Global Lords: Start As a Desert Lord

Chapter 278: v2 Chapter 261: The divine soul is about to wake up, devoured by terror (4,400 words 2…

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Block, block?

Chris stared at the scene of the deadlock in the air, his eyes widened, and his face was full of disbelief.

That's a god.

Even if the **** of kobolds descended with only a trace of power, it was enough to suppress everything.

In front of the mighty Huanghuang Shenwei, he felt his legs tremble from such a long distance, and he almost turned around and ran away.

But the player driving the mechanical puppet abruptly blocked the opponent's arrival.

At this moment, he sincerely felt incredible.

How can this player be so powerful.

How about the **** of kobolds, can the other party use that mechanical puppet to slaughter them? !

Is this the gap between him and the top players?

A sense of powerlessness rose in vain.

A-level tasks, is this the difficulty of A-level tasks?

That player has become a boss, and more than a dozen of them can't conquer this boss...

The few players around are not as pessimistic as Chris, and their eyes still have strong confidence.

"President, don't worry too much, Kurtu will win!"

"The mechanical puppet is close to collapse! How can it stop the arrival of Kurtu's majesty!"

"That's right! It's just a level 20 mechanical puppet, can it be compared to a god?"

"I dare to resist now, hum, I will definitely suffer a more tragic blow later!"


Mortals also want to try to rebel against the gods? !

What a dream!

Even if it is impossible to come to the main plane of the gods, it is not a player that can compete!

That guy must die!

On the earth, the bodies of the kobolds who died in action are still melting, turning into blood-colored energy and blending into the sky.

The venomous wasp that had just swept through everything was forced to fly 300 meters away from the City of Dusk after being enveloped in terrifying power.

These rare arms are so far away that they barely feel that their souls are no longer under pressure.

The moment the other party just appeared, Shenwei almost crushed the poisonous wasp's soul.

That is the pressure brought by the level of raw noodles, which cannot be avoided.

above the city wall.

All the mummy arms are like candles in the storm at this moment, the fire of the soul is swaying wildly, and it seems that it may go out at any time.

The huge army has lost its combat effectiveness.

The gods are majestic and terrifying.

After realizing that he was being blocked, the face of the kobold **** condensed the dataless corpse formed obscure syllables in the distortion.


In an instant.

The divine might that was like a landslide multiplied.

The world seems to have dimmed at this moment.

That pressure is like tens of thousands of tons of lake water flying upside down into the sky and then smashing down.

At this time, Li Cha was standing under the lake, facing the oppression.

The pressure on the inside is far beyond the imagination of outsiders.

His soul seemed to be shattered at this moment.

What's more exaggerated is that the arm of the extraordinary hunter also stretched into the distorted **** face of the kobold god.

This is not only to face each other directly, but also to have entered the other's body, making contact at a negative distance.


The terrifying corrosiveness caused the arm of the extraordinary hunter to rust crazily, sending out bursts of black smoke.

In this case, no matter how the extraordinary hunter devours rare resources to repair himself, it cannot make up for the consumption.

The use time is still declining rapidly, and the cracks on the casing are more and more alarming because of excessive energy consumption.

Seems like it could crumble at any moment.

But under such a large effort, the effect is also very significant.

The dark rays of light emitted by the statue of the old ancient gods became more and more intense, unscrupulously devouring the power of the other party.

Forcibly stopped the idea of ​​​​the kobold **** wanting to come quickly.

The face of the **** of kobolds that had just been revealed disappeared without a trace.

In the sky, there was only a cloud of twisted scarlet blood mud rolling.


The terrifying blasphemies with an evil aura kept resounding all around.

Like a giant hammer hitting the heart, it brings a strong pressure.

Those who are not strong-willed are afraid that they will fall into boundless fear in an instant.

Divine power rolls.

The venomous wasp once again retreated a hundred meters away.

The situation became more tense.

Li Cha's eyes were already bloodshot at this time, and the veins on his neck were exposed.

