let go of the man he had knocked into unconsciousness.

“Is it painful? Someone has suffered a hundred times more than you.”

Xin Lan asked in his ear, her voice grim.

It wasn’t hunting time, she couldn’t kill him.

But that didn’t matter, sometimes living was more painful than dying, especially when you were waiting to die.

Xin Lan cut Zou Yun Fei’s tongue with her knife and watched as his eyes widened, but he was unable to cry out in pain.

She dragged him into the ladies’ room, just as she had done with the man who had done this to her, stabbing his body bloody.

A trail of blood stretched across the floor of the corridor.

This should have been a very penetrating scene, but Shen Shuiyan stood still without fear.

She touched her lips with a thoughtful look.

Xin Lan dropped the man on the floor of the bathroom and patted herself on the back.

Zero Nine: Bingo, congratulations to the host for completing the task, I have submitted it, you can see the assessment result when you go out.

The points will go into the host’s account. The system takes the secondary card, which can be used for a reasonable 30%, and the system can spend more if the host wishes.

Xin Lan nodded, and Zero Nine did not ask her if she wanted to log out now.

Obviously, Xin Lan wanted to wait until she got out of here before she logged out.

“Enjoy the desperation here.”

Xin Lan said indifferently.

Like the original owner, she was devastated and desperate.

She was mocked and abandoned by the one she loved, dragged into the room and abused. The young girl wanted Zou Yun Fei to die at that time, but she had seen hope, but the person she once loved was not there.

Zou Yun Wanfei’s eyes were full of resentment, but Xin Lan turned away and did not look at the man on the floor again.

Xin Lan walked out of the bathroom and Shen Shuiyan was waiting for her at the staircase.

Those who were still alive poked their heads out of the classroom, but when they saw the blood on the floor, they withdrew their eyes indifferently.

They would not know that they would not be able to wait for the result here.

When Xin Lan and Shen Shuiyan came downstairs, Xu Demg and the others sighed with relief.

“We can go now, can’t we?”

“Of course.”

Xin Lan nodded her head.

On the way down the stairs, neither Xin Lan nor Shen Shuiyan mentioned the kiss, pretending in silence that nothing had happened.

Shen Shuiyan was thinking about something, while Xin Lan took it as a way for Shen Shuiyin to be angry with Zou Yun Fei, and apart from being a little uncomfortable at the time, she didn’t really care about it.

The finished map revealed a route, and the strange thing to note was that the pieces fit together. The pieces fit together as if they had never been separated, without the need for glue.

Walking past the Academic and Administration buildings, down the steps and onwards.

Inside the school is a small lake with a small path surrounded by cobbles and willow trees on both sides of the embankment.

The climate here is not too cold in winter, and the lake surface is slightly rippled by the wind.

“You have to walk from here to the end.”

Xin Lan looked at the map and walked on.

“Hey? Is there still a road in here? I thought it was circular?”

“Just follow it.”

In response to Qi Lan, who had just spoken, Zhou Chun walked hand in hand at the back of the group.

Xin Lan and Shen Shuiyan walked ahead with the map, while Xu Deng followed in the middle. This formation made Xu Deng feel better, at least he wasn’t alone at the end, looking at the pairs of backs in front of her.

“After we go out, let’s go have a nice meal.”

Shen Shuiyan suddenly started to speak.

Xin Lan was stunned, not knowing whether she should respond or be silent.

“I know a very good hot pot restaurant, I’ll ask you out.”

Shen Shuiyan did not notice Xin Lan’s silence and said with a smile on her face.

She might have a few things she hadn’t thought of yet, but that didn’t stop her from making an invitation.

She had always been a person with a plan, and there was no need to rush things, she would figure them out.


Xin Lan said.

But she didn’t think she would be able to eat this hot pot.

This world’s mission was finished when she went out, and there was no other follow-up, which meant that she could not have a meal with Shen Shuiyan even if she wanted to.

