Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 277: v2 Chapter 260: God descended! Devouring Divinity (4,400 words 2

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Chapter 261 God Descends! Devouring Divinity (4400 words in two chapters)

ps: There is still half a chapter that has not been changed, I will read it later~


The actual combat effectiveness of the large number of kobolds is not weak.

Change to the territory of other players, I am afraid that a wave can not be resisted.

But unfortunately, Chris is facing the city of dusk.

The owner here is Qingqiu, the existence that makes countless players startle and fear.

And the A-level heroes stationed on the city wall have greatly improved the defense of Dusk City.

At the moment when there is no psychological preparation, the opponent's City of Twilight is used to deal with ordinary players.

He was doomed to be hit with blood.

But the information of the territory cannot be viewed with the attribute panel, so until this moment, he does not know who his enemy is.

"Master Chris, what should we do now."

Several kobolds who sent orders looked at Chris for a long time and couldn't help but look anxious.


Chris let out a long breath and forcibly suppressed the irritability in his heart.

Looking up at the city wall in front of him that had been attacked by the kobolds, there was a bit of coldness in his eyes.

It doesn't matter if the other attacks are unfavorable, as long as he can break into the city, everything will be pacified.

"Let the other three sides of the army slow down the pace of attack and focus on containment."

The voice fell, and the steel knife in his hand was suddenly raised.

"Blow the horn, the whole army presses on!"

"For the glory of my God!!"

The matter has come to this point, there is not much room to turn around.

The sunk cost of this expedition to the desert was too great.

He can't accept it now.

A bit of ruthlessness rose inside.

Since there is no other choice, break the city at all costs.

As long as you complete the A-level mission, you can make up for this loss.

Moreover, he didn't think that the opponent's A-level heroes could resist his army.


The rapid horn sounded for the third time.

The charging army immediately accelerated its charge.

The pressure on the west ← city wall skyrocketed, and the situation began to get out of hand.

Seeing this, Chris clenched his fists with a smile on his face.

There is a time for victory in the heart.

Suddenly, a humming sound entered the ear.


A bad feeling suddenly rose in him.

He turned his head sharply to the direction of the sound,

I saw the end of the line of sight, under the illumination of the moonlight.

A dark cloud came quickly.

Is that a wasp? !

His pupils shrank suddenly, and he directly opened the attribute panel. Venomous Wasp, rare 3 stars.


An unspeakable fear flooded into his heart.

How could this territory still have such terrifying power? !

At the moment when he lost his mind.


In mid-air, the dark clouds that were enough to cover the bright moon swooped down with a ferocious aura.

It was like a shocking wave was surging.

Swept everything.

The kobold who attacked the city wall was grinning and preparing to slaughter. Seeing this scene, the whole person was like falling into an ice cellar.

It wasn't even worth the reaction.


The venomous wasps were like arrows, pulling out afterimages in the air and passing by the kobold.

The ten-centimeter-long tail spine reflects a faint blue light.

Under high-speed flight, the tail spike resembles the spear of an air knight.


The weak point of the kobold's armor and the skin that was not covered by the armor was immediately pulled out by a long wound.

Blood splattered.

Even more deadly, those wounds turn green in just a few blinks of an eye.

Then it spread to the whole body, and the kobold's body was directly stiff, and after several convulsions, he fell directly to the ground and died.

The autumn wind sweeps the leaves.

No kobold soldier could stand where the dense swarm of venomous wasps swarmed.

The scene is very visually striking.

In a few breaths, the kobold army that was about to attack the city wall was cleared out.

Great success.


After the venomous wasp annihilated the enemy, it continued to swept down in front of the city wall.

The kobold saw the terrifying scene, and his heart was torn apart.

In the face of this enemy that can be called a natural disaster, even if he has loyalty to the gods, he is scared to death.

In the blink of an eye, the good situation took a turn for the worse.

All that remained in the air was the wailing of fear and agony of the kobolds and the flapping hum of the venomous wasps.

Wherever the venomous wasp passed, the kobold in front was as clean as a water gun washing the ground.

Just now, I was thinking about **** Chris of the A-level heroes after attacking the City of Twilight.

Look at the poisonous wasp condensed into a black cloud, and the army of kobolds fleeing frantically.

Half of his body was numb.

Brain buzzing.

Crazy inside.

What's up with these wasps? ! !

Is this the army that the player raised? !

But how can they have such a powerful force! !

Why! !

The determination to capture the city just now at all costs.

At this moment, it was directly smashed by the highly poisonous wasp that fell from the sky.

After the wasp has grown in size, unless the caster casts area magic.

Otherwise, just relying on the kobold to slash and kill with a sword and a sword, the effect is simply pitiful.

