Get to Know Your Ex-Girlfriend

Chapter 27: CH 27

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Chapter 27.

The Power of the Court: Just a Hand to Cover the Sky (Arc 2)

After completing the plot, Xin Lan began to think back on the incident of Lady Liu’s miscarriage.

The whole story of the original owner being framed was simple and yet complicated.

The original owner wanted the child in her belly, so naturally she would be more attentive to her, and from time to time, she would send her some nourishing and beneficial medicinal food.

That day, the original owner sent the medicine to the lady and ate with her before getting up to leave.

As soon as she returned to Changqiu Palace, a servant came to report that Lady Liu had had a miscarriage.

She was so shocked that she immediately turned around and rushed to Lady Liu’s residence.

When she arrived, the emperor had already arrived and was accompanied by Senior Concubine Gui and Imperial Concubine Man.

In order to keep the Xin family in check, the emperor was constantly making moves in the imperial court and also in the harem and there were four high ranking concubines: Concubine Gui, Concubine Man, Concubine Xi and Concubine Han.

The previous three are all at odds with the protagonist and would like to see her suffer bad luck, but Concubine Han has no problems with the protagonist, as she is weak and has never been one to meddle in things.

The emperor is furious when the doctor finds out that there is something in the food that is bad for pregnant women.

The emperor was furious, and she confessed that she did not know about it, and that she had eaten with her to ensure her safety and had no intention of harming the heir.

At this point, the two concubines add fuel to the fire by making taunting and suspicious remarks, making the emperor even more furious.

In this situation, the original owner was undoubtedly very frustrated.

She was finally grounded for three days and returned to her palace.

However, on the second day of her grounding, the servant girl of Lady Liu, who had been handed over to the Department of Punishment, revealed the ‘truth’ under torture.

The servant girl said that the Empress had told her to do so, and that she had given her a pill that could make a woman miscarry, which she had put in the medicine for the pregnancy, and the Empress had threatened the life of her family, so she dared not disobey.

The Emperor was furious and wrote an imperial decree to have the original owner abolished.

It is not known how many people were behind this incident, however, there were a number of people who did it.

Concubine Gui, Concubine Man, Concubine Xi, one of the three, and of course, the Emperor.

But would the emperor really be so cruel as to use his own child to drag the original owner down, besides the Xin family is still a huge family that could be replaced by someone in that position?

Xin Lan thinks not, but of course the reason is that there is not yet a son in the harem.

This is puzzling.

An emperor, many concubines, and none of them could give birth to a child, which was a bit too odd.

The reason why the original owner couldn’t give birth was because she was sterilized, but what about the rest of them?

After all either the emperor himself could not allow anyone to conceive or the emperor did not want anyone in his harem to conceive, but both of these points are overruled by Lady Liu and do not stand.

If the Emperor did not want anyone to get pregnant, how could he have allowed Lady Liu to get pregnant? Lady Liu’s position was low, and the child she gave birth to could not be put in her name, and would have to be given to another concubine to raise.

But the emperor did not want a woman from the Xin family to bear his child, otherwise the Xin family’s power would have gone up a notch, and if that child grew up to inherit the throne, the Emperor would have been furious, and the Xin family would have been a thorn in the Emperor’s side, a thorn in his flesh, an existence he could not stand.

If that was the reason, it was not impossible to kill one’s own child.

Suddenly she felt that it was better to escape from the world, although people’s hearts were unpredictable, it was better than this kind of complexity.

“Master, the room has been cleaned, would you like to move inside and rest?”

Chun Yue said respectfully, and Xin Lan shook his head.

“No, I’ll stay here for a while.”

Although the situation seemed unpleasant and confining, it was not so bad, there was plenty of room to move around.

As for the two maids at her side, they were loyal in the original owner’s memory, but in Xin Lan’s case, they would have to be evaluated.

What she was going to do next would require her to have someone she could trust.

The two maids were so busy that Xin Lan, seeing how tired they were, wanted to help with the well water, but Chun Yue hastily asked her to leave.