A mission worker can stay in a world for a limited time, but as long as they have enough points to pay for their stay, they can stay in that world for as long as they want, provided there is enough time to stay in that world.

The length of stay is dictated by the subsequent storyline, and the mission worker can stay in that world up to the time line where the subsequent storyline goes.

Shen Shuiyan was unaware of this and continued to walk forward with great excitement.

Xin Lan was silent, inexplicably feeling a bit sorry for having forsaken her little sister.

After all, she was not someone who could easily feel sad, and she could still tell what was a mission and what was reality.

At the end of the cobbled path, there is a small staircase down.

Following the map, they walked down the steps to a place like an underground tunnel and came to a metal door.

The door looked old and rusty, and when Xin Lan opened it, she accidentally touched a handful of rust with her hand.

A cold wind blew through the narrow passage as they entered the door.

Everyone shivered involuntarily, and Qi Lan muttered behind him that it was eerie.

But no matter how gloomy it was, we still had to move forward, after all, this was not the end point of the map.

When they reached the so-called end point, Xin Lan let out a sigh of relief.

It was a good thing that the rules weren’t so heartless as to get in their way just as they were about to leave.

Not far away was a light source, like the one Xin Lan had seen in the extra episode of the game.

“That should be it, let’s go.”

As they approached, a commanding voice sounded in their heads.

“Congratulations to a team that has successfully reached the exit, please accept the blessing that comes from me.”

A pale light glowed over Xin Lan’s body, and then dissipated.

“Whether it is strength or luck, winning is a sign that you deserve a good life, so get out.”

The next moment, Xin Lan felt as if her body was being pushed forward.

As the light disappeared before her eyes, she appeared in a familiar place.

Stretching out beside her, Zero Nine walked up and pulled the door to the mission room open for her.

“Back, geez, I’m tired.”

Zero Nine collapsed onto her couch and took a happy sip of her Coke.

Xin Lan walked out and sat down in his chair in some silence.

“Host, our evaluation is really an S. Huh, wait, there’s another line on it.”

Zero Nine pushed up her glasses, the numbers in her eyes flashing rapidly.

“With the bug in the quest world, we multiplied our points by one point two, oh hell, profit!”

Zero Nine, after taking a look at her own small vault, quickly placed an order for a box of mixed flavored crisps and a box of Sprite mixed with Coke, the life of a nerd, is that happy.

“Sister Lan, do you want the sub-surprise chips?”

Zero Nine ripped open the packet and shoved it into her mouth as she brought it to Xin Lan.

Xin Lan reached out and took one, her face quiet.

“What’s wrong? You’re still thinking about the hot pot from before, aren’t you? Shall we go out for hotpot tonight?”

“Just thinking about it.”

Xin Lan smacked her head.

She just hadn’t had time to say goodbye.

Never mind.

We wouldn’t see each other again anyway.

“Host, do you want me to make an appointment for you to have your memory faded?”


In the past, fading was because there were a lot of bad memories from being a villain, but not this time, so let’s leave it.

“I’ll go to bed and I’ ll take you to a hot pot when I wake up.”

“Long live the host!”

Zero nine begins on the couch, watching TV and drinking soda.

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The system doesn’t need to rely on these foods to operate, and they don’t provide energy for the system because the system can’t digest them, the energy from the food is temporarily stored in the body and then excreted in a special way.

This was a good thing, because no matter how much the system ate or drank, it didn’t have to worry about gaining weight.

Xin Lan went to her room, took a shower and lay down on her bed.

In fact, she was not too sleepy, but some things passed through her mind and nothing remained.

Zero Nine was eating chips with her legs crossed, a large box of freshly arrived mixed flavours at her feet, when a sudden dripping sound came from her mind, a communication request.

Zero Nine blinked strangely, a high authority id that she hadn’t seen before contacting her?

“Hello, this is Face System G09 Zero Nine.”

“Hmm? The host is Xin Lan, who has just switched from the Villain Department.”

“A routine survey of post-transfer enquiries? Do you want me to comment about the host?”

