Get to Know Your Ex-Girlfriend

Chapter 3: CH 3

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The Escape 03

The canteen is full of people, queuing up and already eating, so if you don’t look closely you’ll think it’s no different from the usual campus.

The canteen staff are still shaking their hands, and the only good thing is that you don’t need to swipe your meal card to eat.

Xin Lan went to the stir-fry side, which in fact was also the most crowded.

The stir-fry is considered good in the canteen specifications, and although it could have been made by the same master chef, it still compares well with the cheaper meals available there.

It was a situation like this, and it didn’t cost anything, so everyone would choose to make themselves eat better.

As Xin Lan moved forward in the queue, she saw her ex-boyfriend and the school bully walking past her with their trays.

The school bully was wearing a school uniform jacket, showing a small part of her white neck, tied in a ponytail, her appearance was indeed outstanding, and as she walked past Xin Lan, Xin Lan could even smell a faint fragrance.

By the time Xin Lan arrived, there were not many dishes left, so she ordered two randomly and walked to the side of the table with her tray.

Zero Nine: Sister Lan, aren’t we going to sit over at the ex-boyfriend’s side?

There are still empty seats on the ex-boyfriend’s side, not sure if people don’t want to get too close to other teams or are wary of the school bully’ ex-boyfriend, there’s nothing on his side.

This canteen can hold a thousand people, and with three hundred and ninety-nine people in it, it seems spacious.

Xin Lan: I’m afraid I won’t be able to resist the urge to dunk him in the food, it will be a waste of food, not good.

The first time she went over there as an ex-girlfriend, she knew she would be mocked or looked at in a blank stare by her ex-boyfriend, the scum of the earth.

Zero Nine stopped talking, she had forgotten again that Xin Lan was the sweetheart who didn’t play by the rules.

Everyone finished their dinner and didn’t stay too long.

It was perfectly safe during this time of rest.

Everyone is free to go to any part of the school, whether it be the school building, the dormitory building, the library, the schoolyard, the auditorium, it can all be involved, but you have to leave when hunting time starts.

The hunting activities are restricted to the fifth floor of the school building as well as the dormitory building. All ten classes are placed on the third floor and they can hide anywhere in the school and dormitory buildings during the hunting period.

Cai Yang, the young spectacled one, suggested a trip to the library to see if they could find anything.

He said it cryptically, afraid of being ‘banned’, and between eye contact, everyone understood what he meant.

“What could be in there, aren’t they just some books?” Dark and strong Chen Zhi Hong frowned, he usually hated reading books the most.

“It’s not like there’s any harm in going, I’m in favour of it.” The short man, Zhou Ming Fang, nodded, maybe there was some clue inside the book, how would he know there wasn’t without having read it.

Xin Lan had no objection and the five of them went to the library.

On the way there they collided with another group and when they reached the library they found another group already inside.

Not every team came in groups of five, and Xin Lan met a team of three and a team of four, who did not greet each other, and even passed by in silence, with some slight hostility.

The only sound in the library was the sound of pages clattering and turning, and Chen Zhi Hong sat bored, holding a somewhat worn-out manga that had been turned over.

“Nothing seems to have changed, I came here the day before I entered and our class was having a reading session.” Zhou Ming Fang put down the book in her hand and said with some frustration.

“I told you I couldn’t find anything.” Chen Zhi Hong scowled and continued flipping through the comics in his hands.

“You still have the nerve to say that, you’re the only one who didn’t put in any effort.” Guo Ming, the young pimple, said coldly.

“How do you mean?” Chen Zhi Hong pounded the table with his book, his expression cold.

He was dark and strong, and he looked a bit fierce in this way.

Guo Ming didn’t say anything more, and Cai Yang rushed to smooth things over.

Xin Lan flipped through the books on her own, letting Zero Nine scan all the books here.

Zero Nine: Reporting to Sister Lan, nothing is documented here, but there is some male and female physiological health, oh hell, there is also a small yellow book hidden, tsk tsk, and I don’t know who put it in.

“Looks like there’s nothing, let’s go.” Xin Lan put the book back, and Chen Zhi Hong immediately echoed.

The three remaining men looked at each other and decided to leave as well.

“Where are you going?” Zhou Ming Fang saw Xin Lan walking ahead and took a distance of two or three steps away already.

“The dormitory.”

“Then I’ll go too, just in time to relocate the dormitory and ask if we can change it.”

Their accommodation is random, appearing in their minds as they arrive.

No one dared to wander off on the first day and slept in the prescribed bed, which, to their horror, contained their own things, in that bed and locker, even if they were day students.

Zhou Ming Fang and Xin Lan were not in the same dormitory, but since they were in a team, they naturally wanted to sleep with their teammates.

When Xin Lan returned to the dormitory, no one was back yet.

Zhou Ming Fang did not want to be separated from her teammates, so she sat in Xin Lan’s dorm room.

The accommodation at this school was still very good, with a bed and a table, but there was no single bathroom.

After ten minutes or so, one of Xin Lan’s roommates came back.

Zhou Ming Fang said her dorm number and asked if she could change dormitories, and coincidentally, it so happened that the girl had a teammate in that room.

Xin Lan got out of bed to help and assisted Zhou Ming Fang to move her things.

The other two roommates came back and didn’t say anything when they saw their new roommate, each going back to their beds.