“The master doesn’t have to suffer like this, just come with the slaves. Now that this place has wronged the master, the slaves have to clean it up, so that the master can live more comfortably. The master should not be too upset. When the grievances are washed away, we can leave. ”

Chunyue said so, but her eyes were red.

They all knew that these were just words of relief. When they came in, most of them would have no possibility of going out, unless the emperor favored her again, but they all knew how unfair the emperor was with her, and it might be impossible to go out. .

“Ok. ”

Xin Lan nodded, not comforted by the maid’s kindness. Since she couldn’t help, Xin Lan sat next to her and continued to be in a daze.

After getting used to the colorful entertainment life, when you come to this era of scarce entertainment resources, you can’t help but feel a little boring. When Xin Lan first went to the ancient plane, she was shocked by the backwardness. After all, she thought that the interstellar era she was in was already an ordinary civilization, but it was quite uncomfortable to return to the ancient civilization all at once.

Then, when she reached the plane of cultivation, she saw a series of existences that violated the principles of science and gravity, and she had silently reorganized her three views.

Xin Lan wanted to find a book to read. She had her own translator. The unfamiliar letters on the book could be transformed into the text she was most familiar with in her mind, but when she packed up in a hurry, she didn’t have time to take a lot of clothes, let alone books. Things like this.

Xin Lan shook the swing and looked at the world surrounded by the palace wall.

Occasionally, a bird flew by, stopping on the eaves of the house to comb his feathers.

The evening sun shone, indicating that the day was coming to an end.

Xin Lan walked around the yard to relieve her sedentary discomfort.

Zero Nine: Host, there is something! Hehua, she was talking to others, saying that your attitude was very calm, as if you were okay.

Xin Lan frowned slightly, Hehua?

The maid was supposed to be a maid of the Xin family, and she followed her into the royal residence and the palace.

Xin Lan: Locate the maid who talked to her and see where she went last.

Zero Nine: Okay.

“Chun Yue, where is Hehua?”

“Sister Hehua has gone to get dinner.”

Chun Yue hung her head. It was clear that before today, her master was sitting in the Changqiu Palace waiting to be served, so why did they have to go and get it themselves?

As she thought about this, Chun Yue felt a bit upset and turned her head to hide her face, quietly blushing.

A short time later, Hehua came back with a food box.

She placed the box on the round table and set it out one by one.

“This ‧‧‧‧‧‧”

Chun Yue twisted her eyebrows, the food was even worse than what they used to eat, and now they were actually giving it to the master.

The food was not bad enough for Xin Lan to see, so he told Chun Yue and Hua to sit down and eat together.

“Master, how can this be allowed to continue?”

“Sit down, now that we’re like this, we don’t have to worry about that.”

There were only a few dishes, and Xin Lan knew that these two girls wanted to wait for her to finish eating the leftovers, but she wasn’t that inhumane, so she didn’t have to follow too many rules anyway.

Chun Yue and He Hua sat down in a formal manner, and for a while the only sound was the clinking of dishes.

At this moment, Zero Nine told Xin Lan the information about the palace maid.

Xin Lan’s chopsticks paused, and then she naturally picked up a vegetable and continued to eat.

Although it didn’t taste much, it tasted much more normal than the canteen in the last mission.

After finishing the meal, Hehua cleaned up the dishes and Chun Yue went to boil water.

Xin Lan stood in the main house, which was not dilapidated, but without any decoration.

Chun Yue boiled the water and came to ask Xin Lan to bathe.

When Xin Lan came out of the house in her clothes, the two maids were ready to leave.

“Hold on a moment, I have something to say.”

“What else do you want, Master?”

The two maids stopped, turned and walked over to Xin Lan.

” Hehua.”

” The slave servant is here.”

“Kneel down.”

She looked up and saw Xin Lan’s calm, clear eyes and hastily knelt down.

Chun Yue did not understand what had happened, after all, she had just been fine, why had her master suddenly become upset?