“Oooooh ok, my host is very good and has very high potential.”

“Do you want to know where the next mission will be? I’m not sure yet, do you want to investigate this one too, senior?”

“Ah, so you’re the one in charge of this mission, okay, I’ll send you a message when the next one is scheduled.”

“See you later, senior.”

Zero Nine sighed in relief, suddenly being contacted by a senior was a bit confusing.

This senior was of such a high rank that he must have already retired.

For the systems, the retired seniors were not the same as the old guys. On the contrary, they were usually the best performers, having done so many missions and performed so well that they no longer had to take on a host, becoming independent individuals, taking command of a department or a mission series, or simply going off to play.

Zero Nine put the matter behind her, watching TV while waiting for Xin Lan to wake up and take her to a hot pot.

When Xin Lan woke up, it was dinner time.

She was wearing a knitted shirt in khaki and her long hair was tied in a low ponytail behind her, leaving a little bit of it hanging down on her sides, which matched her bright face and gave off a little bit of tenderness.

At first glance, Zero Nine was a little disbelieving, feeling that the beautiful and elegant looking woman in front of her was not her host, after all, Xin Lan’s image of brutality was already deeply rooted in her heart.


Xin Lan fastened the watch on her wrist and looked at Zero Nine, who was still immobile.

The sight gave Zero Nine a fright, still the same host.

The nearest hotpot restaurant to Xin Lan was very popular, with hosts who knew each other well going out to eat hotpot with their respective daughters in tow.

Some systems are so humanoid like Zero Nine that you can’t tell the difference between them and a human unless you stare into the system’s eyes.

Some are rabbits, some are orbs, some are chicken cubs, and some are more dramatic, such as dragons, phoenixes, tigers and leopards.

The two hosts sitting at the table next to Xin Lan’s, one in a short dark skirt and the other in a long wide sleeved robe, were sweating over a hot pot together.


The smart order form at the desk begins.


“Order, please.”

“Jiu’er, what would you like?”

“Let’s start with the lamb rolls, beef rolls, beef and prawn sliders, potatoes and lotus root with fried sticks, mushroom platter, QQ noodles, and a large bottle of coconut juice, we’ll order afterwards.

Zero Nine’s eyes shone brightly as she looked at Xin Lan, whose speed of ordering could not keep up with her speed of announcing the name of the dish.

“Of course it’s okay, it won’t kill you.”

Xin Lan smiled, how could this new system be so good at eating?

But after all, it was her own daughter, so she had to feed it anyway.

The hot air of the hot pot restaurant smothered everyone in the bustling crowd, and when Xin Lan saw that Zero Nine was too busy to eat, she helplessly started to prepare slices of meat for Zero Nine, so much so that she didn’t notice the eyes from behind.

There was only one person sitting at that table, so she picked up her cup and raised it distantly towards Xin Lan, bowing her head and eating the hot pot in silence.

This was the agreement, let’s eat hot pot together.

She wanted to go up and say hello, but there was something else she hadn’t figured out yet.

If she went up to greet her, she would feel that it would be a bland greeting, with no words spoken to each other.

After returning from the hotpot restaurant, Xin Lan took a few days off before asking Zero Nine to pick her next task.

Data flashed in Zero Nine’s eyes as she looked at one from the quest panel.

“Host, is the Ancient Realm OK?”


“This one isn’t as exciting as the last one, but it’s a career-based face-slap, so I think you’ll like it.”

Xin Lan didn’t say anything and pushed the door of the mission room open.


Wu State, 4th year of Yuan Ling.

“The Empress has broken the rules of the Palace of the Moon, her heart is poisonous and she has poisoned the Emperor’s Heir, her crime is unforgivable, from this day onwards, her position is abolished, she is demoted to a concubine, and she is moved to the Palace in the Moon on a permanent basis.”

As soon as Xin Lan came to the palace, she heard the ear-splitting voice of someone who had been accused of the crime, and the emotions of the original owner tumbled through her mind, causing her a headache.

