Get to Know Your Ex-Girlfriend

Chapter 4: CH 4

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The Escape 04

The girl didn’t dare to move, based on how hard Xin Lan had just hit her and how she had stepped on her foot, she had no doubt that she would go right for it.

But despite this thought, she still tried to resist when Xiaochun came to take off her trousers with her legs in the air.

Xin Lan got annoyed with her and kicked her unconscious.

Xin Lan got annoyed with her and kicked her unconscious.

Zhou Ming Fang was also dumbfounded and pulled the covers over herself, leaving one eye out.

Never did she think that the class flower, who looks like a flower vase, could be so scary in action.

In the midst of her fear she was a little glad that she was a teammate, by the time she went to bed she would have had to be separated from her teammates, and having a girl with a very high force value with her was simply a great way to feel safe.

Zero Nine had become so used to the host’s brutality that she was able to stop cringing.

Xiaochun, already annoyed to the core with the girl on the floor, stripped her trousers without mercy and sneaked a couple of kicks.

“Take the inner one off too.”

Xin Lan ignored Xiaochun’s little gesture and angled her chin, gesturing for her to continue.

Xiaochun was a bit surprised, but promptly stripped the inside one as well and saw the pieces of clue that had fallen.

Xiaochun picked it up and handed it to Xin Lan.

Xin Lan took one look at it and saw that it didn’t match the edge of her clue, which she stuffed into her pocket.

Xiaochun thought that Xin Lan would take advantage of the situation and claim it, but she didn’t, so she was grateful.

She looked at the naked girl on the floor and clenched her fists as she remembered her past experiences of being bullied.

She took her clothes out of the wardrobe and brought her toiletries with her.

“Xin Lan, do you want to take a shower?”

Zhou Ming Fang was a little worried, who knew what might happen if she went out at this time.

That inexplicable rule, no one knew what the conditions for obliteration were, the first person had died inexplicably on the bed in the dormitory, why it was him, no one knew for sure.


Xin Lan bent down to take the cleansing lotion and put it in her washbasin.

“But in case you are chosen ……”

“In case you are chosen, you will die wherever you are, and if you are afraid when I go out, lock the door, I won’t be back tonight.”

“Where are you going?”

Zhou Ming Fang sat up and asked in surprise, and even Xiaochun looked at Xin Lan.

“You don’t need to ask this.”

Xin Lan packed up her things, changed her slippers and put her trainers in a plastic bag to take with her.

“But aren’t we teammates?”

Zhou Ming Fang was a little startled, fearing that Xin Lan was leaving her behind.

Xin Lan opened the door and turned around, the light from the corridor making her look a little obscured.

“Don’t be so naive, the team is subject to change at any time, it’s only the second day.”

Xin Lan closed the door behind her, the sound of it closing seemed to smash into the heart and soul.

Xin Lan went to the bathroom at the far end.

On each floor there is a WC and a washroom, at opposite ends of the corridor.

The bathrooms are on the left side of the corridor and the washroom and WC are on the right side of the corridor.

There are five bathrooms, and the lights and water are switched on by using a card.

However, in this alien space, no one needs a card to use the water, and the lights in each bathroom are on, which looks rather weird.

Xin Lan’s dorm room was off to the left, quite close to the bathrooms, so she took her things and went into one of them.

The dim light fell on people and the silence around them was terrifying.

Xin Lan undressed, exposing the developing body of a young girl.

“Quite the body.”

Xin Lan turned on the tap and ran her hand across her body.

All Zero Nine could see was a mosaic, and the visual effect always felt like he was looking at some kind of 〈お風呂場の少女〉.

The water splashed down onto the floor and then into the drain.

Xin Lan soaked her back and heard some other movement amidst the sound of the water.

She turned off the water, and the moment the sound of the water stopped, that light sound of movement was a reality.

With the air quiet to the drop of a pin, Xin Lan opened the shower gel and applied it to herself.

Zero Nine: Sister Lan, there’s someone outside, being sneaky and stealthy!

Xin Lan didn’t stop applying the body wash, washing leisurely.

Zero Nine knew that Xin Lan couldn’t have missed it, so he pushed up the glasses and waited to see what would happen next.

Xin Lan finished applying the body wash and turned on the tap, letting the water wash away the foam on her body.

The gentle sound as if someone was walking on their tiptoes was perfectly concealed by the sound of the water as Xin Lan rubbed her neck and washed every part of her body clean, turned off the water and began to dry off and get dressed.

She had to put on a bra, wipe the water off her face and start patting her skin lotion.

Only after doing this did Xin Lan lower her head.

At the same time, she turned on the water tap.

The water rushed and Xin Lan gazed at the gap at the bottom of the door.

A pair of black and white eyes appeared there with a visual effect comparable to a horror film.

The pair of eyes locked eyes with Xin Lan’s and immediately stood up, and tried to run.

Xin Lan opened the door and threw the shower gel out, hitting the man in the leg socket with unerring accuracy. The man stumbled in his movement while Xin Lan yanked the man back with a hand that was long.

The man stumbled, but Xin Lan had a long hand and yanked him back. It looked like a girl, and she looked very weak.

If it had been a girl it would have been fine, but if it had been a boy Xin Lan would have definitely punched him first.

“Didn’t your mother ever teach you that you can’t just watch people shower?”

“Yes …… sorry, I ……”

The girl twisted her fingers in confusion and bowed her head nervously.

She wasn’t sure why she had gotten spooked, seeing someone in the shower here and thinking that they must be unsuspecting and she might be able to sneak up on them when they came out of the shower and get the clue pieces, but she hadn’t expected to be discovered so quickly.