She stood there with her head bowed and heard Xin Lan’s inaudible voice.

“Do you know what kind of person I hate the most?”

“The slave is stupid, the slave does not know.”

Hehua pressed her forehead to the ground and lowered her body to the ground.

“Unfaithful, unfilial and unrighteous people.”

“The slave has absolutely no second thoughts!”

She knocked her head a few times with a thumping sound, and her look was so loyal that the sun and moon could see it.

“How many years have you been with me, Hehua?”

Xin Lan did not show any different expression at her words, but simply asked.

“I have been with you since before you left the court, and it is now my eighth year.”

“Eight years. ‧‧‧‧‧‧”

Xin Lan trailed off, seemingly sighing.

“The Xin family has treated you well, and I think I have treated you well too ‧‧‧‧‧‧”

“Naturally, my master has treated me well.”

Her body was so stiff that even her voice trembled a little.

“Then why are you still turning your elbow, eh?”

Her heart stirred and her palms began to sweat coldly.

She didn’t dare to look up, she just kept kowtowing.

“Come on, I still have a sore head, tell me why, how many favours did she promise to make you betray me?”

Xin Lan sat on the main seat, her expression bland and unruffled.

She was so used to her violent and angry behaviour that she felt panic when she saw her like this.

Chun Yue had already changed her face slightly when Xin Lan said that she was disloyal, unfilial and unrighteous, and looked at He Hua incredulously.

“Master, the slave servant did not, the slave servant did not.”

Her eyes were lifted, her face full of tears and a large bruise on her forehead, which looked rather pitiful.

“Is there no treachery, or is there no advantage?”

He Hua was silent, and when she met Xin Lan’s eyes, she cried even harder.

“Master, slave servant has not betrayed you, slave servant just ‧‧‧‧‧‧ just ‧‧‧‧‧‧ talked about something inconsequential, that’s all! Believe me, master, slave servant really did not betray you.”

“If you did it, you did it, if you didn’t do it, you didn’t do it. What was your suffering that you had to betray me, how about telling me?”

If it had been the original owner, she would have been in a lot of pain when she was betrayed by Hehua, who had been with her all the way for eight years, but Xin Lan was calm and insensitive.

In the original plot, the original owner did not even know about it until her death.

He Hua wiped away her tears and began to choke up a little as she told the truth.

It’s simple, not complicated at all. There’s hardly any coercion, so it’s a bit ridiculous.

She has fallen in love with one of the palace guards and has been caught in the act of making love, or to put it crudely, having an affair.

If people knew about this, He Hua would be killed, and the guard would not end up any better, so both of them kept their affair secret.

Later on, the affair between the two is known to Concubine Xi, who uses the guard’s life to threaten her, so that she betrays her.

From He Hua’s point of view, and that was probably a dilemma, a lover on one side and a master on the other.

“So you’re betraying me for a man?”

What a great love, Xin Lan thought with an expressionless face.

“This slave servant really didn’t do anything for Her Ladyship Xi, it’s just that occasionally she asks me how you’ve been, and I try to pick out the good things to say, really, Master, Hehua didn’t lie to you!”

“You like that guard, why don’t you tell me so I can still keep you with me and not let you marry?”

“It’s him ‧‧‧‧‧‧ he said it wasn’t time yet, that he would come and marry me when he had enough money ‧‧‧‧‧‧”

“I thought you were a clever girl, how could you do such a foolish thing? Do you know which lord’s patrol that guard is under?”

“I don’t know.”

“Do you know his name?”

“He told me his name was Chang Yen.”

“Where is he from? What is his age? Any sisters in the family? Are the parents alive?”

At her question, Hehua was dumbfounded by the question.

Xin Lan rubbed her head and felt a vague pain in her brain.

“Why didn’t you ever think that this was a ploy by Concubine Xi? The guard was already a member of Concubine Xi’s family? I have an old grudge with Concubine Xi, you know very well, how many people are watching me don’t you know? How can you still do such a thing?”