"President, we, do we want to withdraw?"

The two players beside him were already panicking.

There is no longer any idea of ​​continuing to attack, they still don't want to die! !

Chris still had a strong sense of unwillingness in his heart.

He is not satisfied! !

15 players each lead a brigade of troops, plus 6 brigade troops gathered in the desert.

The army of two legions failed to capture the territory of a mere player.

How is he willing? !

Seeing the scene of the venomous wasp wanton slaughtering the kobold army, Li Cha did not relax in the slightest.

He could sense that the danger lurking in the dark had not disappeared.

The **** of kobolds is like a poisonous snake, the other party is waiting, waiting for an opportunity to shoot.

The Ring of Control has been tightly gripped by him.

As long as there is a slight change, the extraordinary hunter will appear.

But then, the development of the situation surprised Li Cha.

The venomous wasp was slaughtered and completely collapsed without some countermeasures from the kobold army.

But the **** of kobolds remained silent.

His inner unease grew stronger.

"The other party, what are you waiting for?!"

The army has been killed, what is the kobold **** planning? !


To the north ↑, after the kobold attack was sluggish, Gray summoned the gargoyle in the central area and held up the 6 squads of brilliant-level axe of the dead.

Lead the team in person, go deep into the kobold army, and start hunting the enemy wantonly.

This mummy hero with powerful control skills, paired with the sharp axe of the dead, the army of kobolds without air force cover is simply meat on the chopping board.

From the east →, the two players in command were smashed by Hina, and after forcibly beheading, the situation collapsed directly.

Hina, the powerful and fearless warrior, charged with one sword and one sword, and smashed the crowd, causing the kobold to fall into extreme fear.

It didn't take long for the remaining kobolds to flee, completely losing their resistance.

To the south, Gaunt only cast spells by himself, and forced the kobold army to dare not approach the city wall for 100 meters, so he could only shoot arrows from a distance.

Not the slightest threat.

The surrounding situation has gradually stabilized, and it seems that this crisis has been passed so smoothly.

This time, the revenge of the kobold **** could not hit the roots of the city of dusk.

The situation on the west side of the city wall gradually became clear after the poisonous wasp attacked.

Those few players saw the complete collapse of the battle situation and gave up the idea of ​​resistance.

The troops around him are retreating.

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This war seems to be over.

At this moment, Li Cha's eyes narrowed, and his face became extremely solemn.

Look sharply at the sky.

An indescribable threat came overhead.

next second.

On the battlefield, those kobold corpses suddenly melted into streaks of gelatinous blood.

Those **** water seemed to be attracted by magnets and turned into streaks of blood that shot straight into the sky.

Not only the west, but all the corpses outside Dusk City melted at the same time and rose into the sky.

This scene is inexplicably terrifying.

Residents in the city suddenly discovered that outside the city walls, countless blood-colored rays of light surged up.

gathered in midair.

The dark night sky radiated scarlet light.

At this moment, an appalling picture was reflected in everyone's pupils.

After those blood-colored energies gathered.

The scarlet silt suddenly twisted, and the face of a kobold appeared on it.

The other party opened his mouth, and there was an unspeakable rage in his dull voice.

"Lowly ants"

"I will burn you for a million years! I will endure the most extreme pain in this world. For ever and ever!!"

God of kobolds.

Seeing this scene, Li Cha flashed a bit of horror in his eyes.

Those troops who attacked the city of dusk were just consumables to die?

The **** of kobolds used the corpses of his followers to come to the world! !

No wonder the strength displayed by the kobold army is so weak. The other party did not expect to break through the city of dusk.

After the face of the kobold **** was formed, an unspeakable terrifying coercion erupted recklessly.

It is as if the mountains of thousands of feet collapsed at this moment, as if thousands of rivers are surging violently.

At this moment, the residents of Dusk City only felt that they were pressing on a big mountain, and everyone's soul was trembling.

That's not what ordinary people imagine.

That is God!

Li Cha's face became extremely solemn.

He could feel that the other party was devouring the corpses on the ground to gather strength.

If it is condensed and formed by the other party, and it really comes, the city of dusk will be destroyed in an instant.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, his heart became ruthless at this moment.


A mechanical puppet with a height of 15 meters and a broken appearance suddenly appeared on the spot.

Extraordinary hunter.

The restored Transcendental Hunter has a stronger aura.

But compared to the terrifying coercion in the sky, it still seems so insignificant.

The gods have transcended the mundane, and hold the most original and most regular power in this world.

They are even so powerful that the main plane is rejecting them.

Chris, who was just about to escape, saw this scene in the sky, and an unspeakable surprise suddenly rose in his heart.

Can't wait to laugh.