The eunuch who delivered the decree saw that the Empress was still sitting in her mahogany chair, her head slightly bowed, and was somewhat dissatisfied.

“Xin, why don’t you kneel down and accept the decree?”

Xin Lan was frowning at the words, she hated this feudal and backward country. The one thing she disliked most about this feudal, backward country was the kneeling around.

She was now an obsolete Empress, so she waved her hand at the eunuch.

“Yes, leave it there.”

“Are you disobeying the order?”

The Imperial Eunuch was angry at her frivolous attitude and scolded her sternly.

“The eunuch’s ears are not working well, are they? When did I say that I would disobey the imperial decree? If you think Changqiu Palace is not a worthy place for this decree, you can put it on the table instead, do you understand what I mean?”

Thinking that she was an abolitionist, Xin Lan did not follow the original owner’s previous self-proclaimed meaning.

The Imperial Eunuch was shaken by her faint glance and slightly mocking words, and subconsciously flinched, but immediately thought that he had nothing to fear since she was already a deposed Empress, and was somewhat embarrassed.

“Your Majesty, no, Xin, who do you think you are to disrespect the imperial decree?”

“Fine,” Xin Lan nodded, “I’ll take the decree.”

Xin Lan walked over, the pearls and rings on her head making her a little uncomfortable as she moved closer, snatching the decree out of her hand just as the Imperial Eunuch was getting complacent.

“What else does the eunuch have to say? If you have nothing to say, please go back, don’t delay my packing.”

Xin Lan curled a smile, but it was a hard smile that made people’s backs feel like they were getting sick.

The Imperial Eunuch was so angry at her that he flung his horsetail whisk and left huffing and puffing.

Xin Lan sat back in her chair, setting the bright yellow decree aside on the table, took a sip of her tea and put it down.

The reason why she dared to be so impolite was because Zero Nine had just given her some important background simplification, the reason that backed her up in doing so, and the reason that had ruined the original owner and landed her in this situation – a foreign relative.

The original owner had the same first and last name as her, and Xin Lan guessed that the original owner’s name would be the same for all the missions in this series.

The original owner is a legitimate daughter, her father is a Left Prime Minister, her mother is the daughter of a Generalissimo of Zhenyuan and her older brother is a Young High-Ranking Official of the Imperial Court of Judicial Review.

In the second year of his marriage, he succeeded in seizing the throne. In theory, the original Princess should have been loved and adored by the Emperor, and in the first year she became the Crown Princess, and in the second year she became the Empress, but this was not the case.

The Emperor treated her with indifference for four years, and after four years on the throne, she was restricted by her father and older brother, and was unable to vent her anger at the court.

The Emperor is a cold-hearted and patronising man who is always critical of her and only comes to her palace on the prescribed two days a month, never staying overnight.

At first, she was heartbroken, but then her heart died and she knew that she was not loved, so she went on with her life as a dignified Empress.

However, as the Empress is not favoured, other people’s minds are active and they deliberately or unwittingly give the Emperor an opportunity to bully her and secretly suppress her.

But the original owner is not a fool either. If anyone disrespects her, they will be punished according to the rules, so she has many enemies in the palace.

The Empress did not care, originally she was in this position and all the women wanted to sit on it, whether she fought or not, she was going to be envied and bullied, so she simply had the strength to vent her anger.

This time, the reason for her abolishment was the cruelty to the Emperor’s heir, although she had no children.

The original owner did not have any children, but she wanted to raise a child under her own roof, and in this case, she had her eye on the child of Lady Liu, who was just a few months pregnant.

But at this time, she suffered from a miscarriage.

First, it was found that there was something strange in the food sent by the Empress, and then the maidservant of Lady Liu claimed that the Empress had ordered her to do so, and that the Empress had threatened her family and her children, so she had to comply.

The Emperor didn’t care if she was innocent or not, but he didn’t bother to investigate her seriously, so he just decided to abolish her position as Empress and relegate her to the rank of a commoner.