“Slave servant ‧‧‧‧‧‧ slave servant ‧‧‧‧‧‧”

As if she had thought of something, her face slowly turned white.

“Okay, I don’t want to hear it anymore, this matter of Lady Liu giving birth, does it have anything to do with you?”

“No, how dare I do such a thing! I know you wanted that child, and I would not have spoiled it for you! Please forgive me, Master, I really have not revealed any important information about you! My Lady I ‧‧‧‧‧‧”

“Whether I did or not, because a man betrayed me, this is an established fact. You yourself think about what you have to explain to me, and don’t leave out one thing at a time.”

Xin Lan got up and Chun Yue got up and hastened to hold her arm.

He Hua was paralyzed in place, lost in thought, full of confusion.

When did she find out? How did she know?

Was that man really a deliberate trap sent to her by Concubine Xi?

Was it all a lie?

He said, ”I’m not going to be able to get a lot of money for this.

“Master ‧‧‧‧‧‧”

In the end, she knelt down directly.

“No matter what, Chun Yue will always follow her master and will never betray.”

“Silly girl.”

Xin Lan stroked Chun Yue’s hair, as if with relief and sadness.

Chun Yue lifted her face, her eyes gentle and determined.

As she looked at Xin Lan’s beautiful face, she could not help but feel in a trance.

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How beautiful she was. She should have been a Concubine, not a Empress. When she smiled, her soul was lost, and even a woman could not resist that beauty, which was much better than that of a princess.

“Rest well, my lady, I’ll be in the outer room, if you need me.”

“Go on.”

Xin Lan sat down on the bed and pulled the covers back.

She had thought that even if there was a traitor beside the original master, it should not be Hehua, but she had been wrong.

Was love really that powerful?

It can make people lose their minds, betray their faith and abandon their beliefs.

The concept of love is a strange one to Xin Lan.

In the interstellar age, most marriages were genetically matched to ensure that the best offspring would be born.

And of course, free love is supported.

Xin Lan was an Alpha, and in the normal course of events, that is, if she hadn’t died in the battle, she would have gone back to be genetically matched and have an Omega wife.

The wife may be a male or a female.

Male Alpha’s have the ability to impregnate people, female Alpha’s do not. They can absolutely subjugate their partner pheromone wise, and then let technology help give birth to their child through in vitro fertilization.

In interstellar terms, although there are six genders, female Alpha are extremely rare, about a third of the number of male Alpha.

However, Xin Lan was martyred in that battle.

So naturally, she had little chance to feel what it was like to have a wife and children in a warm bed, and she had little inkling of what it was like to be in love.

After all, she was too busy training and fighting to think about inconsequential things, and at her time it was rare for anyone to say the word ‘love’.

Most people found their partner from a genetic match and married when they were sure, one could only have one partner and be faithful to each other.

The first time in the world, Xin Lan was a villain and had no desire for a romantic relationship.

Zero Nine: From my experience, love has the power to turn people into fools, is the host still planning to use her?

Zero Nine finished eating the melon in the system space, heard the question in Xin Lan’s mind, and answered out loud.

The system existed deep in the host’s mind, so when the host raised a question or sighed in his mind, they could hear it.

Zero Nine has been working in the Face Slapping Department for quite a long time and has seen a lot of love affairs with her first two hosts, especially the first one, and when she saw the way the men were turned around by her hosts, she didn’t know whether to feel sympathy or sorrow.

Xin Lan: It depends.

Xin Lan is now in need of servants, not that she doesn’t want to give people a chance to correct themselves, it’s just that people with prior convictions can’t be trusted, and if the young guy says a few words to make her dizzy, it’s all for nothing.

When the original owner first entered the palace, she came across a grandmother abusing her, saying that she didn’t work properly and stole food.

Who wouldn’t like such a maid? She has no ulterior motives and is dedicated to serving her master.

After all, Xin Lan’s own strengths are at stake here. Her first predecessor had told her that being good-looking meant that she could do whatever she wanted, and Xin Lan was good-looking, but she didn’t dare say that. She even hoped that people would value her strength over her looks.