He is resisting that terrifying coercion with a strong will.

If there is the slightest weakness in his heart, his soul will be shattered by the divine power in the next moment...

But suddenly, his face became extremely solemn.

I glanced at the attribute panel... The tens of thousands of rare resources accumulated during this period of time have been consumed! !

There are only two hours left for the use of the extraordinary hunter.

The devouring of the ancient statues of ancient gods is still not known to be suitable to complete.

The situation suddenly turned bad.

As the mind turned, the voice resounded through the battlefield.

"Gaunt, Hina... Alves, train your hands to attack this mass of scarlet blood mud!!"

"Grey, destroy the body on the ground with a dark gargoyle... Immediately!"

Order issued.

Several heroes who were already ready to attack immediately drove the dark gargoyle into the sky.

Other units are unable to move under the divine power, but the dark gargoyle is immune to magic and is not affected by the divine power that can crush the soul.

Gaunt arrived first.

But he couldn't get close either. 50 meters away, the fire of the soul almost collapsed.

Out of embarrassment, he could only start casting spells from a distance.

The corpse below suddenly condensed a large amount of blood.

In his hand, a blood-colored ball with a strong corrosiveness pierced through the sky.


The ball of corrosion pulled the blood-colored flame tail and smashed directly into the scarlet blood mud.


The Orb of Corruption exploded inside it.

The scarlet blood mud swelled up like a balloon, and then disappeared again.

But Li Cha, who was in front of him, clearly felt that the energy contained in it had disappeared.


The next moment, holding a long sword and standing behind the dark gargoyle, Hina with cold eyes approached a distance of 30 meters.

But she could only stop again.

Endless rays of light surged from his body, and the steel sword in his hand condensed a majestic and vast power.


The sword glow ripped apart the sky.

Cut directly into the scarlet blood mud.

Another twist.

Wounded again.

This seems to have completely angered the kobold god.


The evil blasphemy that exploded in the sky suddenly increased.

At this moment, Richard only felt that there were countless abyss demons roaring hysterically in his ears.

The roar of tens of thousands of people screaming at the same time is enough to destroy the minds of veterans.

Right now, woohoo~

In the sky, Alves, who radiated blood-colored light, fluttered his broken dragon wings and flew in.

The throat of this giant dragon hero suddenly lit up with a **** light.

next moment.


The super A Grade dragon breath pulled a 30-meter-long scarlet flame in the air.

The dragon's breath with the same strong corrosiveness enveloped the other half of the crimson blood mud.

呲la~ Two energies collided and made a violent sound.

One after another bubbles appeared on the scarlet blood mud, as if the strange thing condensed with divine power had been boiled.

Two A-level and one super-A-level heroes attacked continuously, and Richard's pressure plummeted.

On the ground, Gray took heavy sword warriors and dark gargoyles unaffected by the power of the gods and began to destroy the corpses on the ground.

But then it was discovered that no matter whether it was chopped up or buried in the desert, it could not stop the scarlet blood mud from swallowing up the sky.

After thinking about it, he directly asked the dark gargoyle to throw the corpse hundreds of meters away, completely cutting off the opponent's devouring.

The ancient **** statue devoured the inside, the three heroes attacked the outside, and Gray destroyed the corpse below, and the three parties exerted their strength.

Immediately, the speed at which the crimson blood mud gathers power is shortened.

And the **** of kobolds, who was targeted, felt an unprecedented anger at this moment.

How dare these lowly beings insult the gods so wanton! !

Those who attacked him at this moment were just reptiles to him on weekdays.

Destroyed in the blink of an eye.

But here is the main plane!

Even one percent or one thousandth of one's strength can't be exerted.

How frustrating? !

Especially after feeling the statue in his body that was wanton devouring his power, he was even more frightened.

Items of the ancient gods.

This damned lowly being has hidden the ancient god's items...

The body that he had infused with divine power was rapidly declining.

Bitch! ! !