In the light of her background, this should not have been the case, as the Emperor would have angered the Empress’ family by doing so.

But the original owner had a replacement, or rather, the Xin family had a new pawn who would take her place as Empress.

Now she was a useless pawn, but the original owner did not know that.

Xin Lan touched the red coloured kohl on her hand and rubbed the corners of her temples.

In that case, the original owner should be the ex-wife, not the ex-girlfriend.

Zero Nine: Ahem, within the context of the situation, the same thing.

Before Xin Lan could get Zero Nine to give her a follow-up, someone came in and reminded her that it was time to go.

At that moment, two servant girls came out carrying a bag each and bent down to Xin Lan.

“Master, it’s all packed.”

The only two maids in the palace were two old maids, one called Hehua, who had been with the Empress for several years, and the other, Chun Yue, a maid whom the Empress had saved and raised when she entered the palace.

Xin Lan nodded, went into the Inner Palace, took off her gorgeous dress, put her pearls and accessories away in a box, and the three of them left the palace, following the eunuch.

After walking out of the magnificent Changqiu Palace, Xin Lan did not look back.

It was a palace where even the moonlight could not enter, a cold palace.

Halfway to the palace, a fragrant aroma came and a laughing voice sounded in my ears.

“Yo, isn’t this the Empress? Why are you dressed like this?

She was dressed in an apricot-yellow flowered dress, wearing a cloudy bun, with an ornamental jeweled butterfly hairpin in gilded silver, and holding a bamboo fan with a clay-gold silk mask and masked smile, revealing most of her face, followed by two palace maids.

“Greetings, Your Highness.”

The eunuch who was leading the way bowed and stepped aside.

Seeing that Xin Lan did not answer, the palace maid beside Senior Concubine hastened to speak up.

“My Lord, you don’t know, but the Empress has been relegated to the rank of concubine by a decree this morning.”

“So that’ s how it is… I got up a little late yesterday, so I didn’ t hear about it… No wonder you look so thin… Sister, you’ re also a little too mean… The child in Lady Liu’ s belly is also His Majesty’ s child, how could you do that?”

Her fan swayed gently in her hand, first in shame and then in sorrow, but her eyes were full of pity and mockery.

She was a bit of a rival to the original owner, and she hated the fact that she had to come down and take that position herself.

Xin Lan only felt that this person was so noisy and waited for her to finish her speech with a paralyzed face.

She was just here to watch a good show, but she didn’t have anything to show her.

“Do you really think that you can sit in that position after I leave? When will you change your naivety? If you’ve finished talking, go. It’s hard for my sister to come all this way to see me, and I will watch over you. Eunuch, let’s go.”

Xin Lan, who was taller than Senior Concubine, bowed her head slightly as she said this, looking over her shoulder.

With her teeth clenched, the Senior Concubine squeezed the embroidered handkerchief in her hand.

Why was this woman not sad, not angry, not crying!

Why did she still look as if she was not going to the cold palace, but was receiving the salute of an imperial concubine!

“Xin Lan! I am the one who won! It’s me!”

Senior Concubine seethed, but the figure in front of her did not look back.

She threw the fan in her hand to the ground in anger and stomped on it, as if it was not a fan but a person she hated with a passion.

Xin Lan entered the Palace in the Moon and after watching them enter, the vermilion painted door was closed.

“Stay here, Master, while the servants clean up the place.”

Chun Yue rolled up her sleeves and Xin Lan nodded.

Both Chun Yue and He Hua put down their bundles and began to clean up the well.

Xin Lan patted the dust off the swing in the courtyard and sat down on it to receive the rest of the drama.

As her thoughts cleared, Xin Lan didn’t know whether to say it was sad or unfortunate.

The story did not start out the way it does now, things have remained the same, but people have changed.

When she first married her husband, it was because she was in love with the Fifth Prince, but she didn’t know that he was deliberately trying to make her heart flutter.