The moment the breath appeared, he felt it.

That is the master of the dark dungeon - the **** of kobolds, Kurtu.

The gods enshrined in his territory.

Thinking of the attack that he had just been repelled, and the army that had been destroyed, his eyes became extremely crazy.

Even if the opponent has several A-level heroes, even if the opponent hides thousands of rare-level wasps, they are dead!

If the gods make a move, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving! !

But just as the thought arose.

A huge mechanical puppet appeared in front of him.

I was shocked.

what is this?

Opened the properties panel and took a look, only to see brief information.

Extraordinary Hunter

Level: 20

At this moment, the heart seemed to be held by the giant hand.

Breathing directly freezes.

Level 20, Extraordinary Hunter.

Who is that player?

How come there are even mechanical puppets of this level? ! ! !

But he watched the mechanical puppet rush straight into the sky, condensing the huge faces formed by nearly 10,000 kobold corpses.

The jealousy inside turned into endless ecstasy again.

Hahaha! ! !

Seek your own way! !

No matter how strong you are, can you still drive a damaged mechanical puppet to face the stalwart god? !

At this moment, he seemed to have seen the broken picture of the other party.

There is a feeling in my heart that when July is the hottest time, it is as refreshing as eating an iced watermelon.

Dangerous, extremely dangerous.

At this time, every cell in Li Cha's body was warning.

Even if he is driving an extraordinary hunter, every time he gets closer to the crimson mud that is condensing in the sky, the sense of horror in his heart will become stronger.

He seemed to be jumping into the mouth of an abyss beast.

Death was closer to him than ever.

However, he has no way back.

Once this cohesion is formed, the City of Twilight will surely suffer an unprecedented blow.

It might even be wiped out.

Never underestimate the power of the gods.

what! !

There was a low growl in the throat, and under the terrifying pressure, the veins on the neck were exposed.

On the ground, countless gravels surged, trying to isolate the devouring power, but in the next second, those condensed gravels suddenly looked like kites whose silk threads had been cut off, and lost their control directly.

Li Cha's heart jumped, and he rushed to the front of the rolling scarlet silt under unprecedented pressure.

The extraordinary hunter's two-meter-long claws that are sharper than a knight's spear sway wildly.


The cold light flashed, and his attack pierced through the scarlet silt, but after it rolled, it returned to normal immediately.

Instead, the claws emitted bursts of black smoke and were corroded.

Li Cha forcibly held the divine might, mobilized all the power in his body, and controlled the extraordinary hunter to attack frantically.

But that lump of crimson mud was not damaged at all, just like his sandification skills, it had a very short and terrifying suppressing power against physical attacks.

Noticing this, Li Cha's expression did not change in the slightest.

Instead, a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Can't be destroyed?

The next second, a dim statue appeared in the space.

Afterwards, the extraordinary hunter grabbed the statue, like an ordinary person grabbing a piece of fine sand, directly into the scarlet mud with strong corrosiveness, and stretched into it.


The arm immediately made the sound of water dripping from a hot pan.

Crimson silt is insanely corroding the robotic arm.

But at the same time.

Li Cha could clearly sense it.

The statue of the ancient gods, in a crazy gesture, is rapidly devouring the energy inside.

The corners of his mouth drew a high arc.

In the Land of Broken Rules, the Statues of the Old Gods showed the power to devour objects with divine qualities.

The scarlet body condensed by the kobold **** may be incomprehensible to others.

Can only watch the other side come.

But for him, isn't this the best food for the ancient statues of ancient gods?

The mass of scarlet silt sensed something was wrong and twisted frantically.

Continually corrupting the extraordinary hunters.

At the same time, the statues of the ancient gods are also speeding up to devour this power.

Above the earth, countless entities accelerated their melting and floated into the sky.

The two sides froze violently.

Although the plan is feasible, it is not easy for Li Cha to face the pressure of the gods.

The terrifying pressure seemed to shatter his soul.

And the use time of the extraordinary hunter began to decline at an exaggerated speed.

Watching the usage time of the extraordinary hunter drop Li Cha thought.

A large number of rare resources appeared in front of them, and they just floated in the air.

Then, in front of the **** of kobolds, the extraordinary hunter began to quickly devour rare resources.

And under this special environment, the speed of devouring the extraordinary hunter was more than ten times faster than usual.

Li Cha was immediately surprised.

Then, without considering anything else, he started frantically taking out rare resources and forcibly replenishing energy for the extraordinary hunters.

In the intense consumption of the extraordinary hunter, the rapidly declining use time finally slowed down a lot.

In just three or two minutes, the nearly seven hours of usage has dropped to less than four hours.

Terrible consumption.

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