But no matter how big the anger in his heart was, he couldn't let it out at the moment.

hate it! !


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At this moment, Li Cha's inner pressure became more and more dignified.

The usage time of the extraordinary hunter has dropped to half an hour.

Without rare resources to make a thick shield, the consumption of facing the gods is too terrifying!

There was not much time left for him.

He looked at the ancient **** statue in the scarlet blood mud.

During the induction, the divine soul is still sleeping, there is no sign of awakening, and even facing the gods cannot wake up the other party...

His eyes gradually firmed, and he made a decision in his heart.

This soul with infinite power is his last resort.

If things can't be done, he will directly awaken the soul of the gods that are still transforming.

As the owner of the ancient statue of the ancient god, he can control everything about the statue, and awakening the other party is just a matter of thought.

However, it will have a great impact on the soul of the gods, and even affect the potential.

Unless he had to, he would not use this domineering hole card.

But the city of dusk is his foundation, and no matter how much he pays, it is impossible for the **** of kobolds to come.

He couldn't bear the cost of his foundation being destroyed.

15 minutes, 13 minutes, 12 minutes...

Li Cha watched the energy contained in the extraordinary hunter drop to freezing point.

The eyes are a little complicated.

The battle this time was far more difficult than he expected.

Now the state of this mechanical puppet is more serious than when it was just obtained, and it is almost collapsed.

If it hadn't been repaired by a large number of mithril mines and rare resources from the underground world, I'm afraid it would have collapsed long ago.

At this point, the limit has been reached...

Can't wait any longer.

Looking at the twisted and wriggling scarlet blood mud, his eyes were cold.

Although the power of this group of blood mud has been swallowed by most of it.

But the **** of kobolds can still descend.

If the other party really appears, even if only one magic technique is used, the city of dusk may be wiped out...

Maybe that won't happen.

But he never took chances.

He will always keep the initiative in his own hands.

The thoughts come to this, the mind moves.

Wake up, from the dark soul.

In the statue of the ancient gods, the sleeping divine soul slowly released a breath.

Dark, dead, dead.

It was an indescribable aura, as if everything was about to fade away...

In an instant.

Among the divine might that oppressed everything, there was an additional antagonist.

The world seemed to have a second ray of light at this moment.

The blasphemous words that reverberated in midair suddenly disappeared the second after the breath appeared.

A terrified and angry voice exploded in the sky.

"Old God?! Those remnants still exist in the world!!"

"Damn bastard! Do you know what you did!!"

But the moment these two sentences fell.

The dim light of the ancient statue of the ancient gods instantly soared, as if incarnated into a black hole.


The blood-colored blood mud in the sky was swallowed up.

That infiltrating divine might disappeared without a trace, as if it never existed.

In its place was the new lonely, dark air.

It seems to have crossed the cycle of time and experienced the collapse of the plane.

Although it doesn't have the power of the gods like the waves, the fear that people feel is even better.

Seeing this scene, Li Cha's face was still solemn.

The extraordinary hunter suddenly disappeared, and his figure appeared in mid-air.

With a wave of his hand, the statue of the ancient **** fell into his hand.

Feeling carefully, the divine soul that has not yet awakened is like a volcano that is about to erupt.

The moment she opened her eyes was the beginning of everything being destroyed.

Li Cha froze in his heart.

The breath on the body wraps the statue of the ancient gods of the past, soothing the soul that has not opened its eyes...

After a while, the power that was about to explode dimmed again.

The loneliness and darkness of the atmosphere also gradually disappeared in the wind.

The divine soul fell into a deep sleep again.

Richard let out a long breath.

Fortunately, I didn't wake up completely, otherwise the transformation was interrupted, and I don't know how much negative impact it would have.

Looking up at the sky, I no longer felt threatened, and my tense heart suddenly relaxed.

This time, facing the **** of kobolds, the pressure he was subjected to was unimaginable to outsiders.

The City of Twilight is behind him.