Asking Xin Lan to seduce a human ‧‧‧‧‧‧ Zero Nine winced as she thought again of the scene where Xin Lan had pinned the human skinned ghost to the ground and stomped on it, even tearing it apart with her hands.

It’s a little brutal, and the thought of having men join in is horrifying.

Forget it, it’s better not to have such a famous scene.

Xin Lan closed her eyes and stopped thinking about love.

Chun Yue went out of the inner room, closed the door quietly, looked at Hehua who was still sitting there, and sighed.

“Sister Hehua, how could you be so foolish?”

“Chunyue, speak up for me when you speak with master, I really haven’t done anything against master.”

“It’s the best if you didn’t do it, but if you did, it’s more of a mistake. Do you think the master will believe that you didn’t do anything, otherwise Consort Xi wouldn’t have to spend this effort to set you up, even I don’t believe it either. “

Chun Yue also felt the same chill, she did not expect that the person she worked with as her sister would do something like this.

Hehua sat on the floor in a sullen state, wiping her tears from her eyes.

At midnight, Xin Lan was woken up by Zero Nine.

She opened her eyes and her expression was so gloomy that it looked like she wanted to eat someone.

Xin Lan: Speak.

She was restraining her temper.

Zero Nine: Hehua has sneaked out of the house.

She didn’t want to wake up her host at all, but someone wasn’t listening.

With a deep breath, Xin Lan sat up from the bed and, not wearing a gown, which would have been too much trouble, went out in her lingerie to see what was going on.

When she went out to look, the palace door was already ajar.

Zero Nine: Aren’t you going after her?

Xin Lan: What for? Let’s see what she’s doing and tell me when I wake up.

Zero Nine: So what are you doing up?

Xin Lan: I am afraid that if I don’t cool off my anger, I won’t be able to resist doing something.

Zero Nine didn’t say anything.

It was useless to chase her out. If she wanted to see where she was going, why not just let Zero Nine keep an eye on her, it wasn’t like there was something she had to do.

When she woke up the next day, Zero Nine told her everything that had happened last night.

She had gone out at midnight to look for her lover.

However, the guards were always in the front palace and seldom came to the back palace, except for the necessary nightly patrols, and some were guarding the palace doors.

The guard was so comforted that he said he hadn’t listened to the whole thing, and there was a kissing and touching session in between.

The guards did go to the palace of Consort Xi, after separating from Hehua, and left a jade pendant hanging on a tree in the palace of Consort Xi.

The first time she saw it, she knew it was the work of Concubine Xi, but if it was true that Concubine Xi had only asked some unimportant questions, then there was no need to make such a fuss, there must be another purpose.This woman, Xin Lan can only be described as a calculating machine.

In fact, Concubine Hei is not from a high origin, the daughter of a fifth-ranking official, than Concubine Man and Concubine Gui entered the palace earlier, in the emperor’s birthday banquet, surprised the audience with a song, the emperor included her in the harem, at the beginning of not a concubine. She was just a mistress, but she was pampered and rose to the position of concubine.

In theory, if she was to be promoted to consort again, she would have to have a son, but she did not have a son, but she saved the day.

That year, during the autumn hunt, an assassin pierced the emperor, concubine Xi blocked the knife, the emperor was moved, she was promoted to concubine.

Although it seems logical, but a closer look, you can find the heart of the consort.

The original owner was not happy with her, but she was not afraid, because she could see that the emperor was not happy with the Xin family, and even if the Xin family was in power, she believed that the Xin family would fall.

She wants to be the emperor’s empress, but she is very tolerant, seemingly not involved in anything, in fact, everything has a little bit of her hand, pushing the waves, and then leaving herself out of the picture.

The original owner said the old grudge with the concubine was not just the beginning of the relationship between the two as water and fire, but the concubine once mocked the empress, saying she was not worthy of the position, the words were subtle, insinuating, which the original owner could not tolerate, raised his hand and gave a slap, that is when the other concubines face, many palace people were watching, Concubine loved to save face, almost exhausted with anger, but couldn’t do anything, in this way thoroughly hated on.