Xin Lan narrowed her eyes and let go with a tsk.

The girl got free and ran off in a huff.

It was only the second day, and there was no telling what it would be like the later it got.

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Zero Nine: Why did you let her go, host? Wouldn’t it be better to rob her of her clues?

Xin Lan: There’s no rush, what’s due will come, why be a target, wouldn’t it be better to end everyone else in one go when the time comes?

Zero Nine: Right!

Only the dead have clues that go nowhere, but the living know.

Whoever had more clues on them would naturally be given priority, and Xin Lan did not want to be a moving target just yet.

Xin Lan asked Zero Nine for the dormitory number, picked up the shower gel that had just been dropped on the floor as a weapon with the basin in her arms and headed towards that dormitory.

Zero Nine: Host, that’ s the way to go, huh?

Xin Lan: What else? As a qualified villain, you can’t have no minions underneath you, and now that there’s no one to develop my underlings, I’ll have to do it myself.

Zero Nine: Host, you are now the protagonist!

Xin Lan: …… occupational illness, the protagonist, well, needs a partner, just as much to develop an underling.

Zero Nine was silent, the host’s wording and style always made her, a good system of five words and four beauties, feel like she was in some kind of illegal organization.

Xin Lan knocked on the door three times, but no one answered.

Xin Lan knocked three more times, and still no one answered.

The people inside the door were startled by the sudden knocking and looked at the door, but no one opened the door.

The knocker was quite persistent and knocked three more times.

A short while later, the knocking stopped.

The people inside the room breathed a sigh of relief, but before they could relax for two seconds, the knocking sounded again.

Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock.

It was quite regular.

Xin Lan was knocking away to the BGM played by Zero Nine when the door was suddenly opened to a clearly angry face.


“Sorry, I’m looking for someone.”

“Looking for who?” The girl was very wary and opened it only a slit.

Xin Lan: What’s the schoolgirl’s name again?

Zero Nine: Shen Shuiyuan.

Xin Lan: Good name.

“Shen Shuiyuan.”

“You’re looking for her?” The girl showed some suspicion and turned her head towards the door and called out.

Not long after, Shen Shuiyan appeared in front of Xin Lan.

She left the door open a little and showed a smile.

“Classmate, are you looking for me for something?”

Relaxed and composed, yet subtly kept at a safe distance.

At a glance, Xin Lan concluded that this was not a simple person, a smile she had seen before, on her military mentor in the world of villains.

Seemingly benign, but actually calculating.

That was good, in a world like this, it was most comfortable to deal with smart people.

“Hello, I’m Xin Lan.” Xin Lan smiled brightly and generously, and Shen Shuiyuan raised an eyebrow in a few imperceptible moments.

She naturally knew who she was, Xin Lan, Zou Yunfei’s ex-girlfriend, who was quite famous in their original class, that face was very inviting.

“I came to ask you, to form a team?”

“Sorry, I’ve already got a team.” Shen Shuiyan couldn’t figure out what this person was up to for a moment and politely declined.

“Student Shen is a smart person, she would not be unaware that the team can change at any time.”

“I’m always waiting for you, I’m more reliable than the person you choose.”

Xin Lan said with a smile, and although Shen Shuiyuan was not convinced, she still politely said yes.

The door in front of her was closed and Xin Lan took the basin and went back to her dormitory.

Zero Nine: That’s it?

Xin Lan: What else do you want?

Xin Lan was prepared for a closed door, this was already expected to be a good scene, Shen Shuiyuan is a smart person, leave her a path first, say hello, that’s all.

Zero Nine: I thought she would succumb to your kingly aura, host, and then swear to follow you to death.

Xin Lan: Have you seen too many Mary Sue dramas?

If Shen Shuiyuan agrees, she thinks there will be something fishy instead.

Either she is brain-damaged or has her own calculations.

The second type of conduct that clearly does not fit the subsequent plot is mostly ‘supernumerary’.

That is, it could be a colleague in a department, or a possession/takeover/rebirth/crossover.

The first two cases are fine, but the latter two are a bit troublesome.

Luckily, Shen Shuiyan’s intelligence was normal or even in the smart range, making Xin Lan still quite happy.

“I wish that ex-boyfriend of mine wasn’t stupid too.” Xin Lan’s whisper seemed distinctly ghostly in the empty corridor.

Zero Nine: But host, didn’t you say you weren’t going back?

Xin Lan had no intention of going back to bed; she swapped her slippers for trainers at the door of her dormitory, set the basin aside and did a little stretching.

Xin Lan propped herself up on one hand and went up to the balcony, eliciting a soft whine from Zero Nine.

Zero Nine: Host this is the fourth floor ……

Before she could say anything, Xin Lan had already landed steadily, moving as lightly as a cat.

It is only the fourth floor in the district.


class flower 班花 (bānhuā): the prettiest girl in the class

flower vase  花瓶 (huāpíng): flower vase / fig. just a pretty face

お風呂場の少女 (Oyashiro no Maiden): Girl in the bathroom

black and white 黑白分明 (hēibáifēnmíng): black and white clearly contrasted / (fig.) unambiguous

persistent 坚持不懈 (jiānchíbùxiè): to persevere unremittingly (idiom); to keep going until the end

BGM: To possess one’s own background music. This slang term comes from the fact that important TV or movie characters tend to have their signature background music.

Shuiyuan 水烟 (shuǐyān): shredded tobacco for water pipes

existence keeps getting harder every day……

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