Xin Lan fiddled with her phone on her bed, which had no internet access, and looked at the time on it. When the break was over, a bell rang on campus.

Everyone couldn’t help but tense up, and Zhou Ming Fang ducked under the covers.

Hunting time, it was starting.

The dormitory door was closed and no one showed any sign of wanting to move.

Zhou Ming Fang looked at the door, afraid that a monster might break in through there.

Xin Lan looked at her and withdrew her eyes, as long as the door was not opened, the greatest danger at the moment was certainly not outside the door, but inside it, and the unknown.

It got dark early in the winter, it was just after seven o’clock and it was already all dark outside.

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The wind whistled and rattled the glass windows.

Xiaochun took out her diary and took a pen to record in it.

But then, out of the blue, the diary in her hand was jerked over to someone.

“Give it back!” Xiaochun lowered her voice and glared at the person across from her.

Xin Lan was attracted by the movement and looked up.

“Look what our little bitch wrote on it, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. ……”

The long drawn out female voice carried a sharp mockery, like it was trying to shatter one’s pride.

“You shut up!” Xiaochun looked at her two roommates on the other side in some panic, her face a little white.

“Why aren’t you letting the screaming out yet? ‘Fear of being drowned by the water’, tsk, tsk, tsk, pretentious.”

“None of your business, give it back to me!”

“’Changed roommates today, roommate A is pretty, roommate B is on the same team as her, if only the other one would die’, what do you mean little bitch? You curse me to death?” The girl read the diary in an amused tone, only to blush at the end and smash it back into Xiaochun’s head, which immediately turned red and swollen across her forehead.

“Fuckin’ bitch, looks like you didn’t get enough of your usual lecture, did you, how dare you curse me to death? I won’t die if you bitch is dead, give me your clue!” The girl stood up and tried to cross the bed to Xiaochun’s side of the bed.

“I won’t give it to you.” Xiaochun pushed at the person, only to be slapped by her hair.

Zhou Ming Fang dared not bother and huddled under the covers, shivering.

Xin Lan frowned at the noise and looked at the girl who was beating her up.

With a few studs in her ears, an expression full of hostility and dirty words spitting out of her mouth, and linking it to what she had said earlier, she thought it was school violence that had been going on for a long time.

There was still a standoff there, the girl grabbing Xiaochun’s hair and running her hands all over her body, trying to get a clue, when Xiaochun bit her and pushed the person away.

The cries of pain and swearing were really annoying and Xin Lan threw over a mineral water bottle that was still half full, hitting the violent girl with unerring precision.

“Where are the chickens from, squawking before dawn, others have to sleep, got it?” Xin Lan sneered, she hated people making noise.

“You’re the fucking chicken, you look like a lady, you’ve been played by many people and you still don’t know it, you’re pretending to be noble with me here? Who doesn’t know that you’re a loose woman who doesn’t even want to play with Zou Yunfei.” The girl gave a shout, dropped her grip on Xiaochun’s hair and sneered towards Xin Lan.

Zou Yun Fei was the scum ex-boyfriend.

Xin Lan got out of bed and came underneath the girl.

“What? Still want to fight me?”

Xin Lan but without any bullshit, just grabbed her by one foot and yanked her off the top bunk, the girl fell to the ground and curled up in pain.

“You fucking bitch born dog, how dare you ……”

Before she could finish her curse, Xin Lan yanked her head down onto the table, making a loud noise.

“Say it again.” Xin Lan raised an eyebrow.

“Laozi said you …….”


“Say it again.”

“You fucking ……”


“Say that again.” Xin Lan’s tone was light, but unnerving.

The girl was dragged and hit several times, her head bleeding, beads of blood sliding down her face, her eyes glaring at Xin Lan with hatred, but she did not dare to speak again.

“Mute? Wasn’t you quite able to talk just now?”

“Let go of me if you dare!”

Xin Lan let go and patted her hands in disgust.

The girl stood up from the ground and tried to lunge at Xin Lan, but she was kicked in the lower part of her stomach and fell to the ground clutching her stomach.

Xin Lan licked her dry lips and gave the girl’s hand a few hard grinds.

“I was just wrong, you’re not a chicken, you’re a dog, right, otherwise how could you be full of shit.”

Xin Lan crouched leisurely on the ground, her fingers fumbling in the girl’s pockets.

The girl was about to struggle when she was hit in the face with an elbow and Xin Lan had one hand around her neck, telling Zero Nine to tell her where the stuff was.

Zero Nine: …… Well, in the fatty.

Kinda good at hiding.

Xin Lan stood up and crooked a finger at Xiaochun, who had just taken a beating on the bed.

“Come down and help me get her trousers off.”

Xiaochun dared not disobey and shivered as she got out of bed.

The girl still tried to move and was met with a stomp on the chest by Xin Lan.

“Isn’t someone going to die tonight, if you move again, that someone will be you.”



bored 百无聊赖 (bǎiwúliáolài): bored to death (idiom)

yellow book 黄书 (huángshū): pornographic book

Laozi 老子 (lǎozi): “I, your father” (in anger, or out of contempt) / I (used arrogantly or jocularly)

I’m still waiting for romance… anyway, i’m getting the gist of all this.

Gonna create a discord, so wait for it…

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