Later the concubine also retaliated to the original, this retaliation is definitely in the way that the Emperor played a pillow talk, so that the Emperor gave the original face, but also intentionally removed her palace, and went to the concubine, and the concubine together with meals.

Xin Lan said, if the original owner did not like the dog emperor, this kind of tricks can still hurt her?

So how could such a concubine do nothing?

Xin Lan finished her breakfast and looked at Hehua standing in front of her, brushing her hair out of her temples.

“Want to say it?”

Xin Lan’s face was light, and she put down the tea caldron in her hand.

That girl, Chun Yue, was so thoughtful that when she packed up her things and came out, she brought out half a piece of teacake wrapped in a handkerchief.

She wanted to give Xin Lan the best enjoyment she could, and she was happy enough if Xin Lan complimented her.

Silly, Xin Lan thought.

She still said nothing, the same thing she had said yesterday.

Xin Lan’s eyes were downcast as the light shone in through the latticework, but unfortunately it was not well placed to shine brightly, and there was a lingering coldness in the room, like the name of the palace and its purpose.

“What did you do at midnight last night?”

Hehua’s heart tightened and she fell to her knees without saying a word.

“How can I trust you when you are like this?”

Xin Lan sighed quietly, if she could still call herself ‘this palace’ like the original, it would be more powerful.

Chun Yue stood behind her and followed her line of sight to the patch of barren grass.

“The servant will start working on the grass later, and then we will see if we can get some flower seeds to make this a more comfortable place for us to live.”

She knelt on the ground without saying a word.

Chun Yue stood behind her and followed her line of sight to the patch of barren grass.

“There’s no hurry, Chun Yue, don’t be busy.”

Xin Lan thinks that now that they are in the clear, or in the gap where everyone else is concerned, when all the eyes on her are gone, it will be time for her to move.

Soon, those people will have no time to care about her, because a new pawn is coming.

It was just after midday when a visitor arrived at the cold palace.

The visitor was a woman, with lines at the corners of her eyes, wearing a blue shirt with cloud patterns, followed by a maid.

“My good Lan, you have suffered.”

Although the gift of childbirth was important, it was the upbringing that showed the child who was the best.

What they had not expected was that the Emperor had moved so quickly to abolish the Empress, giving them no time to even think of a way to save her, and now they had to send in a second daughter of the Xin family, her Lan’er was destined to be abandoned.

“Mother, you’re here.”

Xin Lan looked at the lady in front of her, who was in tears, and greeted her, but she couldn’t do anything to make herself cry with sadness.

Madam Xin was even more upset when she looked like this, thinking that it was Xin Lan who could not even cry, so she was extremely upset.

“You are wronged in this matter, I know, but you also know that the emperor can no longer tolerate the Xin family. ‧‧‧‧‧‧”

“So what does Mother mean?”

“Long Yi will come to the palace in a few days, you and she were close before ‧‧‧‧‧‧”

The more Madam Xin said, the more she could not go on, and let out a sigh.

“To the Palace of Changqiu? “


“My daughter knows.”

“Lan’er, you ‧‧‧‧‧‧”

Before Madam Xin could say a pair of words of comfort, they were blocked in her throat by Xin Lan.

She looked at Xin Lan, who looked cold and bored, with mixed feelings in her heart.

“Don’t worry, I won’t make things difficult for Long’er. If she comes to me, I will help her.”

“… You know that Longlong is young and inevitably has many things she doesn’t understand.”

Xin Lan echoed, her heart not fluctuating.

Xin Long was the original owner’s unrelated daughter. She was the eldest daughter of her eldest brother and was only twelve or thirteen years old today, not yet mature enough to be sent to this cannibalistic palace.

Perhaps there is no love between children in politics, as the young girl has to enter the palace at such a young age, and her husband is not destined to give her the love she wants.