If he can't stop the other party, then most likely, he will lose everything.

No one can afford this price.

At this moment, the system prompt suddenly rang.

"Ding~ The sleeping divine soul in the ancient statue of the ancient gods swallowed 5 drops of divine power and 1 drop of divine energy, and the strength has been greatly improved, and will wake up in 3 weeks."

Li Cha was stunned for a moment, and after reading it several times to make sure that there were no mistakes, a bright smile appeared on his face.

Being deceived by that grandson, this **** only has 1 drop of divine power?

But this kobold **** is really willing to write down.

5 drops of divine power, 1 drop of divinity... He didn't know whether this power was more or less for the gods.

But for the gods and souls, it must be a huge gain.

Although this wave has lost all rare resources, even the extraordinary hunters are about to collapse.

But thinking about it, the divine soul has gained a big wave of improvement.

This loss is a bit of a loss, but it is completely acceptable.

The corners of Li Cha's mouth were raised high.

One more look... Divine Soul wakes up after 3 weeks?

This powerful fighting force that is still sleeping is finally about to be born.

Strong anticipation rose inside.

Divine soul, how many good things have been swallowed?

He fed the opponent a drop of divine power halfway through, devoured twelve crystals containing the power of rules, and the hollowed-out crystal ball in the broken place of the cabinet is still sleeping with him in the statue.

Now I got another big gift package from the **** of kobolds.

I don't know, after this series of training, what level of combat power will be born?

As for the divine soul, the most perverted thing is that as long as the statue of the ancient gods is not destroyed, it will not die.

The thought of this characteristic gave him a strong excitement.

This feature is almost inexhaustible, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as an artifact.

After taking a few deep breaths, he suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Turn your attention to the other side-

The kobold **** repeatedly mentioned a word...ancient **** item.

Moreover, the awakening of the divine soul made the other party feel fear.

This made him ponder.

Ancient God... what kind of existence?

Is there a big difference from the current gods?

He looked down at the ancient **** statue.

The items left by the ancient gods can provoke such a big reaction from a god, what is hidden in it?

When the divine soul exudes aura, the fear displayed by the kobold **** is definitely not a fake.

As a god, what is the other person afraid of?

However, there is too little information, and it is impossible to judge based on only two sentences from the other party.

As my mind turned, I kept this matter firmly in my mind.

You can send someone to investigate later.

There must be something extremely secretive involved.

After taking back the statue of the ancient gods, Li Cha looked in the direction of the players just now.

And those few players have disappeared in place at some point.

The surrounding area is nothing but lingering spatial energy...

Dark Dungeon.

Chris looked at the familiar environment in front of him, and the expression on his face was still extremely unwilling.

He never imagined that this expedition with certainty of victory would end in such an embarrassing manner.

An army of 20,000 people.

It's gone! !

In the end, less than 20 people escaped...

"President, who is that player?! Why does he have such a powerful power?!"

A player of the Secret Society roared furiously with intense resentment.

"Our army can't beat each other, I recognize it! They are strong and have A-level heroes, but why can he even compete with gods!! Why?!"

This is something that everyone can't figure out.

It is understandable that the army fails, after all, the opponent is indeed strong enough.

But the gods, that is the **** of kobolds, the master of the dark dungeon.

To them, it was an extremely powerful existence.

They never thought they would fail or the kobold **** who would not fail here, right in front of them, was forcibly defeated by that player.

How could the opponent be so powerful?

Even Qingqiu, who is well-known among players, can't possibly be this strong at the top level, right?

Chris looked at the unwilling expressions of several people, and his face was extremely wonderful.

How could he be reconciled.

This time, the A-level mission, he originally thought that he was guaranteed, and he had even imagined what kind of reward the kobold **** would give him.

But in the end, the good situation has developed to this extent.

In order to escape, he even consumed an extremely precious 4-star treasure.

How willing!

"Remember this player's territory, in the future, I will step on it!"

"No matter who the other party is!"

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