After she came to the royal palace, she was so virtuous and gentle that the Fifth Prince pampered her in every way before he became emperor and immediately cooled off when he ascended to the throne, but she didn’t notice and just thought the Emperor was too busy.

This is only the beginning of an unfortunate situation, which at best makes her a sad political casualty, but the Emperor has done more than that.

It was one of the sins of the emperor that he lied about his feelings and pretended to be sincere.

This is one of the sins of the emperor, who has been poisoning the original owner at the beginning of her marriage into the royal family, so that she is unable to bear children.

This is the third of the three sins of the Emperor, who deliberately ridiculed and even disliked her as the main culprit.

These three sins were not known to the original owner and she was kept in the dark from the beginning to the end.

He deceived her emotionally, only to use her, drugged her at the time when she was fifteen, deprived her of her maternal rights without her knowledge, and spent the next three or four years mocking and taunting her for not being able to give birth to a child, and when other concubines were acting as demons, he was biased, deliberately mentioned other women in front of her, doted on other women, and in the words of Zero Nine, was simply not a very human person.

But this is not the only thing that happens to the original owner. In the subsequent episodes, she suffers something even more painful.

After becoming the Empress, she is living in the cold palace, but she does not panic too much because she knows that she still has a family and will not stay here like this.

Instead of receiving the news she wanted, she learns that her family has allowed a new girl to marry into the palace and become the Empress, and she knows that it is impossible for her to return to that position, she has been abandoned.

It was a reasonable but unjustifiable course of action, and the original owner was disheartened, having lived so little for half her life, only to end up with nothing.

In the cold palace, she plans to live on, but someone is still unwilling to let her go.

The candidate for the imperial examinations, which is held every four years, happens to be this year, and the candidate, who is a brilliant scholar and a good-looking man, disappears when he is about to leave the palace drunk at a banquet.

The emperor sends his men to look for him, but they find him on a rocky hill not far from there, in disguise, being pressed by a woman, the ruined Empress.

Of course, the original owner could not have done such a thing as to go out of the cold palace and seduce a stranger. But anyone with a discerning eye would know that there was something fishy about this.

So, of course, she was sentenced to beatings for disorderly conduct and unethical behaviour.

Who else in the palace but the Emperor could have knocked her unconscious, messed up her clothes, and then accurately lured the drunken and drugged scholar to that place?

And the Emperor ordered the caning, not a glass of poison. The original owner was then beaten to death.

The Emperor’s order to torture his former wife in such a vicious and despicable way is a bit too disgraceful.

As the original owner herself said, she had lived half her life, but could not understand it.

Thinking of the emperor, whom she had never seen before in her memory, Xin Lan felt a wave of disgust in her heart.

For an emperor, love must not be the most important thing, but rather the kingdom, and to deal with such a person, one must take away everything from him and let him die a horrible death, just like what happened to the original owner.

Zero Nine: Sister Lan, if it is said that love is not important to the scum, do we still have to go ahead with the previous plan?

Xin Lan: What plan?

Zero Nine: To steal his woman.

Xin Lan: Of course, this time, we have to do it too.

Although love is not the most important thing to a scumbag, it’s still enough to give him a good blow, not to mention the fact that this time, the female lead is very important to the scumbag.

The ill-fated, set-up scholar is this time the heroine.

Although she is a woman, she has extraordinary talents and has contributed a lot to the removal of foreign relatives and the promotion of the Xin family.

However, when he sees her at the Golden Luen Hall, he is overjoyed to learn of her status as a woman, and he is so taken with her that he considers her to be his equal and a true Empress.

If Xin Lan is to say so, the scum is a dog.

He had deliberately set up the young scholar, otherwise he could have arranged for someone else to dispose of the original owner, and when the young scholar was in a state of delirium, the emperor rushed over and punished the original owner, then took the young scholar to his palace, did that kind of thing, made the marriage contract, and promised all kinds of vows.

Xin Lan felt disgusted just thinking about it. What was the difference between that and committing rape.

No matter which way you look at it, Xin Lan must snatch this person.

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