Xin Lan thought of the explanation given to the young Empress in the sequel, that she was given a cup of poisoned wine in the palace because of the fall of the Xin family, when she was only fifteen years old.

After a few pleasantries, Xin Lan came to her business.

“What! That Hehua girl? She’s a traitor!”

Madam Xin was obviously furious. She had chosen her daughter’s maid in the first place, and she had been with her daughter for eight years, but she had turned her elbow.

“I will take her back and dispose of her properly, do you know who she’s turned to?”

“Concubine Xi.”


The woman was furious, when Concubine Xi entered the palace, she was at odds with Xin Lan, and even if she had eaten her way out of the palace, she was still crawling to her old enemy.

“Mother, you take her away, and give me a good servant, preferably obedient, knowledgeable.”

“All right, I’ll ask your father to send you someone when I get out.”

The two of them were speechless for a while, and Madam Xin could not help sighing again as she looked around at the surroundings.

She was born with an endless supply of wealth and glory, and should have been held in the palm of her hand.

“Here is some silver, take it and tell Mother if you need anything else.”

“Okay.” Xin Lan nodded, and Chun Yue went forward and took the fragrant bag with the silver in it.

Madam Xin had nothing to explain, she had originally wanted to comfort Xin Lan, but found that Xin Lan was very calm and thought through everything, and did not need her to say anything more.

The purpose of both Madam Xin and Xin Lan had been achieved, and Madam Xin could not stay in the palace for long, so she left in a hurry, taking Hehua with her before leaving.

On the table was a food box that she had brought with her. Chun Yue opened it, the first two layers contained delicate meals, the third layer contained some cakes and pastries, and Chun Yue opened the bottom layer, which contained some silver notes and scrap silver, as well as bracelets and earrings, a complete package.

Xin Lan told Chun Yue to put it away, and her sighs dissipated in the wind.

She saw a little bit of her mother in Madam Xin, and only a little.

Xin Lan’s other mother was also a female Alpha, and Xin Lan’s bloodline also had this gene in it, but Xin Lan never saw that person again when she was five years old, she died in a foreign war. She was given a very good pension by the state, and Xin Lan grew up with excellent grades and was given a scholarship all the way through the war, hardly causing any trouble for her family except for buying mecha parts.

It’s true that she hadn’t thought of staying there to be with her mother, but it was already five years after the war when she was able to get the points to go back.

Her name was recorded in the history of the empire’s generals, and the books made the most of the tragedy of the war.

How would her mother cope with her absence? With this in mind, she flew home, but did not see anyone who should be here.

It was only after checking with the system that she found out that her mother had married two years ago.

Xin Lan went to see her mother in hiding and found that she was doing well, with a new life, a new family and new children of her own.

She must not appear in the light of day, and as her mother has her own home and has long since accepted her death, she watches for the rest of the afternoon and turns away.

With Hehua gone, only Xin Lan and Chun Yue were left in the palace.

She didn’t like to talk when she was not in trouble, and even though she wanted to talk to Xin Lan, she didn’t know what to say, for it would be a sad thing to mention.

The master’s mind is impenetrable, so Chun Yue doesn’t make a fool of herself, but just follows along all day and does some needlework by herself.

Xin Lan was too bored to do anything else, so she watched TV with Zero Nine. This time, Zero Nine was watching a hilarious drama, and seemed to be having fun as a retard in the system space.

Madam Xin moved quickly, and on the third day a maid arrived.

The maid had a round face and a simple, easy-to-please look, and when she looked at Xin Lan, she had an innocent look.

But when she opened her mouth, her manner was not as steady as her appearance.

“Slave servant Si Tong, greetings to your master.”

“How did you get here?”

“I broke one of Madam Zhao’s porcelain calendars and was transferred here by the House of Internal Affairs.”

Si Tong said it without panic, and gave Xin Lan a somewhat innocent smile.

Xin Lan nodded in satisfaction and hid the light in her eyes as she turned around.

Soon, there would be a lot of fun to be had.

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